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Mrs. Ethel Smyth — Precious in the sight of the Lord …

Here is a report in today’s “Irish News” of the death of Mrs Ethel Smyth, who was a Christian in her late eighties. She was a lady who fearlessly battled against the evils of Sinn Fein/IRA in her days in politics.

In truth, she was a little too hot for the DUP back when she was active in local politics.

I attempted to take part in the Castlewellan protest mentioned in this report. A friend and I were stopped at a RUC checkpoint and prevented from entering Castlewellan and joining the protest. We were taken to court on the false evidence of a police constable. His evidence against me was utterly demolished by the cross examination of Mr Jim Allister QC. It was so clear that he was telling falsehoods that the Resident Magistrate, trying the case, angrily dismissed him from the witness box. (more…)

Prospects of the Ten Kingdoms – Part 8

We continue with our extracts from Benjamin Wills Newton’s book, Prospects of the Ten Kingdoms, the chapter 14 —


We come to Part 8, which covers from the top of page 342 to the end of the ‘note’ on page 345.

Click here to see the other articles about this book.

The great distinctive characteristic however of Zion, will be, not so much in the glory that is on it, as in the glory which is above it. “Ye shall see,” said the Lord Jesus, “heaven opened.” The heavens were not opened in peaceful blessing over Sinai. Sinai was the claim of God’s unsatisfied holiness and it ended in the heavens being as brass, and the earth as iron. But Zion will be the witness, that the claim of holiness has been satisfied, and that the sweet savour of peace, through the one accepted sacrifice, has ascended into the heavens. The heavenly places therefore, not made with hands, shall be opened towards Zion and the earth, and the Heavenly City of the saints made manifest, in token, that God has by ONE, even by Immanuel, the Son of His bosom, been glorified in the earth, and that He thenceforward designs to give according to the value of that which He hath received. It will be· the hour of descending blessing.

The truths that pertain to Israel  (for to them belong the promises and the covenants)* have not been inoperative during the time that the nation of Israel has been scorning them. (more…)

Police in Northern Ireland Biased and Partial

Bobby Story funeral parade

It has been headlined in the ‘Belfast Telegraph’ of today (17/8/21)

PSNI to refund fines handed out to Black Lives Matter protesters

This is the second time within a few days that the leadership of the police here in Northern Ireland  has been shown up as being utterly biased and pro-Irish Republicans!

On 10th August, police arrested a man for preaching in the open-air in Larne, Co. Antrim. A short time after his arrest he was de-arrested because the arresting officers had obviously made a mistake. The video of the arrest made the arresting officers to appear stupid and thick. It would appear they acted upon the complaint of one person because the preacher had made a brief mention of ‘homosexuality’.

This attitude stands in very stark contrast to the PSNI’s decision to ignore that defiance of the law by the entire Sinn Fein leadership and thousands of its members when they paraded at the funeral of convicted IRA terrorist, Bobby Storey on 30th June 2020. (more…)