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Rev. Ivan Foster: As long as unionists care chiefly about their salary, nothing will change

The following letter, which the editor sent in to The Belfast Newsletter on May 25th, the day the letter from Mr Ken McFarland was published, appeared in Saturday, May 29th’s edition.

Rev Ivan Foster: As long as unionists care chiefly about their salary, nothing will change

A letter from Rev Ivan Foster:

Saturday, 29th May 2021, 4:13 pm

In a letter to your newspaper, Mr Ken McFarland of Omagh (‘IRA funeral breach exposed lawless nature of republicans,’ May 25, see link below) asked: “How long are we expected to pander to the very people who brought the ‘conflict’ about in the first place, and how long is the Sinn Fein ‘tail’ going to be permitted to wag the policing and justice ‘dog’ in this country?”

The answer is simple!

Just as long as unionists keep electing representatives to Stormont whose chief interest is the salary and benefits they accrue from that position and who will not for one moment dare contemplate any challenging of the arrogance of Sinn Fein which might in any way jeopardise that salary and benefits!

If ‘huff and puff’ could save Ulster from SF tyranny, how peaceful this land would be.

Rev Ivan Foster, Kilskeery, Co Tyrone.

You are Invited …


“‭In the beginning‭ God‭ created‭‭‭ the heaven‭ and‭ the earth,‭”

Genesis 1:1.

The title of a message Rev Ivan Foster will preach (DV) this Lord’s Day (May 30th) morning at 11.30am in Kilskeery Free Presbyterian Church


Service will be broadcast on Facebook

Click here to read the sermon notes.

Two troubling reports from the USA

The two reports below come from the USA. The first highlights that the ludicrous evil of ‘transgenderism’ is a world-wide, devil-inspired delusion with horrendous implications for those who believe the Bible and will not submit to the tide of oppressive measures brought against any who hold to God’s truth.

The second report also highlights an increasingly common form of anti-Christian persecution, this time within a school.

To mention the name of Christ and own His saving mercy is deemed an offensive act which must be hindered.

We have seen it reported as happening in workplaces and also on the streets of our cities where police, without real cause, have hindered open-air preaching, in some cases arresting, though not charging the preachers.

Dear Christian, this is like the first spits of rain before a torrential downpour!
