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Samuel Morrison on the spirit of King Herod at Christmas time in Northern Ireland

Samuel Morrison

Samuel Morrison: Perhaps this Christmas some of us will reflect on how Northern Ireland has been embraced by spirit of King Herod

​On Monday people across the globe will meet with friends and family to celebrate Christmas.

Anti-abortion protesters march to Craigavon Area Hospital in September. They challenged the outrageous overreach of ‘Safe access zones’ outside places where abortions are performed, in which no-one is permitted even to engage in an entirely silent protest. Picture by Jonathan Porter/PressEye

Anti-abortion protesters march to Craigavon Area Hospital in September. They challenged the outrageous overreach of ‘Safe access zones’ outside places where abortions are performed, in which no-one is permitted even to engage in an entirely silent protest. Picture by Jonathan Porter/PressEye

Many have already attended carol services and nativity plays which, in spite of the increasing secularisation of society, remain an important part of the celebrations they associate with this time of year.

While there are aspects of Christmas which make some Christians uncomfortable – greed, gluttony and covetousness are hardly virtues – there can be no denying that people think more about the birth of a Baby in the final weeks of December than at any other time of the year.

I don’t know if that’s what prompted the BBC to choose this week to run online, radio and TV reports about the effectiveness of misnamed ‘safe access zones’ which have been established outside premises which perform abortions in Northern Ireland but I couldn’t help thinking that their timing was somewhat ironic. (more…)

Priest abuse survivor gets £500,000 settlement

Such a report as this, copied from the BBC, Northern Ireland news website, we have seen all too often in recent years.

What is to be noted is: “The priest was accused of a long campaign of child sexual abuse but was never prosecuted or questioned by police about claims made against him.” And also, the priest is not named.

Both of which indicate the ‘hands off’ policy many in ‘high places’ of authority adopted regarding the Roman Catholic Church. Its name and reputation was considered more important than the wellbeing of a youngster!

Praise God for that day when “the Lord . . . will bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and will make manifest the counsels of the hearts,”1 Corinthians 4:5.

It is a day when not only Romanism and its evil ways shall be brought to justice but also all those who have happily linked themselves with it, as will be the case when a joint statement with be issued by the heads of all the churches in the next day or so!!!

Priest abuse survivor gets £500,000 settlement

The hearing centred on alleged sexual and physical abuse over a five-year period in the 1980s.

A man who said he was abused by a priest at a County Down school will receive £500,000 in damages.

The High Court hearing centred on alleged sexual and physical abuse over a five-year period in the 1980s, when the man was a pupil.

According to court papers, the plaintiff was sexually assaulted in a series of locations. (more…)