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A part of the high price Ulster is paying . . . .

The Destruction of Sodom And Gomorrah, by John Martin, 1852

Here are some thoughts which arose from the reading my Psalm for today, Psalm 12.

May you find profit for your soul in the article.

Sincerely in Christ’s name,

Ivan Foster


“‭The wicked‭ walk‭‭ on every side‭, when the vilest‭ men‭‭ are exalted‭‭.‭”‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ Psalm 12:8.

Christians look on the violating of our streets by those who flaunt and rejoice in their perverted iniquity with grief and heartache. The vexing of Lot was slight in comparison to that which a lover of God and Truth experience as they view the parading of the evils of Sodom throughout the world in these latter days.

As we have often said, the Lord Jesus indicated that that which precipitated the fiery destruction of the cities of Sodom‭ and Gomorrah‬ (Genesis 19:28-2; Jude 1:7), would mark the final days of this age as mankind in its rebellion against the Lord would repudiate all that is revealed in God’s Word and plunge back into the swamp of immorality, from which nations were wondrously delivered to a great measure during the gospel era.

“‭Likewise‭ also‭ as‭ it was‭‭ in‭ the days‭ of Lot‭; they did eat‭‭, they drank‭‭, they bought‭‭, they sold‭‭, they planted‭‭, they builded‭‭;‭ ‭but‭‭ the same day‭ that Lot‭ went‭‭ out of‭ Sodom‭ it rained‭‭ fire‭ and‭ brimstone‭ from‭ heaven‭, and‭ destroyed‭‭ ‭them‭ all‭.‭ ‭Even‭ thus‭ shall it be‭‭ in the day‭‭ when the Son‭ of man‭ is revealed‭‭,‭”‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ Luke 17:28-30. That evil night has begun to descend upon the nations, our own being no exception. (more…)

Ivan Foster – My Testimony

April is always a special month for me.

I was converted on 5th April, 1964 and on 20th April 1968 I was ordained as a gospel minister and installed as pastor of the congregation where I had been preaching as a student from the beginnings of the witness in February 1967 — Lisbellaw Free Presbyterian Church.

The congregation moved to its newly opened church building in Enniskillen in August 1972 and changed its name to Bethel Free Presbyterian Church.

I moved to Kilskeery as pastor in February 1978. That congregation was one of four which sprang from the Lisbellaw witness.

I retired as a pastor in November 2008. I was asked that month to give a word of testimony in Mullaglass Free Presbyterian Church in South Armagh.

Here is a recording of that testimony.

Ivan Foster

Letter to the ‘Belfast Newsletter’ re the BBC programme, ’The House of Paisley’

My original letter was a comment on the first of the three BBC episodes. The Editor of the ‘Belfast Newsletter’ wished to hold it back from publication until after the last episode was aired. That will take place this evening but I have already viewed it online and have added a line or two to my original letter to deal more comprehensible with the contents of the whole programme.

The length of my letter is a bit more than is suitable for publishing in the ‘Letters Page’ in the printed edition of the Belfast Newsletter so I have submitted a abbreviated copy with the understanding that the full letter will appear on their web page.

Here is a copy of the full length letter published on-line by the ‘Belfast Newsletter’.


Dear Sir,

Although I was reminded by the BBC only days ago that the first of their programmes entitled: “The House of Paisley”, to which I was invited to partake some months ago, was to be broadcast last night, I entirely forgot to watch it. It was only when I was reminded yet again that it had been aired last night (Monday 3rd April) that I sought out a copy of it on the BBC site and then also watched the two other programmes in the series.

Having watched them with very mixed feelings indeed, I have to liken the ‘documentary’ to the publishing of an assessment of the Lord Jesus Christ by the devil!

It was lacking in an honest evaluation of the man in his earlier years of prominence and it was given over to the opinions of those who hate all that he stood for and desire only the dishonouring of his witness in the 1960s and 1970s.

I knew the man personally and was closely associated with him in many of those tumultuous days. My views are not those of someone who relies on videos, news reports and garbled accounts. I was with the man in pulpits, prayer meetings, protests and prison. Those were days which cannot properly be understood via television documentaries, no matter what objectivity they may claim, which is something these broadcasts lacked entirely. (more…)