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A nurse identifies with terror and murder????!!!!

This article requires a simple but very pertinent question to be asked.


Sincerely in Christ’s name,

Ivan Foster.

Pat Cullen, former general secretary of the Royal College of Nursing

Ex-nursing chief set to be Sinn Fein’s Fermanagh-South Tyrone Westminster candidate

Former nursing chief Pat Cullen is set to stand for Sinn Féin in Fermanagh-South Tyrone in the General Election.

The former general secretary and chief executive of the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) is seeking the nomination for the Westminster election.

Sinn Fein has held the seat since 2017 – it was won by just 57 votes in 2019 and is the most marginal in the whole of the UK.

The current MP, Michelle Gildernew, is not seeking re-election, instead seeking election to the European Parliament in the Republic’s Midlands-North West constituency.

Ms Cullen previously held roles in the Public Health Agency and as an adviser for the Department of Health.

It is understood Ms Cullen contacted the RCN on Wednesday morning to inform them of her decision and has stood down with immediate effect.

She said she owed the organisation’s members a “great deal of gratitude”.

“I have been in contact with my employers at the Royal College of Nursing to inform them that I have allowed my name to go forward to a selection convention being held in the constituency this week,” she said.

“This was the hardest decision to make, and we have achieved so much in three very different and difficult years.

“I hope my legacy here will be to have helped the nursing profession use its voice and campaign for change, for ourselves and patients.

“It has been the honour of my life to have served in the RCN and to provide leadership every day to hundreds of thousands of hardworking nurses and healthcare staff who always prioritise the delivery of high-quality care to patients.

“After much consideration, I have decided that now is the right time for me to step forward in to the political arena to champion the issues and opportunities for the community I love, and that is what I am fully determined to do.

“This election is an opportunity to vote for a new and better future,” she added.

Chair of the RCN Council Paul Vaughan said Ms Cullen had been a “tremendous leader” for the profession.

“She has been fearless in rooting out longstanding cultural issues internally and speaking truth to power in the health service and politics alike,” he said.

Ms Cullen was due to appear as keynote speaker at the organisation’s annual congress in Newport, Wales next week.

She has been replaced on an interim basis by Professor Nicola Ranger, who said Ms Cullen had “progressed the profession in so many ways”.

‘Just how much is too much’?

The odious system of Romanism is set forth in this report, sent to me by a friend.

One question springs to mind suggested by the Pope’s remark. It is : ‘Just how much is too much’?

His words clearly indicate that there is within the Roman Catholic ‘Church’ an acceptable level of sodomy’!

That is utterly opposed to the mind and will of God and indicates that Rome is in truth, a system of ‘antichristianity’!

Everyone guilty of that lifestyle is deemed in God’s eyes as ‘an abomination’. “‭Thou shalt not lie‭‭ with mankind‭, as with‭ womankind‭: it ‭is‭ abomination‭,‭”‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ Leviticus 18:22.

Paul list this evil as a block to heaven, I Corinthians 6:9-11. It ought to be noted that Paul indicates that such a sin can be pardoned and the guilty delivered by the grace of God.

Sincerely in Christ’s name,

Ivan Foster

Pope Francis ‘shocks bishops with remark about gay trainee priests’

The pontiff is alleged to have said there was too much ‘frociaggine’, which translates as ‘faggotry’, among those training for the priesthood

‘The Times’ — Monday May 27 2024, 10.15pm,

Corriere della Sera, Italy’s bestselling daily, confirmed the report, citing bishops who said the Pope’s comment was met with incredulity by the audience. They claimed, however, that it was clear that the Pope, who is Argentinian and was speaking in Italian, was unaware of how offensive the word was in Italian.

The question from bishops about homosexual men entering seminaries followed debate on the subject at a meeting of bishops in November in Assisi, where it was agreed to change the rules, La Repubblica reported. (more…)

One of the many brave Ulstermen

IRA ambush survivor Glen Espie – I share my story in memory of murdered UDR comrades

(‘Belfast Newsletter’ — Published 27th May 2024)

Shot and wounded in separate murder attempts while an off-duty member of the UDR, Glen Espie is a man with an incredible story to tell and it’s one he feels a responsibility to share.

Glen Espie – as a UDR member he was shot twice in IRA ambushes, returning fire on both occasions

To date, he has given 33 talks on his experiences of returning fire in gun battles with IRA terrorists intent on taking his life, pointing out that during the 22-year history of the UDR, 197 soldiers were murdered as active members and 62 after they had left the regiment.

“I trust in telling my story that I can bring to the audience what many of my murdered comrades experienced,” he said.“I am trying to tell the young people of today what service in the regiment was about and the daily threat these members were exposed to in serving their country and holding the line to stop Northern Ireland exploding into all out civil war.”

Glen is a long-serving member of East Tyrone Royal Black District Chapter No 5. He joined Gravesend RBP 65 in 1972 – “upholding a family tradition of my father and grandfather (both named Brice) and uncles being members” – and is immensely proud of the institution’s tradition and culture.Glen, 67, is married to Marion – “my rock” – and has a son, Glen, and daughter, Sharon.

He set out the background to the first attempt on his life, in March 1978.

He was 21, with a day job as a plumber with the Northern Ireland Housing Executive and serving in the UDR’s Cookstown-based ‘G’ Company, after joining in January 1975.

Although serving part-time, it was “a 24/7 total commitment”, said Glen.

“You were never off duty as far as the terrorist was concerned, and you were an easy target for them to ambush at home.

“You had to be aware that they would know of your route and timings; they would know when you started and when you finished.” (more…)