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DUP further endorses rebellion against God

Today sees an endorsement by the DUP that must surely shame every Christian in the party and all who support it in any way.

It also must surely strike the consciences of those ministers who remain silent in the face of the DUP’s embracing and endorsing of the perversions of today, so condemned of the Lord, knowing that members and officer-bearers within their congregations are in this party and thereby tainted by their association with him and his like.

This situation of compromise is a cowardly failure on the part of those involved with the DUP and who fail to condemn its defiance of God who vowed to keep the covenant made with the Lord by the membership of the Free Presbyterian Church back on 28th February 1988, the 350th anniversary of the signing of The National Covenant of Scotland .

The Covenant hangs in the porch of Kilskeery church. I just wonder how many other churches still display it?

Here is the essence of the oath signed up to that day by the members of the Free Presbyterian Church.

“As God providentially raised up Elijah, we believe He is now calling out a faithful remnant to maintain a testimony, free from compromise against every opposition of the enemy.

As a separated Church of God, sinners saved by grace and born again of the Holy Spirit, conscious of the violation of God’s commandments so rampant in this evil age, and conscious also that we could have a name to live and are dead, we humble ourselves before God and solemnly covenant together , by His grace to stand with Christ in this evil day, for all that He is for, and against all that he is against.”

I wonder how many ministers who took that oath have been faithful to it?

That oath most certainly forbids the associating with or supporting the DUP and a remaining silent in the face of its welcoming and elevating of sodomites and their supporters into its ranks and the outrageous betrayal of everything it once stood for! (more…)

Another nail in the DUP’s coffin!

I was sent this ‘screenshot’ of what I suppose is the Facebook page of ‘Michael Palmer’, a self-confessed sodomite, announcing that he has responded positively to an invitation from the DUP leadership to join the party.

I have also included here an article about this fool that appears in the ‘The Burning Bush’ back in July 2022.

This decision by Donaldson and Co. will prove to be but another nail in the DUP’s coffin.

The leadership of the party will yet reap a terrible harvest for leading Unionism down the path of sanitising that which God abominates!

“‭Be‭‭ not‭ deceived‭‭; God‭ is‭‭ not‭ mocked‭‭: for‭ whatsoever‭‭ a man‭ soweth‭‭, that‭ shall he‭‭ also‭ reap‭‭.‭ ‭For‭ he that soweth‭‭ to‭ his‭ flesh‭ shall‭‭ of‭ the flesh‭ reap‭‭ corruption‭,‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭”‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ Galatians 6:7-8.

Sincerely in Christ’s name,

Ivan Foster

The blinded mind of the sodomite

Published by Ivan Foster on July 1, 2022

This is the concluding sentence of a letter which has appeared in today’s (1/7/22) ‘Belfast Newsletter’. It is from a sodomite member of the Ulster Unionist Party, who signs his name, ‘Michael Palmer’.

I appeal to the DUP leadership to consider allowing its members who are supportive of the LGBT community to attend Belfast Pride. The future of unionism and the union hinges upon LGBT support.”

That there are LGBT supporting members of the DUP may be seen in the endorsing of one who openly acknowledged her perversion as a candidate in the last local council election back in 2019 and who presently sits as a member of Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council. She is Alison Bennington who became the DUP’s first openly ‘gay’ candidate to be elected when she won one of 14 DUP seats on that Council.

But there are many other ‘supporters’ of the LGBT  perversions in the DUP as subsequent events and photographs of rejoicing DUP members at her election showed. (more…)

The ignorance of our political leaders

Our local newspapers have been filled with comments for and against the ‘deal’ that the DUP leader, Jeffrey Donaldson. made with the British Government, the result of which he and some of his fellow DUPers claim is the removal of the restrictions that the ‘Brexit’ agreement exerted on trade between Northern Ireland and the rest of the United Kingdom.

1882 political satire regarding political leaders “unable” to foresee consequences of their actions.

That claim has been denied by a prominent constitutional lawyer, senior members of the DUP, including a former leader, those who shared the campaign with Jeffrey Donaldson to over throw the  trade restrictions placed upon Northern Ireland  which they claimed excluded Northern Ireland as an equal member of the United Kingdom. All those who led that campaign, with the exception of Jeffrey Donaldson, believe that the border restriction and various regulations detrimental to our ability to trade with our fellow UK countries, have not been removed.

Those party members who support Jeffrey Donaldson have given no evidence in support of their claims but merely parrot-like repeat the trite responses of Donaldson and Co.

It has been acknowledged by officials that the building of border posts to accommodate the ‘Brexit’ arrangements is continuing. This would hardly indicate that the ‘Brexit’ border and its restrictions have gone, as the DUP leadership is claiming.

Why does Jeffrey Donaldson and his lackeys seek to deceive the Protestant people of Northern Ireland?

Whatever deals may have been done between them and those engaged in the negotiations I have no idea.

But I can from the Word of God find out why leaders may act in such a self-deluded, deceitful and unscrupulous manner.

It is this I wish to set before the readers of ‘The Burning Bush’.

Sincerely in Christ’s name,

Ivan Foster


 “But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world unto our glory: which none of the princes of this world knew: for had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory,” 1 Corinthians 2:7-8.

 These words of Paul are divinely inspired of God and infallibly true! Providence has declared this epistle to be part of that which is referred to as ‘Scripture’ and is declared to be “given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: that the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works,” 2 Timothy 3:16-17.

Holy Scripture is endorsed in its proclamations by the manifested truth of all its statements. Our text above is but one example. What it says of the “princes of this world” is abundantly clear world-wide but no place more evidently than here in Northern Ireland! (more…)