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Why were not more terrorist attacks stopped in Belfast?

The late Reginald Maudling MP

In today’s (15/9/23) Irish nationalist newspaper, ‘The Irish News’, the following headline appears.

Stakeknife: British intelligence may have been aware of every IRA operation in Belfast

The secretive world of anti-terrorist undercover operatives and their activities will never be fully known. It would be to the endangering of many and the shaming of high officials who sanctioned what amounted to unlawful actions on many occasions.

If there is an ounce of truth in the above headline then the question must be asked, ‘Why were not more terrorist attacks stopped  in Belfast?’

Away back in 1971, 52 years ago, British Tory Home Secretary, Reginald Maudling, a cabinet minister during Edward Heath’s infamous premiership, spoke of an “acceptable level” of violence in the Northern Ireland conflict.

This took place in a December 1971 press conference in which he stated that the British government could not eliminate the Provisional Irish Republican Army’s terrorist attacks but only reduce them to an “acceptable level”. Critics maintained that any violence was unacceptable. Nevertheless, the concept influenced the British government’s strategy in dealing with Northern Irish terrorism, and continues to be used in discussions of ongoing political violence in Northern Ireland.

What Maudling said was an unmitigated lie and the disclosure of a policy of mere containment of the IRA while the terrorist organisation carried out what had become British policy. That policy was gradually to move Northern Ireland out of the UK into a united Ireland by using the terrorism of the IRA to weary the Ulster unionist population of the turmoil and make them ready to sue for a ‘peaceful’ solution! (more…)

You are Invited …


September 15th & 17th 2023


Preparing for the Lord’s return

Friday 15th, 8.00pm

Looking for the Lord’s return

Preacher: Rev Brian McClung (Newtownabbey FPC)

Lord’s Day 17th at 11.30am

Living for the Lord’s return

Preacher: Rev Ivan Foster (Rtd)

Lord’s Day 17th at 7.00pm

Praying for the Lord’s return

Preacher: Rev David McMillan (Armagh FPC)

“‭Therefore‭‭ be‭‭ ye‭ also‭ ready‭: for‭ in such‭ an hour‭ as ye think‭‭ not‭ the Son‭ of man‭ cometh‭‭,”‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ Matthew 24:44.

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or to join in via Facebook

Parental opposition to RSE – time will tell how far it will go!

DUP’s Carla Lockhart

The article below appears in today’s (13/9/23) ‘Belfast Telegraph. I welcome the matter of the grossly immoral material of the ‘RSE (relationships and sex education)’, forced upon Northern Ireland secondary schools by our arrogant, ‘double-barrelled buffoon’ of a Secretary of State, Christopher Heaton-Harris, being raised in the House of Commons.

However, I take issue with the notion that ‘Parents in Northern Ireland are genuinely angry, they are fearful, teachers are feeling vulnerable and fearful’, as being a true picture of the response to this evilly invasive interference in the affairs of the educating of children in Ulster, by London ‘Mandarins’!

Yes, there is discontent with the corrupt teaching, born of the liberal and perverted thinking of this God-rejecting age, that is contained in the RSE scheme the children are going to be taught. But I see no signs of an angry response amongst parents that warrants the warning issued by the two DUP MPs — “Interfere in our children at your peril!”

Today’s Protestant parents have embraced the teaching of evolution as a fact, when it is in truth only a theory. They have in like manner tolerated the introduction of literature texts which employ grossly foul language and explicit sexual narratives. They have not manifested any real opposition to the topic of ‘LGBT++ism’ and the pushing of the perverted notions of that element within our society.

Therefore, I see no signs of any real change of attitude amongst parents today toward these latest immoral innovations being introduced to the classrooms of their children.

There have been rallies organised by various groups to highlight the corruptions of this RSE scheme. Have Protestant parents been flocking to them? That is not the case as far as I am informed! (more…)