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The time has come

Events in Ulster yesterday surrounding the debate on ‘Conversion Therapy’ in the Stormont Assembly, were most distressing for a true child of God. I felt myself almost overwhelmed as I read the news reports of the debate and the accompanying interviews and statements by so-called religious leaders.

This morning I read several portions of God’s Word including 2 Timothy chapter 4. At the beginning of that chapter I read the following verses.

“I charge [thee] therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom; preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; and they shall turn away [their] ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry,” 2Timothy 4:1-5.

Three things were impressed upon my heart.

1. It was the duty of a minister to go on contending with the wickedness of the day, no matter how distressing and overwhelming it appears to be!

2. I must do my best, despite advancing years, to meet that obligation.

3. It occurred to me that I could produce an audio response to the ongoing attacks of the devil. That would ease the problems with mounting written articles on my site and likely make it easier for our supporters since they can listen while doing other things which they could not do if attempting to take in a written article.

Out of these considerations has come a decision to produce audio reports which I can circulate by email in the manner by which I send out sermons and school assembly talks.

I am going to name the reports – THE ‘TIME’ HAS COME. You can see that it springs from Paul’s words: ‘the time will come’, in verse 3. What he said would come has now undoubtedly come!

I trust that this little venture will prove a blessing to you all and also make it easy for you to pass on to others the Bible’s response to the abounding errors of today.

Here is the first installment of the new bulletins:

Click here to read the bulletin notes.

Gay conversion ban

I have hastened to write this article in response to the report of today’s debate in Stormont on the subject of ‘Conversion Therapy’. The position taken by the Free Presbyterian Church on this issue was set forth in an email circulated before the debate.

“At stake is the basic teaching on conversion to Christ. The motion before the Assembly does not define what conversion therapy is. The term conversion therapy is left deliberately broad by LGBT activists. There could be a move to count praying with someone who has asked for prayer on these matters as “conversion therapy”

The BBC report of the debate is most disturbing for it is clear that there is error both on the side of those opposing “conversion therapy”. and the DUP who is supposed to be defending gospel liberty.

As I say at the end of the article: “What darkness has descended upon our Province, once seen as a bastion of gospel truth. It is that no more!”
Please pray that this article will be read and do what you can to circulate it abroad. Read more

MLA Jim Allister speaking against ‘Gay Conversion’ ban

Mr Jim Allister QC, MLA, (leader of the Traditional Unionist Voice party) speaking during the debate in the Stormont Assembly, Belfast on 20th April, where he opposed a motion to ‘Ban Conversion Therapy – in all its forms’, proposed by members of the Ulster Unionist Party. It was passed with the support of Sinn Fein/IRA and other Nationalists members.

There is a supportive intervention by Mr Jim Wells MLA.

The terms of this motion must be seen to include a call for a ban on the preaching of the gospel in its fulness!