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Gavin Robinson, new DUP deputy leader

East Belfast MP Gavin Robinson has been elected as DUP deputy leader

I must respond to the latest news about the DUP.

DUP: Gavin Robinson elected as DUP deputy leader

This is but further evidence of the DUP’s liberalising trend. Gavin Robinson is far away from the views and beliefs that formed the basis of the DUP at its beginning!

He most certainly would not agree with the old slogan of the party: “Save Ulster from Sodomy”.

As it is the DUP needs saving from that perversion. It has become more and more tolerant of the abominable practice until it can be honestly said that the majority of its members would be, at best, indifferent to the direction the party is going in.

This is seen in that the majority involved in the vote for a Deputy Leader, cast their vote for the liberal candidate, Gavin Robinson.

Here are some articles I have written on the matter in the past.

Mrs Lindsey Robinson’s Blasphemy – May 1, 2021

God is still speaking – June 21, 2021

Sincerely in Christ’s name,

Ivan Foster

Beware: Half lies

The following brief devotional study was sent to me by one of our readers and I thought it good to share it with you all.

Today is a day of ‘half truths’, which of course is not the truth for any deviation or deletion from the truth and it is no longer TRUE!

Preachers are required to proclaim, as did Paul, “all the counsel of God,” Acts 20:27. There is a strong temptation today to leave out that which might offend some. Sadly, it is a temptation all too many yield to!

Read and heed this exhortation and timely warning, please.

Sincerely in Christ’s name,

Ivan Foster

Beware: Half lies

(B. McCausland)

This world, being mastered by the prince of lies, has always functioned on the verge of truth, either economically, educationally, socially or politically at its best.

Such a trend regularly manifests itself in Christian thinking through half-lies we base our judgement upon, making us miss sanctifying grace in our Christian walk.

For instance, we take in the half-lie that the government’s duty is to ‘protect’ and even ‘care’ for the people at all cost, providing all sort of benefits, housing, education, and tailored support. With that we welcome massive protocols, amoral taxation, and unnecessary regulations that not only dictate personal choice but often impair freedoms. In reality, governments are set only to punish evil and with that, ‘protect’, not everybody, but honest citizens.

Then we have the half-lie about public education. We maintain that the state schools are ok because they might have ‘Christian teachers’, ignoring how helpless the teachers are when the state’s measures, curriculum and agendas are imposed with no chance to be opposed. The same applies when we underestimate the peer pressure our children face from the ungodly or from other children belonging to unseparated Christian homes. (more…)

Plan to impose a new “sex and relationships” curriculum on NI

Mr Steve Baker, MP, Minister of State for Northern Ireland.

I am sharing this Belfast Newsletter article because it contains researched details about the ongoing evil campaign mounted by Westminster which is designed to undermine and destroy in Ulster our historic Bible Christianity and the moral standards that arise from such. This is done in order to promote the wickedness that springs from the ‘New Morality’, adopted by Ecumenical churches long ago and fanatically supported by various women’s groups and shamefully by the NSPCC NI and of course, by Sinn Fein.

It is a sad comment on today’s ‘Christianity’ that this wickedness by the Secretary of State is aided by Mr Steve Baker, MP, Minister of State for Northern Ireland. Mr Baker would claim to be a Christian and a member of a Baptist Church in England. See his profile here.

Such betrayal of God’s truth and attacks upon His witness and testimony here in Ulster will not go unnoticed by Heaven!

The State School system has become the chief means of destroying the next generation by directing them away from God and His Word.

Christian, is your child under such satanic instruction?

Sincerely in Christ’s name,

Ivan Foster

7th June 2023

Unionists voice dismay as Tory Northern Ireland Secretary says he will impose new ‘sex and relationships’ education on the Province from London – including teaching pupils they have a right to abortion Unionists have voiced dismay at the Northern Ireland Secretary’s plan to impose a new “sex and relationships” curriculum on the Province, including teaching pupils about their right to abortion.


By Adam Kula

Belfast Newsletter

Chris Heaton-Harris’ Northern Ireland Office announced the move on Tuesday afternoon, prompting the DUP to wonder why he was prioritising changes to the curriculum over shoring up the funding for schools.

Meanwhile the TUV accused him of imposing “left-wing ideology” onto pupils, and advised parents to opt-out of having their children sit through such classes.

It comes against a backdrop of DUP displeasure with Mr Heaton-Harris over his ongoing calls for the party to drop its boycott of Stormont over the Irish Sea border. (more…)