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How times have changed in old Ulster!

(“Belfast Newsletter” article, 3rd July 2021)

First on the list is a visit to Bushmills Whiskey Distillery, the home of one of the world’s oldest sources of that which cursed and blighted the lives of millions and brought them down to hell!

This “Belfast Newsletter” article shows how times have changed in old Ulster! Such a headline or article would never have appeared in a newspaper when I was a boy. It would have been seen instinctively as bordering on blasphemy and in utter denial of the words of the Lord Jesus and His gospel!

“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you,” Matt 6:33.

“For bodily exercise profiteth little: but godliness is profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come,” 1 Timothy 4:8.

Christians should understand just what such a headline means in what is considered the ‘Protestant and Unionist newspaper’ in our Province! Denoting as it does an ignorance and a spirit of careless indifference to the Word of God, it is in truth a fulfillment of the revelation of the final days of this age, as given to Christians by the Lord through His inspired writers.

“That ye may be mindful of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets, and of the commandment of us the apostles of the Lord and Saviour: knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts, and saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as [they were] from the beginning of the creation,” 2 Peter 3:2-4.

Surely, the spirit of this headline is depicted here! It presents a spirit of ‘scoffing’ at eternity and the need of all to seek God for His mercy and salvation, rather a tour of places of very questionable interest, which will in a coming day, be reduced to ashes under the fire of God’s judgment! (more…)

Paula Bradley’s outrageous apology

Following the appearance last night of reports in the media of Paula Bradley’s outrageous apology for the DUP ‘treatment of the LGBT community in the past’, I sent the following letter to the ‘Belfast Newsletter.’

See UPDATE below letter.


Under the headline — “DUP deputy leader Paula Bradley apologises for party’s past treatment of LGBT community” there has appeared in the press a report of how the DUP deputy leader, “apologised for the ‘absolutely atrocious’ comments made in the past by some in her party against the LGBT community.”

It would be interesting to know if this apology has the support of all members of the DUP, especially their leader, Sir Jeffrey Donaldson!

When Paula Bradley says: “I am not going to defend some of the things that have been said over the years because they have been absolutely atrocious, they’ve been shocking,” she said. . . .

She added: “I think that the vast majority of those people who made those comments are no longer there and the ones that are there have said that they have learnt their lessons that their language at times has not been right.”

Does this mean that those like Ian Paisley Jr and West Tyrone MLA, Thomas Buchanan, who are on record as strongly condemning the LGBT lifestyle, have changed their opinions and now associate themselves with this apology by their deputy leader?

May the two gentlemen in question please bear in mind that ‘silence gives consent’!!

Rev Ivan Foster (Rtd)
Kilskeery, Co. Tyrone.
1st July 2021.

Update: Sir Jeffrey Donaldson has come out in support of Paula Bradley’s apology to the ‘LGBT community’ – DUP Leader backs apology

Methodists who still speak out against wickedness

Methodists who speak with a different voice from the apostate English Methodist Church and the ‘mealy-mouthed’ response of the Irish Methodists, who say they ‘continue to deliberate’ the issue of ‘same-sex marriage’.

This suggests that defiance of God’s Word is still an option for Irish Methodists!

The following links to Asian and African Methodists’ response (there are some 243,000 members in these denominations) to English Methodism’s decision to sanction ‘same-sex marriage’ was sent to me by Dr Paul Ferguson, pastor of Cornerstone Church, Singapore. Paul is the son of Rev Gordon Ferguson.

Methodist Churches in Singapore Affirm that Marriage can only be between one man and one woman

Methodist Church in Malaysia holds to stance of marriage between man and woman

Nigerian Methodists part ways with British counterpart over “Gay Marriage”

Methodist College Grammar School, Belfast – a partaker in the sodomite corruption!

One of the Governors of the school is the author of the ‘mealy-mouthed’ response of the Irish Methodists to the decision on sodomite marriage by English Methodists, Revd Dr Heather Morris’!!

Methodist Board of Governors