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The political standards of Kate Forbes

This article was prompted by an email from a friend which highlighted the high opinions of Kate Forbes (or Mrs McLennan to use her married name) expressed in the press.

Such opinions underscore the ignorance of God’s Word that is to be found amongst professing Christians.

We wish to challenge these foolish views.

Sincerely in Christ’s name,

Ivan Foster


Kate Forbes, SNP member of the Scottish Parliament

Headlines such as those which have appeared in the ‘Belfast Newsletter’ of late, such as ‘Kate Forbes stood by her Christianity with courage and dignity’ and ‘No glass ceiling for Christians in politics’, all seem to praise the actions of Mrs Forbes of the Scottish Nationalist Party.

Such praise is offered in ignorance and contradiction of the Word of God. The path Kate Forbes pursued of late may have caused many to feel she had acted courageously but what she did was not endorsed by the Word of God.

The SNP is a most morally corrupt party, One of its main political planks is that of sanctioning and promoting the ridiculous and evil notion of ‘transgenderism’! Kate Forbes is reported as being opposed to such but then Lot was somewhat opposed to sodomy, Peter tells us it ‘vexed’ him (2 Peter 2:7-8), but that does not exonerate him being in Sodom!

Furthermore, many of, if not all of the policies of this party, which nurtures strong anti-British and anti-Protestant sentiments, are unbiblical. It is pro-abortion and pro-same-sex marriage.

Again, this not the company of the child of God.

I noticed that during the leadership election campaign, Kate Forbes was highly critical of the man who eventually became the leader, the Muslim, Humza Yousaf. But it was pointed out in a newspaper article that she had voted for all his polices in the past!

That is hardly being principled! (more…)

Free Presbyterian ‘Anti-Abortion’ Protest in Belfast

I am sharing these photographs, sent to me by my one of my granddaughters, of Saturday’s Free Presbyterian protest (March 25th) at Belfast’s City Hall, against the imposition on Ulster of evil abortion laws by the Westminster Parliament.

Here is a video of the protest:

We are thankful for such a witness and trust that the Lord will bless the word preached and the literature distributed.

Rev John Armstrong, one of the preachers taking part in the protest. Rev Armstrong is minister of Dungannon Free Presbyterian Church and Moderator of the Presbytery of the Church. (more…)

If there was a united Ireland tomorrow (Pt 2)

I wish to thank all who contacted me and offered very kind words of encouragement following the publication of the first part of my dealing with this subject.

My Bible tells me of the rearranging of the political borders in Europe in the latter days and I believe we see signs of that happening.

The Lord has not left us without a ‘prophetic map’, if only God’s people would attentively consult it.

Sincerely in Christ’s name,

Ivan Foster


Part Two

Since posting the first article on this subject, it has occurred to me that there are matters I did not touch upon which I would like to do now.

A ‘United Ireland’ is no happy prospect for an Ulster Protestant. As the people of Ukraine have witnessed the animosity and bitterness of Vladimir Putin and his Russian military in the form of artillery bombardments, missiles and drones and invading soldiers across their border, so we in Ulster have had very clear and graphic evidence of the enmity that nestles in the heart of the southern Irish Romanists in the form of harassing verbal missiles since the birth of our state and ‘invaders’ crossing our border to plant bombs and mount ambushments and assassinations. Of course, there have been those from within our territory, citizens, who hate the existence of Northern ireland and who have laboured by a wide variety of means, many illegal and immoral, to bring about its downfall.

The Ukrainian people have been supported and sympathised with by many, many nations, and rightly so. But that is not the case with the Protestant in Ulster. The government of the United Kingdom, our Government, has shown every sympathy with the cause of the IRA and their bomb and bullet campaign. So much so that political restraints were placed upon the security forces so that they did not do what they could have done in a very short time, wiped out the IRA terrorists. Even though it meant the murder and maiming of many hundreds of civilians, the destruction of many properties and businesses worth £billions and the loss of a great numbers of their own security force members, such was the treacherous connivance of the ‘powers that be’ to undermine the well being of the Protestant people and their place within the United Kingdom, that it was considered that such was a price worth paying!

We have seen all too many United States Presidents cosying up to representatives of the IRA terrorists over the years for us not to learn that the USA would gladly see the demise of Protestant Ulster.

Why is this so? Well it all comes back to the Bible!

A long time ago the Lord said to the devil: “And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel,” Genesis 3:15. There was to be a spirit of ‘enmity, hatred’ placed between the devil and Christ and also His ‘seed’ or ‘spiritual offspring’. The Christian is told by the Word of God and by the indwelling Spirit of God that “We are the children of God,” Romans 8:16. As such, we share in the animosity directed toward Christ by the devil and his allies. That hatred is most widespread for “The whole world lieth in wickedness,” 1 John 5:19.

Protestantism in Ulster is not what once it was! Nevertheless, there remains within it elements of old-fashioned Bible Christianity, the remnants of of the glorious Protestant Reformation. Sadly, much of the old truths have been forgotten by nominal Protestant church-goers, thanks chiefly to the death-dealing plague of modernistic and ecumenical lies from the pulpits of the main churches. However, there remains in this Province a remnant of the old religion of the Bible and it exercises an influence still, to some degree, on the thinking of our society. It is for this reason that our enemies speak of Ulster being ‘dragged kicking and screaming into the twenty-first century’! Ulster has not ‘moved with the times’ because of the roots that have gone down deep into our ethnic persona.

The mere ‘whiff’ of that old Protestant perfume’ is enough to still send our enemies into convulsions of hatred and bigotry. (more…)