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Hearing the Word – Rev. David Creane

Kilskeery FPC was privileged to have retired FP minister, Rev David Creane preach at today’s services.

His morning message was, to my mind, wonderfully instructive and encouraging and an echo of the preaching of former years.

“Hearing the Word” was the subject upon which Rev David Creane preached. His text was Nehemiah 8:13.

“‭And on the second‭ day‭ were gathered together‭‭ the chief‭ of the fathers‭ of all the people‭, the priests‭, and the Levites‭, unto Ezra‭ the scribe‭‭, even to understand‭‭ the words‭ of the law‭.‭”

It is a most excellent message and most appropriate for today.

We commend it to all. 

Belfast Newsletter: Collusion claims try to divert attention

This editorial from today’s ‘Belfast Newsletter’ is worth a read.

Collusion claims try to divert attention

In her interviews to the media given by the Ombudsman, Mrs Marie Anderson, gave expression to her Roman Catholic background (she states that she was educated in a Convent School – see Ombudsman Marie Anderson

in the tone of the voice she adopted at times as she alleged there was collusion between members of the RUC (the former name of the police force in Northern Ireland) and loyalist paramilitaries in the murder of 17-year-old Damien Walsh in 1993.

Her report has rightly been described as a “Catalogue of innuendo” by a former police officer.

Catalogue of innuendo in police ombudsman murder report

What is said in this ‘Belfast Newsletter’ editorial is worth considering for it highlights the almost forgotten, the buried, the ignored facts concerning the actions of the IRA which was supported by and large by the Roman Catholic community as is seen in the record of polling for Sinn Fein/IRA candidates in various elections over the 50 years and more.


The RUC has an exemplary Troubles record.

Smeared by consistent claims of collusion, which aim to divert attention from the fact that by far the worst killers were republican terrorists (2,100 dead out of 3,600), the RUC killed only 55 of those who died, yet saw 302 of its officers murdered. Collusion claims seek to divert attention from these stark statistics and try to implicate police officers in the 1,100 loyalist murders, when in fact loyalist intelligence was poor. Fewer than 50 of their murder victims were republican terrorists. (more…)

Prospects of the Ten Kingdoms – Part 4

We continue with our extracts from Benjamin Wills Newton’s book, Prospects of the Ten Kingdoms, the chapter 14 —


Part 4 which covers from half way down page 324 to page 328.

Click here to see the other articles about this book.

It is thus that the Day of the Lord commences in the earth. It will commence by signs in the created heavens (Luke xxi.); by the withdrawal of all natural sources of light; by the descent of the Lord, accompanied by the holy angels, into the air; by the trumpet being blown; by the dead saints rising from their graves in glory, and by the living saints being changed and glorified whilst yet in the earth; by the instantaneous severance, through the instrumentality of angels, of the changed saints “out of the midst” (ε’κ ek ek) of their professing brethren who remain unchanged (see Matt. xiii.); by the taking up of all the glorified saints into the air, to meet and to come with their Lord. For as soon as His saints have been gathered to Him and have fallen into their appointed place in the train of His glory, and as soon as “the tares,” (i.e. those who are found to be mere professors of His name), have been borne away by angels to their place of punishment, the Lord will instantly descend to the earth. “His feet shall stand in that day upon the Mount of Olives. * * * Jehovah, my God, shall come, and all the saints with thee.” Zech. xiv.

His object will be the rescue of Jerusalem, for the time of her forgiveness and glory will have come. Antichrist will have gathered all the strength of the Ten Kingdoms to Armageddon, not knowing, or not believing, that he will gather them there “for the war of the great day of God the Almighty,” See Rev. xvi. 14. Whilst encamped at Armageddon, he will assail and capture Jerusalem, which will have rebelled against him, will carry half of the people into captivity, (see Zech. xiv:1) and will destroy the two witnesses of God (Rev. xi. 7) when they shall have finished their sackcloth testimony. But not satisfied with this, he will further seek, in union with Moab, Ammon, and others of the ancient enemies of Israel, to crush Israel utterly, and to blot out their name from the earth. “They have said, Come and let us cut them off from being a nation ; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance.” Ps. lxxxiii. 4. (more…)