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Patrick, a misrepresented man of God

The scenes around the world on March 17th, in which the memory of Patrick was supposedly being honoured, have not honoured the work and testimony of this much maligned man of God.

Indeed, virtually every function that was organised to commemorate the day on which it is believed he died in 465, was of such a character that were Patrick still amongst us, he would have denounced the activities.

Stained glass portrayal located at Carlow Cathedral of Patrick preaching to Irish kings. Franz Borgias Mayer (1848–1926)

Rome has created a mythical figure and called him “Patrick” but he is no more like the historical Patrick than is heaven like to hell.

By the providence of God, there is preserved for us a “Confession” or testimony from the pen of Patrick. Its authenticity is accepted by all, even those whose account of Patrick is proved false by its record — the Roman Catholic church.

This corrupting of the history of Patrick is in no way unique!

The Gospel outlawed by the British government!

Michael Gove MP

The man with a very long title but very short on the knowledge of God, ‘The Right Honourable Michael Gove, Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities and Minister for Intergovernmental Relations’, has announced in Parliament a new definition of ‘Extremism’!

Gove names groups as he outlines new extremism definition in Commons

The new definition reads:

Extremism is the promotion or advancement of an ideology based on violence, hatred or intolerance, that aims to

1: negate or destroy the fundamental rights and freedoms of others; or

2: undermine, overturn or replace the UK’s system of liberal parliamentary democracy and democratic rights; or

3: intentionally create a permissive environment for others to achieve the results in (1) or (2).

It has already come under criticism as being ‘too broad’. “Right-wing MP Miriam Cates told the Commons on Thursday the new definition ‘risks criminalising, or at the very least chilling the speech of, people who have very legitimate, harmless views’.

She used the example of the views of some gender critical feminists, who she said could be ‘labelled as extremist’ under the new definition.”

It certainly is broad indeed so that it is seen to be threatening the freedom to preach the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.

This new definition of ‘extremism’ rest upon the opinion of any who feel that what someone or an organisation believes and propagates generates hatred or intolerance toward them. (more…)

Deceit and falsehood – the order of the day!

“‭In transgressing‭‭ and lying‭‭ against the LORD‭, and departing away‭‭ from‭ our God‭, speaking‭‭ oppression‭ and revolt‭, conceiving‭‭ and uttering‭‭ from the heart‭ words‭ of falsehood‭.‭ ‭And judgment‭ is turned away‭‭ backward‭, and justice‭ standeth‭‭ afar off‭: for truth‭ is fallen‭‭ in the street‭, and equity‭ cannot‭‭ enter‭‭.‭ ‭Yea, truth‭ faileth‭‭; and he ‭that‭ departeth‭‭ from evil‭ maketh himself a prey‭‭: and the LORD‭ saw‭‭ ‭it‭, and it displeased‭‭‭ him that ‭there was‭ no judgment‭,‭”‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ Isaiah 59:13-15.

The multiple means by which we are informed of the events taking place in this world today — newspapers, television, the internet — are agencies of which it can be said that they are dominated by lies and falsehood.

If those who compile the reports are not promoting lies themselves then they are by and large, reporting the lies of others!

What we read and hear and view simply cannot be taken at face value! There was a time when the news media could be expected to report ethically, with a large degree of honesty and rectitude and could be trusted to convey a trustworthy account of matters reported upon. The absolute opposite is the case today in 99% of cases.

British prime ministers have repeatedly told lies and that most blatantly and when confronted with their deceit have not the grace or ability to even blush!

On the local front here in Ulster, undeniable facts have surfaced which show that which the DUP leadership claim is a great reversal of and deliverance from the scandalous impositions of the “Northern Ireland Protocol” is a complete and utter sham. The Protocol was devised by the British government and was intended to protect the EU single market, while avoiding the imposition of a ‘hard border’ that might incite a recurrence of conflict and destabilise the ‘relative peace’ that it is claimed has held since the end of the Troubles.

What that evilly devised scheme actually achieved was the shutting out of Northern Ireland from the rest of the UK, and despite the claims of Donaldson and his lackeys, that is still our position.

A headline in the ‘Belfast Newsletter’ of Wednesday, March 13th, indicates that to be so.

Lord Empey uncovers £192m budget for Irish Sea border posts – saying frontier is ‘alive and kicking’

​‘The cost of constructing border inspection posts required as a result of the NI Protocol / Windsor Framework could reach £192.3 million, the government has revealed.’

So much for the removal of the border imposed by the ‘Protocol’!

But this evil phenomenon of lies is worldwide! Every time a national leader opens his mouth, deceit invariably pours forth! Biden and Trump publicly vie with each other to see who can tell the biggest lie as they battle it out for the minds of the American people.

The conflicts in Ukraine and Israel are immersed in deceit. The events taking place in North Korea, China, Iran are all shrouded in the fog of disinformation, designed only to mislead.

At home here in the UK, we daily read of an army that is undermanned, a navy that can just about stay afloat and an air force running out of training jets!

Just what are we to believe? (more…)