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November 2015

Index to this edition

Kilskeery Free Presbyterian Church

Gospel Mission

Meetings: Monday-Friday at 8.00 pm & Lord’s Days at 3.30 p.m.

Evangelists: Rev. Larry Power and Mr. Colin Maxwell

We give all a very warm welcome to these meetings

“In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins,”
Colossians 1:14.

A house divided cannot stand

28456803-ruined-house-propped-and-with-broken-roof“And Jesus knew their thoughts, and said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand,” Matthew 12:25.

The above verse, containing that very well known and wise adage declared by the Lord Jesus, was referred to recently by a friend from up the country, when discussing with me the situation that prevails within the Free Presbyterian Church.

There has undoubtedly been a division within the denomination since the days when Dr Paisley went into power-sharing with Sinn Fein. That decision entailed a going back from and an abandoning of long-standing principles.

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TUV’s Jim Allister questions the use of money to finance immorality and blasphemy, the very matter the Free Presbyterian Church Government and Morals Committee has protested against! (See article – ‘Protest at blasphemous play’)

Subject: Written Answer AQW 50864/11-16 – Outburst Queer Arts Festival

“To ask the Minister for Social Development for his assessment of use of his Department’s funds to support the Outburst Queer Arts Festival in Belfast in staging The Gospel According to Jesus Queen of Heaven.”

The Minister’s answer to the question is given below.

“The Outburst Arts Festival made an application for funding from the Belfast City Centre Event Grant Scheme for a festival that is running from the 13 – 21 November 2015 with events taking place in various venues across the City. The application was assessed by Departmental officials against set criteria and an offer of funding was made. The grant was not specific to any particular event within the festival programme.”

Here is an admission by the Minster that his Department did fund the ‘Festival’ which included the blasphemous ‘Gospel according to Jesus Queen of Heaven’!!!

The Minister for Social Development is Mervyn Storey MLA, a Free Presbyterian elder!!!

Thus we have the tragic situation of the Free Presbyterian Government and Morals Committee condemning this wickedness while a member of that Presbytery heads a Department in Stormont that is helping to finance that very wickedness!

This is the situation that compromise, silence, fear and a ‘stick your head in the sand’ attitude toward the sin of power-sharing with the IRA has brought us.

It is time for ordinary Free Presbyterian members to make their views known to Presbytery on this shameful situation.

“Howbeit I sent unto you all my servants the prophets, rising early and sending them, saying, Oh, do not this abominable thing that I hate,” Jeremiah 44:4.

Rev Ivan Foster (Rtr)
18th November, 2015.


Below is a response to a further question asked by Jim Allister MLA of the Minister for Social Development, Mr Mervyn Storey.

Subject: Written Answer AQW 50866/11-16 – Outburst Queer Arts Festival

To ask the Minister for Social Development (i) what funding his Department and its arm’s-length bodies have provided to Outburst Queer Arts Festival; (ii) to outline the purpose of such funding; and (iii) what funding went towards the staging of The Gospel According to Jesus Queen of Heaven.

In response to the three questions you raised in relation to the Outburst Queer Arts Festival I would advise as follows:
My Department has provided grant funding of £3.5k towards the cost of the 2015 festival.
This grant was a contribution towards the overall costs for venue hire and artists fees for the festival.
This grant was not offered for any specific event within the festival programme.

So, £3500 of public money was paid by Mr Storey’s department to aid a festival which included the wicked depiction of the Lord Jesus Christ as a “transexual”!!! It is beyond belief that a professing Christian can be guilty of such a betrayal of the Lord Jesus by aiding to any degree this vile, unspeakable blasphemy.

“Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty,” 2 Corinthians 6:14-18.

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Protest at blasphemous play

The letter below is from the Free Presbyterian Church of Ulster Government and Morals Committee protesting against a blasphemous play in Belfast.

The newspapers to which it was sent did not print it!!

Dear sir,
Your paper on Monday contained the details of a theatre production. This production is a blatant blasphemous attack on the person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ and deeply offensive to the Christian community.
Blasphemy is defined as the act of insulting or showing contempt or lack of reverence for God.
The Bible declares in Revelation 17:14 that Jesus Christ is “Lord of lords and King of kings” but the title of this play links the name of Jesus with the phrase “queen of heaven”. This deliberate inaccuracy is irreverent and, as such, blasphemous.

The content of the play displays the Lord Jesus Christ as being transgender while the teaching of the Bible leaves no doubt that this view is false.
The Lord Jesus Christ is eternally named the “Son of God”, we think of the well known text of Scripture in John 3:16 and we read of the “only begotten Son”.
In regard to the incarnation of Christ, words are often quoted from Luke 1:35 when Mary is told “that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God”.
At the time of the crucifixion, we read that the title “King of the Jews” was displayed by Pontus Pilate.
To invent another Jesus is an attempt to present another god and another way of salvation. Christ clearly stated in John 14:6, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”

In an interview with “The Scotsman” in 2009 the writer of this play stated that the production was “about rescuing Jesus from the fundamentalists”. The Lord Jesus Christ does not need to be rescued. He came to “seek and to save” those who are ensnared in a life of sin. This is a universal condition but the same means of salvation is available to all, for we read in Romans 10:13 “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.”

Festival director Ruth McCarthy states, “the christian values of love, tolerance and understanding are at the forefront of this piece.” However, she is deeply mistaken in that view.
When the Lord Jesus Christ spoke of love, He said “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbour as thyself.” You cannot love God if you blaspheme His name and person. Rather, we should live in obedience to His commands.

To display such a production is grievous in the sight of a holy God and shows no regard for the many Bible-believing Christians in this land. Therefore we call upon the organisers to stop this event.

Yours sincerely
Free Presbyterian Church of Ulster Government and Morals Committee

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“Prophetic Truth maintained from the Apostles until now”

Synopsis of a message preached at Kilskeery Annual Conference on Saturday 31st October, 2015,

by Rev Brian McClung (Newtownabbey Free Presbyterian Church)

“Hold fast the form of sound words, which thou hast heard of me, in faith and love which is in Christ Jesus…But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them.” 2 Timothy 1:13, 3:14

There were ‘things’ which Paul taught Timothy which he wanted this young man to ‘hold fast’ and to ‘continue…in’.

Among these ‘sound words’ or doctrines, that Paul preached and taught, are references to the second coming of Jesus Christ to this earth. “This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come,” 2 Timothy 3:1. See also 2 Timothy 4:1,8. “I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom, . . . . . . Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.”

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Please note: All of the recorded messages from the conference are available on CD, which may be requested from the editor.

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Remember, remember the 5th of November!

“No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper.” Isaiah 54:17

This day is notable in English history for two great deliverances wrought by God for us. On this day the plot of the Papists to destroy our Houses of Parliament was discovered, 1605.

“While for our princes they prepare
In caverns deep a burning snare,
He shot from heaven a piercing ray,
And the dark treachery brought to day.”

And secondly-to-day is the anniversary of the landing of King William III, at Torbay, by which the hope of Popish ascendancy was quashed, and religious liberty was secured, 1688.

This day ought to be celebrated, not by the saturnalia of striplings, but by the songs of saints. Our Puritan forefathers most devoutly made it a special time of thanksgiving. There is extant a record of the annual sermons preached by Matthew Henry on this day. Our Protestant feeling, and our love of liberty, should make us regard its anniversary with holy gratitude. Let our hearts and lips exclaim, “We have heard with our ears, and our fathers have told us the wondrous things which thou didst in their day, and in the old time before them.” Thou hast made this nation the home of the gospel; and when the foe has risen against her, thou hast shielded her. Help us to offer repeated songs for repeated deliverances. Grant us more and more a hatred of Antichrist, and hasten on the day of her entire extinction. Till then and ever, we believe the promise, “No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper.” Should it not be laid upon the heart of every lover of the gospel of Jesus on this day to plead for the overturning of false doctrines and the extension of divine truth? Would it not be well to search our own hearts, and turn out any of the Popish lumber of self-righteousness which may lie concealed therein?


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Same-sex marriage statement

Statement from the Government and Morals Committee of the Free Presbyterian Church of Ulster on the Northern Ireland Assembly debate on “Same-Sex Marriage.”

(As it appeared in the ‘Belfast Newsletter’ of November 2nd, 2015)

“For the fifth time in the space of three years the redefinition of marriage is to be debated in the Northern Ireland assembly, under the guise of it being a matter of equality.

It is very interesting to note the comment made by the NIHRC in their submission to the Legislative Consent Motion in 2013. They said:

“The jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights (ECt.HR) and the United Nations Human Rights Committee (HRC) has confirmed that the restriction of the institution of marriage to opposite sex couples is not in violation of international human rights standards.”

So here are two international bodies mentioned and they say it is NOT an issue of equality, it is NOT a right!

Some would also say that we are falling behind the rest of the world and are dinosaurs but according to the statistics less than 10% of the member states in the UN have redefined marriage.

What we are witnessing is part of a liberal agenda to force Northern Ireland into redefining marriage despite the view of its people. Gerry Adams described equality as the “Trojan horse” and the Labour’s Ivan Lewis, the Shadow Northern Ireland Secretary said, “my party believes the government should give serious consideration to introduce legislation at Westminster to extend same-sex marriage to Northern Ireland”, in other words it should be forced upon Northern Ireland.

These views have little to do with rights or equality, rather it is one group wanting to ride rough-shod over everyone else with a differing opinion, regardless of the impact that it may have on children, families or society.

When we consider the treatment of Ashers Baking Company and any who challenge the LGBT agenda, Bible believing Christians are left feeling that they dare not express their dearly held opinions or they will be accused of hate crimes or will become the subject of a media witch hunt.

As a Denomination we hold to the Scriptural definition of marriage as that of one man and one woman for as long as they both shall live (Genesis 2:24, Mark 10:6-9). We believe that this is God’s pattern for the well-being of family life, in the bringing up of children and for the good of society at large. A deviation from this godly pattern has no benefits but rather will be the forerunner of more broken homes and broken lives.

Any sexual relationship outside of the marriage bond is contrary to the law of God and is sinful. This is not to be construed as hatred against the individual rather it is love that warns them of the consequences of such conduct for by the words of Paul we learn that there were those in his congregation who had been saved and changed from such lifestyles. (1 Cor 6:9-11).”

Government and Morals Committee of the Free Presbyterian Church of Ulster

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Pictures of Christ series

Rev. Ivan FosterRev. Foster is engaged in a series of studies in Kilskeery Independent Christian School morning assemblies in which he deals with the theme, “Pictures of Christ in the Bible”, the descriptions and types of Christ given in the Scriptures.

You can listen to these studies using the player below. Each new study will be added as it becomes available.

Previously published studies can be heard here.

Bible pictures of Christ Pt 11
Bible pictures of Christ Pt 12
Bible pictures of Christ Pt 13
Bible pictures of Christ Pt 14
Bible pictures of Christ Pt 15
Bible pictures of Christ Pt 16
Bible pictures of Christ Pt 17
Bible pictures of Christ Pt 18

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Latest news stories

NI abortion law ‘breaches human rights’

Abortion Ruling – Courts Should not Seek to Legislate

TUV’s Allister vows to expose Stormont ‘greed and squander’

Jeremy Corbyn rolls over in face of shadow cabinet opposition and gives free vote to Labour MPs on Syria air strike

Labour MPs to get free vote on Syria

Labour MPs will get a free vote on whether the UK should launch air strikes in Syria

Syria air strikes vote on Wednesday, says David Cameron

Syria air strikes: Extra RAF planes to be sent to base as Britain prepares for war against Isis

PM Calls Syria Airstrikes Vote For Wednesday

Sinn Fein’s politics are as outdated as the party’s leaders

Shooting victims ‘had failed to turn up to be shot’ – (Tut, tut – these people who won’t keep their appointments – what an inconvenience!!!!!)

Two men shot in legs in west Belfast

Planners ask for Castlederg IRA memorial ‘equality’ assessment

McGuinness pays tribute to Fr. Gerry Reynolds – (If Sinn Fein/IRA thought highly of him – enough said!!!)

Life as a judge in Britain: ‘I think I’ve heard it all – then a case shocks me with a new level of depravity’ – (The Bible clearly warns of such, 2 Tim 3:1-9)

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More news

November 30

Dissident republican Colin Duffy due in court charged with directing New IRA terror gang

Gun attacks favoured by republicans for decades

TUV conference: Jim Allister critical of ‘catastrophic failure’ of Stormont executive

IRA revelations have utterly vindicated TUV, Allister tells conference

Traditional Unionist Voice leader calls for voluntary NI coalition

Agreement ‘a trade-off of climb downs’ – Allister

Murderers should not get blanket amnesty, says FW de Klerk

Colum Eastwood: Sinn Fein said they’d stand up to Tories… then they rolled over

Sinn Fein shamed by their deal, says SDLP’s Colum Eastwood – (Not shamed by their history of murder and terror!!!)

Convicted Colombia Three member honoured with ‘night of celebration’ by sinn Fein

Kate Hoey: quitting the EU unites right and left

Turkey and its 75 million people on the brink of being allowed into EU

Switzerland overwhelmingly votes for burqa ban with £6,500 fine for Muslim women who rebel

Illegal immigrants entering Europe tops 1.5 million according to EU


November 28

‘IRA’ claims it fired shots at PSNI car in Belfast

Labour’s shadow Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, Vernon Coaker distances himself from McDonnell’s IRA kneecapping ‘joke’

Labour MPs have only one option – a mutiny

Stormont: Any wonder voters cynical if this is what claims to be democracy

Foyle Pride chair to contact Ombudsman over Deputy Mayor’s remarks

Sinn Féin councillor given 20 years to pay back benefits

EU and Labour MEPs say we MUST welcome back jihadis because border controls are RACIST


November 27

Former Police Ombudsman Baroness Nuala O’Loan slams the lack of a fresh start for victims

Peace charity praises Robinson and McGuinness – (Praise from an ecumenical group is no praise!!)

No culprits found for tricolour at Stormont – (That is the story of security in NI – Republican ‘fifth columnists’ will always find a sympathetic helper!!)

Belfast shooting ‘attempt to kill police officers’

Police officers ambushed by republican dissidents in Belfast

Picture of shot police car reveals how close officers came to death in Belfast attack

Questions about IRA double agents that just won’t go away – (Except if they threaten power-sharing in Stormont!!)

Volley of shots fired at police officers in Andersonstown

Jeremy Corbyn told to resign by Labour MPs as Syria vote engulfs his leadership

Labour Shadow Chancellor and IRA sympathiser John McDonnell said ‘bombs and bullets could unite Ireland’ and joked ‘gutless wimps’ opposed to Sinn Fein should have their knees blown off

Child sex abuse inquiry: Westminster, churches and local councils to be put under spotlight

White House on lockdown after someone jumps fence


November 26

McGuinness ‘must be questioned’ over IRA informer’s murder – (Even as I have seen, they that plow iniquity, and sow wickedness, reap the same, Job 4:8)

Russian pilot interview: Turkey did not issue warning before downing plane

One fifth of Stormont Assembly members are ‘unelected’ or appointed by parties

Stormont Fresh Start: Sticking plaster approach to a festering wound will not suffice

Feeny alert: Police confirm bomb left near village

Application to dismiss ‘Slab’ Murphy case rejected – (Just ‘maybe’ this ‘poor-mouth’ IRA millionaire is about to get is ‘comeuppances’!!)

Freddie ‘Stakeknife’ Scappaticci: ‘Probe into 50 murders’

Frank Hegarty: Martin McGuinness ‘needs questioned’ over murder, son says

Seven ex-paras in High Court action over Bloody Sunday probe

Burton and Adams clash in Northern Ireland debate

Donaldson stands by offer to base Trident in Northern Ireland

M&S leaves Northern Ireland logo off ‘Best of the British Isles’ cake – (That shows the threat of boycott from nationalist shoppers!!)

EU referendum: DUP’s Sammy Wilson gives backing to Ukip Brexit campaign, blasting David Cameron’s ‘pathetic demands’

Service remembers RUC men murdered 40 years ago


November 25

Spending review: £400m could be cut from Stormont budget – (Smoke and mirrors economics!!)

Stormont Fresh Start: Sticking plaster approach to a festering wound will not suffice

Dodds said DUP could not be led from Westminster

Alex Salmond: United Ireland is as inevitable as an independent Scotland – (Scottish Protestants need to realise that SN is a sister to SF and has a core of Irish republicans!!)

Stakeknife – a colossal Scandal – (The pigeons really really DO come home to roost!!)

Must be no Untouchables in Investigation of Hegarty Murder

West Belfast: Bomb-making components found in dissident searches

Nurses to get freedom of Belfast for service during the Troubles

Glastonbury Abbey: ‘Monks perpetuated myths’ – (Popery is entirely an unbiblical a myth!!!)

NHS boss re-appointed after retiring on £1.4m pension pot

Russian plane was in Turkish airspace ‘for just a few seconds’

Brink of war: Russian jet WAS shot down in Syrian airspace as Putin sends warship to Med


November 24

Welfare reform bill for Northern Ireland passes through Commons

Government slammed over Northern Ireland benefits changes ‘fast-track’

DUP and SF MLAs rise to applaud Peter Robinson in the Assembly

DUP edges away from firebrand politics of Paisley era – (DUP has been edging in that direction for nigh on 25 years!!)

Ian Paisley donation to settle libel case with Sinn Féin’s Martina Anderson

Ian Paisley and Martina Anderson settle libel claim over radio comments

Robinson’s retirement makes me no less motivated, says Allister

Axed councillor Ruth Patterson tells DUP’s Pengelly she’s coming for her seat

DUP MLA vows to challenge paramilitary conviction figures – (She seems to forget she is in coalition with such!!)

Isis suspects who slipped back into Republic of Ireland being monitored by gardai

Majority of British public favour leaving EU, poll finds – (That’s before the pro-membership propaganda campaign starts!!!)

Former top Provo still waiting on Birmingham bombing police interview


November 23

Peter Robinson says NI has been ‘transformed’ in final leader’s speech – (IRA in government thanks to the DUP is quite a transformation. Only a fool would believe his spouting!))

Ruth Patterson: Belfast councillor expelled from DUP

War on Isis: UN in rare unanimous vote calls on world to unite against jihadist group – (As Bible prophecy indicates, the middle east has become the centre of world affairs!)

Brussels terror alert: US aidworker named among 21 dead in Mali, as Belgium warns of ‘imminent attack’ after chemicals and explosives found

Paris attacks: Brussels on lockdown over threat of ‘imminent’ Isis attack

Britain poised for Syria air strikes after Labour revolt against Jeremy Corbyn

IS are not terrorists, says Sinn Fein MLA – but then says that they are – (It chokes him to voice the slightest criticism of fellow terrorists!!)

Outrageous SF MLA Comments Show IRA and ISIS Brothers in Arms

Sinn Fein MLA Phil Flanagan backtracks on ‘Islamic State not terrorists’ comment – (Who would believe his about-turn!!!)

‘Fresh Start agreement an insult to victims’ – Jim Allister

Fears that SF may walk away from corporation tax pledge

Robinson admits DUP leadership election rules have to change

Medics ought to be ashamed over abortion letter, says campaigner – (Abortion does not merely risk the life of the unborn but ends it!!!)

Pro-lifer Bernadette Smyth slams medics’ ‘shameful’ abortion letter

Second Belfast shooting: Gunman ambushes van men in Turf Lodge in ‘revenge attack’ for Traveller shooting – (This the legacy of Sinn Fein/IRA’s lawless dominance in the area for decades!!)

Iran’s Revolutionary Guard ‘simulates capture of Jerusalem’s Al Aqsa Mosque’ – (‘Signs of the times’!!)

Why we should pray for Islam to undergo its own reformation – (The idiot who wrote this is an Irish Presbyterian ‘elder’ who doesn’t believe his own “Confession of Faith”!!)

If terrorists get compensation, they must be chased through the civil courts


November 20

Victims Forum demands apology over Stormont deal omission

Peter Robinson: Sinn Fein blocked deal on past over access to secret files

‘The people will decide my legacy’ – Robinson – (Eternity’s verdict will be different from that of the pundits!!)

Peter Robinson: Northern Ireland first minister says the time is right to quit

David McKittrick: Robinson was key to allowing Paisley enter government with Sinn Fein

Foster and Dodds favourites to succeed Robinson

Retirement of Peter Robinson – TUV statement

UUP issues just 47-word statement to mark Robinson’s 45 year career

McGuinness pays tribute to Robinson – (Just what every person of integrity would desire!!!!)

Martin McGuinness hopes to re-name role as ‘joint first minister’

RUC man’s killer Seamus Kearney to walk free after just two years in prison – (This is the true legacy of ‘power-sharing’!!)

New terrorist attack as gunmen hold 170 hostages in Mali Radisson hotel where French troops are stationed

Britain will be in EU forever: Brussels boss Juncker scoffs he will NEVER let us leave


November 19

Peter Robinson: NI first minister set to quit within weeks – (What an evil legacy he leaves behind!!!

Peter Robinson: Possible contenders for the DUP leadership race

DUP’s Peter Robinson: I’m standing down within weeks

Robinson to step down as First Minister in New Year

Despite criticism, DUP says deal will end paramilitarism – (That is one way to get rid of ‘terrorists’ – call them ‘paramilitaries’!!!)

Fresh start agreement: Cross-community group accuses Northern Ireland political leaders of betrayal

PSNI disappointed at failure to address legacy of Troubles in Stormont deal

‘Nothing has changed in IRA structures’, say UUP over Stormont deal

Sinn Féin under fire over welfare cuts move

Analysis: By SF’s own figures, there isn’t enough money to protect all

Questions over how benefit top-ups will be funded

Latest deal represents a defeat for Sinn Fein – (Yeah, right!!!)

Former soldier’s arrest over Bloody Sunday wrong says Tory ex-Defence minister

Bloody Sunday soldiers ‘were not hired killers’

Until there are mass IRA arrests, pursuit of old ex-soldiers must end

Sir David Attenborough supports right to die ‘if misuse problems can be solved’ – (Not surprising since he is an evolutionist.)

No “Fresh Start” from IRA

British jet may have been first target as Islamic State shows ‘bomb’ that brought down Russian plane

Mastermind of attacks on Paris believed killed in dawn raid by police

Belfast Muslim’s praise for Islamic State’s rule in Mosul

Paris attacks: female suicide bomber Hasna Aitboulahcen liked wearing cowboy hats but joined an Islamic State terror cell

Europe is sliding towards the abyss, and the terrorists know it

Boko Haram overtakes Isis as world’s deadliest terror organisation

Anglo-Irish deal was ‘wake up and smell the coffee’ moment for unionists


November 18

Northern Ireland power sharing saved – (Yes, in the light of events in Paris, terrorists in government is such a wonderful idea!!)

Stormont deal: Short-notice Assembly sitting to push through welfare plan – (Push through the latest deception before anyone can get a close look at it!!!)

Stormont deal: Agreement lacks full backing of trio of key parties, including UUP

Stormont deal: Alliance party hits out at agreement

Smaller parties greet deal with scepticism and questions

Stormont deal ANALYSIS: DUP-SF tell smaller rivals – you don’t matter

ANALYSIS: Agreement fails to offer comfort to victims

Stormont deal: Criticism from campaigners over dealing with past

NI deal ‘a bitter pill’ for Troubles’ victims, says commissioner

Stormont deal Sinn Fein blames Tories for its U-turn on welfare pledge

Ruth Patterson: ‘I earned my stripes but Emma Pengelly is a blow-in… I might join TUV and contest her seat’


November 17

PM: Not good enough to say Islam is religion of peace then deny any extremism connection – (Is the light dawning in that dark place called his brain!!!)

Paris – There are No Good Terrorists – Jim Allister, TUV

Paris: Isis and IRA inspired by the same evil, says Allister

SF’s failure to back ISIS motion condemned – (This should be remembered when reading SF’s ‘condemnations’ of Paris attacks. They are liars and hypocrites!!! )

Condemnation of Paris attacks by Sinn Fein branded ‘sickening’

Islamic State is plotting deadly cyber-attacks – George Osborne

Jeremy Corbyn’s shoot-to-kill view rejected by Labour’s Shadow foreign secretary, Hilary Benn

Jeremy Corbyn savaged by Labour MPs over shoot-to-kill opposition

Stormont talks: Speculation that political deal is imminent – (Doubtless, another step downward!!)

Anglo-Irish Agreement: Thirty years on, we can now determine our own constitutional destiny – (Who does this ‘ejit’ think he is fooling? We can determine nothing without Sinn Fein/IRA’s consent!!!)

Newry, Mourne and Down Council’s £150k for Irish language plan is ‘madness’ – (Par for the course!!!)

Bloody Sunday: No arrests until soldiers’ bid to stop murder probe is heard

Europe must learn how to combat Isis menace modelled on Northern Ireland’s Troubles – (In other words, ‘ground the jet bombers immediately’!!!)

Spain ‘issues arrest warrant’ for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu over 2010 Mavi Marmara Gaza flotilla attack

Sharm el-Sheikh plane: Security service says terror attack caused Russian aircraft to crash in Sinai

Russian plane crash: flight brought down over Sinai by bomb in ‘terror act’

Putin offers £33MILLION reward to capture Russian plane crash terrorists who planted BOMB


November 16

Paris attacks: International manhunt for terror suspect on the run – latest news

Paris terrorist held Syrian refugee passport, says Greek government official – (This will be played down by the ‘powers that be’!!)

Paris attacks terrorist suspect Ahmed Almuhamed ‘was rescued near Greece after his refugee boat sunk’

Paris Terror Attacks: Police let suspect slip away from road block

Far-right protests break out across France as tensions reach boiling point

BREAKING: Paris terror attacker still on the run, say French security officials

Paris attacks: Live updates as two brothers identified as terror attackers and police launch international manhunt

Paris attacks: Special forces on streets of UK amid fears Britain could be next target for Isil – (Up to 450 radicalised Britons have returned to the UK from Syria!!)

SAS on our streets as Paris weeps: Britain on alert as French condemn act of war

‘First of the storm’ ISIS issue chilling terror warning to West after Paris massacre

France is fighting unwinnable war against terror – (Disaffected French Muslims, open borders and battle-hardened fighters flowing in from Syria and Iraq!!!)

Paris attacks: French PM warns that more attacks could come as rocket launcher found in pre-dawn police raids

BREAKING: Mastermind of Paris terror attacks named as Belgian Abdelhamid Abaaoud

Paris attacks: Five faces of death including mastermind behind the massacre revealed

UK: Following Paris attacks Muslims told in Bedford meeting to ‘struggle for an Islamic state’

Paris Attacks – TUV statement

Alasdair McDonnell loses SDLP leadership to Colum Eastwood

We will not guarantee support for Stormont House deal: SDLP

SDLP’s Dominic Bradley MLA backs Paul Quinn’s family’s campaign for justice – (Pity they don’t stand against the honouring of murderers!!)

Dissident thugs linked to vile nail gun ‘crucifixion’ attack

Anglo-Irish Agreement: deal was crushing blow for unionism – (And it went downhill from then on!!!)

Paris, Balcombe Street and unusual US donors – (What happened in Paris has happened time and again in Ulster thanks to Adams, McGuinness and Co!!!!)

Isis terrorists follow in the bloody footprints of other armed lunatics like IRA Provos

Jeremy Corbyn and his friends need to say whose side they’re on

Republican smugglers using Provo cell structures – (That’s because they are the Provos!!!)

Over 600 wait to wed as gay marriages ‘go live’ today – (What price Rep. of Ireland will pay for its wickedness!!)


November 14

Paris attacks: Cameron warns of British casualties

Remembrance services are not designed to suit those who attend them

Paramilitary figures ‘defile’ remembrance events: Enniskillen victim

Enniskillen bomb families ‘told investigation on hold’

Northern talks set to drag into 10th week

UK Troubles role information impasse holding up Stormont deal

Stormont deal held up by stand-off on national security

Victims ‘not convinced’ that deal will meet their needs

Young pretender: Alex Kane profiles the SDLP’s Colum Eastwood

Grandmother wants to die ‘because she has lost her sparkle’ – (Such deplorable ignorance and folly is the harvest of ‘ecumenical, liberal theology in mainline churches!!)

Family of Stakeknife victim speak out for first time

DUP calls for probe after Sinn Féin council wages controversy

McGlinchey’s ‘IRA’ comments won’t be investigated – (Another example of ‘political cowardice and compromise’!!)

Gardai and PSNI to chase criminals across border – (The Irish Republic would not cooperate when it was the IRA that was being pursued!!!)

Pat Carey steps down as Fianna Fáil’s director of elections

Fianna Fáil in turmoil as Garda launch formal inquiry

Europe in ‘race against time’ to stem refugees and stop chaos


November 13

Sinn Fein’s McLaughlin pulled National Anthem – (Is Mike Nesbitt and the UUP still apologising???)

Hopes fade of Stormont talks deal happening this week

NI parties and two governments still can’t get deal over line

Catholics who feel Northern Irish are less likely to back unity than those who feel Irish

Colum Eastwood supporters make claims of bias at BBC

Pat Hume joins list of Eastwood leadership backers

It’s Young Turk versus old guard as SDLP searches its soul

Execution of criminals ‘imminent’ says new armed group in chilling threat

Judge looks at Bloody Sunday inquiry challenge

Para commander promises support for arrested man

Put an end to this Bloody Sunday charade

Ex-serviceman from Southport asks why Northern Ireland is forgotten on Remembrance Sunday

Unionist anger as anthem dropped at Stormont Armistice service, republicans rail at impromptu rendition

Sinn Féin ‘U-turn’ as councillors stop using party bank account

Sinn Féin ‘to pay back £19,000 in benefits’

Maria Cahill: I ‘deeply regret’ joining Republican group


November 12

Christian fury over sex change Queen Jesus play at Belfast Queer Arts festival – (Man’s mocking of God sinks deeper!!)

Armistice Day: National Anthem singing at Stormont remembrance service a ‘childish stunt’ says Sinn Féin

Armistice Day row erupts after God Save the Queen ‘dropped’ from Belfast service

Mike Nesbitt could be left ‘out in the cold’ – (Is that really such a bad place for him????)

Should Sinn Fein and DUP alone make deal?

Stormont rendition of National Anthem regrettable: Nesbitt – (Such a pathetic man!!!)

Bloody Sunday: Ex-paratroopers launch legal bid to halt murder inquiry

Bloody Sunday murder inquiry ‘could be derailed’ after seven former soldiers launch legal action

Bloody Sunday soldier potential victim of anti-security forces trap – Jim Allister

Ex-soldier arrested over Bloody Sunday shootings released

Bloody Sunday: Former British soldier released on bail

Bloody Sunday: The arrest of an ex-Para will undermine a fragile peace – (What SF/IRA want is a one-sided process whereby its hundreds of murders are ignored!!)

Police ombudsman team to probe Kingsmills massacre – (Nearly 40 years too late!!!)

‘Gun-for-hire culture’ in Dublin, parliamentary watchdog told

Willie Frazer fears his life may be in danger

November 10

Substance of Stormont deal agreed, says Peter Robinson

Sinn Fein and DUP optimistic deal can be struck before end of week

Debt warning over deal to save powersharing in Northern Ireland

Robinson suggests laughing at Nesbitt whenever deal struck

Questions over terror inquiries as soldier held over Bloody Sunday

Until there are mass IRA arrests, pursuit of old ex soldiers must end

Bloody Sunday: Paras ‘betrayed’ over arrest of former soldier

Big two risk serious reputational damage if they fail this time

Nesbitt has unwittingly helped SF and DUP make a deal

Gardai ‘taken unaware’ by ‘attempted robbery in which Real IRA member Ronan MacLochlainn was shot dead

Mairia Cahill is refusing to talk about her past dissident links

DUP deputy mayor unrepentant in ‘gay prayer’ remarks row


November 9

Bloody Sunday: Ex-soldier arrested over Londonderry shootings – (Why cannot men such as Adams and McGuinness be charged with their involvement with terrorism and its resultant murder of hundreds of innocent people?????)

Bloody Sunday: Former British soldier arrested in new phase of investigation

John Pat Cunningham: Former soldier to be prosecuted over Benburb shooting

Enniskillen 28 years on: A deafening explosion, a silence, then screams

Horrors of Ballygawley still vivid in memories

Results of poll on IRA’s links with SF reflect reality: MP

David Cameron: EU reform is ‘mission possible’ – (Cameron’s stance on the EU is completely deceitful. Britain will never leave the EU!!)

EU referendum: David Cameron told four-year halt to migrant benefits ‘illegal’ – live – (Over to you Davy!!!)

Sunday trading law proposals ‘facing defeat’ – (Sadly, opposition is not motivated by obedience to God’s Word!!)

Jamie Bryson on: Peter Robinson, Peter Curistan and the inevitable Poppygate

Privilege is a two-way street, Peter

Former TUV councillor for Ballyclare joins Ulster Unionists – (Political musical chairs!! It highlights the unreliable of today’s politicians!!)

Ukip’s ex-Northern Ireland chairman Henry Reilly joins TUV

Expelled Ukip member Henry Reilly joins the TUV

Ulster rugby fans’ fury over absence of poppy from shirts during Remembrance Sunday game – (A much greater wrong was their Sabbath-breaking!!!)

No poppy on Ulster Rugby kit a mistake: Trevor Ringland

Irish bar in England causes outrage after ‘refusing customers wearing poppies’ on Remembrance Sunday

‘Vibrancy’ of NI Christianity lacking compared to Africa: Nigerian cleric – (Little wonder when he affiliates himself with the spiritual morgue that is the Church of Ireland!)

Ronny Deila slams Celtic supporters who sang pro-IRA songs during Remembrance Day silence

Sharm el-Sheikh hotels ‘using fake bomb detectors’

November 7

Ballygawley bus bombing: Former soldier meets women who helped save his life

Shrug of the shoulders to greet latest Stormont deal

DUP plays down ‘Robinson to quit this week’ report

No name change for Londonderry

Just 1 in 4 think Army Council doesn’t run SF – (Remember this is in the Irish Republic!!!)

Sinn Fein denials on who controls it aren’t washing with voters in the Republic

Gerry Adams: grievances, spies, spooks and the lies

Police officer in hit-and-run murder attempt out of hospital

UUP woman shocked at stance on homosexuality – (What this silly woman needs to ‘understand’ is God’s view of sodomy: Romans 1:26-32!!)

Shame of rough justice served out to RUC widow June McMullin

IRA bomb man among academics in boycott Israel call – (Such is the hypocrisy of Irish Republicanism!!)

Farrell refuses to rule out moving back to the DUP – (Out of the frying pan into the fire, Raymond. They financed sodomy!!)

Taoiseach Enda Kenny lays wreath at the war memorial in Enniskillen

November 6

Shameless DUP ready to Again Embrace IRA in Government – (The spirit of Lundy at work before our eyes!!!)

NI police officer hurt in lorry hit-and-run stable in hospital

Lorry ‘driven at speed directly at police officer’ in attempted murder hit-and-run

Hit-and-run on PSNI officer is attempted murder

Newry: Man arrested after digger is used to rip ATM from wall in robbery

Monaghan arrest and ATM found after Newry raid

Russian plane crash: Black box analysis indicates Metrojet A321 ‘was downed by bomb’
Black box data reveals ‘sound of explosion’, says Russia

British plane ‘dodged missile above Sharm el-Sheikh which passed within 1,000 feet of aircraft’

British Sharm el-Sheikh flight in ‘missile’ incident

Peter Robinson and Martin McGuinness in David Cameron meeting

Castlereagh break-in: Claim that theft was permitted investigated by Police Ombudsman – (That view was widely held at the time!!)

UUP councillor explains change of heart on proposed papal visit – (What a bunch of ‘toadies’!!!)

Refugee crisis: Germany imposes restrictions on Syrian refugees in surprise U-turn

Forecast leaves SDLP a shadow of former self – (SF is doing to it what it did to the old Nationalist Party!!)


November 5

Complaint against Peter Robinson made to PSNI by Peter Curistan

Call for police to probe McGlinchey paramilitary-style funeral

GAA defends guard of honour at Declan McGlinchey funeral

Questions raised over PSNI’s ‘effectiveness of evidence gathering’ after shots fired in tribute to son of INLA leader McGlinchey

Former IRA member: ‘We all know that Gerry Adams was an extremely senior member of the IRA for years. Everybody knows it’

IRA informer Stakeknife Scappaticci led ‘murderous campaign’ to strengthen his position as British spy, court hears

Scappaticci ‘allowed to engage in murderous campaign’

Controversy over Orange Order ‘KKK’ artwork

Elton John tells DUP to get real about same-sex marriage – if there was a public vote it would ‘sail in’ – (At his age, this sodomite has not to long to wait to find out just who is right!!!)

Belfast plans to mark 75th anniversary of Blitz

RUC widow’s fury at failure to halt killer’s temporary release

Deal or no deal, Peter Robinson’s role key before finally bowing out

Derry’s SF Mayor not attending remembrance day service

Arlene Foster says people are “not really Protestants” if they don’t go to church – (Being a ‘Protestant’ entails more than church attendance!!!)

November 4

‘13% in NI want united Ireland in short to medium term’, survey suggests

Poll finds only 25% of Catholics (in NI) wants united Ireland now – (At least some of them know when they are well off!!)

Just 36pc of people in Republic want to see united Ireland in near future – (Sinn Fein/IRA murdered hundreds in pursuit of this unsupported political objective!!!)

IRA killer turned police informer Sean O’Callaghan claims Provos still want to murder him – in spite of ceasefire

Sinn Fein remains ever the apologist for the Provisionals – (That is because they are the ‘Provos’!!!)

Sinn Fein using Provisional IRA cash to undermine democracy

Unionists Need to Heed Irish Labour’s Sinn Fein = Army Council Warning

Paramilitary trappings at funeral attended by pupils – (But apparently not by the police!!!)

Paramilitary Display at McGlinchey Funeral – Where Were the PSNI? – (The dead man was on their ‘path of peace’ we are told!!!!)

Fury as shots fired in tribute to son of INLA leader McGlinchey

Declan McGlinchey was on path to peace before his sudden death, say family – (There is no peace where he has gone!! – Isaiah 48:22)

My absence over gay vote deliberate: Alban Manginess – (His vote would have stopped a victory for the sodomite supporters!!)

Outrage as school allows Muslim pupils to walk out of assembly during national anthem – (What a harvest will come of such folly!!!)

Another nail in EU’s coffin as member states REFUSE to accept migrants under quota system

Nationalists called heathens over Pope invite and gay marriage support

Unionists remain on the wrong side of history – (Opponents of sodomy are on the ‘right side of the Bible’ which is more important!!)

Labour is taking legal advice over an email about Mairia Cahill

November 3

Gerry Adams launches attack on British intelligence chiefs

Poll: Pope Francis invite to Belfast causes uproar – was the council right to issue invitation?

Almost two thirds of NI people ‘comfortable with same-sex marriage’, survey suggests

Poll: Should gay marriage be legalised in Northern Ireland – (Register your opposition and do not allow a propaganda victory for the sodomites!!)

TUV Supports Traditional Marriage – Jim Allister’s Assembly speech.

Trimble sceptical over DUP comments

Irish deputy prime minister: Vote for Sinn Féin is a vote for army council

SF mayor ‘to make history with wreath at cenotaph’


November 2

Same-sex marriage: Proposal wins assembly majority but fails over DUP block – (Shame on the MLAs who backed this wickedness or who abstained in the vote!!)

Stormont majority backs same-sex marriage for first time – (Truly a day of shame for Ulster!!)

Majority of MLAs vote in favour of same-sex marriage – (Doubtless, the DUP funding of sodomite organisations has played its part in this event!!)

Northern Ireland MLAs vote ‘yes’ for gay marriage – but motion is torpedoed by DUP veto

Same-sex marriage: DUP accuses Slugger messenger of point scoring – (Further evidence of the departure from the “old paths” within the DUP!!)

Only one nationalist MLA does not support gay marriage – (That really does tell us a lot!!)

Same-sex marriage vote: Churches stand firm on traditional views

UUP’s Farrell quits with a parting dig at Mike Nesbitt

Widow of murdered RUC officer kept in dark over killer’s prison leave

Double Standards on Compensation for Republicans and UDR Man

Tom Elliott anger over plan for Stakeknife payments

Sumte: German village with 100 residents and ‘zero infrastructure’ told to take in 750 refugees

Refugee crisis: two Syrian men beaten with baseball bats by masked gang in Germany

Until the naturally dysfunctional Belfast Agreement is torn up, we are doomed to a perpetual cycle of political conflict and failure

Disappeared families ‘given cold welcome at Stormont’

Poppy Day bomb survivor begins legal action for new probe

Judge Travers agony over daughter Mary’s murder revealed in book

November 1

Adams has to travel in two different directions

Get ready for the Sinn Fein split — will Mary Lou end up leading Labour?

Maddie hunt resources show NI massacre victims are ‘second class’

Robinson has been a key figure in the DUP, and they have no-one else like him

Risk of ‘carnage’ from bomb on Belfast windowsill

IRA’s murder of Paul Quinn ‘most excruciating death possible’ – (“ . . . the tender mercies of the wicked are cruel,” Proverbs 12:10)

Stormont to vote on changing law to allow same-sex marriage

Gay marriage: Assembly set to vote on proposal for fifth time

Majority could back same-sex marriage motion, says SDLP MLA Claire Hanna

Kyle Paisley not in favour of ‘recriminalisation’ of homosexuality – (A completely unscriptural position to adopt!!)

It’s now time to move on, Kyle – Belfast Telegraph editorial

Province paid three times more than Republic into joint project

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December 2014


Predictably getting the siege all wrong

ATT2by Australian commentator Bernard Gaynor who has a background in military intelligence, Arabic language and culture and has returned from three Iraq deployments.

The following article, though written for Australian readers in the context of the recent tragic events in Sydney, can be easily understood by readers here in the United Kingdom where the same stupid and blind “head-in-the-sand” attitude is adopted and propagated by the “liberal political elite” in the face of an even greater Muslim threat than that which faces Australia.

It is the spirit of Neville Chamberlain gone mad!!

Australia has woken to the devastating news that two hostages died in the Lindt Café last night. Like all Australians, my thoughts and prayers are with the families of those now grieving. Read more

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The birth of Christ . . . WHEN and WHY?

The substance of a sermon preached on Lord’s Day 23rd December 2002, in Kilskeery Free Presbyterian Church by Rev. Ivan Foster.

This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief, 1 Timothy 1:15.

This is a timely topic since we are surrounded by the many evidences of the world’s celebration of the birth of Christ. It has to be said that many people have expressed reservations about the nature of the celebrations and whether they really have any relationship to the coming into the world of the Son of God. I suppose you do not have to search very far to see the reasons for such concerns. That the police and the various authorities, linked with safety on the roads, should be required to make special appeals at this time of year to try and curtail people from drinking to excess in celebration of Christmas, does raise the question of whether such activity is in keeping with a marking of the birth of the Redeemer of men from sin. Very obviously, it is not. Read more

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Rick Warren – the Champion of Reunion with Rome

By Rev Ivan Foster

Good friends in Australia sent me a link to a video (watch it below) featuring Rick Warren pleading the cause of cooperation and unity with Popery.

As I watched the video I was carried back to the earlier days of Ecumenism when people like the late Dr Michael Ramsey, the Archbishop of Canterbury from 1961 until 1974, was one of the chief apostles of Unity with Rome. Rick Warren fills the shoes of Ramsey very well indeed. Indeed, this so-called “Evangelical Pastor” “out-Ramseys” Ramsey when it comes to promoting the cause of Rome.

He takes upon himself the task of defending Rome’s doctrines of Mariolatry and explaining away the differences that the Reformers highlighted and declared to be marks of a system of Antichrist.

The video, put out by the “Catholic News Service”, not surprisingly, has the Saddleback Church minister attempting to explain away Rome’s idolatrous system. He is clearly seen telling Protestants that they have it all wrong and then going on to claim that Rome and Protestantism hold the same views on the Trinity, the Bible, Salvation through the Lord Jesus Christ and he even defends and seeks to justify the use of prayers to the Virgin Mary and the saints! Read more

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How God makes saints: The pope’s way and God’s way compared.

Dec1401a“And you hath he quickened, who were dead in trespasses and sins,” Ephesians 2:1.

[dropcap]O[/dropcap]n Lord’s Day, November 23rd, 2014, the Pope, as arrogant as any that ever went before him, despite the media’s depiction of him as a ‘humble man’, took upon himself the power to ‘make’ some new saints!

These are the words he employed during the ‘ceremony’.

“We declare and define Blesseds Giovanni Antonio Farina; Kuriakose Elias Chavara of the Holy Family; Ludovico da Casoria; Nicola da Longobardi; Eufrasia Eluvathingal of the Sacred Heart and Amato Ronconi to be Saints and we enrol them among the Saints, decreeing that they are to be venerated as such by the whole Church.”

Read more

KICS assembly talks on the Return of the Lord Jesus

[dropcap]E[/dropcap]ach day In Kilskeery Independent Christian School, the afternoon begins with an assembly centred upon a study of God’s Word. On September 2nd, the school began its 35th year.

Rev Ivan Foster, retired former minister of Kilskeery Free Presbyterian Church and former Administrator of the congregation’s Christian school has been asked to conduct the Tuesday and Thursday assemblies this year.

He has chosen as his theme – “The Return of the Lord Jesus Christ”. Below you can listen to the most recent recordings of the talks to the pupils.

Please pray for this work amongst children since it depends entirely upon the Lord for its continued witness.

Listen to all the posted audio files in this series here

Part 25 - The Return of Christ, Pt 25
Part 26 - The Return of Christ, Pt 26
Part 27 - The Return of Christ, Pt 27
Part 28 - The Return of Christ, Pt 28
Part 29 - The Return of Christ, Pt 29
Part 30 - The Return of Christ, Pt 30

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Latest news stories

Sinn Féin deputy leader Mary Lou McDonald: No Sinn Féin regrets over Cahill case

Maria Cahill blasts Mary Lou McDonald’s treatment of abuse as “shameful”

Ian Paisley: powerhouse unionist who eventually shook hands with nationalists

A fresh flag row has erupted on the edge of 2015.

Troops were on standby for two contentious 1986 Orange parades

Hume compared Unionists to ‘whites in Alabama’

Secret review after IRA raiders kill detective

Anglo-Irish Agreement a triumph of persistence and backdoor diplomacy – (Read that as “wearing down weaklings and underhand dealings!”)

State papers: Peter Robinson’s ‘cynical manipulation’ of events ‘a threat to Ian Paisley’

NIO feared that Paisley might push for an independent NI

Paisley condemned attacks on RUC after Robinson would not

And the winner of Brass Neck of the Year is… Barack Obama

Westminster paedophile inquiry ‘may be doomed’

Fiona Woolf, lawyer who quit sex abuse inquiry, makes New Year Honours list amid fury

Sir David Attenborough: Humans may be an endangered species – (As an atheist, Attenborough does not know how correct he is but there is “may” about the matter!!)


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More news

December 29

DUP MP William McCrea wanted ‘Libya-type airstrikes’ against Dundalk and Drogheda

RUC tipped off the Garda about Robinson’s ‘invasion’ of Clontibret

Dublin wanted Divis Flats demolished to reduce influence of Sinn Féin

Former Dublin Justice Minister, Alan Shatter declares war on Sinn Fein ‘fascists’ and party ‘bully-boys’ – ‘a fascist party dressed up in sheep’s clothes’ -(What a pity the DUP can’t see this!)

Provo and UVF thugs join forces in crime

Pearse McAuley charged after wife stabbed in County Cavan

Adams rewriting of Provo history sees McAuley-types lionised by SF

Papers show pressure before London buckled over Anglo-Irish pact

New York police chief backs officers in growing revolt

Assisted dying must be legalised, demand key figures – Lord Carey, the former Archbishop of Canterbury amongst them

December 27

DUP facing a rough ride as it ponders whether to back Sinn Fein Speaker

DUBLIN PAPERS: Thatcher feared Asian rising – (Dublin has an even greater say in NI affairs now thanks to the DUP)

DUBLIN PAPERS: Fitzgeralds slammed plan to redraw NI border

DUBLIN PAPERS: Taoiseach pushed for several police forces in Northern Ireland

Thatcher warned of ‘civil war’ in North over any Anglo-Irish power-sharing deal

Vatican disinclined to invest in ‘poor’ states like Ireland – Dublin sounded out Holy See about possibility of investment in mid-1960s

£2bn loan deal for Northern Ireland branded ‘a Third World bailout’

McCabe IRA killer to face more garda questions on stabbing of his own estranged wife

SF crisis after garda killer held over wife’s stabbing

Pearse McAuley charged after wife stabbed in County Cavan

Pearse McAuley has long history as top Provo

Islamic State fighters are moving ever closer towards Israel

Northern Irish police may refuse to march behind Martin Galvin on St. Patrick’s Day

IRA’s Marita Ann arms shipment ‘betrayed by mole’

December 26

TUV commentary on the Stormont House Agreement – (This commentary highlights the utter betrayal of Historic Unionism in the face of Republican aggression by the DUP and UUP)

Provo killer Pearse McAuley placed under armed guard after wife is stabbed

‘Ireland is very close to the Pope’s heart – I think a visit here is possible’

‘Alcohol saturated’ areas soar as measures fail to dilute late-night drinking culture

December 25

Detective Garda Jerry McCabe killer (IRA man Pearse McAuley) held after wife is stabbed

Garda killer Pearse McCauley quizzed after former SF councillor stabbed in house in Kilnaleck, Co Cavan

West Belfast, Springhill deaths: New inquest into army killings of July 1972

‘This is not Ferguson’: Black mayor defends white officer who shot dead teen

EXCLUSIVE: Ice in the Arctic and Antarctic is ‘not melting’, says global warming expert

December 24

Stormont deal covers parades, justice, culture and more

Stormont crisis talks: Deal done, but there’s still blanks to be filled

Sinn Féin leaders will commend deal to party members

Northern Ireland politicians stumble over flags and marches

After Weeks of Talks Stormont Remains Unfit for Purpose

PSNI could walk behind Martin Galvin at St Patrick’s Day parade in New York

December 23

‘Investigate deaths linked to child sex ring’ – Labour MP calls for investigations into deaths of men who tried to “blow the whistle” on alleged Westminster sex ring

Child abuse inquiry must ‘investigate historic murders of men with child abuse evidence’ – (The moral quagmire at the heart of Westminster!)

Labour MP, Simon Danczuk: child abuse inquiry is being deliberately sabotaged by Government

Terrifying reality of ISIS mission to ‘enthusiastically kill hundreds of millions of people’ revealed by first Western journalist allowed inside brutal regime

51 per cent want to leave the EU! Poll result sparks new demands for early referendum

Northern Ireland devolution ‘at risk if parties do not solve contentious issues’

Robinson: We all need to stretch ourselves for the deal to be done – (More a case of ‘twisting’ than ‘stretching’!!)

Man told Continuity IRA chiefs where prison officer goes rambling with his kids, court hears

Jail for woman who had explosives gear in car, but she’ll walk free in months – (Hardly worth the cost of trial!!!)

On-the-run dissident Tommy Diver taunts police from Thailand

Row over proposal to name mini-park after Prince George

Candlelit vigil held in support of Raymond McCreesh Park – (An illustration of Irish Republican thinking – Murderer’s name OK but a baby’s name anathema)

Commission defends Ashers and IRA play park actions – (This appointed ‘quango’ is representative of the thinking in Stormont)

Education Minister John O’Dowd approves Irish language school with just 15 pupils – while 2,500 teaching staff face the axe

Sinn Fein expenses row: Caral Ni Chuilin forgot to say she paid relative £11,320

Stormont talks: An eleventh week of talking, and still it goes to the wire

December 22

Inside Isis: The first Western journalist ever given access to the ‘Islamic State’ has just returned – and this is what he discovered

Analysis: PM gets little out of Stormont proposal, other than a quieter life

Northern Ireland talks: Ministers hold conference call with David Cameron

Robinson and McGuinness discuss talks progress with PM

‘Paedophile’ dossier naming MPs and peers handed to police

Five Westminster paedophile rings probed by Scotland Yard

Soldier investigated ‘for touching Taliban suspect on nose with piece of paper’ – (Here in Ulster we have unrepentant murderers in government!!!)

KATE HOEY: ‘Tony Blair must be accountable’

Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby ‘trying to bridge gay marriage split’ – (Pity England with such a fool as spiritual leader)

Mairia Cahill scandal makes serious dent in Sinn Fein support – (Doubtful since murder, terrorism and robbery did not!!!)

Northern Bank heist was a brazen crime carried out by an IRA on ceasefire

Paul Givan: Conscience clause MLA a politician on a mission

Quaker DUP man backs Fry in row – (A ‘fly in the ointment’ indeed!!!)

Christian printer who refused gay magazine backs conscience clause Bill

Soldiers killed at Derryad, near Lisnaskea, remembered 25 years on

What’s good for Venezuelan goose isn’t good for Irish gander – To Sinn Fein, people power and free speech are applauded only if exercised by the left

Schools under fire over nativity plays – (Merely the birth of new myths!!)

December 20

10 Years On From Northern Bank Robbery – Still No Sign of IRA’s “Ill-gotten Gains” – Jim Allister, TUV

Stormont ‘breakthrough’ after threat to suspend talks

Northern Ireland parties request £2bn from David Cameron

Welfare reform deal ‘agreed’ after ‘step change’ in Stormont talks

Stormont Executive parties agree deal on welfare reform – paper sent to Government

Grassroots unionists angry at ‘graduated response’: Berry

Unionists claim ‘B’ word exposes peace process as ‘a facade’

Equality row intensifies as DUP responds to Fry’s ‘bigots’ jibe – (Fry’s opposition depicts the Sodomite’s deceitful and wicked hatred of truth)

Sinn Fein silent on Willie Frazer debate call

Bernie Smyth cautioned after protest outside Marie Stopes centre in Belfast

Bernie Smyth cautioned for court order breach

December 19

Westminster paedophile ring: Police investigate murders of three boys

‘Tory MP killed boy during sex attack’: Police investigate 1970s murders of three boys

BBC’s current affairs programmes ‘failing to address radical Islam and other tough topics’ – (It is not hesitant about mocking BIBLE CHRISTIANITY!!)

Gay cake row in US leads to legal action just like Ashers

Stormont: Face facts agreement has failed

Franciscan order of monks investigation finds millions of euros missing

Sinn Fein needs to rethink its unrealistic stance on welfare reform

Teenager shot in leg by three masked men in west Belfast

Pair charged with terrorism offences after ‘IRA meeting’

Irish school move ‘widely opposed’ – (SF Education Minister approved school “contrary to guidance of departmental officials and host of educational experts”)

Nuala O’Loan resigns medical ethics committee over Northern abortion law move

December 18

NI talks deadlocked over Cameron’s financial package

Secretary of State, Theresa Villiers refutes claim Whitehall trying to put debt on Belfast

Stormont draft budget ‘does not really balance’ – PwC

Stormont business advisers – PricewaterhouseCoopers’s damning verdict on Stormont draft budget sparks sharp exchanges

Explosives seized by armed Garda detectives in major blow against dissidents

Gardai foil NI Christmas shoppers bomb plot

Belfast woman accused of trying to kill a PSNI officer with a pipe bomb declared herself “at war with the police”

Newry: Two men charged over dissident republican terror

Political fallout over Irish language use in new council

Why is Irish language divisive issue in Northern Ireland? – (Because the IRA made it the language of sedition and murder!!)

£26m IRA bank haul ‘still out there’

“Gerry Adams was a mendacious, lying b . . . . , Martin was the one we all respected,” says Kieran Conway, former IRA director of intelligence

UUP’s ‘serious questions’ on Dublin’s Troubles role

Stephen Fry says DUP conscience clause bill is ‘sick’ – (Sodomite that he is, that is not surprising!!)

Stephen Fry slammed by DUP over gay cake row comments

Country church building (Church of Ireland) in Cushendun to become village hub

Reverend sorry for Santa gaffe – (One thing a modern cleric must never do is ‘tell the truth’!!)

Parents boycott church after reverend says Santa is not real

December 17

First female bishop (in Church of England) named as the Reverend Libby Lane

Roman Catholic midwives lose abortion case at UK Supreme Court

Roman Catholic midwives must supervise abortions, Supreme Court decides

4-year Al Sweady inquiry clears British soldiers of murder and torture claims

Police criticised for secrecy bid over sex grooming gang

Irish PM, Enda Kenny says Adams ‘won’t let’ McGuinness do North deal

Sinn Fein: McGuinness rejects Taoiseach’s claim as ‘laughable’

Time to waken up to the reality that Sinn Fein has no interest in good government – TUV – (Indeed, the destruction of NI has ever been their objective and Stormont power-sharing was just a means to that end)

Miriam Lord: Gerry taken aback as Enda points finger at SF

Stormont opposition plans outlined to parties and could be put in place as early as March 2015

SF delivers bottom line on welfare reform

Fianna Fáil leader, Micheál Martin: The IRA ‘calls the shots’ in Sinn Féin

Sinn Fein sells ‘fascism with a human face’ – (If you can call either Adams or McGuinness human??!!)

Gerry Adams tells Sinead O’Connor to contact Gardai over abuse claims

1000 letters of support for Raymond McCreesh Park handed into Newry Council – (No diminishing of support for murderers there then!!)

SF’s Mary Lou McDonald may be forced to correct Dail record on probe

December 16

Traditional Catholics ‘in DUP dilemma’ – (If the DUP has moved nearer to Rome than they have moved far away from the BIBLE!!)

NI discord leaves government at risk, warns NI Secretary of State

PM ‘could boost Northern Ireland aid package’ if agreement is reached

David Cameron prepared to provide funds if we agree welfare deal: Peter Robinson

OFMDFM unit costs £170,000 for three full-time staff

Sinn Fein campaign to keep ‘Raymond McCreesh’ playground – named after an IRA man linked to the Kingsmills massacre

IRA ‘child rapist’ is a suspect in murder of missing US tourist Annie McCarrick

Senior IRA man killed missing Irish American top cop claims

Huge questions posed as Sinn Fein moves towards taking power in Irish Republic

Sydney siege: Australia pays tribute to victims killed in Martin Place Lindt cafe shootout

David Cameron: Siege could have happened in the UK

Taliban school attack ‘horrifying’ – 84 children murdered

Pakistan school attack: 126 Taliban hostages feared dead – latest

Garda Comments on Kingsmill Massacre Inquest Challenged

Women sold as sex slaves in Islamic State markets, says UN official

Israel tries to head off UN resolution calling for West Bank withdrawal in two years

Probe after shots are fired over coffin of an INLA man

December 15

Casement Park redevelopment: Stadium planning approval unlawful

Suspected jihadist holds dozens hostage in Sydney cafe as tense standoff continues

Sydney siege: Five escape cafe as undisclosed number of hostages held by armed man are forced to display Islamic flag

John Humphrys: Sheltered, liberal BBC staff did not interrogate immigration for fear of appearing ‘racist’

SDLP: Victims ‘see right through’ SF on IRA’s role – (It might be said that people ‘see right through’ SF and behold the IRA!!!)

Sinn Fein are willing to collapse Stormont for votes in Dublin, claims Mike Nesbitt

First minister says PM could improve financial package

Northern Ireland talks: A wasted trip for the deal that never was

Did no one tell David Cameron and Enda Kenny that Northern Ireland’s political leaders can only agree that they disagree about everything?

Sinn Fein’s duplicity damaging

Adams needs to make tough compromises, says Minister for Foreign Affairs Charlie Flanagan

Sinead O’Connor: I was repeatedly molested as a child by a member of Sinn Fein -(The ‘head case’ has just become a member of Sinn Fein!!!????)

Mairia Cahill: ‘I felt like I’d been kicked when Sinead O’Connor joined Sinn Fein’

Nothing compares to super Shinner Sinead O’Connor

Rep of Ireland’s Early recognition of Palestinian state expected

The Provos got so much cash from Northern Bank heist they could not handle it

IRA man a ‘person of interest’ in disappearance of Annie McCarrick

[HR] [/HR]

December 13

NI leaders condemn Cameron’s cash offer

David Cameron bails out as Stormont summit ends in embarrassment

North talks: Leaders’ exit a sharp shock to the body politic

Downing Street defends Cameron departure

PM’s early exit speaks volumes on the state of this process

Time to face up to terminal failure of mandatory coalition – Statement by TUV leader Jim Allister

Adams decries ‘amatuerish and ham fisted episode’

Stormont expenses: Taxpayers should have the money which was fraudulently claimed by MLAs reimbursed

Drugs gang chief linked to both loyalist and republican factions, court hears – (Birds of a feather etc., etc!!!)

December 12

BREAKING NEWS: No deal in NI talks, says Prime Minister

At Stormont, an atmosphere of hope and friendship has turned poisonous and divisive – (No change there then!!)

David Cameron leaves NI talks without a deal but promises ‘financial fire power’

Dissident IRA supporter picked as (New York’s) St. Patrick’s Day aide to Grand Marshal Cardinal Dolan

HIA inquiry: Catholic Church admits ‘catastrophically’ failing child abuse victims

Kingsmills massacre suspects given OTR letters

IRA victims: Why is Dublin blanking Kingsmills inquest?

Israel slams Dublin’s backing for Palestinian state

Pope Francis snubs the Dalai Lama at Nobel Peace Prize event

UK citizenship granted without ‘good character’ checks says watchdog

December 11

Israeli and Palestinian officials issue conflicting accounts of autopsy on PA minister

NI talks: David Cameron ‘determined to secure political agreement’

TUV warns against financial spin over the Chequebook Summit

UUP concerned about ‘parallel talks’ – (It is all ‘happiness and light’ up there!!)

SDLP threatens to pull out of talks and warns: Don’t take us for granted – (As I said, it is all ‘happiness and light’ up there!!)

Concerns that smaller parties being sidelined

South Armagh farmer denies drumming up support for IRA in churches – (They mean a monastery and a RC chapel!!)

High-profile Union flag protester Jim Dowson fails in legal attempt to have prosecution halted

SF condemn ‘cowardly’ arson attack – (Likely dissidents giving SF some of their own medicine!!)

NI abortion law: NIHRC to begin legal challenge

Former health minister Edwin Poots condemns ‘bully boy behaviour’ on abortion

Scout Association faces increase in historical sex abuse claims

Continuity IRA ‘planned to smuggle weapon inside loaf’

Secret recordings of Continuity IRA terror plot meetings revealed plans to smuggle weapon inside loaf of bread, court hears

Christian voters left in a quandary – Letter.

BBC Spotlight and Research Services Ireland – Political chicanery which DUP minister needs to expose

Tony Blair summonsed to give evidence over IRA comfort letters scheme

‘Disrespectful’ Blair summoned by MPs over OTR letters

December 10

Dublin expresses ‘cautious optimism’ on North deal

DUP: We haven’t negotiated on parades

Parties deny breaking an agreement not to negotiate over parades

The Unanswered Question for the DUP on Parading and the Talks

Unionist graduated response revealed

Birmingham pub bombings: Ex-IRA chief admits ‘we did it – and I am ashamed’

Ashers showed need for a legally defined conscience right

I feel for Ashers, says publisher who wouldn’t print gay magazine

Tony Blair on the run from Commons inquiry, claims Paisley

December 9

Unionism’s coalition on parades collapses in acrimony

TUV and UKIP withdraw over Ardoyne parade impasse

Ligoneil stance sacrificed over Talks – Joint Statement by Jim Allister and David McNarry

DUP: We haven’t negotiated on parades

McGuinness in ‘all or nothing’ warning over cross-party talks

Peace fund may help Stormont impasse, says Sinn Fein

US believed FBI mole passed secrets to IRA in Thatcher murder plot, files reveal

Hundreds turn out to join Derry republican commemorations – (McGuinness led the commemorations of the death of 4 terrorists)

DUP politician calls for ‘reasonable accommodation’ for religious believers

Platform: ‘Conscience clause’ can help promote tolerance and respect – (there is a Law that commands us not to “respect” wickedness: Ephesians 5:11)

Gay cake aftermath: Sinn Fein are ready to torpedo DUP’s conscience clause – (Of course they are, being allies of the sodomites and abusers)

Rainbow Project accuses DUP of plan to ‘legalise discrimination against LGBT people’ in Northern Ireland with conscience clause – (Their spirit is that disclosed in Genesis 19:4-10)

Stunts can’t hide Sinn Fein secrets

Is the real Mary Lou lost in blind loyalty to Adams?

December 8

Lib Dem and Tory ‘cracks appear’ in UK coalition government – (Maybe they should follow they advice they give Stormont and hold some ‘talks’!!)

UK Coalition civil war deepens as Lib Dems fight back

UK Coalition leaders trade blows over plans for economy

Shutters may come down on Stormont if Sinn Fein doesn’t cut deal on welfare reform

MLA takes BBC to task after Spotlight’s expenses claims

Drumcree: Orangemen ‘proud to be still carrying torch of protest’

Irish government ‘will be challenged over IRA link’

Green Party candidate in Brighton ‘justified’ IRA bomb

Abusing rape victims doesn’t win elections

‘Migrant benefits built my £60k mansion. It’s like FREE money,’ boasts Romanian gypsy

December 6

David Cameron and Enda Kenny to ‘clear their diaries’ to join all-party political talks in Northern Ireland

Enda Kenny should stay at home – TUV

Donaldson: No deal unless Dublin opens up on Troubles

When will London show courage to slap down Dublin?

Samuel Morrison: There is a better way for Northern Ireland to be governed in the interests of both Unionists and Nationalists

Unionist anger at police ‘intolerance’ towards loyalists as flag row raged

Hundreds of millions of euros have been found ‘tucked away’ in accounts of various departments of the Holy See – (Here’s an excuse other gangsters should try!!)

RC Priest sentenced for stealing funds

In his own words: ‘McGuinness was in charge’

Gay Cake: DUP MLA to launch Private Member’s Bill to introduce ‘conscience clause’ into aspects of equality law

Maíria Cahill allegations: Sir Keir Starmer opens prosecution cases review

Cahill controversy has little impact on SF support

Unionist figures make renewed demand for transparency on Dublin collusion

December 5

Vatican finds millions ‘tucked away’, says Cardinal Pell

Hamas leader, Khaled Mashaa says Netanyahu is playing with fire by allowing Jews on Temple Mount

‘Roman’ Catholic Church cuts links with adoption service over same-sex ruling

Garda had IRA moles in 1970s, says ex-Provo

Garda tipped off IRA army council about raid, former Provo intelligence chief reveals

Calls for probe on collusion claims by former IRA man

Corporation tax in jeopardy as Sinn Fein issues a shopping list, including Irish Language Act

Judge throws out bid to overturn block on putting Irish signs on Belfast street

Freckleton vicar and daughter held over newborn baby murder

Vicar and family held in baby murder probe – but police end sex offences quiz

Sinn Fein tops poll in Republic of Ireland as Fine Gael plummets to third place – (Murder, terror and concealment of child abuse means nothing it seems!!!)

Irish Times/IpsosMRBI poll: support for Gerry Adams declines in wake of his response to Mairia Cahill allegations – (Maybe some cannot support such a deceiver)

Israeli authorities bar Adams from entering Gaza

Vicar bailed over baby death

Assembly rules fail to deal with double claiming – TUV

Westminster ‘VIP paedophile ring’ inquiry in crisis as child sex abuse victims slam Theresa May

[hr] [\hr]

December 4

Irish police colluded with IRA during Troubles, says former IRA member

Gardaí and Dublin elite colluded with IRA, says ex-insider

Hillary Clinton is cashing in on her fantasy peace process

‘Tax powers depend on talks’ – Chancellor Osborne – (More Westminster bribery)

TUV unconvinced by ‘poisoned carrot’ of tax devolution

Corporation tax: Carrot or stick?

First Minister blames failure of other parties for Corporation Tax delay

Executive ineptitude is responsible for this mess: MLA

Willie Frazer: My cancer tumour has disappeared

US fundraiser Friends of Sinn Féin reports slump in donations

UUP to propose motion on Gerry Adams’ ‘Trojan horse’ remark

Why won’t Mary-Lou (Sinn Fein deputy leader) name the IRA sex abusers?

Sinn Féin picks and chooses approach to whistleblowers

December 3

Cash from Dublin would give it more right to be at talks: Ukip – (In other words, Unionists can be bought!!!)

Confusion over UKIP policy on sex education – (And just about everything else as well!!!!)

Ukip’s Nigel Farage in school sex policy gaffe

Ireland accuses UK of torture as new ‘Hooded Men’ probe is sought

TUV Comments on Irish Government and Hooded Men Case

SF disputes on-air resignation of claimed party member after Kelly backs informers

Ex-mayor of Limavady Sean McGlinchey freed after he is quizzed by detectives investigating ‘shootings and threats’ – (Well, they did hold him for a day!!)

Dungiven: Sinn Féin’s Sean McGlinchey released unconditionally

Police release Sinn Fein councillor Sean McGlinchey

Moy man challenges government over loyalist killing of his parents

Loyalist flags protest: 37 jailed amid 55,000 ‘incidents’ says report

December 2

Poland will block bid to slash EU migrant benefits, minister warns – (Is there no end to the madness of EU thinking???)

Birmingham’s first Islamic school ‘spent £1m of public money on school in Pakistan’ – (Britain is more easily robbed than a drunk in the gutter!!)

Northern Ireland police say major attacks (from dissident republicans) are ‘strong possibility’

Sinn Fein councillor arrested in paramilitary activity probe – How long do you think they will keep him in????)

Jean McConville murder: Police forced to free ex-IRA boss (and leading Sinn Fein member) Bobby Storey after learning of immunity – (This is justice St Andrews’ agreement style!!)

Disappeared victim’s family ‘hopeful’ as dog aids search

TUV may be more than its leader, but all speak with master’s voice

TUV chief Jim Allister hints he may not run for MP in 2015

Jim Allister: Why was it left to the BBC to expose expenses abuse?

Analysis: Jim Allister’s challenge is to replicate what Farage has done to Ukip

Graffiti on George Duddy’s Coleraine home is ‘hate crime’ police say

DUP mayor’s fear at gun reference in ‘Curry My Yougrt’ graffiti attack

MLA spending panel ‘short on teeth’

Taoiseach’s aide claims he got phone threat from Sinn Fein member after Mr Kenny met rape victim Mairia Cahill

The name Paisley may yet still hold sway in the DUP

December 1

A forgotten Christian martyr – Jane Haining: The Scot who died in Auschwitz

THE FORGOTTEN EXODUS – The evils of post-’48 exodus from Arab lands

Syria crisis: US-led coalition warplanes bombard Isis capital with 30 air strikes in Raqqa

Arab-Israelis Are Joining ISIS

Conservative former environment secretary, Owen Paterson, questions whether David Cameron can deliver on proposals set out in speech

DUP has a sore neck from looking over its shoulder at TUV, says Jim Allister

Jim Allister slams Irish role in talks

Jim Allister: Stormont executive will collapse

A twin-track approach? We profile minister Kyle Paisley

Threat made on Gerry Adams’ life

The Provos and its ‘loony chief’ who still dictate to SF – Good Friday Agreement secret deal allows Provos to accumulate fortune to bankroll political wing

Agreed candidate ‘could win seat for unionism’

Assembly report into the Robinsons censors previously published news articles

Standards Commissioner questions Iris Robinson’s honesty

Iris Robinson affair: Something seriously wrong with system of culpability

Sinn Fein Belfast Brigade will decide when or if Mary Lou replaces Adams

November 29

Iris Robinson in ‘serious breach’, and Peter Robinson cleared, says committee

Mental health problems to blame for Irish Robinson error: Peter

Jim Allister defends working with ‘unrepentant terrorist’ PUP leader – (The difficulty of keeping your “garments unspotted” in politics!!)

Slavery levels in UK ‘higher than thought’ – between 10,000 and 13,000 victims

Councillors invite Gregory Campbell to meeting

SF did not politicise Irish language: Adams

Irish language row: Ulster Scots Centre opening attendees ’embarrassed’ by DUP MP Gregory Campbell’s ‘curry my yoghurt’ comments – (So says Sinn Fein!!!)

Terror charge woman found guilty over car boot find

Kerry chairman of Republican Sinn Fein faces terrorism plot charges

Fury of pub bombings campaigner after Prime Minister says he understands her grief

Taoiseach: we may need cross-border inquiry for IRA sex abuse

Mairia’s abuser has disappeared ‘into the smoke’ – McGuinness

Mary Lou McDonald: ‘All of us in Sinn Fein are of good character and integrity’ – (As are all who support murder, robbery and terror as a means to political advancement!!!!)


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August 2014

Fortieth Anniversary of Kilskeery Free Presbyterian Church first building.

On Sunday August 17th, 2014, the Kilskeery congregation celebrated the fortieth anniversary of the opening of the first building on the site. Below are pictures from the occasion and recordings of the messages preached by the retired minister of the congregation, Rev. Ivan Foster.



The character God requires in a Christian teacher

A lecture given by Rev. Foster at the Free Presbyterian Christian Education Seminar, August 13th, 2014.

“Jehoash did that which was right in the sight of the LORD all his days wherein Jehoiada the priest instructed him,” II Kings 12:2. Holiness is the result of instruction in righteousness. Man is, by nature, utterly void of all knowledge of holiness and how it is to be attained. Not only is he in utter ignorance of holiness, but he hates instruction in holiness. “Seeing thou hatest instruction, and castest my words behind thee,” Psalms 50:17. “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction,” Proverbs 1:7. Read moreor listen to the lecture using the player below.


A tribute to one of the many – an uncle we never met.

worldwar1sommeUncle George was the fourth child of Leslie and Mary Jane Forster. He was born at the family farm at Ballymackilroy, Lisnaskea, Co. Fermanagh.

He joined the Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers while underage. He served in Dublin during the 1916 Easter Rising before going to France.

He was killed in action at Savy Wood, close to the village of Savy which was a few miles from St Quentin, in Picardy. Read more

Latest news stories


More news

August 29

 Former US senator Gary Hart meets Stormont parties

 No role for US in NI talks’ – Dodds

 Sammy Brush attacks: A welcoming, friendly village, but no one will go on the record

 MI5 and PSNI discover rogue garda leaking information to IRA man

Concerns over Thatcher’s commitment to Anglo Irish Agreement revealed – (Having swallowed the AIA, Unionists found it easier to swallow power-sharing with Sinn Fein/IRA!!!)

Unionists kept in dark on Anglo-Irish talks in 1985 – (In truth they were kept in the dark in 2006/7, though this time by their own leaders!!!)

 Stormont a toothless bribery-machine, UUP leader claimed

IRA man who fled jail was pardoned (by Thatcher government)

 Rotherham child abusers ‘brazen’, says care home worker

 Former Rotherham police officer charged with child sex offence

IRA ceasefire still splits opinion


August 28

 Rotherham child sex scandal: chiefs who ignored abuse ‘must quit’

Rotherham child abuse scandal: 1,400 children exploited, report finds – (It is encouraging to hear commentators coming out and naming the Asian community as the source of this abuse)

 Rotherham child sexual exploitation report: At a glance

 Rotherham child abuse scandal: The background to the report

Don’t give us more power at Stormont, says Sammy Wilson – (Has Sammy learned that power-sharing with Sinn Fein/IRA cannot work!!)

 Poots says he does not intend to resign over health cuts

 Dungannon: Masked men target police officers

 Narrow Water terror attack remembered

 ‘Statistically significant’ rise in net migration to UK

 Rotherham abuse scandal: David Cameron calls for under-fire police commissioner Shaun Wright to ‘resign and take responsibility’

 Officials ‘knew Rotherham children were at risk of abuse’ says colleague

 YouTube video posted by Isis militants shows ‘execution of 250 Syrian soldiers’

 Russian military troops ‘have been brought into Ukraine’, warns Poroshenko

Man reveals abuse he suffered at hands of former teacher and church deacon – (at a Christian Brothers’ Roman Catholic boys’ grammar school)

Rotherham child sex scandal: chiefs who ignored abuse ‘must quit’


August 27

 Complaints filed over Fleadh band’s remarks on British

 Kildare band say Ardoyne Fleadh comments taken ‘out of context’

 Warrants detaining Republicans who sought arms from Iraq are defective, court finds

 Family waits in hope as search begins for IRA victim

 Police attacked with petrol bombs in East Belfast

 British jihadists should be stripped of citizenship says top police officer

 James Foley killing: Father of murder suspect in jail for 1998 US embassy attacks

 Top cop refuses to quit after report into abuse of 1,400 youngsters in Rotherham


August 26

Time for parties to sort out mess – (There is only one way out of a mess created by coalescing with murderers!)

 Sex education should start at seven, Lib Dems say

 Primary school pupils aged 7 could get sex education lessons under proposed plans

 Ardoyne Fleadh event investigated over ‘hate speech’ complaint

 Ardoyne Festival of Hate Challenged

 Ardoyne Fleadh: ‘Irish rebel band’ accused of making ‘hate speech and glorifying IRA’ at event

IRA man’s elderly mother to sue over controversial killing – (His death was, in truth, a fulfillment of the Saviour’s prediction, Matthew 26:52)

 I know nothing about what is going on with health job, says Jim Wells

Sammy Brush: 40 attacks yet tormenters remain free – victimised councillor says thugs are shielded by a climate of fear – (This is what it is to live in the midst of republicans!!)

 DUBLIN – Cancer patient ‘kept on trolley in hospital storage room without food for THREE nights’


August 25

 WWII Coventry IRA bombing: The ‘forgotten’ attack on a British city

 British Army Maj Gen Robert Ross: The NI man who started the White House fire 200 years ago

 Sammy Brush: DUP councillor in Ballygawley ‘targeted for 40th time’

 Former attorney general, Dominic Grieve: ‘British Christians forced to hide belief’

 Multiculturalism has brought us honour killings and Sharia law, says Archbishop

 Call to strip British citizenship from ‘traitors’ who fight for Isil

 British jihadists ‘should be stripped of citizenship’, says David Davis

 Forensic archaeologists to use radar in attempt to find body of man killed by IRA

 George Galloway: Protest at Ulster Hall before speaking event

 George Galloway: I’m suing Willie Frazer over Ulster Hall Isis rant

 GAA player called for attacks on Jews

 Foyle Pride parade takes place in Londonderry – (With full backing of Sinn Fein)

UK border controls in chaos


August 22

 Stormont patently unfit to handle tax-raising powers

 Health cash ultimatum could topple Executive: Stormont teeters on the brink after Edwin Poots threatens to bust his budget

 Corporation tax: This could prove a high-risk move and biggest test to face Executive

 Hamas leader admits group kidnapped Israeli teens

 Irish Ebola suspected case: Dessie Quinn’s family ‘not informed’ about link

 Ebola reports: Dessie Quinn did not have Ebola say health authorities

 The Disappeared: Meath bog to be searched for Brendan Megraw

 New searches to start for one of the Disappeared

 UDA feud ratcheted up as rebel loyalist is shot and rival duo held over the attack

 Hamas kills 18 suspected Israel informants – (Little difference between them and ISIS)


August 21

Atheist Dawkins in Down’s Syndrome row – (Such is the morality of an atheist and evolutionist)

 Three Senior Hamas leaders killed in Gaza

 Former taoiseach Reynolds dies

30 jihadi fighters under surveillance in Republic of Ireland – (Doubtless they will find many friends amongst Sinn Fein supporters!)

 James Foley beheading: Hunt on for ‘British’ jihadist

 Foley killers ‘wanted £80m ransom’

 Nesbitt: Victims’ groups could close because of funding cuts

 Heroic driver took suspected bomb on board his lorry to a safe site away from houses

Sam Foster death: We didn’t always agree, but I admired my uncle greatly, says DUP minister Arlene


August 20

 Kennedy lashes OFMDFM over victims’ funding cuts

 Masked men order lorry driver to take ‘bomb’ in wheelie bin to Derry police station

 Bomb attempt on Strand Road police station condemned as security alert continues

 Four people arrested in Derry over New IRA plot to letter-bomb English targets

 ‘Oh my daddy, oh my daddy’ – children’s screams as father shot dead

My children have turned into monsters: and, says SHONA SIBARY, it’s all her fault for trying to be a nice liberal parent – (Proverbs 22:6 has the answer to such folly)

Sinn Féin criticises ‘no vote’ for Newry Pride viaduct lights – (Council made the decision on basis of money rather the immorality of sodomy!!)

 Sinn Fein lash SDLP over ‘homophobic’ council lights debate

 Britain is target for Islamic State warns former MI6 chief


August 19

 Man held over Tilbury Docks shipping container death

 Man from Co Londonderry held over container death

 Iraq crisis: Islamic State’s message to America – ‘We will drown you all in blood’

 Car crash kills Pope’s relatives

 Police recorded alleged dissidents interrogating suspected drug dealer

 Police and MI5 covert surveillance fuels paranoia of the dissident republicans

 Cllr Wilson questions Commission on Rasharkin Parade

 Unspoken problems of Irish unity

 Cars destroyed amid ‘loyalist feud’

 Fresh row over IRA paramilitary video as tribute to Tony Catney branded evil

 War memorial damaged in sectarian attack in Glenavy

 Gaddafi’s ex-spy chief ‘offers to reveal IRA secrets to victims’

 Loyalists plan Galloway protest

 Let the scoundrel George Galloway speak, but hold him to account

 Newry and Mourne Council backs SF mayor on Israeli boycott

 Stormont politicians’ Middle East views ‘predictable’

 Former Tyrone and Ardboe footballer (GAA) Tommy McGuigan apologises for ‘punch a Jew’ tweet

 Anti-Israel shop protests risk bringing Middle Eastern violence to High Streets – Jewish leaders

Police ‘may have acted corruptly’ over Sir Cliff Richard raid

 Foreign Secretary, Philip Hammond condemns US journalist ‘beheading’

Islamic beheading video ‘appalling’

George Galloway MP questioned by police over Israel speech

 Council challenged on boycott call by hate-crime victim rabbi

Sexting and porn part of everyday life for teenagers


August 18

 Sammy Brush: DUP councillor in Ballygawley ‘targeted for 39th time’

 ‘Drunken hooligans’ attack DUP man Sammy Brush for the 39th time

 Paedophile Peter Righton advised Home Office on on changes to the residential child care system

Former SDLP leader, Margaret Ritchie in plea for British support for Iraqi Christians – (“Christians” of Iraq are either Roman Catholics or akin to Romanism-Wikipedia article)

 We can’t abandon Christians in Iraq, says MP Margaret Ritchie

 Cardinal Sean Brady’s resignation is too little, too late, says Brendan Smyth victim abuser

 David Ford: NI abortion consultation ‘ready by autumn


August 16

Tale of two Parades reveals Commission double standards: Allister

 Stormont urged to tell us how £50,000 a week is spent on hospitality

 Why all this splashing out on entertaining when Stormont can’t even govern?

 Stormont hospitality bill leaves bitter taste

 Row erupts over Ballymoney firefighters at WW1 parade

 Priest says sorry for praising IRA man Tony Catney at funeral

 Cardinal Brady offers resignation

 Cardinal confirms resignation offer

 FULL STATEMENT: Cardinal Brady resignation

 When Sinn Fein speaks about concern for the civilians and children of Gaza their hypocrisy insults our intelligence

(R C) Priest who’s become Cliff Richard’s rock: As he faces biggest crisis of his life, there’s one man he can rely on – Father John, who quit Church to be ‘Man Friday’ at his four homes

 Sir Cliff Richard investigation: police defend televised raid on singer’s home

 Cliff Richard case: police receive new information

 Travelodge motels removes all copies of the Bible from rooms to reflect ‘increasingly multicultural UK’

Asteroid that ‘could end human life’ defying gravity as it moves towards Earth, scientists say – (Revelation 8:10-11)


August 15

 ‘New’ type of restriction placed on Rasharkin parade

Priest’s funeral comments disgraceful: McCausland – (Priest’s eulogy of IRA murderer reveals the true heart of Romanism)

 Tony Catney funeral: DUP calls for prosecutions

 We will unmask dissidents at Tony Catney funeral, warn police

 High-tech method of identifying terrorism suspects

 Isis makes further advances in Syria while West dithers over Iraq

Why aren’t British Muslims condemning the maniacs killing in the name of Islam? From a leading Muslim voice, a troubling question…

 Cliff Richard: I’m totally innocent of child sex claim

 Sir Cliff Richard: Police to interview pop star who says sex offence allegations are ‘completely false’

Bieber and Gomez at Bible study – (Another example of ‘stars’ who wickedly misuse God and His Word for their own ends!)


August 14

Minister warns Stormont ‘susceptible to collapse’ over welfare reform

 Panic in IRA mobs after 37 phones seized in jail

 Paramilitary-style funeral parade for dissident

 Dissidents’ display is an affront

 Rasharkin parade: Unionist anger at ‘apartheid’ ruling

 Israeli embassy in Dublin ‘besieged’

 Belfast’s pro-Palestine (Republican) protesters remove ‘Israeli’ goods from shelves of Asda in protest over Gaza

 Pope likely to approve decision by Cardinal Sean Brady to step down

Christian rock star Vicky Beeching: I’m a lesbian. God loves me – (The perverted delusions of the last days of the great apostasy)


August 13

 Blue plaque marking Belfast birthplace of former Israeli president removed ‘due to anti-Semitic attacks’

 George Galloway says Belfast event will go ahead

 HET admits evidence mix-up on Kingsmills Massacre

 Stormont funding cuts for terror victims’ groups ‘atrocious’ – Jim Nicholson MEP

 Office of John O’Dowd a law unto themselves

 Sinn Fein’s John O’Dowd blasts DUP’s Simon Hamilton for ‘independent republic’ of education jibe

 Gravedigger ‘uncovers guns’ while preparing ground for a funeral in Roman Catholic cemetery

 Security alert in graveyard of Coleraine Catholic church ends

Stormont spending over £50,000 PER WEEK on wining and dining


August 12

 Belfast pro-Palestine republicans remove ‘Israeli’ goods from shelves of Asda in protest over Gaza

 DUP describe city’s republican march as a ‘parade of shame’

SF forced Executive to ring-fence education cash as price for spending deal, says Hamilton – (Power-sharing was sold to Unionists upon the DUP boast that they could control SF!!!)

 Another fine mess under Sinn Fein control

D-Day for school poised to blaze trail for integration– (The ‘blaze’ will be fuelled by public funds!!)

 Sick and tired of 1916 … even before 2016 begins

Environment Minister Mark H Durkan defends Belcoo borehole decision


August 11

Police to probe why arrest of Labour MP Lord Janner over child abuse accusations 20 years ago was ‘blocked’

Priest steps aside in Diocese of Dromore over complaint

 Republican march: Belfast city centre parade which sparked rioting last year passes off largely peacefully

 Why should we foot bill for Irish drug dealer?

 Time to end Stormont chicanery

 Humility is needed when ministers get it wrong

 ‘Maguinness to blame for Maze fiasco’

 Iraq crisis: Isis militants ‘buried alive Yazidi women and children in attack that killed 500’

 Attack on stone to honour soldiers


August 9

World attacks Israel but ‘just ignores’ terrifying rise of radical Islam

Peter Robinson says Sinn Féin in ‘denial’ over financial penalties – (“Could end devolution in Northern Ireland.” What a shame that would be !!!??)

 Warning of ‘nightmarish’ budget cuts as DUP-SF row over welfare reform deepens

 Budget cuts will get horrific if SF won’t agree to welfare reforms: Stephen Hamilton, Finance minister

William Hay: Assembly speaker elevated to Lords – (The reward for surrender to IRA in government. Coming from the Maiden city his should take the name of “Lord Lundy”!)

 Carey is wrong on assisted dying, says Archbishop

Let Republic foot bill for drugs mule Michaella’s Peru jail transfer: Ukip – (Irish Government’s Department of Foreign Affairs arranged and she carries an Irish passport!!)

Anger over PSNI poppy ‘ban’ during WWI events – (Further appeasement of Republican hatred)

Bonfires blaze as nationalists mark internment date – (Orange banners and Union flags were among the items that went up in flames)

 Belfast City Cemetery: ‘Hate crime’ attack on military memorials

Nelson McCausland must issue full apology to Housing Executive contractor


August 8

 Gaza ceasefire ends as Hamas fires 21 rockets towards Israel

 Gerry Adams says NI political process faces ‘greatest challenge’ since GFA

 Stormont rudderless and weak

 Church of Ireland primate speaks out on euthanasia

 OFMDFM’s deafening silence after two weeks of questions

 Republican Bonfires: police attacked as council staff dismantle internment pyre in west Belfast

DUP will use vote-blocking tactic to keep Nelson McCausland in his job – (This is disgraceful behaviour for a professing Christian!)


August 7

Dead IRA terrorists are not fitting role models for youngAnother aspect of the Stormont farce – ministerial immunity

War remembrance stark contrast to ‘IRA hunger strike march’ to celebrate organisation which bombed Enniskillen service in 1987

INLA in drugs cash showdown

Tributes to DUP president and party’s ‘father figure’ James McClure

West Yorkshire police chief questioned in PSNI bribery investigation

George Galloway under investigation over Israel remarks – (Calls for Bradford to reject all Israeli goods, services, academics and even tourists)

Council to probe Hezbollah flag at Dungannon demo


August 6

Bishop of Gloucester questioned over indecent assault claims days after stepping down

‘Father’ Troy’s blog helped to highlight Ardoyne absurdity

Six arrests over Somme parade disorder

Fresh calls for Nelson McCausland to go

Why is DSD minister (Nelson McCausland) not apologising to the contractors he vilified over £18m slur?

Calls for statue to be erected in memory of VC hero

Analysis: Robinson and McGuinness’s department undermining itself with its bad manners

Belfast demonstrators remove ‘Israeli’ goods from shelves of Sainsbury’s in protest over Gaza

Kincora: As this murky episode recedes ever further into the past, time is running out to shine a light on it

Israeli carrots removed from stores


August 5

In pictures: World War One anniversary

Ex-Ardoyne priest Fr Aidan Troy does a U-turn over call to let Orangemen parade

Disgraceful attacks on Protestant community says SDLP

Kincora’s sordid, depraved history needs to be exposed

Jeffrey Donaldson urges more war history in schools

A shameful surrender to Sinn Fein’s Sharia tactics

No Stormont permission for Ulster Aviation Society Maze open days

Foreign Office minister, Baroness Warsi quits as Foreign Office minister over Gaza

George Osborne: Baroness Warsi resignation over Gaza ‘disappointing and unnecessary’

Isis brings its war to Lebanon – and it could be key to a masterplan

Mayor of London, Boris Johnson: Britain will be great and glorious outside the EU

Drunk Elim pastor: I’ll get IRA to blow you up, said vicar who attacked paramedics and spat at police after crashing car in drunken stupor

Drunken pastor threatened to kill police

Half of the changes to Stormont’s victims service haven’t been made yet

Letter – The dark side of the Belfast gay Pride parade


August 4

Derrylin hunger strike parade: Thousands march to republican rally, as Sinn Fein say ‘it was never our intention to offend’

Derrylin hunger strike march ‘has re-traumatised IRA victims’

TUV slams Sinn Fein/IRA’s Terror-Fest in Derrylin

First World War centenary: Switch off the lights tonight, and remember the darkness that fell in 1914


August 2

Derrylin parade: Victim seething at SF ‘hypocrisy’ ‘Disgrace’ as UDA accused of hijacking memorial to war heroes

 Will Sinn Fein chief Martin McGuinness attend the Great War service?

 DUP and SF ministers attend Muslim festival

 Kincora: campaigners call for Official Secrets Act suspension to allow former intelligence officers to give evidence

Sinn Fein man sorry for ‘shell’ Israel call


August 1

Peter Robinson’s days are numbered say DUP veteransTerrorist outfits and emblems banned from Derrylin republican commemoration

Condemnation of Parades Commission WWI ruling

Republican march that sparked loyalist riot in Belfast last year is given the go-ahead

Alan McBride: Paramilitary events insensitive to victims

We (himself and Martin McGuinness) share same goal – father of IRA victim – (A sadly deceived Englishman)

Alliance MLA Anna Lo has called for a big turnout at Saturday’s Belfast Gay Pride parade

Kincora abuse investigation stopped by MI5 says ex-army officer

MI5 ‘stopped Kincora abuse probe’

New NIO man: bakery has to obey law – (No surprise there since he comes from the sodomy riddled Conservative Party)

Ministers feud after Stormont budget changes split Executive

SDLP leader, Dr Alasdair McDonnell’s patients’ sensitive medical files found in rubble of his surgery

Oswald Bradley who drowned while swimming to tricolours is laid to rest

Isis winning its war on two fronts: conquering Sunni regions of Iraq and consolidating their hold on north-eastern Syria – (Changes coming to that part of the world)

DUP Health Minister Edwin Poots blasted for poor budget control – by a minister from his own party

Remembering the Irish who fought with Britain in 1914

Two men held after remembrance service marred by hecklers

Letter – Israeli response to Gaza rockets wholly justified

Antisemitism is on the rise in Britain – and has been since before current Gaza conflict

Ebola outbreak: suspected case at British immigration centre

Mass immigration: Report warns of strain on Britain’s infrastructure caused by population growth


July 31

Shots fired at Northern Ireland police car in Derry cityDerry gun attack on PSNI ‘the work of maniacs’

Maze prison (prisoner control) regime must not return: Givan

‘No flag is worth a man’s life’ – Kingmills massacre victim in plea after friend Ossie Bradley drowns in lake

NI Housing Executive employee charged with terror offences

Woman ‘tried to identify’ PSNI protected witnesses

Palestine official invited to Fermanagh hunger strike event – (This shows where Irish Republicans sympathies lie in present middle-east troubles)

Stormont budget: DUP and Sinn Féin ‘reach agreement’ on monitoring round

DUP and Sinn Fein in new war of words over welfare cuts

Stormont budget: DUP and Sinn Féin ‘reach agreement’ on monitoring round

WW1 centenary commemoration taking place in Dublin

British ambassador praises spirit of first World War (Irish) commemoration

Ebola: UK border staff ‘unprepared’ says union leader

Border staff ‘unprepared’ to spot Ebola cases arriving in UK

Nato ‘unprepared’ for Russia threat, say MPs

Orange Order plans memorial to brethren killed during the Troubles

Prince Philip’s former aide charged with sex assault on girl aged 12