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4 Problems With Western Australia’s New Abortion Laws

Photo by Hal Gatewood on Unsplash

The following article was sent to me by a reader in Perth, Western Australia. It highlights the horrendous attitude toward the aborting of healthy babies for mere whimsical notions on the part of both mothers to be and their doctors, and is a universal plague.

Such an inhuman and cruel attitude to the destruction of life human life was part of the accusation laid against Judah of old and made part of the reason the judgment of God fell upon that people.

Consider these words:

“‭And they left‭‭ all the commandments‭ of the LORD‭ their God‭, and made‭‭ them molten images‭, ‭even‭ two‭ calves‭, and made‭‭ a grove‭, and worshipped‭‭ all the host‭ of heaven‭, and served‭‭ Baal‭.‭ ‭And they caused their sons‭ and their daughters‭ to pass‭‭ through the fire‭, and used‭‭ divination‭ and enchantments‭‭, and sold‭‭ themselves to do‭‭ evil‭ in the sight‭ of the LORD‭, to provoke him to anger‭‭,‭”‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ 2 Kings 17:16-17.

These words are part of a lengthy indictment of Israel by the Lord. These two verses link the abandonment of the commandments of God by a people and their cruel mistreatment of children.

Those two crimes are indissolubly linked in the widely accepted behaviour of today’s society. The murder of the unborn is increasingly becoming legal, with less and less restriction being placed upon the circumstance in which an unborn baby may be brutally killed.

As I have often said: the blame for the renunciation of everything God deems sacred and the dreadful crimes that are then sanctioned by the law, lies at the feet of the false prophets in apostate denominations, of which we have some here in Ulster.

There is a day coming when all engaged in this wickedness will stand before the Lord and give an account of their depraved actions and then enter into the eternal consequences of their crimes!

Sincerely in Christ’s name,

Ivan Foster

4 Problems With Western Australia’s New Abortion Laws

(Article published in the THE EPOCH TIMES)

By Peter Abetz

September 7, 2023
Updated: September 7, 2023


The Abortion Legislation Reform Bill 2023 has been sold to the public as being necessary to bring it into line with other states and “modernise” Western Australia’s (WA) abortion law.

The reality is that it does neither.

Most significantly, the Bill fails to include four important provisions that the South Australian Parliament included when it changed its abortion law in 2021.

In light of research conducted at La Trobe University, which found that in some ethnic communities in Australia, there are 125 boys born for every 100 girls, South Australia included a ban on sex-selection abortions.

It is abhorrent to think that WA’s Bill will now allow a baby to be aborted simply because it is female. (more…)

O Israel, thou hast destroyed thyself

Former DUP leader and NI First Minister Peter Robinson

Try as I might, I could not ignore these comments by Peter Robinson, who was one of the main architects of the ‘power-sharing’ deal with Sinn Fein/IRA in 2006/7.

That was the political catalyst that has brought about the disastrous situation that Unionists find themselves in today!

Here is my response!

Sincerely in Christ’s name,

Ivan Foster

“‭O Israel‭, thou hast destroyed‭‭ thyself,” ‬‬‬‬Hosea 13:9.

I saw this ‘Belfast telegraph’ headline this morning, when it was sent to me by a friend, and could do nothing other than smile!

Peter Robinson responds to ex-DUP man’s ‘new Ireland’ prediction: ‘Defeat will first originate in your head’”

The former party leader has responded to comments made by DUP co-founder Wallace Thompson

The ‘comments’ referred to by Mr Robinson were those of Mr Wallace Thompson who is described in a Belfast Telegraph’ article, an interview with him by Mr Sam McBride, as: “ . . . a Paisleyite, a founding member of the DUP, a former special adviser to Nigel Dodds, and a leading evangelical Protestant, but Wallace Thompson now believes a form of Irish unity is inevitable — and he’s willing to consider it.”

What I found laughable in Mr Robinson’s comment was the brazen assumption that every Unionist in Northern Ireland will have forgotten that the ‘defeat’ Peter Robinson is referring to, originated in the ‘heads’ of the DUP leadership, who in a fit of political greed and an unbridled desire for political advance, sold out to Sinn Fein/IRA and placed them in the place of power, which they, with devilish cunning, have used to seize the domination they now enjoy! (more…)

Further evidence of the accuracy of Bible prophecy


“And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived,” Revelation 18:23.

This is the headline and the opening line of an article in ‘The Irish Examiner’ of 4th September 2023.

Irish gangs ‘have travelled to South America to discuss importing fentanyl’

The synthetic opiate is 50 times more powerful than heroin and has killed thousands in the US

It clearly indicates how that ‘drug smuggling’ has almost attained to the status of a legitimate business activity. What used to be called ‘smuggling’ is now referred to as ‘importing’! The ‘drug business’ rivals the largest international commercial enterprises. It is reported that such evil activities involve vast sums of money.

A United Nations publication of 1998, ‘Economic and Social Consequences of Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking,’ states that:

“With estimates of $100 billion to $110 billion for heroin, $110 billion to $130 billion for cocaine, $75 billion for cannabis and $60 billion for synthetic drugs, the probable global figure for the total illicit drug industry would be approximately $360 billion. Given the conservative bias in some of the estimates for individual substances, a turnover of around $400 billion per annum is considered realistic.”

These activities of the illegal (on paper anyway) suppliers of ‘street drugs’ can be reported in newspapers yet the police forces of the world cannot really do anything to stop their activities.

Another headline, this time in a British newspaper, heralded the truth of the growing acceptance of this illegal practice. We’ve surrendered on drugs – and not one MP will fight it(Daily Mail-2nd September 2023). There is the following statement in that article: “But the police and courts do nothing to prosecute the serious crime of drug possession, the only proven way to combat the problem.”

There has always been the use of drugs, from the ‘legal’ alcoholic beverages which lie at the centre of a world-wide business empire, to the use of such drugs as opium by wealthy Victorians.

But never has there been such a universal usage as is currently the case. Even children have been entrapped in this evil undertaking, both as ‘workers’ in the distribution of them and addicts!

I say that this ‘phenomenon’ is foretold in the Word of God. In the beginning of this article, I quote Revelation 18:23. We have there a statement regarding the capital of the Antichrist’s empire, the city Babylon, yet to be rebuilt.

Verse 10 of this chapter, records the cry of the merchants who will thrive under Antichrist’s brief reign: “Alas, alas, that great city Babylon, that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come.” That judgment will bring to an end their mercantile activities. Amongst those activities there was that of “sorceries” by which “all nations (were) deceived”.

The word ‘sorceries’ is a very important and informative one, the implications of which can be easily overlooked. The Greek word translated ‘sorceries’ is pharmakeia. It is the word from which we have our English word ‘pharmacy’. The Greek word carries the meaning of ‘the use or the administering of drugs’!

In other words, these antichristian merchants, will be engaged in a trade whereby “all nations (within Antichrist’s domain, are) deceived”, or ‘caused to stray, led astray, led aside from the right way’. (more…)