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The time of Jacob’s trouble

Here is an article on a topic about which many have only the vaguest notions. We are commanded to ‘search the Scriptures’, especially where they deal with the ‘last days’, in order that we might ‘discern‭ the signs‭ of the times‭’, Matthew 16:3.‬‬‬

Events in Israel are very much as a clock which indicates to us that that tells us that we are drawing nearer to the end of this age and the return of the Saviour in glory.

I trust that this study is a help to all in understanding what lies ahead for the ancient people of God in their homeland.

Sincerely in Christ’s name,

Ivan Foster

‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭THE TIME OF JACOB’S TROUBLE‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬

“‭Alas‭! for that day‭ ‭is‭ great‭, so that‭ none ‭is‭ like it: it ‭is‭ even the time‭ of Jacob’s‭ trouble‭; but he shall be saved‭‭ out of it,‭”‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ Jeremiah 30:7.

The student of the Bible cannot hear and see reports of the recent horrific scenes in Israel, wrought by those who are the ‘spiritual’ descendants of the Philistines of old, if not the actual progeny of that race of haters of the ancient people of God, without thinking of our text.

Hamas terrorists on parade in Gaza!

Ezekiel the prophet of old refers to the Philistines, the former occupants of that area today known as ‘the Gaza strip’, in this manner. “‭Thus saith‭‭ the Lord‭ GOD‭; Because the Philistines‭ have dealt‭‭ by revenge‭, and have taken‭‭ vengeance‭ with a despiteful‭ heart‭, to destroy‭ ‭it‭ for the old‭ hatred‭,‭”‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ Ezekiel 25:15.

Note the term, ‘the old hatred’! That is what lies behind the terror attacks of late and the many like acts of savagery of which the present-day Palestinians have been guilty. (more…)

Funeral of Mrs. Evelyn Nesbitt

Mrs. Evelyn Nesbitt

Today it was my privilege to take part in the funeral today of Mrs Evelyn Nesbitt, a long-time member of Bethel Free Presbyterian Church.

She went to be with the Lord following a road traffic accident involving her car on Wednesday, October 11th.

Here is a recording of the simple tribute I paid to a godly Christian mother who was a friend for many, many years and a supporter of our witness.



Sammy’s sufferings!!

Sinn Fein’s views on Hamas makes it harder to sit down with them, says Sammy Wilson

Sinn Fein’s response to the murderous Hamas attack on Israeli civilians makes it hard to sit down with them, Sammy Wilson said.

So declares the headlines in the ‘Belfast News Letter’ article of 16th October, 2023.

Now I find that hard to swallow for the simple reason that the DUP was able to sit down with Sinn Fein in 2007 AFTER they had manifested every form of support for the murder of many of the DUP’s own kith and kin by the the terrorists of the IRA, some of whom were prominent members of Sinn Fein, such as Martin McGuinness.

Mr Sammy Wilson, MP

That terror campaign had gone on for decades, had cost thousands of lives and injuries of men, women and children. Sinn Fein still gathers at the graves of dead IRA murderers to celebrate and honour their ‘heroic’ depravities and never once have offered any form of regret for the campaign, but rather have insisted that they had no option but to engage in terror — an opinion not shared by even the Government parties of the Irish Republic!

This being so, since in 2007 the DUP went back on the most solemn and oft-repeated vows never to join Sinn Fein/IRA in government and boasted of their most happy working relationship with Sinn Fein/IRA, why should Sammy and Co now find it hard to go back to Stormont and sit with them after they have shown support for foreign terrorists — the same terrorists they were supporting in 2007?

I suggest that the time has come that the circumstances surrounding such a return now does not include the ‘cushion’ of the hope of an end to terrorism here that made their decision in 2007 somewhat palatable and acceptable to all too many Unionists. That ‘cushion’ being absent, the raw political greed and ambition and the absence of any political principle is being felt most uncomfortable by many of the DUP’s supporters.

Sammy Wilson is conscious of the fact that they may well cut their own throat, politically speaking, by throwing over yet again many avowed promises to remain out of Stormont until the outrageous ‘de facto’ expulsion of Northern Ireland from the United Kingdom under the terms of the ‘Windsor Agreement’ is ended by the London government.

That has not happened, no matter what ‘Sir’ Donaldson may claim. He and his party know that, but they also know that their ‘withdrawal protest’ is rapidly running out of steam.

All that remains for them is to generate the impression that they have achieved something by their actions and ‘whitewash’ the stark facts of their failure, eat humble pie and crawl back to Stormont.

That is what is hurting Sammy Wilson!