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Owen Polley: It is no surprise that the funeral of the IRA thug Bobby Storey escaped even a caution

On Tuesday, the Public Prosecution Service (PPS) announced that it will not prosecute republicans for breaches of coronavirus rules at the funeral of the IRA thug, Bobby Storey.

By Owen Polley, Belfast Newsletter Thursday, 1st April 2021, 12:57 pm

Is there anybody in Northern Ireland who is surprised by this decision?

In the immediate aftermath of the funeral, I wrote in this newspaper that “there is one rule in Northern Ireland for republicans and one for everybody else”. Read more

An ‘evangellyfish’ indeed

Dr Hamilton is fondly and mistakenly considered by many ‘evangelicals’ to be an ‘evangelical’!

In truth, he is what used to be referred to amongst us as an ‘evangellyfish’!

The ‘evangelicalness’ of him and his ilk can be gauged by the fact that he is happy to stay in an apostate church which embraces, to a very large degree, every spiritual and moral perversion abroad today!

Here we see him rejoicing over a letter from one whose predecessors were known as ‘antichrists’ for hundreds of years by his church, the Presbyterian Church in Ireland! That ended in 1988 when the PCI removed from the ‘Westminster Confession of Faith’ the Biblical definition of the true character of pope and popery. Read more

The Christian, public worship and government health orders

An article by Rev. Andy Foster, Penticton Free Presbyterian Church

The Covid-19 crisis that has shaken the world for many months now has had a profound impact on the life of the Church of Christ. Christians have wrestled particularly with the restrictions that government authorities at various levels in society have placed upon their public assemblies for worship.

The interface between political and spiritual affairs is particularly controversial. However, the child of God must learn to distinguish between a Biblical, spiritual response and a political reaction to these things. The Christian will find that there are legislative issues they can oppose from a political perspective but must submit to for spiritual reasons. It is easy to confuse these two reactions. I fear that many have adopted a political position with regard to the government’s public health orders but have presented it as being a spiritual response. I am concerned that many Christians who defy their government’s health orders do so out of a carnal rebellious spirit that simply indicates they resent being told what to do. Read more