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You are Invited …

Kilskeery Free Presbyterian Church

Lord’s Day 15th August

47th Anniversary of the Opening of the First Church Building

 (17th August 1974)

Preacher at a Special Afternoon of Prayer, 3.00 pm

Rev Ivan Foster (Rtd)

(There will be no 7.00 pm meeting)


“‭Then Moses‭ stood‭‭ in the gate‭ of the camp‭, and said‭‭, Who [is] on the LORD’S‭ side? [let him come] unto me. And all the sons‭ of Levi‭ gathered‭‭ themselves together unto him.‭ ‭And he said‭‭ unto them, Thus saith‭‭ the LORD‭ God‭ of Israel‭, Put‭‭ every man‭ his sword‭ by his side‭, [and] go‭‭ in and out‭‭ from gate‭ to gate‭ throughout the camp‭, and slay‭‭ every man‭ his brother‭, and every man‭ his companion‭, and every man‭ his neighbour‭.”
Exodus 32:26-27.

All are welcome to join us at this meeting.

Click here to see sermon notes

DUP mayor launches ‘Gay Pride’ event in Londonderry

This shameful support of a celebration of sodomy by the DUP mayor of Londonderry, Alderman Graham Warke, MUST require every Christian member and supporter of the DUP to condemn the action and withdraw all support from this political party governed by utter hypocrisy!

No equivocation or excuse-making can cover for this defiance of God’s truth and the testimony of the Reformed Faith.

The Free Presbyterian Church must surely look seriously at the continuing membership of any who maintain their membership of the DUP.

Failure to do so brings into question the allegiance of the Free Presbyterian Church to the Lord and raises the question as to the future membership of the God-fearing within its ranks!

Ivan Foster

Foyle Pride will run from Monday, August 23, until Sunday, August 29

Details of this year’s Foyle Pride have been released as the team launched their packed programme.

Derry Mayor Alderman Graham Warke joined Kathleen Bradley, Festival Chair, and Martin McConnellogue at the launch of the 28th Foyle Pride Festival programme this week.

Mayor Warke said: “I’m delighted as Mayor to play a small part in this fantastic annual event, and I want to congratulate the organisers who have put together a wonderful online programme with loads to look forward to.

Read the whole article here.


Hell’s defiant cries against God, His truth and His people!

The ‘air’ is ever more filled with the sounds of Hell’s defiant cries against God and His truth and His people!

Today, my attention was drawn to a number of events which clearly denote the advance of wickedness.

1. Read the dreadful announcement by the Scottish Government:

“Scotland will let pupils change gender aged FOUR without their parents’ consent – and tells teachers not to question a child’s request to choose a new name or use a different toilet”

2. Read the shameful report of the NI police in Larne when they wrongly, it would appear, arrested a man for preaching in the open-air:

“LGBT row: Peter Tatchell rejects PSNI arrest of preacher on anti-gay ‘hate speech’ allegation”

Here is also a letter I submitted but yesterday to the ‘Belfast Newsletter’. My questioning whether or not it would be published seems to have spurred on its publication!


I am one who has refused the currently available vaccines for combatting Covid-19 infection, not because I am against vaccines but because in the manufacturing of them use was made, in one way or another, of foetal material, either in their production or testing.

I am not too hopeful of this letter being published because such a view is considered ‘unhelpful’ by all who are part of the official drive for vaccination.

However, there are Christians in the various branches of the health service who will come under increasing pressure to be vaccinated with one of the currently available vaccines, all of which as we have said have made use, in one way or another, of foetal material.

We do not allege that there is any foetal material in the actual vaccine, something constantly denied by way of an answer to any query raised on the subject. This response is mere sophistry and evasion! The vaccine manufacturers which have made use of foetal material in the production of their products, have openly acknowledged that fact.

Just when are ethical vaccines such as ‘Valneva’, ‘CureVac’, ‘GSK/Sanofi Pasteur’, which it is claimed by government sources that millions of doses have been ordered, going to be made available to Bible believers?

Rev Ivan Foster (Rtd)
Kilskeery, Co. Tyrone.
12th August 2021.