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In defence of ‘Open-air preaching’ – Letter

Dr Edward Cooke shared this letter with me a week ago, which he had submitted to the ‘Belfast Newsletter’, and since it has not appeared in that newspaper, I am forwarding you all a copy.

He rightly objects to the attitude of the ‘Belfast Telegraph’ journalist, Lindy McDowell’s scornful attitude toward those who seek to witness for Christ in the open-air.

While I would not give a ‘blanket’ endorsement to all that goes on under the name of ‘open-air gospel preaching’, I believe that there are many earnest souls seeking to warn their fellow countrymen of the need of Christ on the streets, in the absence of any real gospel witness in so many churches today.

Here is Dr Cooke’s letter.

Sincerely in Christ’s name,
Ivan Foster.

Brooklyn Beckham and Street Preaching

Lindy McDowell writes in the Belfast Telegraph today that ‘some of our street preachers are to oratory what Brooklyn Beckham is to gourmet cooking’ and within her article she captions a photograph of the back of a street preacher.  Ms McDowell seems to suggest that the public arena should be reserved only for the intellectuals and professional clergy and that ordinary Christians should be denied their same Human Rights freedoms of those who have been educated in the clerical colleges and the diminishing theology schools in the UK university sector. Yet, the reverse is true, if ordinary individuals are restricted from accessing main stream media and cannot preach in the different denominational churches, then the public arena must be seen as a place sacred for their discourses, no matter how unstructured and poorly polished their religious discourses are.  Paradoxically, Ms McDowell, has access to the mainstream media and gets well paid to air her views, whilst the people she denigrates are denied similar access and give freely of their time to bring people to faith.

Ms McDowell also needs to be mindful of using photographs of people who can be identified.  The person in the hat, with ‘Jesus loves You’ emblazoned on his back, is known to me.   This photograph was taken at the Appleby Horse Fair and was taken outside the Appleby COE parish church.  Moreover, the man in the photograph is a highly effective, courteous man, who gives freely of his time during the ‘gypsy’ raucous horse fair and is accompanied by several other NI ‘street preachers’ who over the years travel to the horse fair to promote the gospel.  These same NI evangelising preachers will recognise this man in the hat, and will be aggrieved that he is associated with the Belfast Telegraph article.

Kindest Regards,
Dr Edward Cooke

Unholy Rejoicing over an Unholy Agreement

I draw attention to a report on the BBC NI website which highlights the ‘unholy rejoicing’ in the ecumenical camp over the 25th anniversary of the ‘Good Friday Agreement’.

It is well named for it is called after the day on which, as Peter put it: “The God of Abraham, and of Isaac, and of Jacob, the God of our fathers, hath glorified his Son Jesus; whom ye delivered up, and denied him in the presence of Pilate, when he was determined to let him go. But ye denied the Holy One and the Just, and desired a murderer to be granted unto you; and killed the Prince of life, whom God hath raised from the dead; whereof we are witnesses,” Acts 3:13-15.

The GFA witnessed the ‘killing’ of true peace in Northern Ireland and the issuing in of  a ‘peace’ that was bought by placating, to a small degree, the murderers and terrorists of Irish Republicanism!

The ‘GFA’ was a pact with the devil, drawn up by men whose ‘stock and trade’ are lies and deceit. It exonerated terrorist murderers, deemed them upright and honourable and eventually elevated them into government with the assistance of the treacherous ‘power-sharing’ deal the DUP made with Sinn Fein/IRA.

Today, we have those who constantly glory in their decades-long campaign of murder, bombing and terror, overlording affairs in Northern ireland — all as a direct result of the GFA.

That is something only those with no idea of the truth that “The LORD our God is holy,” Psalm 99:9, and who are joined in an unholy amalgam with the aim of destroying the truth of the Bible and delivering us back into the hands of the Papacy, can rejoice over!

As I have often said over the last 50 years, the outcome of the falsehoods of ‘Ecumenism’ will be a total betrayal of our Protestant heritage.

The picture below is a foreshadowing of the ungodly ‘unity’ planned by the ecumenical churches here.

Presbyterian, Methodist and Church of Ireland leaders join with the pope’s men in celebrating the GFA

Here is that BBC report.

Catholic and Protestant church leaders from Ireland have travelled to Rome to mark the 25th anniversary of the Good Friday Agreement

They are taking part in an ecumenical prayer service and a seminar, to reflect on events since the peace deal was signed in Belfast in 1998.

In a joint statement, the Irish church leaders said the agreement had saved “countless” lives in the past 25 years. (more…)

Madness governs Northern Ireland

Madness governs Northern Ireland to a degree that would have been unimaginable but a few short years ago!

TUV leader Jim Allister

Mr Jim Allister KC, leader of the Traditional Unionist Party, was correct in what he said of the decision to appoint convicted terrorist, Gerry Kelly, to the panel charged with the task of appointing a new Chief Constable of the Police Service of Northern Ireland!

It is a case equivalent to the ‘devil being put in charge of who enters heaven’!

This is a degree of lunacy that is an indication of just what took root when the DUP entered an agreement to share power with Sinn Fein/IRA. From that foul sowing has sprung the innumerable manifestations of our society in the grip of a blind mania, born of a rejection of the wisdom and truth of God’s Word.

For the cause of that departure we point an accusing finger at the ecumenical ‘false prophets’ of the main churches here in Ulster.

Here is a report in the ‘Belfast News Letter’ which contains the comments of Mr Allister.

Sincerely in Christ’s name,
Ivan Foster

Sinn Fein involvement in selecting new PSNI chief constable branded ‘perverse’

Policing Board member Gerry Kelly

The inclusion of a former IRA bomber on a panel responsible for selecting a new PSNI chief constable has been branded “perverse” by Jim Allister.​

The TUV leader said that having Sinn Fein’s Gerry Kelly involved in the process is the outworkings of the “constant pandering to republicanism”.

Former chief constable Simon Byrne resigned from the post earlier this month after a High Court judge ruled that two probationer constables had been unlawfully disciplined for an arrest made following an event commemorating the 1992 Sean Graham bookmakers massacre.

Gerry Kelly has been an MLA for North Belfast since 1998 and sits on the NI Policing Board. (more…)