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Wise Up!

‘Wise up’: DUP must get act together in new Donaldson era or face political wilderness, warns ex-leader Robinson

So ran the main headline in yesterday’s (25/6/21) ‘Belfast Telegraph. It offers from former DUP leader, Peter Robinson, a solution which within the realm of politics will appear exceedingly wise. In truth however, it is an old well-used sticking plaster that has lost its ‘stickiness’ and is useless in avoiding the future of which he warns – the political wilderness.

As an organisation, the DUP once owed allegiance to God and His Word. Its early rules required all branch meetings to be opened by the reading of the Bible and by prayer! Then, chiefly under the ‘modernising’ influence of Peter Robinson, it steadily though surreptitiously, abandoned its ties to God and His truth in order to become more attractive to those voters who had no desire to see children’s swings locked up and ice-rinks closed on the Sabbath!

His leadership has been repeatedly credited with bringing the DUP to the position of being the largest Unionist party but it was a success built on the sinking sand of worldly wisdom, prudence and political shrewdness.

As such we are witnessing the great fall that was always inevitable!

The modernising trend saw the DUP turn from protesting against the ‘Sunningdale Agreement’ of 1973, ‘The Anglo-Irish Agreement’ of 1985 and the ‘Good Friday Agreement’ of 1998 to embracing in a political coalition, in 2007, those who had openly supported the IRA terrorism, including some who actually took part in the murder campaign. That led on to the funding of sodomite organisations and the abandoning of such practices as refusing news interviews on the Sabbath Day.

Eventually, its endorsement of moral perversion descended to the point of fraternising with sodomite organisations and entertaining them in Stormont buildings and then, ultimately, approving and recommending to the electorate, an openly practising sodomite as a local council candidate who succeeded in winning a council seat in Newtownabbey. (more…)

The kettle calling the pot black!

Editor’s note: I have sent this letter to the Editor of the ‘Belfast Newsletter’ this morning.


The article headlined : “Sammy Wilson launches broadside at Sinn Fein after MPs support Northern Ireland powersharing legislation” (23rd June 2021) should really have been entitled: “The kettle calling the pot black!”

Surely Sammy hasn’t forgotten that in 2007 his party, the DUP, embraced Sinn Fein with all their lies and deceit, in the infamous ‘power-sharing deal’ which without question lies at the root of today’s disastrous circumstances.

Sadly, there is a stubborn determination on the part of Sammy (a good friend in former times) and the total membership of the DUP, to refuse to acknowledge their grievous error in 2007.

Ulster has been paying for it ever since and, sadly, will continue paying a high price for there is just no sign of any awareness of the follies of the past within the DUP!

So another chapter of tragedy is about to begin!

Rev Ivan Foster (Rtd)
Kilskeery, Co Tyrone.

God is Still Speaking…

A consideration of an article by Mrs Lindsay Robinson, recently given publicity in a number of media outlets which have given the article a favourable reception.

What a person thinks is not always seen in direct, forthright and bold declarations of their views but it is found in an incidental manner. Such is the case in the article under consideration. Mrs Robinson reveals fortuitously just what it is she believes! I will illustrate that by examining some statements she makes taken from her published article.

I think it is true that Mrs Robinson has in the past gone through a trying time of mental stress. We have sympathy for her in that battle. However, it is no answer to such trials to abandon the Word of God and seek answers from extraneous sources.

1. “I don’t have all the answers as to why (church attendance is falling) and I want to clearly acknowledge that in many areas and on many issues the church does good, hopeful and helpful work – supporting foodbanks, community initiatives, holiday schemes and children/youth activities to name a few.”

That is an interesting summary of what Mrs Robinson considers the ‘good, hopeful and helpful work’ done by churches.

I find it interesting because of what she makes no mention of — the preaching of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. (more…)