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The Lord is a Protestant — The ‘Time’ has come (Pt 12)

There is an article in the ‘Belfast Telegraph’ of June 11th, entitled:

“I am uncomfortable with the terms Catholic and Protestant… I see myself as a Christian: What I Believe with UTV’s Paul Clark” 

The television news presenter thus declares that he rejects the terms ‘Protestant’ and also ‘Catholic’.

I would agree with his rejection of ‘Catholic’ for it carries no meaning in theological terms. Now ‘Roman Catholic’ does carry significance. It describes those who adhere to that form of religion which has the Pope of Rome as its head.

It is commonly referred to by most, even those who claim to be true Christians, as ‘Catholic’! That is to miscall it.

The word ‘Catholic’ simply means ‘Universal’.  Romanists like to use the term and have all to use it of their religion for they would claim to belong to the ‘one, true and universal church.’

For that reason no one who loves the truth of God should ever refer to Romanism as the ‘Catholic Church’! (more…)

LOVE AND HATE — Inseparable Partners

The grass withers…

“Ye that love the LORD, hate evil,” Psalm 97:10.

The custodians of ‘Political Correctness’ have arrogantly laid down rules of thought and behaviour that really have rewritten the social and moral code of right and wrong. It is now perceived to be utterly wrong to declare oneself against practices and attitudes that not so long ago were considered odious.

On the other hand it is totally unacceptable to a growing number within society, led by the nose by the gurus of correct thinking and opinions, to view and speak of as detestable, those things and views which heretofore were respectable and most fitting for they were based upon the teaching of God’s Word, the Bible.

The text of Holy Scripture at the start of the article teaches what is right in the eyes of God on this whole controversy.


It is impossible to both love the Lord and also to love evil. There are many today who would claim that they do. In that they display either ignorance or hypocrisy or both!

The recent controversy within the ranks of the DUP has brought forth opinions that indicate that it is most wrong to be opposed to that which God’s Word deems ‘abominable’! I speak of the various perversions that are embraced, promoted and defended by the ‘LGBT’ (and whatever other initials that are almost daily added to this acronym) community and its sympathisers.

It has become obvious that the DUP, once the forceful opponent of sodomy in all its forms, is now riddled with proponents of this evil lifestyle and those who are prepared to remain silent before the advance of it being embraced within the body politic of the DUP! (more…)

British towns that are no-go areas for white people

The following article was copied from ‘The Daily Mail’ newspaper. It makes astounding and frightening reading, especially for the people of England and Scotland. It reveals the invasive character of ‘Islam’ as seen in the spirit manifested in those areas where it begins to dominate.

It is not the religion of ‘sweetness and light’ it is proclaimed to be by both its proponents and the ‘politically correct’ media pundits!

Here is a detailed exposé by one who is a Muslim. He can hardly be accused of racism!
We have reproduced only the text of the article. In the newspaper article there are many photographs which, for the sake of space, we have omitted. We have included the ‘link’ to the article so all may be seen there.

The Editor.

British towns that are no-go areas for white people:

Muslim author’s study of mosques reveals children ‘attacked for being white’, parents making families live under Taliban-like rules and women who can’t leave home without permission

Published in ‘The Daily Mail’, 4 June 2021

• Author Ed Husain visited places of worship across UK for Among the Mosques
• Would turn up unannounced to the largest weekly gathering, Friday prayers
• Spoke to taxi drivers, business owners, Imams and worshipers about religion
• Islam in Britain is dominated by ultra-orthodox sect promoted by the Deobandis
• Control over half of Britain’s mosques, and gave birth to Taliban in Afghanistan
• One person described ‘Bolton, Dewsbury and Blackburn’ as ‘different universe’
• Books for sale detail how women should be banned from leaving the house
• Mosque in Didsbury, in converted church, has a sign for the ‘Sharia Department’
• White men revealed ‘no-go areas’ in Blackburn where they would be ‘jumped’
• White woman in Bradford predicts it will become ‘an apartheid city’ in 30 years

An author who visited mosques across Britain to investigate integration has revealed how parts of Blackburn are ‘no-go areas’ for white men, while ultra-orthodox parents in Bradford make children live under Taliban-like rules. (more…)