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Yvonne Dunlop murder: Justice Minister Naomi Long blasts ‘heavily edited’ story of IRA hunger striker Thomas McElwee

Thomas McElwee grave

A ‘Belfast Newsletter’ article today (11/7/21) carried the following headline.

Yvonne Dunlop murder: Justice Minister Naomi Long blasts ‘heavily edited’ story of IRA hunger striker Thomas McElwee

Justice Minister Naomi Long has accused Sinn Fein of launching a ‘heavily edited’ film about a hunger striker which omitted that he was jailed for a firebomb which burned a young mother-of-three to death.

The Justice Minster was correct in condemning Sinn Fein’s film on the hunger-striker who committed suicide as part of the Sinn Fein/IRA ‘blanket’ protest some 40 years ago.

The film content would have been made with Sinn Fein’s own bloodthirsty and sadistic supporters in mind. Glorifying McElwee as a ‘Hero of Ireland’, a ‘Martyr for the cause of Irish freedom’ and one who killed ‘Brits’ would be what they wanted to hear.

They would not be interested in the fact that he murdered a mother of three children, Mrs Yvonne Dunlop, when she was burned to death by a firebomb, in her father’s shop in Ballymena,  for which McElwee was jailed. She was a Protestant and a British citizen, therefore Sinn Fein supporters would have neither concern or compassion for her or her family. (more…)

Prospects of the Ten Kingdoms – Part 7

We continue with our extracts from Benjamin Wills Newton’s book, Prospects of the Ten Kingdoms, the chapter 14 —


We come to Part 7, which covers from the top of page 336 to the end of page 341.

Click here to see the other articles about this book.

The distinctive spiritual characteristics of Christianity, therefore, will not alter in the Millennium : on the contrary, it will be the sphere in which they will be exhibited more perfectly than they ever have been.

In this present Dispensation, the corporate testimony of Christianity early failed. The Church at Jerusalem was scattered — the Gentile Churches retained not their separateness-the corporate testimony of Christianity ceased to bear witness for God — and that of individual Christians has been isolated and feeble in the midst of abounding evil. “Because iniquity shall abound, the love of the greater part shall wax cold.” But when the corporate testimony of Christianity has been transferred to Israel, it will never again fail, or be dishonoured. Christ, as the Head of Israel, will discipline and sustain them. They shall have “teachers who shall not be removed into a corner any more” — “their eye shall behold them” — “the Spirit shall be poured out upon them from on high” — they shall hear a voice, that shall say, “this is the way, walk ye in it.” Their Church-position is symbolised in the Scripture, by one golden candlestick fed perpetually by golden oil — a candlestick never to be removed. (Zech. iv.) (more…)

What the Bible has to say about ‘Climate Change’!

Yesterday, a report on ‘climate change’ was released amidst great ‘breast-beating’ amongst evolutionists and those blind to what the Bible reveals to us of the future of God’s Creation!

Basically the report stated ‘that global warming could make parts of the world uninhabitable’. The world will face drought in many parts and flooding in other areas with rising temperatures resulting from ‘greenhouse gas emissions’ the cause of it all.

World leaders including UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson have called the report a ‘wake-up call to the world’.

Sadly, it is a call to ‘wake-up’ to the lie and deception of evolution! Man will remain blind and indifferent and ‘fast asleep’ to the Word of Truth.

Just what does the Bible reveal to us regarding ‘climate change’ for it does mention it many times. What the Scriptures say, for the Christian, takes total precedence over the ‘bletherings’ of any UN spokesmen on any subject.


That is made clear throughout the Scriptures. I will quote just a few verses to show that this is so.

“Who giveth rain upon the earth, and sendeth waters upon the fields,” Job 5:10.

“To cause it to rain on the earth, [where] no man [is; on] the wilderness, wherein [there is] no man; To satisfy the desolate and waste [ground]; and to cause the bud of the tender herb to spring forth? Hath the rain a father? or who hath begotten the drops of dew?” Job 38:26-28. (more…)