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An appeal to the members of the Free Presbyterian Church and especially to the Presbytery members

By Rev Ivan Foster (Rtd)

I believe that there is an evil undercurrent flowing and growing within the Free Presbyterian Church.

It remains to be seen if it will be rebuked and repudiated or if it will be ignored or, worse still, endorsed by the members, ministers and elders, especially those who make up the membership of our General Presbytery.

I am referring to the case of Rev David Wilson dancing publicly but a few weeks after he took an oath before the Lord and those gathered at his ordination back in mid-September, to “expose and oppose the IMMORALITY AND SOCIAL VICES of this present evil world such as DRINKING, DANCING and GAMBLING”, and the support given him in abusive emails by those who claim to be Free Presbyterians!

There can be NO EXCUSE offered for such a display. The ordination oath clearly states DANCING, that is every form of dancing. As there can be no exceptions to prohibition of Drinking and Gambling, under any circumstances, the same goes for dancing.

We are under a divine injunction to, “Abstain from all appearance of evil,” 1 Thessalonians 5:22. No matter how innocent an act of dancing may be claimed to be, it has the ‘appearance’, the form and fashion of that which is the world’s activity and we must therefore ‘hold one’s self off from’, as the original Greek may be explained!

If David Wilson ‘dancing’ is excused, then Free Presbyterian properties will soon be dance halls!

Those who have sought to defend this ‘wedding dance’ have done so by saying that it was an expression of ‘holy joy before the Lord’. If that is so, why, as I am led to believe, did no one else join in this dance? Did the new groom not feel such joy? Did the bride’s mother not feel happy before the Lord? It would appear that no one else felt that dancing in this fashion was a proper manner of expressing a rejoicing in the Lord that day!

Whatever decision the Presbytery will make will undoubtedly decide the future direction and destination of a church which was called into existence by the Lord, as was described in the 1988 Covenant, signed throughout the congregations, wherein each signatory before God solemnly covenanted, “by His Grace, to stand with Christ in this evil day, for all that He is for, and against all that He is against.” That covenant was solemnly undertaken on February 28th, just 25 years ago! (more…)

Yet another who sees no sin in oath breaking!

Here is yet another ‘unsigned’ example of the ‘Christianity’ of one who sees no sin in the breaking of an oath made to the Lord and who unhesitatingly hurls abuse at one who dares to expose such a sin.

My article contained nothing of  the ‘hatefulness’ of which I am accused, but simply consisted of questions regarding the behaviour of David Wilson in the light of his oath and the standards of the Free Presbyterian Church.

Just what has been bred in the pews of ‘modern’ Free Presbyterianism?

Sincerely in Christ’s name,

Ivan Foster

Mr. Foster,

Regarding your treatment of David Wilson recently which frankly reminded me of something a 13 year old girl might post on the Internet to shame someone she’d fell out with, I see absolutely nothing in your behaviour which resembles brotherly love or even godliness of any description. Your hateful public attack on David, his daughter and all involved is an embarrassment to your denomination and your own witness. You have showed no consideration or discretion. No love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance. Indeed one might find more similarities with your behaviour in Galatians 5.20 – hatred, wrath, strife.

You refer to the new generation of Free Presbyterians as lesser Christians than yourself. I personally think the further we can get from your particular brand of egotistic legalism the better state the church will be in.

It’s cowardly to hide behind your keyboard and launch attacks on those you hold grudges against. Surely a more proper response would have been to meet the man face to face and discuss your differences of opinion in a constructive manner. I fail to see what you hoped to achieve. I find it horrific that a so called Christian can act as you have and feel no remorse.

I acknowledge a level of ironic hypocrisy in what I’ve said here but I find myself utterly disgusted with what I’ve read and hope you will consider the harmful effect you have on Christian brothers and sisters and leave the adjudicating to the proper establishment.

My reply

Being conscious of your ‘ironic hypocrisy’ on your part does not in the least deter you from writing as you do. (more…)

More encouraging words

I thought that I might share with you these two encouraging emails, just so that you might know that not everyone takes the very antagonistic attitude of those whose emails I have already shared with you.

One is local and one comes from the Czechia (the Czech Republic).

I know from the response of many of our readers that much prayer is going up to heaven for the success of our protest.

Please continue to pray!

“The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much,” James 5:16.

Sincerely in Christ’s name,

Ivan Foster

Dear Rev Foster

Like your previous correspondent, you are unlikely to know me. Unlike him, I have no desire to upbraid you; far from it, in fact.

I am under 40 and an unprofitable servant of the Lord Jesus Christ but I have long had concerns about dancing. For the last 15 years or so, it seems to have exploded in popularity at FP weddings. While I confess that I do not fully understand the all the minute details behind its prohibition, I have seen enough to know that most modern forms of dance exhibit a sensuality unbecoming of a believer. Therefore, I am saddened that it seems now to be considered socially acceptable even for saved people to engage in this activity.

The reason for this email is that I want to commend you for your courage and faithfulness to the Saviour in the stand you are taking. I realise that you are unfairly being characterised as unloving for calling out Rev Wilson in public but you make a good point of comparison with Paul and Peter. Further, I have seen enough of your previous service to Christ and His church to know that your actions are those of a man who loves the FPC enough to risk unpopularity in the cause of purity. (more…)