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If there was a united Ireland tomorrow (Pt 1) — What should Christians do?

Ulster Protestants, especially those of previous generations, feared a united Ireland! Their fears were well based and succinctly expressed in the slogan of our forefathers in the early years of the last century when they mustered together to resist by every legitimate means the imposition of a Dublin-led 32-county Irish state, with Protestant Ulster being thus forced out of the United Kingdom and deprived of their British citizenship.

That slogan was ‘FOR GOD AND ULSTER’.

The place given to the Roman Catholic Church in the 1937 Constitution’ of the 26-county ‘Irish Free State’, which became the Republic of Ireland in 1937, illustrates that the prominence given to Popery was exactly that which our forefathers recognised would be so.

For them, the issue was essentially a religious one. Again they adopted a slogan to give expression to opposition. ‘HOME RULE IS ROME RULE’. What they feared became a central feature of the Dublin-ruled 26 counties.

At the partition of Ireland in 1922, 92.6% of the south’s population were Roman Catholic while 7.4% were Protestant. By the 1960s, the Protestant population had fallen by half, mostly due to the enforced emigration of those Protestants terrorised out of their homes and properties by the IRA in the early years of Irish independence. Most, if not all, moved into Northern Ireland.

Roman Catholicism was given an undefined “special position” on the basis of being the church of the majority. As an act of ‘window dressing’ in the 1970s, that “special position” provision was removed from the Constitution. The decision was ratified by a referendum which had a %50 turn out with 721,033 saying YES and 133,430 saying NO.

During the 1950s the Catholic Integrist group Maria Duce, led by Irish Catholic priest Denis Fahey, launched a campaign to amend the original “special position”of the Constitution of Ireland.

Fahey argued that the status given to the Roman Catholic Church was insufficient and that the Constitution should recognise the Catholic Church as being divinely ordained and separate from ‘man-made’ religions. The campaign succeeded in securing some support but made little progress. It did show the position that Rome thought should be hers.

The decision to amend the Constitution and remove the “special position” of Rome, was mere window dressing promoted by the ’spirit’ of Ecumenism then rampant in the mainline churches. That ‘spirit’ being pro-Romanism, was very much pro-united Ireland!

It is still very much so!! (more…)

The moral morass

It is the duty of God’s ‘watchmen’ to sound the alarm loud and clear and repeatedly in these wicked days!

We can get used to the sounds and sights of sin around us. Just as a people adjust to the mayhem of war, and adapt and continue on with life as best they can, as was seen during the ‘Blitz’ in London and many other cities during the Second World War. So there is a very real danger of Christians, living amidst the ‘Satanic Blitz’ now talking place world wide, becoming impervious to current developments.

Today’s local news provides us with a number of examples of the changing face of our land. The following headline is but one example of the increasing emergence of the sinful community of ‘Sodom’ in our midst and it being embraced by the blinded populace of today.

Northern Ireland Census 2021 results: Number of LGB+ adults included for first time

It is imperative for God’s servants to keep sounding an alarm lest we become indifferent to the evil all around.

Sincerely in Christ’s name,

Ivan Foster



The daily news highlights this harrowing truth every day! Here are but three of the last examples of the disintegration of the moral, ethical and social fabric of the United Kingdom.


Such is what faced the Unionist people over the issue of the ‘Windsor Framework’!

The shameful ‘sham and fraud’ that is the ‘Windsor Framework’, is blatantly obvious to all. Better if it were called the ‘Windsor Fabrication’ for it is a deceit from beginning to end. (more…)

Christian lecturer sacked over tweet

Saturday’s edition of ‘The Telegraph’ carried an article headlined: “Christian lecturer sacked over ‘homosexuality is invading the church’ tweet.

The sacking took place in ‘Cliff College’, a Methodist institution. It is not surprising that the College ‘big wigs’ should object to a ‘tweet’ which said: ‘homosexuality is invading the church’.

Cliff College, belonging as it does to the Methodist denomination in England, has been a centre of theological liberalism and ecumenism for a very long time. I can recall Dr Ian Paisley denouncing its theological views back in the 1960s!

This latest incident shows that there is no recovery from apostasy, it can only grow worse!

Methodism in these islands has been involved in and committed to ‘Ecumenism’ since the formation of ‘The World Council of Churches’, of which it was a foundation member in 1948.

That infamous and nefarious religious organisation has, as its objective, the ‘reversing of the Reformation’ as one Lutheran delegate declared at its inauguration.

For nearly a century, there have been evidences of Methodism seeking to ‘reverse’ the teaching of the Bible, never mind attacking the work of God wrought during the Protestant Reformation.

I have to ask what any professing Christian is doing in a college which furiously reacts to the very obvious truth that sodomy is invading the professing ‘Christian’ churches? It is daily reported that there has been an endorsement of, a sanctioning of, indeed a ‘sanctifying’ of sodomy within the churches. Most of them allow such wickedness within their ranks and claim it to be approved of by God. (more…)