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The lies don’t change — they just get bigger

Jim Allister says that under the new DUP-UK deal, NI will still retain red and green lanes, an Irish Sea Border and EU jurisdiction on trade laws.

I can only rejoice in the providence of God that we have at this time a man with Jim Allister’s abilities and integrity. His examination of the ‘Donaldson Deal’ shows it to be one of the biggest political shams ever to be foisted upon a people.

If the DUP accept this scandalous arrangement, then it will be their political ‘death certificate’!

I suspect that there is a London/EU element to this ‘Deal’. It is the goal of both these manipulators to promote a ‘United Ireland’.

The DUP’s agreement has brought about the re-opening of Stormont, this time with a First Minister who gave her complete endorsement to the terrorism of the IRA. Under Michelle O’Neill, and she already boasts of this, the campaign to take Northern Ireland completely out of the UK and under the Irish Republic, will be freshly energised!

I commend this article to our readers.


Northern Ireland Protocol: TUV leader Jim Allister says DUP deal with government retains red and green lanes, Irish Sea Border and EU jurisdiction over Province

Jim Allister says that under the new DUP-UK deal, NI will still retain red and green lanes, an Irish Sea Border and EU laws.

‘Belfast Newsletter’
By Philip Bradfield
Published 31st Jan 2024, 18:01 GMT

Mr Allister was speaking after the Government published the proposed legislation behind its new deal with the DUP to restore Stormont.

The legislation is intended to address unionist concerns that the Northern Ireland Protocol has undermined the Province’s place in the union in commercial, constitutional and regulatory terms.

After studying the new legislation, Mr Allister said: “Our Union is still ruptured – the only difference now being that the DUP is stepping up as Protocol implementers.” (more…)

Shifting, sinking sands of political expediency!

Photo by Keith Hardy on Unsplash

I am anxious at this time of deliberate confusion generated by duplicitous craft, to get out as much of the truth as I can.

I freely acknowledge that I must rely on the guidance and information of those well versed in the intricacies of the situation that has overtaken us all and I have quoted their observations in this article.

I can only thank the providence of God that there are today voices raised in opposition to the treachery that is at work in our poor blighted province.

I hope you find this article helpful.


“ . . .  your lips have spoken lies, your tongue hath muttered perverseness. None calleth for justice, nor any pleadeth for truth: they trust in vanity, and speak lies; they conceive mischief, and bring forth iniquity,” Isaiah 59:3-4.

I recall, back in the mid-1980s, when I was a DUP member of the then Stormont Assembly, telling my congregation one Sabbath evening, how good it was to be back in the pulpit!

I told them that in Stormont, promises were made and strategies agreed on a Monday and by Wednesday, few could remember anything of the details of the promises and agreements, for political advantages had altered and the profitabilities of the recent arrangements had been overtaken and a ‘somersault’ was required in order to seize bigger and better gains. A resetting of the party sails had to take place in order to take advantage of the new winds that were blowing!

Press secretaries and glib-tongued party spokesmen swiftly would explain how that there was no deceit, no change of heart, no compromise — it’s just that what appears as an ‘about turn’ was really what had been announced on the Monday was not properly explained and set out for the public to rightly understand. But now that was being rectified. What had appeared as black was in fact white and any misunderstanding of the party position was now being more clearly explained on the Wednesday!

Such is the world of make-believe and deceit that is foisted upon the public! (more…)

The Book of Esther – Part 1

On this morning, as Ulster awakens to a further chapter in the betrayal of the Protestant people, it is fitting that we turn our eyes heavenward and, through the lens of God’s Word, view what it is God has planned.

Unlike unfaithful man, God keeps His promises aye, to the very last letter!

“The LORD of hosts hath sworn, saying, Surely as I have thought, so shall it come to pass; and as I have purposed, so shall it stand,” Isaiah 14:24.

I trust this first part of a simple two-part study of the eschatology of the book of Esther  will serve to settle our hearts and minds this morning.

THE BOOK OF ESTHER . . . . Part 1.

A picture book of the final deliverance of God’s Jewish remnant in the last days!

A 19th century portrayal of Queen Esther, by Hermann Anschuetz.

As I began reading the book of Esther in my daily Bible readings on January 24th, it come home to me with fresh power that the book is a narrative that is truly suggestive of the events the Jewish people will encounter at the close of this age just prior to the Lord’s return to deliver the Jewish remnant that will have escaped the Antichrist’s attempt to destroy them. The Lord will also return to slay the latter-day ‘Haman’, a very clear likeness in his murderous hatred of the ancient people of God to the coming Antichrist.

Let us first of all note that:


It is the ONLY book in the Bible where this is the case! It occurred to me that a possible reason for this is the fact that it prophetically pictures for us the period in this world’s history when the knowledge of God will have all but disappeared. There is a time coming to this world and particularly to that region within the boundaries of the old Roman Empire for that will be Antichrist’s dominion, where he will lead people in rebellion against God.. Within this territory there will be a deepening darkness which will eventually see the name and knowledge of God ‘outlawed’ on the pain of death for any who violate this decree. (more…)