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36 years ago, Sammy Heenan’s father was murdered by PIRA

Sammy Heenan was a lad of 12 when the IRA came to the isolated family home in the Mourne Mountain area of Northern Ireland and murdered his widowed father and left his body for his young son to find.

Sammy is now a Christian and here tells the story on the anniversary of the murder.

Mr. Heenan wrote: “Sinn Fein are relentless in their propaganda as we recently witnessed with their recent terrorist glorification. This little homemade clip is designed to hopefully reach many on Twitter by reminding others of what the PIRA perpetrated against the innocent people of South Down.”

Here is some footage of the aftermath of the murder back on May 3, 1985.


Mr. Heenan gave his testimony in January 2019 at Ballygowan FPC.

Mrs Lindsay Robinson’s blasphemy

This is taken from an article from today’s ‘Belfast Newsletter’.


The wife of a DUP MP has hit back at those within the party said to have questioned some of her recent comments urging a ban on gay conversion therapy.

The article contains a quote from Mrs Robinson, mounted on her ‘Twitter’ account, in which she was responding to a statement with which she did not agree from DUP MLA, Mr Thomas Buchanan.

She uttered what must be considered  a blasphemous expletive to express her disagreement.

“Jesus, Mary and Joseph and the wee donkey. I’m all out of words and almost everything else at this point.”

This is an outburst from one who has little regard for God and even less understanding of the sanctity of His truth.

Has she no knowledge of the third commandment which teaches: “Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain,” Exodus 20:7?

She has either no knowledge of what it is the Lord requires of us regarding the use of His name or she wickedly cares little for what the Lord says!

This expletive is a familiar outburst from the lips of the Roman Catholic. Her adopting of such an evil expression  betrays a worldly mindset in utter opposition to that which is of the grace of God!

This is the sad and reprehensible depths to which the DUP has sunk in recent times.

I have sent off the following letter to the “Belfast Newsletter”. (more…)