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The devil’s music – my reply to the sacrilegious article by John Coulter

This letter has been published in today’s (16/5/23) edition of the ‘Belfast Newsletter’

I just had to respond to the sacrilegious article by John Coulter published yesterday in the ‘Belfast Newsletter’!

I deem it to be blasphemous because of the stupid and irreverent title given by him to his article.

It is reprehensible of Coulter, a promoter of unwholesome and fraudulent so-called ‘gospel music, to seek to encourage others to embrace this aping of the world.

Well did John the apostle write:  “For many deceivers are entered into the world,” 2 John 1:7.

May the article be seen as a work of deception!

Sincerely in Christ’s name,

Ivan Foster


I have not read the article “Sir Cliff Richard is right, why should the devil have all the good music? by John Coulter.

The title tells me enough about the nonsense that it will contain.

The title is an endorsement by Mr Coulter of the puerile statement by Cliff Richard and that tells where the article is heading!

One question immediately occurs to me. Just when did the devil ever do anything or endorse anything that was truly ‘good’?

The Lord said of him: “He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it,” John 8:44.

It is further stated of the devil in the Bible that, “He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil,” 1 John 3:8.

That makes it obvious that the ‘devil’s music’ is not admired by the Lord. I go with the Lord’s opinion of the devil and utterly reject the folly of Cliff Richard and John Coulter.

The devil is obviously not the source of anything good, musical or otherwise and to say that he is, flies in the face of God’s Word!


Rev Ivan Foster (Rtd)

Kilskeery, Co. Tyrone

Biden puts his foot in his mouth again!

I am embarrassed for my many friends in America who have to bear with the innumerable foolish, embarrassing, and tactless utterances of their President, the so-called leader of the ‘Free World’! The man was always a fool but now his folly is compounded by the failings that come with ‘old age’!

Biden has English ancestors. The surname Biden was first found in Hampshire and later in Gloucestershire and Somerset. Wikipedia says of him: “Biden’s family is mostly descended of the British Isles, with most of their ancestors coming from Ireland and England, whilst also claiming descent from the French.”

However, ‘Oul Joe’ likes to make much of his links with Ireland and displays, whenever he can, his inherited Irish prejudices and hatred of all things British. He is a pseudo Roman Catholic, loudly proclaiming his adherence to that false religion while promoting policies such as abortion which is supposedly rejected by Roman Catholicism.

On his recent visit to Northern Ireland, it was noticed that his official car did not fly the flag of our country, the ‘Union Jack’. This despising of our national flag is in keeping with the practice of his Sinn Fein/IRA friends and associates.

He is pictured above with Gerry Adams and IRA fugitive, the late Rita O’Hare, wanted for the attempted murder of British Army Warrant Officer Frazer Paton in Belfast in October 1971.

As soon as Biden was across the border into the Irish Republic, the Irish ‘tricolour’ was immediately hoisted on his car.

The failure to fly the ‘Union Jack’ was contrary to ‘diplomatic protocol’ but then that would mean nothing to this antiquated imbecile who cannot open his mouth without attempting to put both feet into it. (more…)

The BBC – the self-appointed champion of modern day sodomy!

There is something grossly wrong when a publicly funded organisation, the main function and responsibility of which is to provide impartial public service broadcasting in the UK and the world, takes upon itself the role of the ‘standard-bearer’ for that ubiquitous movement, promoting the perverted activities of that commonly, called the ‘lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender’— a tiny section of society.

I am referring to “The British Broadcasting Corporation”.

One of the articles on BBC Northern Ireland’s website illustrates its taking up this self-appointed role.

The headlines read: ‘Blood on the Dancefloor: The gay police officer murder which shocked NI’.

The article is all the more offensive in that it uses the immoral activities of a policeman murdered in a’ sodomite establishment’ back in 1997.

The murder was carried out by Irish Republicans. To take the man’s life was wrong and it is to be condemned.

But also to be condemned is this specious and feignedly ‘compassionate’ decrying of the crime.

The tears are ‘crocodile’ and the motive is utterly ulterior. Under the guise of sorrowing at the murder is the promotion of the abominable wickedness of sodomy and its allied perversions.

It is wrong that the BBC should engage in this and surely is contrary to the role it is funded to perform. The BBC ought not to be a platform for the cursed wretchedness of a re-emergence of that shame which damned Sodom and Gomorrah!

The citizen is utterly powerless to do anything about such abuse of the BBC’s role and it would appear that few in the realm of the governance of the State, appear in the least interested in using their power to do something!

Perhaps that is because they depend upon the BBC for a promoting of their interests amongst the electorate. There will therefore be no ‘biting of the hand’ that holds a microphone up for their efforts in self-promotion!