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The world’s division coming into focus

Here are two articles I have copied from the media in order to highlight who are the friends and who are the enemies of Israel.

It would be right to generalise and say that the Bible divides these two opinions! Those who believe the Bible look with compassion upon the nation of Israel, the nation from which our blessed Saviour came and to which God has made great promises — which He will most surely keep.

The rejecters of the Bible, again speaking generally, are those arrayed against Israel.

I read this morning these words by Zacharias, the father of John the Baptist.

“Blessed be the Lord God of Israel; for he hath visited and redeemed his people, and hath raised up an horn of salvation for us in the house of his servant David; as he spake by the mouth of his holy prophets, which have been since the world began: that we should be saved from our enemies, and from the hand of all that hate us; to perform the mercy promised to our fathers, and to remember his holy covenant; the oath which he sware to our father Abraham, that he would grant unto us, that we being delivered out of the hand of our enemies might serve him without fear, in holiness and righteousness before him, all the days of our life,” Luke 1:68-75.

Zacharias Writes Down the Name of his Son
Fresco by Deomenico Ghirlandaio, Florence, between 1486 and 1490

The birth of John the Baptist was recognised by his father Zacharias, as another step forward in the great plan of God for His people Israel and for those of His elect amongst the Gentiles, and God’s eventual purpose which will enter upon its finalisation at the return of Christ.

Those who believe the Bible recognise the place in God’s purpose that the despised and hated nation of Israel has and they will ever look with sympathy upon that people, despite their present rejection of their True Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ.

These two articles contain errors and, in the case of the first one, misunderstandings of Holy Scripture. Even so, they serve to set forth the division of mankind in these last times. (more…)

Heathenism On Display

Rishi Sunak is joined by his wife Akshata and daughters as they light candles in Downing Street to mark Diwali

“The LORD is gracious, and full of compassion; slow to anger, and of great mercy. The LORD is good to all: and his tender mercies are over all his works,” Psalm 145:8-9.

So read the headline in ‘The Daily Mail’. ‘Diwali’ is a a pagan celebration, chiefly marked by Hindus, though other pagan religions have a similar celebrations. Wikipedia says of this event: “Diwali is connected to various religious events, deities and personalities, such as being the day Rama returned to his kingdom in Ayodhya with his wife Sita and his brother Lakshmana after defeating the demon king Ravana. It is also widely associated with Lakshmi, the goddess of prosperity, and Ganesha, the god of wisdom and the remover of obstacles. Other regional traditions connect the holiday to Vishnu, Krishna, Durga, Shiva, Kali, Hanuman, Kubera, Yama, Yami, Dhanvantari, or Vishvakarman.”

The Prime Minister and his family enjoy the freedom to celebrate ‘Diwali’

Many ungodly men have been pictured on the doorstep of  ‘10 Downing Street’ over the years, but I believe that this is the first time it has been the site of the marking of a heathen event!

I read this morning from Psalm 145. Verse 9 says: “The LORD is good to all: and his tender mercies are over all his works.” In a land where God’s Word, in past generations, has framed to a very large degree, the laws giving men ‘civil and religious liberty’, this goodness and tender mercy that David the Psalmist speaks of, is very much manifested.

It is through the liberties that the Lord has bestowed upon our nation that the Prime Minister and his family and others of their religion, can ‘celebrate’ and display their ‘faith’. (more…)

1922 massacre of Protestants

This scan, sent to me by a friend, is taken from the Belfast Telegraph of today (11/11/23) and gives details of a horrific massacre some 101 years ago. It is a long forgotten massacre because the victims were Protestants. Had it been republicans, the world would have been repeatedly reminded of it for ‘forever and a day’!

I feel that is something that we should remember and gives consideration to. Romanism has not changed. We here in Ulster, have experimental knowledge of how atrocities by the IRA have been explained away and justified by the glib tongues of Sinn Fein and its lie-spouting propagandists!

Sincerely in Christ’s name,

Ivan Foster

