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Can a Sodomite be ‘Cured’??

Mr. Edwin Poots

Gay people ‘probably’ born that way and can’t be ‘cured’, says new DUP leader Poots.

See Belfast Telegraph article: Poots says gay people probably born that way

When you endeavour to be morally and politically ‘all things to all men’ in order to gain their support, you must invariably dismiss God’s truth and seriously trip yourself up!

It did not take too long for Mr Edwin Poots to land flat on his face as he sought to paint himself as ‘Mr. Politically Correct’!


“There are opportunities to make NI a great place”

Edwin Poots

“There are opportunities to make NI a great place” — Edwin Poots, newly elected leader of the DUP

The true and only recipe for greatness is set forth in God’s Word.

“Thou hast also given me the shield of thy salvation: and thy right hand hath holden me up, and thy gentleness hath made me great,” Psalm 18:35.

There are three cardinal factors set forth on the path to greatness.

1. Shielded by the Lord.
2. Strengthened by the Lord.
3. Saved by the Lord.

The word ‘gentle’ is a reference to the gentle, gracious dealings in mercy of God with David.


A Suspicious Conclusion into the Suspicious Deaths During an IRA Riot!

An examination of the recent ruling by Mrs Justice Keegan on the deaths in Ballymurphy in August 1971 as a result of a riot and firefight between the IRA and the Army.

Very few outside of Ulster and, sadly, all too many inside it, who have been brainwashed by an Irish Republican/Roman Catholic dominated media into believing their perverted distortions of truth and the rewriting of the history of the ‘Ulster Troubles’, swallow without any hesitation the story being put out about the shooting of civilians by the British Army back in the midst of a riot in the Roman Catholic Ballymurphy area of West Belfast in August 1971.

Anti-British propaganda has poured forth and has continued to pour forth, since the verdict of a court case examining the events was announced on 12th May 2021.

Here is a sample.

Deputy First Minister Michelle O’Neill tells the media that it is a ‘day of truth’ for the Ballymurphy families. The rulings, she says, have “laid-bare for all to see now that the British Forces murdered their family members, their innocent family members. . . . They’ve always known that, the Ballymurphy community have known that, the wider community has known that and now the whole world can see that is the case,” the Sinn Féin vice president continued.”

It is never ‘a day of truth’ when Michelle O’Neill opens her mouth. Out of it will come the biased utterances of one born and bred and suckled as an inveterate hater of all things British.

1. Firstly, let me ask, why were thousands gathered on the streets during this firefight initiated by the IRA?

They must have been either possessed of a stupid interest in the deadly exchanges and blindly unaware of the danger in which they placed themselves for the IRA was using the civilians as cover. The IRA knew who they were shooting at. Their targets all wore uniforms which clearly marked them. The Army did not have such information about their enemies. They were all wearing civilian clothing and mingling amongst civilians, such as the ‘stupid sightseers’!

Then there were those undoubtedly who were there to render what aid they could to the IRA. It was common for civilians to move in, under cover of giving aid to an IRA man shot in such a firefight, in order to strip the wounded or even dead terrorist of all weapons or any material such as a mask, which would give proof of his terrorist activity and thus justify his being targeted. As soon as that was done, up would go the cry: “He was only out buying a loaf of bread for his poor old granny, God love him!!”

They learned that tactic from their friends the Palestinians!
