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Sinn Fein lies which whitewash vicious murder

Sinn Fein – Gerry Adams & Michelle O’Neill

This week begins, as most weeks begin, with another blast of Sinn Fein ‘disinformation’! The report which follows appeared in the ‘Belfast Telegraph of  August 09 2021.

The words of Sinn Fein’s Michelle O’Neill are to be condemned as most of her utterances likewise are. What the Saviour said of the utterances of the devil, may be fairly applied to the words of all Sinn Fein’s spin doctors.

“Ye are of [your] father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it,” John 8:44.

It is hardly enough to call O’Neill’s words ‘Hurtful’ as did Alliance Party councillor Sorcha Eastwood. Such ‘mealy-mouthed’ criticism is typical of the Alliance Party and its pusillanimous stance on Sinn Fein’s support for terrorism.

O’Neill’s words are above all ‘LIES’! What she admiringly says about the murdering terrorist, Thomas McElwee, and whose death at his own hands she is seeking to honour, are utterly false. (more…)

A quarter of all pregnancies in England and Wales now end in abortion


Around 207,000 of the 821,000 pregnancies conceived in 2019 were terminated, the Office for National Statistics said. 

(Today’s Daily Mail)

This regime of wholesale slaughter of the unborn in England and Wales will soon be practised here in Northern Ireland, thanks to the immoral dictum of the Westminster parliament and that at the behest of all politicians here with the exception of most of the DUP members and of course, Jim Allister and his party colleagues. It would appear that amongst the ranks of the DUP there are those who support abortion.

I believe that there is nothing in the affairs of the nation which offends God more than this slaughter.

Yes, sodomy is deeply offensive to heaven as are the variety of perversions which come under the headings of LGBT+!

The nation has increasingly embraced, defended and embedded these evils within the framework of the nation, even making it an offence effectively to criticise and characterise these practices as devilish, which they are!

But surmounting these profoundly immoral activities is that of the violently putting to death of the unborn at the whim of modern social thinking and trends. It has to be noted that amongst the followers of Islam and Buddhism etc, there is much less embracing of abortion. For that reason, the birth rate of those often referred to as ‘immigrants’ is much higher than the birthrate of those who who term themselves ‘native’ citizens. An article headed: ‘The Impact of Migration on UK Population Growth’ states: “Population estimates show that net migration was a major component of population growth over the past two decades making up 56% of population growth from 1991 to 2018.”

That means that a small percentage of the overall population contributes 56% of the overall birthrate.

That has serious implications for the future religious and social complexion of the UK! (more…)

Prospects of the Ten Kingdoms – Part 6

We continue with our extracts from Benjamin Wills Newton’s book, Prospects of the Ten Kingdoms, the chapter 14 —


We come to Part 6, which covers from the top of page 332 to the end of the ‘note’ on page 336.

Click here to see the other articles about this book.

The spiritual blessings of each individual Israelite, and of every other Believer who lives during the Millennium, will be essentially the same as ours in this present Dispensation :— our distinction being, that we are “first-fruits,” (Rom. xi.) — those who have first trusted in Christ”. Indeed we may give as the description of our Dispensation, that it forestalls the spiritual blessings of Israel in the Millennium—we having those blessings in the midst of tribulation and sorrow, whereas they will have them when all the outward circumstances of life around them will be circumstances of tranquility, peace, and joy—Satan being bound, and the Prince of Peace reigning. We have already been brought under that New Covenant, which will then be made with the House of Israel, and with the House of Judah. It is a covenant of grace, primarily designed for them, which they for a season have despised ; but we, through abounding mercy, have already been brought under its provisions. Every blessing that we receive as saints, we owe to the being graffed into their olive tree, from which they, for a season, have been broken off. But they are again to be graffed in, to receive in more unhindered power than we, of the freshness of its sap, and of the riches of its fullness. Every vessel of the Tabernacle that typified to them the blessings of redemption, is a type already fulfilled to us. From the Altar to the Mercyseat, all is ours. But it will be equally theirs. Often therefore, from the language of their future thanksgiving, we borrow the expressions of our present joy. (more…)