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An ‘educated eejit’

Were the renowned evangelist, W P Nicholson, still alive I have no doubt he would have applied the epithet he so often used of those he upbraided for their modernistic attacks upon the Word of God with their ‘so-called’ advanced scientific knowledge and views, against Sir David Attenborough.

I cerainly will use that same nickname of the well known and much admired English broadcaster and natural historian. His television programmes are exceedingly interesting though blighted and spoiled by his oft-stated and laughable atheistic and evolutionary views.

The BBC has announced a new documentary by him. The announcement has the headline: Sir David Attenborough’s New Doc: ‘Humans Are Intruders’. Read more

Direct action

By George H Fromow, The first Secretary of the Sovereign Grace Advent testimony. (This article is taken from Watching and Waiting, October, 1919 and reprinted in the January-March 2019 edition).

I’m reprinting this article (written in the aftermath of the Russian Revolution, the Second World War and the resultant chaos amongst the nations) for it deals with the issue of governmental authority and the Christian’s response.

This is a topic under discussion today in the wake of the Covid Restrictions. Some ill-informed Christian ministers and pastors say these restrictions are to be rejected and resisted by believers. They declare such a restriction is an attack upon gospel freedom and the right to worship when in truth it is no such thing.

The restrictions do not target Christians specifically but all gatherings which lead to the spread of the Covid-19 virus. It is hardly an attack upon Christian liberty to close pubs, dance halls and cinemas in a bid to hinder the spread of the virus!

In truth, the innovations of online videoing of church services has proved to be an means of reaching even more hearers than was the case before the restrictions. Such is the wise and merciful Providence of God. Read more

Reply to letter in the ‘Belfast Newsletter’

On Monday, April 12th, I sent the following letter to the Editor of the ‘Belfast Newsletter.’

It has now appeared in today’s (April 16th) edition.

Mr Editor,

May I offer one comment on the letter from Mr Tom Ekin – “We still support politicians whose man (sic) achievements are sectarianism and failure to progress.”

He asks – “Why do we not elect politicians who will put the constitutional position on the back burner until we get Northern Ireland to being a better run place, with better education, better welfare, better jobs for more people, and less criminality?”

That will sound so winsome and politically appealing to some! But it is most foolish. It reminds me of the little boy who recently lost his finger as a result of being allowed to stroke a lovely wee monkey in a zoo! If we forget the true nature of Sinn Fein/IRA then we stand to lose more than a finger!

What Mr Ekin suggests is like asking the captain of a ship in the midst of a sea battle to cease responding to the attacks of enemy vessels while he attends to the problems that the enemy attacks have created on his vessel?

Oftentimes ships are so damaged by enemy attacks that they must withdraw from the battle scene but as they do so they CONTINUE to mount what defence they can in response to the continued attacks of the enemy, for those assaults have not ended.

I fear such sentiments indicate a total lack of understanding just what the enemies of Ulster’s constitutional existence are seeking to do.
There is not a contest between two political ideologies taking place in Ulster! No, Sinn Fein/IRA and its nationalist allies are seeking the DESTRUCTION of Northern Ireland, not a change in the social policies which are in force within it.

Hitler was not seeking social change in the United Kingdom by his bombing of it but rather its destruction and absorption in to his ‘Nazi Empire’!

Sinn Fein/IRA have a similar objective regarding Northern Ireland. How foolish and blinded by a desire for political power were our Unionist leaders when they entered into a ‘power-sharing’ coalition with those bent on the destruction of Northern Ireland!

Let us never forget the true nature of what is taking place in our land!


Rev Ivan Foster (Rtd)