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49th Anniversary of the opening of Kilskeery FPC building

“Wondering at God’s Great Works”

“For thou art great, and doest wondrous things: thou art God alone,” Psalm 86:10.

A message preached by Rev David Creane (Rtd) at the morning service, August 20th 2023, marking the 49th Anniversary of the opening of Kilskeery Free Presbyterian Church building on 17th August 1974.

A video of this sermon may be viewed here:

A brief account of the work of God in Kilskeery

 Today has been set aside as an anniversary of the opening of the first building on this site 49 years ago.

However, the work of grace in the area had begun some years before. From the earliest days of the Free Presbyterian witness in Lisbellaw, where the first regular service began on 12th February 1967, there were Christians from the Ballinamallard/Kilskeery area attending the services.

The Old hall at Lisbellaw where the Free Presbyterian witness began in 1967

But in 1970, chiefly as the result of the witnessing of a Kilskeery lady, Mrs Sadie McKinley, who had been saved in a meeting at which Dr Ian Paisley preached, in a gospel mission that I was conducting in Springfield, a few miles north west of Enniskillen, members of her family and friends in the Kilskeery area began attending the Lisbellaw meetings, travelling over from Kilskeery, a distance of some 12 miles. Very soon, some 20 adults and children were attending regularly, some 12-15 having been converted. (more…)

A nation of fools

The Foyle Pride Parade makes its way along Duke Street in Derry.

The following article has appeared in today’s Belfast Newsletter.

This decision by the ‘Parades Commission’ indicates the sympathy with which everything linked to the ‘LGBT lifestyle’ is held by those in power. All that the ‘LGBTites’ do and desire is held to be ‘sacrosanct’ by those who come under the umbrella of the ‘status quo’!

Increasingly, over the last decade in particular, the perverted campaign mounted by those who would live in utter defiance of all things decent and that ordered by the God of Heaven, have been given carte blanche regarding all they wish to see the rest of society, the vast majority of society, concede to them.

Their views and evil practices have been enshrouded in legal protections and sanctions.

Basically, it is deemed a ‘hate crime’ to say of them and to them what the Lord, the Judge of all the earth, Who alone can only do right? (Genesis 18:25), has said is the unalterable and eternal consequences for those who give themselves to this wickedness.

In truth, though the ‘Pride’ organisers would never believe this, it is the greatest kindness that could be shown to these defiers of God when thy are plainly told from God’s Word of the harvest that awaits them for their rebellion!

Little do the ‘Parades Commission’ realise that they are denying, not the Christians who wish to witness against this wicked event, but a merciful warning from those who are wrongly deemed disturbers of the peace and potential instigators of disorder, to those parading and flaunting God’s Law!

What is happening bears out the recent headline in the ‘Times’ newspaper.

Civil servants are losing faith in Christianity 

August 17 2023, 7.00pm.

We have become a nation of fools!

“The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good,”  Psalm 14:1. (more…)

Creation’s universal testimony to its Creator

The central parts of our Galaxy, the Milky Way, as observed in the near-infrared with the NACO instrument on ESO’s Very Large Telescope.

“‭‭‭‭‭‭The heavens‭ declare‭‭ the glory‭ of God‭; and the firmament‭ sheweth his‭‭ handywork‭‭.‭ ‭Day‭ unto day‭ uttereth‭‭ speech‭, and night‭ unto night‭ sheweth‭‭ knowledge‭.‭ ‭There is‭ no speech‭ nor language‭, ‭where‭ their voice‭ is not heard‭‭.‭ ‭Their line‭ is gone out‭‭ through all the earth‭, and their words‭ to the end‭ of the world‭‭‭‭‭,‭”‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ Psalm 19:1-4.

Before Charles Darwin, or any of his unwise predecessors, opened his mouth to spout the utter folly of the notion of ‘evolution’ — the idea that there was a spontaneous coming into existence of the basic elements of all life and matter and their development by stages over countless millions of years to what we may observe today — there was the clear and universal testimony of the silent lips of that created of their origins at the hands of the Lord.

Psalm 19, quoted above, has long declared this truth, even before the creation of man.

Evolution, in whatever form it is presented, for there are as many variations of this ever ‘evolving’ notion as there are fish in the sea, is essentially nothing more than another attempt by fallen man to deny the existence of the Lord, his Creator! “‭‭‭‭‭‭‭The fool‭ hath said‭‭ in his heart‭, ‭There is‭ no God‭ . . . ,‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭”‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ Psalm 14:1. It is man’s attempt to contradict the testimony of the skies above and the earth beneath of the handiwork of God.

Such attempts at denial are indeed, as David says, the actions of the fool. So foolish is the ’theory’ of evolution that it has to be altered and corrected and updated almost as soon as it is articulated! It has more varieties than the famous ‘Heinz 57 Varieties’ of food products! The superfluity of variations of man’s notions of the origin of all things is testimony to the simple fact that man does not know the truth of how this world and the immensity of the heavens came about.

It is a self-inflicted ignorance for there is ever before his eyes the glorious witness of which our text speaks. But man is a creature in rebellion against God. He is the disciple of sin and will not admit the existence of the God of the Bible. I say, ‘the God of the Bible’, for man is not in truth an ‘atheist’! He happily invents for himself a ‘god’ of his own liking. Even those who profess Christianity are in truth in this camp. That is why the pulpits and the pews of most churches are occupied by those who reject the testimony of the Holy Scriptures given us of God and seek to amend and edit them to present a ‘god’ with whom they are content! Thus today’s ‘Bible’ bookshops are filled with a large variety of so-called ‘versions’ of the Word of God. They are in truth, ‘perversions’.

Please consider the testimony as old as time itself and projecting its witness since that first day spoken of in Genesis 1. (more…)