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The truth about Patrick


A brief account of the work of God in Ireland over the last 1500 years by Rev. Ivan Foster.

The Gospel of Christ came to Ireland over 1500 years ago. Despite many attempts by Satan and his agents, God has been pleased to maintain His truth in this land. Following its first planting, the Gospel was carried by men whose hearts the Lord had touched into many neighbouring countries: Scotland, England, Wales, France, Germany, Switzerland and further. God has been pleased, in some measure, to do again in these latter days what He did in those distant days. May the land, now associated with terror and strife, become known again by the title it was then given, “The land of Saints and Scholars.”

Ireland before the 17th century plantation

The text of a lecture given at Bangor Free Presbyterian Young People’s meeting by Rev.Ivan Foster

A knowledge of the history of Ireland is a very beneficial and precious thing and that for a number of reasons.

1. History displays the merciful dealings of God with our forefathers.

2. Such a knowledge will do much to expose the lie of Rome that has bred the spirit of Irish nationalism based upon the myth of a pure Irish race that has ever been fervently Roman Catholic.

3. It will go far toward removing the feeling of insecurity and of guiltiness at being in Ulster that many Ulster Protestants suffer from as a result of Rome’s persistent lie.


The story of his life as told by himself

Providence has preserved for us two documents written by Patrick. Both of these documents, Patrick’s Confession and Patrick’s Letter, are accepted as genuine by both Protestant and Roman Catholic historians. Patrick wrote in Latin, the language of the scholar of his day.

Patrick’s testimony was reprinted in a series of articles in the monthly magazine of Kilskeery Free Presbyterian Church,“THE BURNING BUSH”.

Joe Biden to visit Northern Ireland!!??

Gerry Adams, IRA fugitive Rita O’Hare, and Joe Biden, 2017

The BBC Northern Ireland news website carries the following headline today:

Good Friday Agreement: PM to invite Joe Biden to NI for 25th anniversary

If you don’t already know about the blinkered, biased opinion of Joe Biden of all things British, here are a few helpful hints about which I was reminded by a reader of ‘The Burning Bush’.

The late Robert Boyer of the Altoona Mirror wrote back in 1985 of Biden’s attempts to shield terrorists:

“The four men for whom the Senators (all Roman Catholics) seek safety here are charged abroad with planting bombs in public places, killing and taking hostages. The U.S. courts now protect them because their heinous acts were ‘political’, so they claim.

If Kerr and Dodd and Biden and their friends succeed, then we would have no legal recourse at all if, for instance, the killers of Robert Stethem, the U S sailor murdered in June by hijackers, were to seek sanctuary in a foreign country, claiming safety because Stethem was a member of the military service, and thus the killers’ crime was ‘political’.

Altoona Mirror , December 2 1985 p.4A,

Quoted in Paisley’s Struggle For Ulster by Dr Ronald Cooke.

 Joe Biden’s anti-British Comments in Jerusalem – reported in the Daily Express, July 2022.


He said: “The background of my family is Irish American. And we have a long history not fundamentally unlike the Palestinian people, with Great Britain and their attitude toward Irish Catholics over the years for 400 years.”

Daily Express, 13 Feb 2022. (more…)

A time for looking up

This study is an enlarging of a message preached at a special season of prayer, held this morning in Kilskeery Free Presbyterian Church.

In the light of the approaching anniversary of the new and wicked abortion laws, imposed upon us by Westminster, the Presbytery has called for a special season of prayer to seek the Lord for His blessing upon His people and a spirit of repentance to be granted across our land. A protest against the evil abortion laws is planned for later on March 25th.

I wish to emphasise that the liberalising of the abortion laws and the imposing of them upon us here in Ulster is but part of the increasing spread of the defiance of God and His law which we are told by Scripture will engulf the peoples of the world as the return of Christ draws near.

We must therefore constantly pray in the light of what God’s Word tells us is taking place today. Ill-informed prayer is prayer robbed of much of its power. It may be likened unto shooting in the dark. There is little hope of hitting the target!

Sincerely in Christ’s name,

Ivan Foster

Click here to read the sermon notes