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Samson . . . shorn, shackled, sightless and subjugated

A warning and an appraisal of Ulster’s troubles from 23 years ago which is even more relevant today!

“Samson . . . shorn, shackled, sightless and subjugated or, Ulster Protestantism’s present plight illustrated”

A sermon preached in Kilskeery Free Presbyterian Church on August 2nd, 1998
by the minister, Rev Ivan Foster.

Click here to view sermon notes.

Letter: Media reports of Ballymurphy inquest have been stripped of the historical context…

Editor’s Note:

It is my desire, as much as in me lies, to keep Protestants informed of the truth in order to protect them from the propaganda and the lies flooding from a biased media.

This letter helps to set the events in Ballymurphy in 1971 in their context and for that reason I circulate it.

It is well worth a read.

I do not know the writer and only judge him on the basis of what is here written.


Ivan Foster.

Media reports of Ballymurphy inquest have been stripped of the historical context, of near civil war in Northern Ireland

A letter from Dr William Beattie Smith:
Belfast Newsletter, Saturday, 22nd May 2021.

The Prime Minister Harold Wilson, seen here with Jim Callaghan in 1965, had wanted the Unionist MPs to abstain from voting with the Conservatives. Callaghan, who as Home Secretary from 1967 was responsible for NI, said once soldiers were on the streets, troublemakers would revive the republican narrative of British occupation

Over the past week I have seen much media coverage of the Ballymurphy inquest. My heart goes out to the families who lost loved ones, and I respect their determination in pursuing honest answers from the authorities.

It is disappointing that so many nationalist commentators have exploited the families’ tragedy to reinforce their narrative of Irish victimhood and British oppression. They get away with this because the coverage so often reports events stripped of their historical context.


Ben Habib: In a new low, Boris Johnson is claiming the Act of Union no longer exists

PM Boris Johnson

Politicians can be ruthless in pursuit of their personal agendas but what we heard in the Belfast High Court on Tuesday reached new lows.

“Whatever the outcome of the judicial review, we do now know the government of the United Kingdom, led by Boris Johnson, holds the people of Northern Ireland and our Union in contempt,” writes Ben Habib.

The article alleges that we are no longer British citizens as are the people of England, Scotland and Wales. The ‘1800 Act of Union’ no longer exists!

All this happened with the DUP MPs at Westminster watching!!

Please the read the article carefully.

Belfast Newsletter, Thursday, 20th May 2021

By Ben Habib

During the judicial review of the Northern Ireland Protocol, the government argued that British citizens in Northern Ireland are not equal to citizens in Great Britain.

Acting for the government, Tony McGleenan QC claimed that Article 6 of the Act of Union 1800 no longer applies. He claimed the government had repealed it to enable the Northern Ireland Protocol and its new Irish Sea border to be put in place. For those not familiar with Article 6, it is a crucial bit of constitutional legislation.
