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Seven days’ notice of coming judgment!

The return of Christ to this earth, that event spoken of by Haggai the prophet, will be the glorious conclusion of this age and the beginning of the Millennial Age. “For thus saith the LORD of hosts; Yet once, it is a little while, and I will shake the heavens, and the earth, and the sea, and the dry land; And I will shake all nations, and the desire of all nations shall come: and I will fill this house with glory, saith the LORD of hosts,” Haggai 2:6-7.

It is an event looked forward to by the redeemed since the days of Adam. A little verse tucked away in the epistle of Jude shows this to be so. “And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints, to execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him,” Jude 1:14-15.

It is quite possible that Adam was alive when Enoch thus prophesied, indeed he may have heard him!

The fact that it is such a central truth is emphasised by the many references to it, both in plain words and in a figurative manner, in the Old Testament.

I could not help but see a reference to the great event in one chapter of my Bible readings yesterday. Here are a few thoughts that arose out of my mediations.


“For yet seven days, and I will cause it to rain upon the earth forty days and forty nights; and every living substance that I have made will I destroy from off the face of the earth,” Genesis 7:4.

I read Genesis chapter 7 on the Lord’s Day past and in the light of what the Saviour said, as recorded in Luke 17:26: “As it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man”, I looked for instruction regarding the days near to the return of the Saviour in power and great glory to gather His redeemed people to Himself.

Building the Ark – James Jacques Joseph Tissot, c. 1896-1902

As I considered the above verse, I thought how that:


This was a wonderfully precise warning of the terrible judgment that was to befall the wicked earth. Mankind had turned its back upon the Lord, aye, and had defied Him most wickedly. Genesis 6:5 states this fact most emphatically. “And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.” I have emboldened the three words which indicate the utterly depraved nature of the generation in Noah’s day. (more…)

Strong opposition to Heaton-Harris’s evil RSE plan

Strong opposition to Heaton-Harris’s evil RSE plan
Despite support from Sinn Fein, Alliance and Ulster Unionist party members

Here is a most welcome report in today’s ‘Belfast Newsletter’ of the response to a public consultation on the Secretary of State’s plan to introduce compulsory abortion education in the schools of Northern Ireland.

Chris Heaton-Harris’s plan will be taught without reference to the Law of God or what the Bible has to say about the crime of the murder of the unborn, which is what abortion is!

Welcome as this response is, in the light of government actions in the past, it is unlikely it will have any substantial impact upon men who hold high office and who are godless in thoughts and action! This is especially so since many of the questions asked in the consultation process where deliberately ambiguous and ambivalent.

The Government’s Relationships and Sexual Education (RSE) is born of the spirit of apostasy which has been rampant in the United Kingdom now for many decades. It was born in the seminaries and pulpits of the main churches and quickly took root in the pews of those denominations. In many instances, Christians failed in their duty to obey God’s command to ‘come out from among’ those who thus rejected His Word.

That failure alone greatly aided the growth of the rebellion against God and His truth until we have reached the position where the next generation is thus targeted.

The great majority of Christian parents, whose children are sent to the ungodly ‘state school’ system of education, thus continue in the path of failure and compromise. (more…)

Matthew 4:12

John the Baptist in Prison, Visited by Salomé by Giovanni Francesco Barbieri, 1591–1666

Today I read the verse: “Now when Jesus had heard that John was cast into prison, he departed into Galilee,” Matthew 4:12, as part of my daily Bible reading and it brought to mind an incident back in July 1966.

Dr Paisley, Rev John Wylie and I had just begun our three month prison sentence. It was the second morning of us being together, Dr Paisley being arrested on the Wednesday as he went to his prayer meeting and John and I the next day Thursday, 21st July. I had spent a night in a police cell because I was arrested too late in the evening to be admitted to Crumlin Road prison. Early on the Friday morning, I was taken to prison and duly processed and finally met up with my two companions.

On Saturday morning, John disclosed, as we met for a short time of prayer in his cell, that the evening before, just before the light in his cell was put out, he read from his Bible and the above verse was part of his reading. He excitedly disclosed this wonderful providence how that the Lord indicated to him that He knew all about his imprisonment even as He knew about the cruel incarceration of John the Baptist!

As John related his account of his reading of the verse and the encouragement it was to him, it occurred to me  (I always had an interest in the meaning of names) that ‘Ian’ and ‘Ivan’, were the Scottish Gaelic and the Russian forms of ‘John’. That set us all to rejoicing at this significant and merciful word from the Lord!

The name ‘John’ is of Hebrew origin and carries the meaning of ‘Jehovah is gracious’!

Dr Ian Paisley (centre) Rev John Wylie (right) and Rev Ivan Foster (left), several years after their release from prison, together again, waiting to board a flight at an airport.

As I look back over the 58 years since that incident, I see nothing but God’s graciousness to me!

I’m rejoicing night and day
As I walk the narrow way,
For the hand of God in all my life I see;
And the reason of my bliss,
Yes, the secret all is this:
That the Comforter abides with me.

He abides, He abides;
Hallelujah, He abides with me!
I’m rejoicing night and day
As I walk the narrow way,
For the Comforter abides with me.

Sincerely in Christ’s name,

Ivan Foster