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It is ‘make up your mind time’ for those Free Presbyterians in the DUP

Mrs Arlene Foster at the sodomite reception

As the old saying goes: ‘The ‘chickens are coming home to roost’ as far as the DUP is concerned. For quite a few years now they have been compromising on their former position on abortion and also on sodomy.

In 2016 the DUP supported the following motion. “That this Assembly endorses the principle of the extension to Northern Ireland of a number of provisions within the Policing and Crime Bill, by amendment at Lords Committee and Lords Report stage, in so far as they related to UK maritime enforcement powers; UK cross-jurisdictional arrest powers; anonymity for victims of forced marriage and pardons for convictions of certain abolished offences.”

Hidden behind these ‘weasel words’ was a posthumous pardon for all those convicted of violations of the law in the past by their sodomite activity.


And still Free Presbyterians supported this party which was bent on selling out our Biblical heritage.

Shame on those who still, five years later, are in membership of this party of perfidy and those who give support to it.

When a people step onto the slippery path of backsliding and disobedience to God they can only slide further down that path. (more…)

Perverting Science Against God – the death of atheist Stephen Hawking

Editor’s note: This message outlines the ways in which modern science has been perverted in rebellion against Christ.

It was delivered by John Pittman Hey on the Lord’s Day, March 25, 2018, shortly after the death of Dr. Stephen Hawking, world-famous astrophysicist and atheist.

Mr. Hey is a graduate of Bob Jones University in Greenville, South Carolina, and earned his Ph.D. in chemistry at the University of Chicago. He preaches every Lord’s Day at Grace Bible Church, a small congregation in Greenwood, Mississippi.

Atheist Stephen Hawking Dies
Perverting Science Against God

Hebrews 11:3; Romans 1:18-22

Professor Stephen Hawking died last week still an atheist. He was famous as a theoretical astrophysicist, working in the areas of general relativity, quantum gravity, and his theories about black holes.

Hawking’s work was directed towards excluding the need for God as the creator of the universe. In the end, Hawking embraced the delusion that the universe created itself out of nothing.

How far has so-called “science” descended from the heights of Newton, Kepler, and others! Newton particularly believed that God is a personal, perfect, all-powerful Creator Who made the world, and indeed, is required to sustain it. Newton’s work was meant to direct all men to understand that a Creator is responsible for all that we see.

But today, much of science has been subverted into vain philosophy, speculation, revisionist history, and mysticism. (more…)

Presbyterian Church minister Ian Carton steps down over same-sex marriage policy

Presbyterian Church minister Ian Carton steps down over same-sex marriage policy

So read the headlines in a ‘Belfast Telegraph’ article of June 1st, 2021. A link to the article was sent to me by a friend. I read its contents with no sense of surprise but with a true sense of disgust and shame that the Presbyterian Church in Ireland had come to this.

The Presbyterian Church in Ireland is a church of great preachers of God’s Word stretching back to Patrick for his writings clearly suggest that the church he planted was formed along Presbyterian lines. In its pulpits have ministered great men such as Dr henry Cooke, and Rev Hugh Hanna and more recently, the revivalist, W P Nicolson. His preaching in the 1920s in Belfast did much to quell the sectarian riots prompted by the opposition of Irish Republicans to the formation of Northern Ireland.

The Free Presbyterian Church arose as a result of the faithfulness of a number of elders in Crossgar Presbyterian Church, back in 1951. They declared themselves for the Bible and obeyed God and stood up for His truth against the ecumenism and the anti-gospel spirit that had come to dominate the ranks of their denomination. They were led by a youthful Ian Paisley.

The wisdom and the rectitude of their decision has been evidenced many times over the last 70 years. The article we have reproduced below is but yet another proof of the propriety of that decision.
