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Thank you all for your kind acts of sympathy!

A photograph of Mrs Foster before she became ill

I have already begun to receive quite a few ‘sympathy’ cards. It is not possible for me to reply to each one.

I have likewise received a large number of emails, which I have striven to respond to.

However, it is getting a little beyond my capabilities to reply individually to each kind message.

Please accept this statement as the sincere thanks of myself and my family for the messages from those who out of kindness have communicated their sympathies to us on the passing of our loved one, Mrs Ann Foster.

Rev. Ivan Foster (Rtd)

An ancient warning of the evils besetting Israel in the last days


The Lord has long and repeatedly revealed the events involving the people of Israel at the close of this age. Today, in one of my daily readings, I came across such a warning. It was uttered by Moses at the close of his life even as he was handing over the leadership of the nation to Joshua just prior to their crossing over the Jordan and going in to possess the ‘promised land’.

Here are his words on this matter:

“‭For I know‭‭ that after‭ my death‭ ye will utterly‭‭ corrupt‭‭ ‭yourselves‭, and turn aside‭‭ from the way‭ which I have commanded‭‭ you; and evil‭ will befall‭‭ you in the latter‭ days‭; because ye will do‭‭ evil‭ in the sight‭ of the LORD‭, to provoke him to anger‭‭ through the work‭ of your hands‭,‭”‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ Deuteronomy 31:29.

There was a warning regarding their behaviour after his death and also in the ‘latter days’. Sadly, Israel had a history of unfaithfulness and disobedience of the Lord no matter what mercies they enjoyed at His hands.

As Christians we must never forget that we have fared no better! That must ever be understood. We can read of the repeated rebellions of God’s ancient people and be critical of them but they were in truth no worse than believers in this age of the Gentiles. A brief consideration of the New Testament will illustrate this truth.

From the failure of the immediate disciples and apostles to remain faithful to the Lord during His earthly ministry to the various churches formed in the Gentile world we see displayed this continued failure to remain stedfast and obedient.

The book, ‘The Acts of the Apostles’, details the erring ways of the early believers as do the various epistles of the apostles, all of which were caused by error and sin entering the ranks of God’s people. The Saviour’s epistles to the seven churches of Asia at the close of the Canon of Scripture, reveals the ongoing deviation from the path of obedience that was evidenced in the first century of this age and which has marked every age since in greater or lesser measures. (more…)

A lie to deceive parents

The front door of the Belfast Trans Resource Centre

Transgender guidance scrapped for NI primary schools”

So ran the recent headline on the BBC Northern Ireland news webpage. It may appear to be a welcome decision by the Council for the Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment (CCEA). However, it is no such thing.

The thinking behind this decision is out of the same pit that brought about the decision to include the vile notion in the curriculum in the first place.

The report states: “In a statement to BBC News NI, CCEA said that the content ‘was removed as it referenced research which is over 10 years old’.”

The basis of this new notion is ‘new research’ by the same ‘ejits’ who came up with the notion that has now been set aside but not utterly repudiated!

The Holy Scriptures alone are the moral authority for all mankind.

The Shorter Catechism in Question 2 asks: ‘What rule hath God given to direct us how we may glorify and enjoy him?’

The answer given is the orthodox and correct view. ‘The Word of God, which is contained in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, is the only rule to direct us how we may glorify and enjoy him.’

The decision by the CCEA is not a rethinking and rejecting of the perverted notion it originally espoused but a mere tactic in response to objections by many parents to what was first proposed as part of the teaching of recent ‘Relationship and Sex Education’ (RSE) resources . The previous guidance for primary schools stated that it aimed to support “transgender or gender-questioning children”. (more…)