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Visit of a morally degenerate US President

US President Joe Biden is visiting Ireland this week

“When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn,” Proverbs 29:2.

Today, Joe Biden arrives in Northern Ireland for what is thankfully a very short visit before moving on to the Irish Republic.

Joe Biden is very much pro-abortion, (to the embarrassment of many of his fellow Roman Catholics in the USA and Ireland, north and south) pro-sodomite, pro-transgenderism, pro-Sinn Fein/IRA and utterly anti-Protestant and anti-British!

We pity those who love righteousness in the United States who have had to suffer his presidency and the embarrassment that this aged ‘ejit’ (he will doubtless rejoice in having such an Irish disparagement directed at him) has brought to his nation.

Sadly, their distress will have been heightened of late with his announcement that he is to run again for the presidency!!

It would be an exercise in blatant and abject humiliation for any Unionist to be present at any function he will engage in during his brief stay. David shaking hands with Goliath and embracing him would not adequately illustrate the ignominy of a representative of the Unionist people welcoming this political nincompoop to Ulster.

He comes to join with those who are celebrating the signing of the treacherous ‘Good Friday Agreement’ 25 years ago. It is one of the greatest and most bare-faced dissimulations since Judas kissed the cheek of the Saviour!

As Jim Allister, TUV leader said recently:

“In swimming against the tide of hysteria about Joe Biden’s visit, let me be clear that this President is an avowed nationalist partisan who in his past, when the IRA’s murder campaign was in full swing, joined with other meddling US politicians to seek to prevent extradition of wanted IRA terrorists (eg IRA escapee Joe Doherty), who more recently (Feb 2022) likened the struggle of the Palestinian people to Britain’s treatment of Irish Catholics for over 400 years, and who has championed the Union-dismantling Protocol.

“Little wonder he wants to celebrate the terrorism-rewarding Belfast Agreement and try further pressure on unionists to operate the Protocol’s dismantling of the Union and partitioning of the United Kingdom.

“I find nothing to celebrate in the mass release of murderers, the ushering of terrorists into government and the imposition of an unworkable system at Stormont – all the handiwork of the Belfast Agreement. But from the perspective of an avid all-Irelander like Biden a milestone of achievement.”

Ulster is caught up in a hysterical storm of lies and deceit and blatant propaganda regarding the ‘GFA’. The newspaper columns and pulpits of the ecumenical advocates have vainly sought to have the people of Ulster swallow that which is all too obviously a deceit. The ‘GFA’ did not bring peace. It saw hundreds of murderers released early from jail, the perpetrators of a terror campaign elevated and politically ‘fumigated’ and foisted upon those in Ulster they had sought to eradicate by murder. (more…)

That which draws the risen Saviour into our midst

“‭And‭ as they‭ thus‭ spake‭‭, Jesus‭ himself‭ stood‭‭ in‭ the midst‭ of them‭, and‭ saith‭‭ unto them‭, Peace‭ ‭be‭ unto you‭,‭”‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ Luke 24:36.

Yesterday morning, in the morning meeting of Kilskeery Free Presbyterian Church, Rev Paul Hanna preached a very profitable and stirring message from the verse 6 of Luke 24. “‭He is‭‭ not‭ here‭, but‭ is risen‭‭: remember‭‭ how‭ he spake‭‭ unto you‭ when he was‭‭ yet‭ in‭ Galilee‭.‭”‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ I would commend the message to all. The service may be watched at here. I trust you will view the message.

While Rev Hanna read from Luke 24, my eyes were drawn to verse 36, which heads this article. The words are familiar to me yet they came with freshness to my soul and I determined that after the meeting I would look more closely at them.

I particularly noticed the opening words of the verse. “‭And‭ as they‭ thus‭ spake‭‭, Jesus‭ himself‭ stood‭‭ in‭ the midst‭ of them‬‬‬‬‬‬”. ‬‬‬‬As I contemplated this statement it occurred to me that here we have: ‬‬


The giving witness to His resurrection drew the Saviour into the midst of the little gathering.

1. The smallness of the gathering of disciples does not deter the Saviour coming amongst His people. There were only “‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭eleven‭ gathered together‭‭, and‭ them that were with‭ them‭,‭”‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ verse 33, when they were joined by the two who had seen the Saviour. Many throughout the world can empathise with such numbers!

This is a comfort to us in Kilskeery and to many, many like gatherings across the world in these evil times when the cause of Christ is despised and ridiculed as it has not been in living memory.

Smallness is always a cause of concern for the believer who wishes ever that more of their neighbours and friends, indeed enemies, would come in under the sounds of the Word of God. However that distresses the Christian, it is clear from the text that it does not in the least deter the Saviour from coming amongst such a small gathering. (more…)

You are Invited …

Kilskeery Free Presbyterian Church

Special Week of Meetings

On the theme of:


April Lord’s Day 16th – Friday 21st

Lord’s Day 11.30 am – Rev James Porter

(Interim Moderator)

7.00 pm – Rev Gordon Ferguson

(Former member of Lisbellaw FPC)

Monday 8.00 pm – Rev John Woods

(Former member of Kilskeery FPC)

Tuesday 8.00 pm – Rev Brian McClung

(Minister of Newtownabbey FPC)

Wednesday 8.00 pm – Rev Gordon Dane

(Former member of Lisbellaw FPC)

Thursday 8.00 pm – Rev Ivan Foster

(Founding minister of Kilskeery FPC)

At this service he will mark the 55th anniversary of his ordination and installation in Lisbellaw FPC, Saturday April 20th, 1968. He had pioneered that work from February 1967.

Friday 8.00 pm – Rev John Armstrong

(Minister of Dungannon FPC and Moderator of the Presbytery)

“I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.” Romans 12:1.

All are welcome to the services
or to join in via Facebook