Archives for


June 2016

Index to this edition

Some things to be considered regarding the recent decision by the United Kingdom to withdraw from the European Union.

brexitBy Rev Ivan Foster

I believe that the outcome of the referendum on the EU came as a surprise to many Christians, even though they had hoped for a vote to withdraw. The outcome was not that which was predicted by most newspaper opinion polls and that was not really surprising, given the campaign that the government, led by Mr Cameron, mounted in company with the Labour leader, Jeremy Corbin and those of that ilk.

The decision has brought a measure joy to earnest Christians who saw the miseries that links with the EU have brought about. Many of the immoral changes introduced into UK law had their source in the EU. The laws on sodomy, same-sex ‘marriages’ and abortion were all altered to suit the moral attitudes prevailing within the EU.

However, there are some simple truths which we must not lose sight of in the light of this momentous decision. Read more

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‘Pharaoh’ – a foreshadowing of the Antichrist

That there have been men who in their lives foreshadowed the future Antichrist serves to remind us of a number of important truths.

1. The spirit of iniquity has been at work amongst men since the fall of Adam. The devil’s temptation of man was not a random event but rather the beginning, amongst men, of the devil’s plan to overthrow God!

2. Furthermore, these vile men were merely foreshadowings and not the substance which indicates the restraining power of God upon the devil at work. The devil would like to have made some of them his ultimate agents but was prevented from doing so by the restraining power of God.

3. Moreover, if such wicked men as Cain, Goliath, Judas, and many others were but foreshadowings of the Antichrist, then the final manifestation of wickedness incarnate will be most dreadful indeed.

As a volcano reveals its destructive heart by its occasional eruptions, even so the repeated emergence of evil men, whose ways and words have been a portent of that satanically-controlled being who will emerge to dominate the Roman world, shortly before the return of the Saviour, has been a revealing of the burning cauldron of degeneracy that has long been inhibited by the mighty power of God until it is God’s time to bring to pass “every purpose of the LORD,” Jeremiah 51:29. Read more

Listen to a recording of this message using the player below:

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Securing the future by remembering the past, part 1.

Psalm 78

It is clearly stated here in this Psalm what the duty of fathers is regarding teaching children of the merciful dealings of God with them and their forbears.

“We will not hide them from their children, shewing to the generation to come the praises of the LORD, and his strength, and his wonderful works that he hath done,” verse 4.

The consequences of failure is clearly indicated here also. “And might not be as their fathers, a stubborn and rebellious generation; a generation that set not their heart aright, and whose spirit was not stedfast with God,” verse 8.

We must not just bear in mind God’s merciful dealings with His people in the past and the rich and blessed harvest that was the result, but we must also remember what disobedience and defiance of God by former generations brought upon them. See versus 18-33. Read more

Listen using the player below:

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The day when the tide of immigration will turn

A consideration of the prophecy of Zechariah, chapter 5, and its relevance to the referendum on UK membership of the EU.

“Then said I to the angel that talked with me, Whither do these bear the ephah? And he said unto me, To build it an house in the land of Shinar: and it shall be established, and set there upon her own base,” Zechariah 5:10-11.

There is at work today throughout the earth, a spirit of iniquity and rebellion that will reach its fulness in the days just prior to the Saviour’s return. Read more

Listen using the player below:

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To what extent does the Free Presbyterian church owe its present prosperity to the events of 1966?

A-time-to-be-remembered-coverOn the 6th June 1966, a Free Presbyterian protest march of witness which had been given permission by the police to take place and its route approved, was attacked by Republican rioters in the Cromac Square area of Belfast. The route the parade followed was the main route into the centre of Belfast and there was no alternative route available.


The rioters had prepared themselves for the ambush by collecting railway bolts from a section of a nearby railway which was being demolished and delivering them by lorry to side streets in the Cromac square area. Police were informed of these activities but took very little if any action.

Long before the witness march arrived in the Cromac Square area and before it could be seen, the Republicans had begun to attack the police.

The witness marchers had to walk through a lethal hail of stones, bottles, railway bolts and other deadly missiles. Read more

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There are better men amongst the women!!!!!

Editor’s correspondence with ‘Father’ Patrick McCafferty

Pastor James McConnell and the RC priest Patrick McCafferty with whom he is most friendly
Pastor James McConnell and the RC priest Patrick McCafferty with whom he is most friendly

Back in 2002, I entered into a correspondence in the pages of “The Burning Bush” with a Roman Catholic priest from Belfast. The correspondence arose after I wrote a letter in reply to an article by the priest in “The Belfast Telegraph” of August 24th, 2002.

I was grieved at such a platform being given to the errors and deceptions of Rome and commented on the priest’s article in a letter to “The Belfast Telegraph.”

It will be noted how our two replies to the priest were edited by the ‘Letters Editor’ of “The Belfast Telegraph” before they quickly closed the exchange after two exchanges.

The Word of God was not liked by that ecumenical newspaper back then and it is still the case. Every effort was made to shield and protect the priest of Rome from the rebuke of God’s Word.

We are republishing the correspondence, which continued for eight exchanges, and appeared in “The Burning Bush” from October 2002 until May 2003, because of the publicity given to the ‘warm relationship’ that was manifested between this priest and Pastor James McConnell during the recent trial occasioned by Pastor McConnell’s pulpit statements about Islam. Pastor McConnell asked ‘Father’ Patrick McCafferty to speak on his behalf during the trial.

All this “ecumenical camaraderie” between the pastor and the priest may appear to some to give endorsement of the teachings of Rome and it is for this reason we highlight again the errors this priest, like all Roman Catholic clerics, propagates.

Needless to say, it also highlights the folly of James McConnell!

Read Part 6 of the exchange here.

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Pictures of Christ series

Rev. Ivan FosterRev. Foster is engaged in an ongoing series of studies in Kilskeery Independent Christian School morning assemblies in which he deals with the theme, “Pictures of Christ in the Bible”, i.e. the descriptions and types of Christ given in the Scriptures.

Each new study will be added as it becomes available and you can listen to new studies using the player below.

Previously published studies in this series can be heard here.

Bible pictures of Christ Pt 61
Bible pictures of Christ Pt 62
Bible pictures of Christ Pt 63
Bible pictures of Christ Pt 64
Bible pictures of Christ Pt 65

Please note that there will be no new studies added till school resumes in September DV.

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Latest news stories

Live updates: Boris Johnson rules out Conservative leadership bid

Shocks In Tory Leadership Contest

Boris Johnson announces he will not run for Prime Minister as Michael Gove declares his bid after claiming his colleague ‘cannot provide the leadership’

Somme carnage touched every village in Northern Ireland

How The Somme Made Northern Ireland

Tory leadership: Johnson and May to enter contest

Tory leadership contest enters Big Beast Day

May Launches Tory Campaign With Swipe At Johnson

Corbyn to face Labour leadership challenge from Angela Eagle – (Eagle is a lesbian, coming out in a newspaper interview in September 1997 – Wikipedia)

Horrified Labour MPs receive death threats over refusal to back Corbyn

PM says legal advice is clear – Scotland and NI bound by Brexit vote

If you’re unhappy with Brexit move across the border – Frazer

Europe FINALLY talks on migration: French say UK could have trade deal AND border control

Taoiseach Enda Kenny intervenes on behalf of Scottish government in their bid to stay in the European Union – (Another pointer to the ethnic links between Irish Republic and the Scottish Nationalists!!!)

Ukip brands Enda Kenny as “trouble-making messenger boy” for Scotland talks

Nicola Sturgeon’s hopes of keeping Scotland in EU hit by Francois Hollande and Spanish PM Rajoy

Arlene Foster: No regrets over backing Brexit, but we all need to move on

DUP’s ‘terrorist benefits’ furore

Complaint after BBC ‘fact check’ describes IRA bomber as ‘political prisoner’

Kingsmills inquest: I may not have long to live, says widow pleading for answers

Carrickfergus: Man shot in legs at Dunluskin Gardens


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More news

June 29

Panel member quits ‘doomed’ Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry – (Roman Catholic institutions feature in this enquiry. Scottish Nationalist Party has strong links to Romanism!!)

‘I’m still alive’: Watch the Queen’s brilliant response after Sinn Fein chief Martin McGuinness asks after her health – (That is more than many whose paths crossed that of IRA man McGuinness can say!!!)

Anger over Belfast council worker’s email about ‘horrific Brexit mistake’ sent to all councillors

DUP Minister (Paul Given) Brings Forward Obscene Proposal Equating Terrorist with Innocent Victim – (“And judgment is turned away backward, and justice standeth afar off: for truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot enter,” Isaiah 59:14!)

At least 36 dead in ‘heinous’ suicide attack on Istanbul airport

EU leaders urged to tackle ‘disenchantment’ after Brexit vote

Nicola Sturgeon suffers major setback as Donald Tusk rejects invitation for Brexit talks on Scotland’s future

Ireland to leave EU within five years, expert warns

Eamonn McCann welcomes break with ‘racist, neo-liberal elite of the European Union’ – (!!!!????)

Cavalier, snobbish, aloof, arrogant … ‘Remain’ got exactly what they deserved

Labour crisis: Jeremy Corbyn refuses to resign after losing confidence of 172 MPs as Angela Eagle eyes up leadership challenge

Nigel Farage jeered and booed as he tells MEPs they are ‘in denial’ over Brexit

Cameron and Farage tell EU: Brexit vote is ALL your fault after ignoring migrant fears

No more UK CASH COW: Panicking EU to lose 15 per cent of budget funding due to Brexit

MERKEL’S WORST NIGHTMARE: Germany calls for Referendum as ‘people want to be free of EU

Poland calls for Juncker to QUIT as other nations fume that EU has too much power

Theresa May’s campaign accused of using Government whips to strong arm Tory MPs to vote for her to be Conservative leader

‘Order willing and able to do deal on Ardoyne but CARA backed out’

June 28

EU Referendum: David Cameron rules out border poll on Irish unity

SDLP comes out to reject SF border poll demand

Alex Salmond: Scottish Parliament cannot block Brexit

Brexit: Relationship between DUP and Sinn Fein is now under pressure

No plans to remove memorial – (So much for the DUP’s policy of “Law and Order”!!!)

Man facing terrorist charges linked to attack on PSNI has taken his own life

Work to begin on ‘challenges’ relating to Northern Ireland border with Republic in preparation for Brexit – David Cameron

Northern Ireland not bound by UK’s Brexit vote, says Gerry Adams

Extraordinary times for the Labour Party with MPs ‘in tears’

Labour crisis: As many as 150 MPs expected to vote against Jeremy Corbyn as George Osborne rules himself out of Conservative race

Pope Francis says Roman Catholic Church should apologise to gay people – (Only an antichrist would say God is wrong!!)

Tory leadership: Theresa May overtakes Boris Johnson in poll as George Osborne rules himself out

Johnson could become new UK Prime Minister in just nine weeks’ time

The Queen’s fantastic response to Martin McGuinness when he asks after her health

June 27

Nicola Sturgeon says SNP may try to block Brexit

EU referendum: Theresa Villiers says parliament sovereign

Sam McBride: Brexit creates uncertainty. But some of the wild reactions are alarming

Tony Blair: We can’t rule out another EU referendum

Boris Johnson: ‘History will prove that the British people got it right’

The vote for Brexit is a time of joy and hope but also anxiety

Sinn Fein border poll a stunt, says ex-IRA man

Burning of effigies and flags on bonfires a ‘hate crime’ says SF’s O’Dowd – (Really! What does he call the campaign of murder and terror by which his party came to power???)

EU referendum: Jeremy Corbyn vows to fight for leadership and reshape cabinet

Corbyn vows to fight for leadership after 11 senior Labour MPs quit his team

Labour in turmoil after shadow cabinet exodus

Shadow Home Secretary Hilary Benn Sacked From Corbyn’s Shadow Cabinet

EU referendum Labour crisis: Jeremy Corbyn says he will fight on after Hilary Benn coup triggers 11 resignations – with more expected to follow

Man shot in legs on Belfast street

Parliament petitions committee removes over 70,000 ‘fraudulent’ signatures

June 25

Furious Nigel Farage to take control of Britain’s exit from the EU in Brussels after Vote Leave freezes him out

Northern Ireland secretary rejects Sinn Féin call for border poll

No other nationalist parties back SF’s demand for a border poll

Unionists slam McGuinness’ border poll call

Sinn Féin to ‘intensify’ demand for united Ireland vote following Brexit

Northern Ireland’s place in the UK secure despite opposition to Brexit, says Arlene Foster

Brexit: No need to panic, says Arlene Foster after landmark UK vote to quit the EU

Sam McBride: At an unprepared Stormont, all is changed utterly

‘Nationalists who were content until Brexit are now livid’

‘People may not like Brexit vote but they have to live with it’: MP Sammy Wilson

Sam McBride: Northern Irish result was far closer than expected

Ireland faces one of the worst crises in country’s history following Brexit shock

Former Mid Ulster DUP MLA Ian McCrea to sit on flags and culture commission

Republic’s ban on gay blood donors may be lifted

June 24

It is official: the UK is to quit the EU

EU referendum live: David Cameron resigns as UK shocks the world by voting for Brexit

Brexit: David Cameron to quit after UK votes to leave EU

Sinn Féin calls for poll on Irish unity after NI votes Remain

Brexit: Northern Ireland votes to remain in the EU – (The Roman Catholic Republican vote + ecumenical unionists account for that!!)

EU referendum: Scotland backs Remain as UK votes Leave – (Again the influence of Romanism is manifested!!)

SNP says Scotland ‘sees its future as part of the EU’ and Sinn Fein calls for vote on Irish unity after Brexit win

EU president calls for UNITY in crumbling bloc as Euroscepticism sweeps following Brexit

Ex-UUP MLA on ‘abusive messages’ from former colleagues – (So much for the professed tolerance of liberal unionism!!!)

Kingsmills inquest: IRA ‘embarrassed’ about sectarian murders – (‘Embarrassed’ suggests a sense of shame which the IRA never had!!)

June 23

EU referendum: Voting commences across Northern Ireland

Aileen Quinton: I’m rejecting Project Fear and embracing Project Confidence

EU Campaigns Issue Last Rallying Cry – (Nation halts between two opinions!!!)

Same sex marriage: Stormont Finance minister asks officials to work on draft bill – (Sinn Fein, who sanctioned murder is now set on sanctioning this further abomination!!)

Justice Minister’s failure to question RUC collusion claims ‘disappointing’: Jim Allister

Tell-all book claims Hillary Clinton ‘threw a Bible at Secret Service agent’s head’

June 22

EU referendum: Queen asks guests to give her three reasons why Britain should remain in Europe

EU referendum: Leader Mike Nesbitt out of step with party mood, says UUP councillor

Dissidents’ bid to march on Belfast city hall sparks rioting fears

DUP: Party funded huge advertising campaign in paper not circulated in NI

Police investigate possible terror link to Belfast explosives haul

Semtex discovery underlines dissident threat

Rep of Ireland should re-join Commonwealth says Fine Gael Senator Feighan

Kingsmills inquest: Bodies of victims blocked the road, says witness

Ellie Butler murder: Judge who returned girl to EVIL parents ‘ignored string of warnings’

June 21

In a moment of weakness, I joined the DUP, says Patterson – (Obviously a man of deep conviction and principle. He’ll do well in the DUP!!!!)

Three Compelling Reasons to Vote Leave – Statement on the EU referendum by former MEP and TUV leader Jim Allister

UUP councillors Aaron Callan and Richard Holmes write on the EU Referendum

EU referendum: More UUP councillors backing Brexit

EU referendum: Cameron ‘told migration target was impossible’

Win or lose the EU referendum, Cameron has failed test of leadership

Northern Ireland unionists and republicans among Brexit backers

EU Referendum: Leave vote will open door to bright and prosperous future – (A prosperous future depends on more than an economy, Pro 3:5-6!)

Brit arrested at rally ‘wanted to kill Donald Trump’

Grief of pregnant Northern Ireland woman travelling to England for abortion ‘shows precious human life was present’ – John Larkin tells court

New Lodge, Belfast: 1.5kg of explosives found at flats

Yes, so Ireland was occupied – get over it and look at how the invaders spared us a worse fate – (Most Nationalists seem to forget they are the descendants of invaders!!!)

A Chilling and a Gruesome Murder – Jim Allister Comments on Jo Cox

Drugs accused ‘under threat from New IRA’

June 20

‘God is gay’ poem ‘like writings of St Paul’ says bishop – (What a vile organisation the Church of England is!!!)

The killing of Jo Cox does not justify suspending democratic debate over the EU

EU referendum: Trepidation and fear stalks border – (Myth and lies promoted by pro-EU republicans!!!)

US politicians chastise ‘misguided’ Barack Obama for meddling in Britain’s EU referendum

Sinn Féin and SDLP warn of consequences of hard border

Jeremy Corbyn: There is no ‘upper limit’ to EU migration

Michael Gove ‘shuddered’ at UKIP migrants poster – (Just what about it makes him ‘shudder’!!!!)

Nigel Farage responds to Jo Cox question by saying he is a victim of political hatred

‘When you challenge the establishment they go after you’ Farage hits back in poster row

Is Merkel facing a referendum? Germany fed-up with ‘head of EU government’ Juncker

You are facing rendezvous with history, bishop tells EU voters – (This is the very opposite of the Bible’s message regarding the future Europe!!!)

Ireland and the Somme: How a battle united an island divided

Ulster Unionist defects to DUP: Alastair Patterson backs Arlene Foster as ‘leader of unionism’

Sinn Féin criticise council after Carnlough Easter Rising memorial removed

Claim that some Orange halls operate as drink ‘shebeens’

Don’t call girls girls, advise gender neutral headmistresses – (The lunacy that sin produces!!!)

DUBLIN – Two suspected Kinahan gang members arrested ‘on way to hit’

E-mails sent to Kate and Gerry McCann by paedophile Clement Freud may be handed to inquiry

New clues found to unsolved murder of ‘God’s banker’ found hanging 34 years ago

June 18

Jo Cox MP death: Man charged with murder

Jo Cox MP shot: Thomas Mair charged with murder as police reveal far-Right wing links are ‘priority line of inquiry’

Opinion: Brexit best for NI says Allister

Arlene Foster: It’s time we took back the levers of power from EU bureaucrats

EU referendum: Ex-army chief Lord Guthrie switches to Leave

Field Marshal Lord Guthrie: Why I now back the Leave campaign

UUP grandees urge party’s supporters to quit ‘out of control’ EU

Easter Rising row erupts as Council orders republican monument to be dismantled

O’Loan criticises memorial removal

The father of an IRA murder victim has failed in a legal attempt to secure a fresh inquest

Ukip leader McNarry secretly got taxpayers to pay libel bill

Prince William appears on cover of gay magazine Attitude – (Endorsing that which God abominates will bring judgment on Royal House!!)

June 17

Jo Cox MP dead after shooting attack

Jo Cox murder an echo of Northern Ireland’s past – politicians pay tribute to slain Westminster colleague

Jo Cox MP (Labour) critically injured amid shooting reports

Labour MP Jo Cox critically injured after shooting – gunman ‘heard shouting Britain First’

Faith school: Desertmartin PS (Protestant) and Knocknagin PS (RC) to make NI history – (This is what ecumenism plans for the future and it entails the death of Bible Protestantism. How many Christians will be content with this happening???)

‘No such place as the north of Ireland’ – DUP leader Arlene Foster corrects Nolan contributor

EU referendum: NI poll suggests growing support for leave vote

New poll: Catholic voters in Northern Ireland moving from Remain to Leave

Despite misgivings, I will be voting for Brexit

Sinn Fein fails to source claim that UK authorities ‘directed’ massacre

Government rejects SF call to apologise over Troubles

June 16

Manchester IRA bomb: Sinn Fein ‘may apologise’ for attack – (The conditions they lay down indicates their utter insincerity!!)

No commemoration for Manchester bombing

Why was the bomber who attacked Manchester never arrested?

Ulster Unionist MP Tom Elliott ‘leaning towards’ voting to quit the EU

EU referendum: Leave Tories attack ‘scare stories’

New UUP councillor Trimble: I back Brexit, despite party’s stance

Former Tory leaders and Chancellors accuse George Osborne of ‘ludicrous scaremongering’

Now Switzerland WITHDRAWS its application to join the EU just a week before British vote

Economist who once advised European Commission switches allegiance from Remain to Leave

Court ruling against Robinson could push DUP and SF closer together – (If that was possible!!)

Trevor Ringland: If there is ‘criminal collusion’ the Ombudsman should collate evidence to enable sanction against the guilty

Missionary Bob who survived firing squad captivates royals with harrowing tale

June 15

Portrait of the Queen defaced on a Co Antrim Orange Hall

Why did the IRA bomb Manchester?

Why victims of the Manchester IRA bomb are demanding compensation from Libya

‘I’m still bitter nobody was ever held to account… as an Irish person I am deeply ashamed’

Bomb survivors ‘ignored because they live in GB’

Jim Allister: The perversion of the word ‘collusion’

Peter Robinson breached Ministerial Code over groundskeeper’s grass cutting job: High Court judge

‘Explosive evidence’ on Nama and Northern Ireland politicians due due in weeks

David Cameron pulls out of anti-Brexit event with Irish Taoiseach

Outrage as ‘Britain caves in and ALLOWS Turkey to join the European Union’

Holland BACKS Brexit: Dutch people urge Britons to QUIT doomed bloc and lead EU revolution

Late Sir Clement Freud accused of abusing two girls

Sir Clement Freud exposed as a paedophile as police urged to probe Madeleine McCann links

June 14

Irish Tory politician slates Taoiseach’s ‘desperate’ remain roadshow

Richard Haass’ claim that Brexit could ‘trigger NI violence’ is dismissed as ‘nonsense’ – (Like most of what the ‘eejit’ said!!!!)

The Brits might put manners on Brussels for us – as we can hardly threaten an Irxit

Orlando gunman ‘was a regular at LGBT nightclub Pulse’ before attack ‘and used gay dating apps’ – (Murdered by one of their own – no comment necessary!!!)

Orlando shooter ‘was a REGULAR at gay club he attacked & contacted men on gay dating app’

IRA mainland victims say compensation claims ‘ignored’

EU referendum: Brexit campaign takes lead with just over a week to go

EU CHAOS: Merkel is ready to CAVE IN and GRANT Turkey visa-free travel, ambassador reveals

Can the Tory Party survive this bloody, self-induced civil war?

Paris policeman and partner killed in possible IS-linked attack

Man With ‘Jihad Links’ Murders Paris Policeman

June 13

50 killed in shooting at Florida nightclub in possible act of Islamic terror

50 slain in ‘act of terrorism’ on gay Florida nightclub

50 people killed in worst mass shooting in US history

Omar Mateen: Who was the gunman responsible for the Orlando gay nightclub massacre?

Now Cameron blackmails pensioners. Project Fear has become Project Frightened

Conservative donor withdraws support over David Cameron’s ‘irresponsible’ EU campaign

One of Cameron’s biggest donors WITHDRAWS support over his ‘IRRESPONSIBLE’ EU campaign

The party leaders are Remain, but their core voters aren’t

End of EU rule FINALLY in sight: Leave camp take 19-POINT lead as Britons flock to Brexit

‘Conspiracy of silence’ BBC and police failed to publicise Syrian sex assault case

Scottish Conservative Ruth Davidson accuses John McDonnell of ‘wanting the IRA to win’

Loughinisland massacre findings offers chilling insight into the murky world of Special Branch

Truth a one-way street for evasive Gerry Adams

‘Jerry’s (Garda Jerry McCabe) murder outrageous, savage’ – O’Malley

Danny Kennedy urges Chief Constable to restore ‘badly shaken confidence’ of Kingsmills families

A ray of light for victims at end of very dark tunnel

Manchester bomb: Five key questions that must now be answered – (What sort of ‘Peace’ was it that was bought at the expense of ‘Justice’.

Pressure on Catholic schools to ban Amnesty International – (No objections about its evil propaganda campaigns against Ulster Protestants!!!)

Presbyterian marriage ceremonies must renounce same-sex unions

June 11

Dramatic fall in EU funding to Northern Ireland

Sir James Dyson: We will create more wealth and jobs being outside EU

‘Three Iranians’ Rescued Off Sussex Coast

Two More Riders Killed At Isle Of Man TT Races – (5 killed so far – is this really a sport that ‘Christians’ should support???!!!)

Willie Frazer wants talks with republican over Kingsmills massacre

PSNI: Kingsmills van print should have been matched in 2010

Stakeknife inquiry: UK police pledge to find ‘elusive’ truth

Daughter of woman slain as ‘informer’ welcomes inquiry

IRA and British intelligence have much to hide

The growing myth of loyalist collusion

Stormont’s flagship policy in real doubt as SF reassesses

On the Runs: Shankill bombers ‘not issued comfort letters’, court hears

Outrage as human rights laws used to block compensation to terror victims of IRA attacks funded by Gaddafi

PSNI ‘blind’ to undercover Metropolitan Police officers operating in NI

Man dragged into alley and shot twice in the feet in north Belfast paramilitary style attack

Murder accused associate of Real IRA boss Alan Ryan given bail to go to Spain on holidays – (!!!???!!!!)

Anger as pub told to remove Northern Ireland flag or face being burned to the ground – (Guess who issued the warning!!!!)

Presbyterian Moderator to snub General Assembly over same-sex relationships split – (This highlights the contradictory position of modern evangelicalism – they remain on friendly terms with those who support sodomy!!!)

June 10

Loughinisland: Where is report on SF/IRA collusion, says Allister

Loughinisland massacre: PSNI chief says police should be held accountable

Loughinisland: Special Branch officers could now face criminal charges in the wake of the damning Ombudsman’s report

Union flags causing anxiety in Ballymena estate – O’Loan – (Objections to the Gospel and now the national flag – the pattern of Romanist protest never changes!!)

Man shot in feet was targeted in similar attack a week ago

No civilised society would put up with ongoing savagery of ‘punishment shootings’ – (True yet the nationalist community in NI does!!!)

Stakeknife inquiry will probe IRA top brass as well as agent handlers– (We will believe that when we see it!!!)

Major, Blair, SNP, SDLP and Sinn Fein to Save Union? – (Laughable!!!)

EU referendum: Security minister says Britain better placed to fight terrorists outside EU

Leave won the ITV debate –and Boris Johnson looks like a future Prime Minister

Amber Rudd v Boris Johnson: live on ITV, the Tory party just tore itself apart

Britain will FINALLY have democracy again if it leaves the EU, compelling senior Tory says

June 9

Loughinisland: Ombudsman confirms collusion between police and loyalist killers

Security Forces’ ‘significant collusion’ in World Cup pub murders

Why talk to paramilitaries rather than arrest them, PSNI asked

Major and Blair make joint EU appeal in Northern Ireland – (What pillars of uprightness? One an adulterer and the other a liar!!!)

Sarah Wollaston tells ITV News: Other MPs considering defecting from Vote Leave – (Its a matter of which side your bread is buttered on!!!)

Margaret Thatcher’s defence secretary Sir John Nott suspends Tory membership because of ‘poisonous’ EU campaign

Israel suspends Palestinian permits after Tel Aviv attack

SF and DUP accused of arrogance over moves to restrict Opposition debates – (DUP/Sinn Fein equal in high-handedness anything O’Neill unionists ever displayed!!!)

The screw must keep being turned on paramilitary crime – (Sadly, Stormont wouldn’t know a screwdriver from a tar barrel!!!)

Catholics are victims of majority of dissident republican violence – (And yet they shield them as they did with the IRA!!!)

Orange Order plan to tackle drinking culture at parades – (Why limit it to parades????)

Orange Order bids to tackle drunkenness at Twelfth – (So much for it being a “Christian” organisation!!!)

Paisley quoted UDR file ‘verbatim’ – HET

Coroner says named Kingsmill suspect could be ‘at risk’ but acknowledges free press

How the IRA’s smirking garda killers beat the murder charge

Martin McGuinness tribute to Ex-Red Hand Commando William ‘Plum’ Smith following death – (“Birds of a feather etc., etc!!”)

Euro 2016: Will Sinn Fein’s McGuinness and DUP’s Foster attend Northern Ireland’s games in France together? – (Why not? They are politically joined at the hip!!!)

June 8

NI paramilitaries: Independent panel suggests new decommissioning scheme

School visits by gunmen among measures proposed in report

Police “engage” with paramilitaries, rather than arrest them, report confirms – (That has been the policy for a long time!!!)

Police should stop ‘liaising with paramilitary chiefs during strife’

Jim Allister attacks ‘toothless’ paramilitary report

DUP man hails UDA gunman as ‘outstanding’ in leaked letter

Opposition debates shift ‘slap in face for democracy’

Punishment shootings on the rise, warns expert as latest attack is branded ‘barbaric’

Council row over Gospel preaching at People’s Park – (The objection came from a Romanist!!!)

Jerry McCabe: three of detective’s killers living in Limerick

Sinn Féin under pressure to reveal more details on McCabe fugitives

Garda Jerry McCabe memorial told – killers ‘think they are republican heroes’ – (They are the epitome of ‘republican heroes’!!!)

Majority of Ulster farmers favour Brexit in straw poll

Dissent voiced as church affirms abortion stance

IRA campaign along border was driven by murderous policy of ethnic cleansing – (How then can the writer, a professing Christian, join in coalition with these perpetrators of genocide??)

June 7

Ulster loyalist’s murder case ‘a cynical attempt to protect police’

Oral Assembly question on Kingsmills rejected – (DUP dictatorship!!!)

Kingsmill: Survivor Alan Black’s fears of a greater ‘dirty secret’

Unionists react angrily to IRA ‘ethnic cleansing’ border plan

EU referendum: Leave campaign closes gap to narrowest margin yet as latest poll shows Brexit vote will go down to the wire

EU rules stopped Britain deporting murderers, rapists and violent criminals

Senior Tory slams Treasury’s ‘UNRELIABLE’ Brexit forecast in scathing Newsnight attack

Armed forces veterans call for troops to VOTE OUT in a bid that could ‘swing the result’

Historical Institutional Abuse Inquiry: Inquiry hears minister never prosecuted despite admitting abuse

Birmingham man, 101, denies 31 child sex charges – (Strange how the law is applied differently within the UK!!!)

Briton Richard Huckle jailed for Malaysia sex abuse

Christian fundamentalist schools teaching girls they must obey men, that homosexuality is unnatural and favouring Creationism over evolution – (These idiot journalists show their ignorance of the Bible!!)

Dead man in suspicious death probe named as Stormont worker

Alliance baulk at joining opposition – (It will never rock the boat. It owes too much to the government!!)

Prominent Catholic priest in north Belfast has said he has been threatened by a criminal gang

Belfast priest under threat from dissidents

New Lord Mayor blasts ‘deluded’ intimidation of priest and community workers

Exclusive: Ian Paisley’s dossier about Kingsmill was ‘doctored’

‘If you walk up to a car and shoot indiscriminately, that is murder’

‘Adams knows who sanctioned Jerry’s murder. The pain never goes away’

Two decades after this killing, Sinn Féin’s leader is still sitting in Dáil Éireann keeping schtum – (How can the people north and south tolerate the likes of Adams and McGuinness masquerading as politicians and what of the DUP’s coalition with them???)

June 6

Daniel Hannan, a Conservative MEP: Vote Remain and kiss goodbye to any reforms

Winston ‘Winkie’ Rea charged with murders of two Catholic workmen – (A reminder of the inevitability of judgment for crime!!)

Loyalist Winkie Rea denies murdering Catholic workmen

MPs ‘considering using majority’ to keep UK in single market

‘Cameron can’t be trusted’ PM blasted as SECRET £2bn EU bill REVEALED

‘Cover-up’ over migrants sneaking into UK as data on illegals is kept hidden

Don’t let the guilty get away with it

I’ll fight for LGBT rights, vows Sinn Fein woman set to be first gay deputy mayor – (What a name for defiance of God Sinn Fein has!!!)

Who is Colm Murphy? – (The man whose palm print links him to the Kingsmills massacre!!!)

Exclusive: IRA plot to ‘ethnically cleanse’ border after Kingsmill

Chief Constable seeks to prevent publication of Kingsmill article

Kingsmill massacre: Even after 40 years there are still those who would seek to keep details secret

Suspects for callous Garda Jerry McCabe killing still on the run 20 years later

Protest held calling for an end to ‘punishment attacks’ on children – (By far, the majority of such shootings are Republicans!!)

Irish interfering with Brexit – Let British decide for themselves

Presbyterians face a stark choice: Adapt or stagnate – (Another apparently clever attempt to have people forsake the Bible!!)

UUP leader Mike Nesbitt calls for SDLP to work as Stormont opposition ‘co-equals’

June 4

New executive is moving towards a one-party system

Sinn Fein ‘campaigning vigorously’ for Remain vote in referendum – (That should help unionists to make-up their minds!!)

Exclusive: Palm print on Kingsmill getaway van belongs to Colm Murphy

Kingsmills killers guilty of war crimes, says former IRA chief – (Must be looking for a Papal knighthood!!)

Deputy prime minister-designate Ahmed Maetig rubbishes reports of payouts for IRA victims – Libya Herald reports

Kincora boy ‘abused by man in police uniform’

Foster: Gay blood ban was never about morality – (Despite what Mrs Foster says, it is all about another step in accepting the God-defying, immoral life style of sodomy as normal!!!)

Gay blood: Foster ‘very happy’ to back lifting of gay blood ban – (Unionism is now more anti-Bible than it was in the days of Terence O’Neill!)

End of gay blood ban should spur gay marriage law: Alliance MLA – (Yet another step toward accepting this unacceptable abomination!!)

Sinn Fein Finance Minister Máirtín Ó Muilleoir’s department trying to keep Robinson material secret – (Thats how close the DUP and Sinn Fein are!!!)

Kingsmills families raise question of ‘police ineptitude on an epic scale’ – (Ineptitude or worse!!??)

Minister laments ‘disdain’ for Sabbath after church closure

Drunken priest suspended after kicking PC and trying to bite paramedic

Ex-IRA man: I’ll tell Birmingham pub inquest what I know if I am granted immunity – (That is the IRA’s notion of doing right!!)

Why Hazel Stewart is the most brazen, shameless woman in Northern Ireland

EU debate: Michael Gove condemns ‘job-destroying’ elites and ‘racist’ immigration rules as he appeals to Britons to back ‘Project Hope’

Do not help Albanian migrants camped on Dieppe cliff, says Communist mayor

Nigel Farage admits he ‘didn’t have a clue’ who would win EU Referendum until THIS WEEK

Polish rapist who threw man in front of a bus had slipped into UK unchecked A DAY earlier– (Lawless UK is a magnet for the lawless!!)

Kate Hoey: EU referendum is our chance for PAYBACK against unelected Eurocrats

June 3

(Free Presbyterian) Clergyman vents his frustration as Gran Fondo road closures force church to cancel children’s service

MLA Douglas knocked off bike by car ‘blessed to be alive’ – (Had to cancel his plans to desecrate the sabbath!!)

Social workers told about Kincora sex abuse claims ‘as early as 1967’

Northern Ireland facing “another generation” of dissident republican violence, PSNI chief warns – (And so it will ever be until Unionists surrender!!)

Dressing child up as dissident terrorist to take part in an illegal parade is inexcusable and disgraceful

Michael McGibbon widow’s revulsion at plans for Belfast city tour from ‘dissident perspective’

Teen girl sues DUP’s Paul Frew after ‘he identified her as a hooligan on Facebook’ – (Right to lunacy is what is being demanded!!!)

EU referendum: Cameron savaged in Sky News debate as voters revolt

‘What comes first WW3 or the global Brexit recession?’ Cameron left squirming on EU debate

MPs concern over failure to deport ‘small town’ of foreign criminals

Failure to deport EU criminals will make people consider Brexit, cross-party Commons committee warns

‘End this migration madness’ Livid Nick Ferrari lashes out on LBC

North Belfast memorial to soldiers daubed in graffiti for second time in days

Bigots blamed for latest attack on World War One memorial

Nesbitt needs to worry about defections to DUP

Six PSNI officers arrested over suspected hate crime in Derry

Deluded Jude’s whataboutery reaches new levels of absurdity

Kingsmills: PSNI come clean on palm print – (Can any government agency be trusted to tell the truth today??)

Kingsmills inquest: First man on scene saw ‘bullet casings being collected’

Kingsmills live updates: ‘I went to each body in turn to see if there was anything I could do’, emotional account from first witness to 1976 atrocity

‘Remember blame for Birmingham bombings lies with IRA’: Ulster Unionist MLA, Danny Kennedy

Gay blood donation: Lifetime ban in NI on gay men donating blood is to be lifted

DUP ministers did not oppose lifting of gay blood ban

Catholics more likely to vote to stay in UK than Protestants

Hand over all files on £1.2bn Nama deal, S/F Finance Minister Mairtin O Muilleoir told as arrested pair bailed

June 2

Ex-SF MLA facing likely bankruptcy after losing libel legal bid

HIA Kincora inquiry: Security bosses say no evidence of cover-up or involvement by agents

Thousands sign petition over gorilla’s death – (How many of them would sign an ‘anti-abortion’ petition??)

Former Aide To PM Guilty Over Child Images

Glenariff: DUP halts £180k Glens community funding over ‘IRA names on gates’

Birmingham pub bombings: Inquests reopened, as coroner says ‘police missed warnings’

Birmingham bomb hearings will bring no comfort, says ex-IRA man

Three of the surviving Birmingham pub bombers ‘living in Dublin’ – (‘Doing the right thing’ is unlikely for mass murderers!!)

Birmingham pub bombings: Who are the Birmingham Six? What happened in the IRA attack? Everything you need to know

I fear the Birmingham bombings inquest will only bring heartache

Fury at dissident exploitation of children during illegal Lurgan Easter Rising parade

Commentator Jude Collins called to apologise after ‘outrageous’ comments

Media pundit Jude Collins who likened Boys’ Brigade to terrorist groups stands by remarks

Northern Ireland flag chair removed from Tesco stores – (This shows the bitter, intolerant spirit of Irish nationalism and also the cowardice of Tesco!!)

June 1

Sister of pub attack victim condemns ‘gutless’ bombers

Victim’s sister confronts ex-IRA boss

Former MLA John McCallister tipped for Justice adviser position to Minister Claire Sugden – (Jobs for the boys??!!)

Cllr Raymond Farrell officially back in DUP fold

DUP slam plans for republican monument in Magherafelt

Split row church St Matthias in Knocknamuckley advertises for new minister

MI5 may have bugged RUC interrogation centre during the Troubles

RUC man found own uncle amid Kingsmills carnage

Why Police buried Colm Murphy’s Kingsmill palm print for 40 years

‘To the day Frannie Doyle died, she never got over death of her father at hands of IRA’

Ann Travers pays tribute after daughter of murdered magistrate dies

Police hand over 26 boxes of secret files as Kincora abuse investigation opens

Inquiry told of British state ‘collusion’ in sex abuse at Belfast boys’ home

Trudeau does not defend actions of Canadian ambassador

Businessman Frank Cushnahan arrested by NCA in Nama probe

Nama probe: Two arrested by NCA over £1.2 billion assets sale

EU referendum: 70% of unionists voting for Brexit

March 2016

Index to this edition

Special series of meetings for young people

Theme: The New Testament Christian – Studies in 1 Thessalonians chapter 1

Covering the following topics:

 Preached in Kilskeery FPC youth fellowship meetings by Rev. Ivan Foster

“Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if ye do these things, ye shall never fall.” (2 Peter 1:10)

The increasing animosity to the gospel in the United Kingdom

Mr. Richard Page

A recent news report gave the details of how a Christian magistrate was sacked and then suspended from his position as non-executive director by Kent and Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust.

His crime? Mr. Richard Page was struck off after he told the BBC it would be better for a man and a woman to adopt a child!

That is stating a simple truth, long held sacred in this land, in a very mild manner but for this he was removed as a magistrate.

Speaking about his views he said, “My responsibility as a magistrate, as I saw it, was to do what I considered best for the child. My feeling was therefore that it would be better if it was a man and woman who were the adoptive parents.” Read more

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The indifference of men to the agonies of Christ

easter_eggIs it nothing to you, all ye that pass by? behold, and see if there be any sorrow like unto my sorrow, which is done unto me, wherewith the LORD hath afflicted me in the day of his fierce anger, Lamentations 1:12.

(A gospel message preached in Kilskeery Free Presbyterian Church by the then minister, Rev Ivan Foster, on Lord’s Day morning, 17th January 1999)

What a mountain of triviality occupies the interest of mankind! This is never more obvious than at ‘Easter’ time! Bunnies and chocolate eggs take precedence over the glorious events of the Saviour’s sufferings, death and resurrection.

There are those in the scientific world who are renowned for their knowledge of bugs and beetles, lice and leeches. Some men ceaselessly gaze at the stars in order to catch a glimpse of some unbeknown lump of matter. Others sift the soil and the slime of the earth’s surface in order to discover something new about the creatures that once roamed the earth. The activities of bats and birds, of the antelope and the ant, of the leopard and the lizard have all been studied at length by men consumed with an interest in such things.

But no man has a desire of himself to examine the sufferings of Christ on the cross. When an invitation is given to consider Calvary, all with one consent begin to make excuse. Read moreor listen using the player below.

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Will the real Joel Beeke please stand up??

beekeBelow is a link to an article by Ralph Ovadal entitled: “The Downward Spiral of Dr. Joel Beeke’s Ministries Continues.”

Pastor Ovadal has once again sounded a faithful, fearless warning to the people of God regarding the false claims made for the ministry of Dr Joel Beeke.

Dr Beeke has surpassed Dr Billy Graham in his heyday of duplicity when the likes of Dr Bob Jones Sn sounded forth a warning against his sinful compromises and cooperation with modernists and liberals. Billy Graham did not show sympathy for, share conferences with or support openly the wicked blasphemies of so-called sodomite ‘Christians’!

Ralph Ovadal shows that Dr Beeke has and continues to do just that.

This is an article every minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ should read and pass amongst their flock.

Ivan Foster (Editor).

Click here to read the article

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A brief account of the work of God in Ireland over the last 1500 years
by Rev. Ivan Foster.

The Gospel of Christ came to Ireland over 1500 years ago. Despite many attempts by Satan and his agents God has been pleased to maintain His truth in this land. Following its first planting the Gospel was carried by men whose hearts the Lord had touched into many neighbouring countries: Scotland, England, Wales, France, Germany, Switzerland and further. God has been pleased, in some measure, to do again in these latter days what He did in those distant days. May the land, now associated with terror and strife, become known again by the title it was then given, “The land of Saints and Scholars.”

The history of the Gospel in Ireland begins, to a very real degree, with the story of Patrick. There is much written about Patrick that is entirely fictitious. We can, however, be reasonably sure concerning his faith in Christ and the doctrines that he preached. There exist today two of his writings accepted by all scholars. One is his Confession. From his Confession we learn that his father was a deacon, the son of Potitus, a gospel minister. Where Patrick was actually born is something of a mystery. England, Scotland, Wales and even France all claim to be the place of his birth. In his Confession he tells us that he came from a village called Bonavem Taberniae. Where that village was is difficult now to say. It would appear that the most likely place was somewhere in Roman Britain. Very possibly he came from a place now called Kilpatrick, that is, the ‘Church of Patrick’, near Dumbarten in the Firth of Clyde, in Scotland. Read more…

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Ireland before the 17th century plantation

mistThe text of a lecture given at Bangor Free Presbyterian Young People’s meeting by Rev. Ivan Foster

A knowledge of the history of Ireland is a very beneficial and precious thing and that for a number of reasons.

  1. History displays the merciful dealings of God with our forefathers
  2. Such a knowledge will do much to expose the lie of Rome that has bred the spirit of Irish nationalism based upon the myth of a pure Irish race that has ever been fervently Roman Catholic.
  3. It will go far toward removing the feeling of insecurity and of guiltiness at being in Ulster that many Ulster Protestants suffer from as a result of Rome’s persistent lie.

Read more

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In or Out? The European Debate

UJ_EUBoth pro-EU and anti-EU spokesmen have referred to this debate as the most important for a generation! If they but understood, it will prove to be the most important decision the nation has ever taken in its long and colourful history, so filled with highs and lows, advances and retreats, shame and glory.

How well prepared is the nation for such a decision? Sadly, it has never been less prepared to decide upon a course to take which will have eternal as well as temporal consequences.
In the past, or at least in the last 500 years, the nation has had the BIBLE to act as its compass and guide and there have been godly men to proclaim fearlessly its TRUTH about the issue that faced the nation. Read more

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Editor’s correspondence with ‘Father’ Patrick McCafferty

 Pastor James McConnell and the RC priest Patrick McCafferty with whom he is most friendly

Pastor James McConnell and the RC priest Patrick McCafferty with whom he is most friendly

Back in 2002, I entered into a correspondence in the pages of “The Burning Bush” with a Roman Catholic priest from Belfast. The correspondence arose after I wrote a letter in reply to an article by the priest in “The Belfast Telegraph” of August 24th, 2002.

I was grieved at such a platform being given to the errors and deceptions of Rome and commented on the priest’s article in a letter to “The Belfast Telegraph.”

It will be noted how our two replies to the priest were edited by the ‘Letters Editor’ of “The Belfast Telegraph” before they quickly closed the exchange after two exchanges.

The Word of God was not liked by that ecumenical newspaper back then and it is still the case. Every effort was made to shield and protect the priest of Rome from the rebuke of God’s Word.

We are republishing the correspondence, which continued for eight exchanges, and appeared in “The Burning Bush” from October 2002 until May 2003, because of the publicity given to the ‘warm relationship’ that was manifested between this priest and Pastor James McConnell during the recent trial occasioned by Pastor McConnell’s pulpit statements about Islam. Pastor McConnell asked ‘Father’ Patrick McCafferty to speak on his behalf during the trial.

All this “ecumenical camaraderie” between the pastor and the priest may appear to some to give endorsement of the teachings of Rome and it is for this reason we highlight again the errors this priest, like all Roman Catholic clerics, propagates.

Needless to say, it also highlights the folly of James McConnell!

Read Part 3 of the exchange here.

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Pictures of Christ series

Rev. Ivan FosterRev. Foster is engaged in an ongoing series of studies in Kilskeery Independent Christian School morning assemblies in which he deals with the theme, “Pictures of Christ in the Bible”, i.e. the descriptions and types of Christ given in the Scriptures.

Each new study will be added as it becomes available and you can listen to new studies using the player below.

Previously published studies in this series can be heard here.

Bible pictures of Christ Pt 38
Bible pictures of Christ Pt 39
Bible pictures of Christ Pt 40
Bible pictures of Christ Pt 41
Bible pictures of Christ Pt 42
Bible pictures of Christ Pt 43
Bible pictures of Christ Pt 44

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Latest news stories

Senior figures in North back negotiations with dissident republicans – (More evidence that terrorism pays!!)

Daughter of Enniskillen victims slams Owen Carron’s cold dismissal of 1987 atrocity – ‘he saw lives as expendable, now he cowardly hides behind the law down south’

Dissidents branded ‘pathetic’ after female police officers kicked in head – (Was CS gas used??)

Arlene Foster: ‘No two-tier NI police service’ – (?????)

Arlene Foster says Northern Ireland ‘doesn’t have two tier policing system but there are concerns out there’

Ormeau parade: DUP councillor shared image of police officer and branded PSNI officers ‘bootboys’ over Junior Orange Order Parade

Jim Shannon: The 1916 Easter Rising rebels were terrorists

Irish President Michael D Higgins pulls out of Easter Rising centenary dinner in Belfast

BBC overboard on Rising coverage

Jim Wells hustings row: Case against woman accused of wasting police time is adjourned

Why march protest veteran Dipper has own questions to answer on parade

Oxford theology students can skip Christianity lessons – (Given the likely content of the lessons, it will be no loss!!)

EU bosses DEMAND European Union flag stars be incorporated into Union Jack


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More news

March 31

Baroness Paisley praises Dublin’s Easter Rising commemorations

1916 Rising leaders were ‘egotists’, Arlene Foster says

James Connolly’s great-great-granddaughter told to ‘go home’ from 1916 event because of English accent

Easter Rising was ‘dastardly’ fruit of ‘poisonous’ ideology stemming from Fenians to Provos – (Its common source – Roman Catholicism!!)

‘Baying for blood’ of Orange parade officer slammed

Police ‘deeply regret’ any child hit with CS spray during Ormeau Orange Order parade violence

CS spray apology welcome but perception of bias must be addressed by PSNI: County chaplain Rev Mervyn Gibson

PSNI chief in two-tier policing storm – Unionist anger after claims that children as young as six were injured in CS spray incident

Ormeau clash at Junior Orange march fuels fears of anti-loyalist conspiracy – (Quite simply, police bullies see ‘Loyalists’ as a soft target!!)

Footage shows trouble at parade amid CS spray row

Junior Orange CS incident ‘disturbing’ says Foster

Peace report suggestion that loyalist bands should march to new tune described as ‘cultural engineering’

Dr Morris Fraser: Paedophile psychiatrist worked with children after abuse conviction, study finds

“Outrageous and provcative display of republican emblems” in Rasharkin – (Equality and reconciliation is a ‘one-way street’ for Irish republicanism)

Group that murdered warder in vow to kill more staff

Trump says punish women for illegal abortions, then back-tracks


March 30

Belfast parade: Arlene Foster speaks to chief constable after CS spray used during junior Orange event – (Police petrol-bombed in Lurgan and Londonderry by Republicans: No CS gas!!!)

Two 15-year-olds charged with riotous behaviour after PSNI attacked in Lurgan – (It’s good they are going for the top criminals!!!)

Police defend using CS Spray during Ormeau Road Junior Orange Order parade

Unionist anger at police over Ormeau Road parade clash

Police Federation reveal extent of PSNI officer’s injuries after Crumlin brick attack – (Why no CS gas???)

TUV’s John Hiddleston Concerned by Reports of PSNI Conduct at Parade

John Finlay: ‘Softly, softly’ approach to republican parades but not for loyalist ones

The criminal justice system must take on dissident thuggery – (Too busy gassing Protestant youngsters!!!)

Fury as would-be Provo bomber Sean Lynch glorifies IRA as the heirs of 1916 – (It is this that the DUP are in coalition with!!!!)

Political process will not deliver a united Ireland – Billy McKee, founding member of Provos – (In other words ‘republicans still need the bomb and the gun’!!)

Continuity IRA pledges to ‘strike at will’

New IRA warns of more attacks on ‘age-old enemies’ in Northern Ireland

Armed struggle the only thing the British take notice of, says founder of Real IRA – (So much for ‘softly, softly’ unionisms tactics!!)

1916 murder of unarmed policeman James O’Brien was recreated for tourists in to mark the Easter Rising

Suspected terrorists enjoy a ‘free pass into Britain’ because bar on stopping them is ‘impossibly high’

How YOU pay for Roma gypsy palaces – UK benefits are funding Romanian mansions

EU admits plot for FEDERAL superstate and describes Brussels attacks as an ‘opportunity’


March 29

Nationalists not ‘co-operating with police’ on dissident threat – (This is not news for it has always been so!!)

Significant sums of Provisional Semtex still in hands of dissidents – (Again, this is not news for it was never believed that the IRA had decommissioned!!)

‘We are the unfinished revolution’ republican rally is told

Police rapped over dissidents’ brazen shows of strength in Northern Ireland

Policeman ‘helps’ republican erect tricolour in Belfast – (Can it get any more ridiculous???)

IRA flags at benefits office an ‘attempt to intimidate’

News delivery firm to quit Co Armagh republican area after hijacking

Sinn Féin’s deluded 1916 narrative now cited by dissidents to justify murders

The tragedy of the 1916 uprising illustrates how easily a radical minority can manipulate and hijack a moderate majority

John Bruton, former Irish Prime Minister: His full speech denouncing the Easter Rising

Real IRA boss McKevitt attacks Sinn Féin as he is released from prison

Anti-abortion leaflets woman claims Sinn Fein official assaulted her in village

Jim Allister Comments on Easter Rising Events

Police pelted with petrol bombs in republican area of Lurgan

Officers injured as petrol bombs thrown in Lurgan

DUP’s Arlene Foster wants masked dissident republicans at Easter Rising marches behind bars

Teen asks DUP to explain why they voted against legalising same-sex marriages in Northern Ireland – (Hopefully his local DUP man will answer him. One or two texts from the Bible should be enough!!!)

Police Release Brussels Terror Suspect

Trump: Britain And Europe ‘Not Safe Places’

Fifty of Europe’s most dangerous offenders have slipped into Britain undetected

UK at risk from EU criminals, Vote Leave campaign claims

Falklands Islands: Argentina celebrates UN decision to expand its maritime territory to include disputed ‘Malvinas’

The persecution of Pakistan’s Christians is not confined to jihadists


March 28

Sacked Christian magistrate Richard Page suspended from Kent NHS trust – “It would appear no longer possible to be a Christian, to state what the Bible actually says and what the Church has believed for 2,000 years, and maintain a role in public life in today’s Britain.”

David Cameron: UK must defend Christian values against terror – (Given his position there is no greater enemy of God’s Truth than this man who rejects every tenet of the Moral Law!!!)

David Cameron says Britain must ‘proudly’ defend its Christian values in the face of Islamic extremists

Britain must defend its Christian values against terrorism, David Cameron says

Tory civil war over Europe deepens amid claims Cameron is ignoring Eurosceptic ministers

Leading Irish theologian (RC) condemns Easter Rising as unchristian

Arms race fear in Dublin feud over Provo weapons

PSNI challenged over Lurgan republicans in paramilitary uniform

Lurgan parade involving masked republicans investigated by police

PSNI widow Kate Carroll slams dissident republicans’ Easter Rising show of strength in Lurgan

Lurgan, County Armagh: Petrol bombs thrown and van hijacked and set on fire

Paramilitary uniforms mark Easter Rising parade

Gerry Kelly – Countdown is on to a united Ireland

British Ambassador present as Republic commemorates Rising

Turkey is deliberately ‘unleashing’ Isis terrorists into Europe, says Jordan’s King Abdullah

Suicide bombing kills at least 70 people in Pakistan

Pakistan explosion leaves many dead at Lahore park – killed at least 69 people and injured dozens more, officials say.

Scores killed in suicide blast aimed at Christians in Lahore park

Suicide Bomber Kills 56 In Packed Pakistan Park

Lahore blast: 60 killed and at least 300 injured outside public park in eastern Pakistan

IS Bomber Kills 41 At Football Tournament

Murdered Muslim shopkeeper’s family fear for their lives from hardline Islamic factions

‘I confronted a Muslim’ tweet suspect says he will sue Metropolitan Police after race-hate charges are dropped

Insurance issues stop cross Border patients using South West Acute Hospital


March 26

Brussels attacks: Nuclear alert after security officer found dead with his pass stolen

Tricolour at Keady church ‘act of intimidation’

Why I politely declined my invitation to the 1916 Easter Rising commemorations

Londonderry crash: Man charged with attempted murder of police officers

EU referendum: 250 business leaders back exit, say campaigners

Brexit peace fears are rubbish: Trimble

EU isn’t working on economic grounds: Trimble

Church (of Rome) accused of deceitfulness as priest who had affair secretly resumes role

Priest resumes duties after affair scandal

Muslim shopkeeper murdered in suspected ‘religiously prejudiced’ attack after posting on Facebook of love for Christians

Man arrested over ‘religiously prejudiced’ killing of Glasgow shopkeeper

Police drop charge over ‘mealy mouthed reply’ tweet

‘I confronted a Muslim’ tweet suspect no longer charge with race-hate offence


March 25

Ex-CIA director: EU ‘gets in way’ of security services

EU just ‘gets in the way’ of security services, blasts former CIA director

Glasgow mosque leader praises extremist killer

Mosque leader who condemned Brussels attacks sent messages calling extremist ‘true Muslim’

PC GONE MAD: Top MP blasts chocolate firms for dropping ‘EASTER’ from seasonal eggs – (!!!???)

Police urged to clamp down on any terror glorification at Rising events – (And pigs might fly!!)

Unionist defends decision to back SF 1916 event – (No wonder the party he help found a short time ago imploded!!!)

Easter Rising commemorations: The 1991 interview that has come back to haunt Gerry Adams– (Surprise, surprise: Gerry’s two-faced!!!!)

Briton David Nixon killed in Brussels terror attacks

Brussels attacks: Missing Briton David Dixon confirmed dead by his ‘devastated’ family

Protest against clerical sex abuse in the Catholic Church in Dublin today

Brussels attacks: Croydon man charged after tweet ‘confronting Muslim woman over Brussels attacks’ – (Muslim care workers refused to serve old folk bacon sandwiches: No crime there!!!)

Ted Cruz calls Donald Trump ‘a sniveling coward’ for dig at his wife – (The antics in this election is beyond belief!!)


March 24

Sinn Fein’s McGuinness calls on republicans to respect events in unionist culture

Unionist icon Edward Carson mural paint bombed on Belfast’s Falls Road (You may call again Marty!!!)

Gerry McGeough elected president of Tyrone AOH – (“Well known for his strong Catholic views” – jailed for attempted murder- a good RC!!!???)

IS-inspired ‘drive-by’ terror plot: Two students guilty

Integrated education: Where do NI parties stand? (The correct name for this system is ‘Ecumenical Education’!!!)

Mass cards, GAA talk, mention of child’s confirmation and ashes spark fear in Orange Order civil service workers, report claims

‘We need a security union’ EU chief Jean-Claude Juncker causes fury with Brussels comments

Migrants spill from lorry after police make shocking discoveries in Kent

Meath (Rep. of Ireland) shooting: Man dies in gun attack


March 23

Prison officer Adrian Ismay’s funeral told of New IRA’s ‘dark deed’

Wife of murdered prison officer Adrian pays loving tribute to ‘my darling Izzy’

Brussels attacks: El Bakraoui brothers named as Islamic State suicide bombers who killed 34 and wounded hundreds

Brussels explosions: Eyewitnesses describe blast ‘chaos’

Brussels terror: Police hunt third bomber as IS attacks leave at least 34 dead and scores more injured

Brussels attacks: Europe is acting as a ‘welcome sign’ to terrorists, warns former Tory leader

Brussels attacks: The EU aspires to be a state but fails to deal with the enemy within

Donald Trump: British Muslims aren’t reporting terror suspects

Proper policing totally lacking in Holylands area in Belfast

Libya’s new stance on IRA terror payouts ‘welcome news’, says UK minister

Death driver Anto Hagans hired by Sinn Fein linked group to repair IRA memorial

John McDonnell attacked in Commons for IRA support

Tory MPs question Labour’s shadow chancellor McDonnell ‘IRA support’ in Osborne row

DUP slams report claiming Northern Ireland would be better off in united Ireland

David Ford has been a total failure

Former Foyle MLA Devenney to stand for Assembly as independent unionist

UUP’s Patterson: Sinn Féin has republicanised St. Patrick

Sinn Fein’s Mary Lou McDonald: I was subjected to very invasive searches by US authorities


March 22

BREAKING NEWS: At least 28 dead in two explosions after suicide bomber targets American Airlines check-in desk at Brussels Airport as SECOND attack hits Metro station near EU headquarters

Brussels explosions: Dozens killed and wounded in terrorist attacks on Zaventem airport and Metro system

Brussels attacks: Latest updates

Brussels hit by terror attacks on airport and Metro

Brussels terror attacks: David Cameron to chair emergency Cobra meeting to determine UK response to explosions

Brussels explosions: UK police increase presence after attacks

‘Peace process’ entrenched loyalist and republican paramilitary influence – (This the lawlessness of the last days, 2 Tim 3:1.)

DUP MLA denies trying to edge ahead alphabetically on ballot

Alleged senior dissidents Colin Duffy, Henry Fitzsimons and Alex McCrory to stand trial accused of trying to kill police officers

Gun attack at school gates showed ‘breathtaking recklessness’

Northern Ireland prison visits cancelled ahead of murdered prison officer Adrian Ismay’s funeral

Furore over Orange Order comparison to Ku Klux Klan by Sinn Fein candidate

Apprentice Boys banned from marching around Anglican church

Don’t blame the messenger, Professor Brewer, when nobody is listening to your message

Relatives of Easter Rising dead reject Glasnevin wall

‘Fianna Fail can go into power with Sinn Fein’, says former Tanaiste Mary Coughlan


March 21

Irish terrorist Gerry Adams whines on Twitter about US airport security

Gerry Adams’s US snub ‘linked to IRA report on criminality’

An administrative input error or just a good call?

Daughter of poppy day victim in appeal

IRA dissidents out to hijack 1916 commemorations

Ruth Patterson: Emma Pengelly name change ‘smacks of desperation’

1916 Easter Rising: David Ford declines to attend commemoration of ‘violence’

Alliance councillors seemingly at odds with leader on 1916 events

Once again, the Freedom of Information Act reveals dubious practices at Stormont

Casement Park fiasco big kick in teeth for Sinn Fein

Paedophile register of controversial group ignored by police – allowing several members to commit abuse

Syrian refugees ‘drag paedophile to police’ after he was allegedly found attacking 7-year-old at refugee camp

Australians want to keep the Queen


March 19

Adrian Ismay death: Christopher Alphonsos Robinson charged with murder

Adrian Ismay remembered by community rescue teams across Northern Ireland

Jim Allister: Ismay murder is straight from the Provo terror book

Iain Duncan Smith quits over planned disability benefit changes

Iain Duncan Smith quits Cabinet over ‘indefensible’ benefit cuts

Iain Duncan Smith quits: David Cameron ‘puzzled’ by resignation

Cameron’s ‘Extraordinary’ Exchange With IDS

‘A dark day for Europe’: EU reaches agreement to send refugees back to Turkey despite legal concerns – (Morality, truth and legitimacy mean nothing to EU leaders!!!)

A&E now ‘overwhelmed’ says top doc as he calls for army of medics to be sent in

Officers bailed over Police Federation fraud allegations

Steady decline in number of Protestant civil servants concerns Orange Order

Gregory Campbell: Those who caused our bloody past will not be allowed to erase their part in it – (By being allowed into government by the DUP the erasing has begun!!!)

A ‘Coward’s End’ For Europe’s Most Wanted Man

France seeks swift extradition for Paris attacks suspect, Salah Abdeslam, a French national

Six questions shameless Omagh bomber Seamus Daly must answer

Queen’s and Ulster Universities to take “robust action” following St Patrick’s Day disorder in Belfast’s Holyland area – (‘Robust’ is about to be redefined!!!)

How the British ‘lost’ the Easter Rising


March 18

Attorney General: Easter Rising was profoundly wrong and undemocratic – (He is Northern Ireland’s first Roman Catholic Attorney General!!)

Gerry Adams’s White House party refusal escalates to top Obama aides

Now Sinn Féin claim TD Ferris was ‘held for hours’ at Boston airport

Delusions of grandeur for Adams as SF choose to forget their past US favours

St Patrick’s Day celebrations in Belfast marred by IRA chants – (Really! That is merely the heart of the event sounding forth!)

Belfast St Patrick’s Day trouble: Eleven arrests across city – (The lawless ‘Holyland’ of Belfast is another area from which Protestants were driven out!!!)

Holylands trouble: Police warn of long-term consequences

Belfast council blasted for scrapping Holylands CCTV

Police powerless to act as Belfast’s Holylands residents beseiged by army of rowdy, under age drinkers on St Patrick’s Day

Ismay murder: ‘Don’t believe the propaganda: guards are the ones being mistreated’

Arlene Foster disgusted by dissidents who celebrated killing – (I can recall reports of RC nurses cheering on their ward at news of soldier’s death!!!)

SF stance on jail officer murder ‘nauseating’

How Many Times Did Provo Prisoners Celebrate Murder?

Jim Allister hits out at McGuinness nominations to Independent Review of Paramilitary Activity

Adrian Ismay death: condemnation is cheap if mainstream republicans still justify own misdeeds

Muslim care home staff stopped elderly residents having bacon sandwiches, report finds – (Imagine the reaction if the reverse took place!!)

BACON BAN AT CARE HOME: Muslim staff REFUSED to serve patients bacon sandwiches

Kurdish woman shot dead at wedding for refusing to marry her cousin

Anorexia is a symptom of our sick society – that’s why terrified mothers like me agree with Joan Bakewell

Republic of Ireland – Fears jailed Liam Keane will seek revenge after release next week

‘Murphy should appear at Kingsmills inquest’

Edwin Poots: Verdict helps restore faith in judiciary

Police Federation of England and Wales investigated over fraud allegations


March 17

NI prison officer death ‘murder inquiry’

Murder investigation launched after Adrian Ismay post mortem

Prison officer Adrian Ismay trained alleged bomber in lifesaving techniques, it is claimed – (Such treacherous betrayal of kindness has been common throughout the ‘troubles’!!)

Prison officer Adrian Ismay another name added to list of dead as thugs of republicanism try to prolong Troubles

Lurgan ‘dissident republican’ sent for trial over bomb planted at school

‘Practice what you preach Martin’ – (A waste of time since McGuinness and his like are unconscionable!!)

Gerry Adams refused entry to White House St Patrick’s Day reception – (Would you let him into your house???!!!)

US Secret Service says sorry to Gerry Adams for security ‘error’

Court victory for Poots over gay blood ban – (Now will the DUP back his stance??)

Analysis: Basil McCrea had the chance to build a significant movement, but he blew it

Basil McCrea bows out with no final dig at nemesis John McCallister

Priest abuse claims ‘not passed on to police by Archbishop Carey’, inquiry told

Lord Carey might have delayed investigation into church sex abuse for 20 years, inquiry hears

Islamic State flag found near the body of gunman named after Brussels shootout


March 16

Prison officer Adrian Ismay injured in Belfast bomb attack dies

Prison inmates taunt officers over Adrian Ismay death

Good Friday murder plot to shoot prison officer uncovered by police intelligence

Attack on prison officer the latest in a spate of violent dissident activity

Brussels on high alert after anti-terrorism raid leaves one dead

Manhunt After Brussels Anti-Terror Raid

One gunman killed after shootout during Brussels raid linked to Paris attacks

‘We owe peace in North of Ireland to EU’, says former Irish President Mary McAleese – (Republican lies and more lies!!)

Brexit a ‘world of Danger’- Sinn Fein MEP

Mandelson EU exit claims ‘just plain nonsense’

New IRA plot carnage for 1916 centenary

East Tennessee celebrates iconic Ulster-Scot Sam Houston

Concern over rival republican events in Coalisland on Easter Sunday

Relatives of 1916 rebels criticise plans to remember British soldiers

Decision on Lisnaskea Irish speaking school may have been ‘political’

O’Dowd school buildings cash shows Irish obsession: DUP

Victims’ shock at ‘peace’ cash for McCreesh council


March 15

EU referendum: Brexit campaign has the edge as Telegraph poll – (Its far from over yet!!)

‘Car bomb’ explodes in Berlin, killing driver

Deadly Car Bombing In Central Berlin

Stinging rebuke for Angela Merkel in German elections

How long can Angela Merkel stay the most powerful woman in Europe?

CON AIR: Couple who flew migrants into UK for a DAY to claim £1.6m in benefits facing jail

Have a border poll now to show Sinn Fein just how far away unity really is

Hasty U-turn can’t hide fact the Sinn Fein mask slipped

Sinn Fein charging £10 for tricolours to celebrate Easter Rising – (Still gangsters at heart!!)

DUP split over Mid Ulster Assembly seat

Armed officers guard courtroom as man faces murder bid charge

Gang led by ‘Mr Big’ issues chilling threat to dig up body of murdered IRA boss Alan Ryan

How survivor of IRA Manchester bomb finally got help from NI victims groups

NI 21 leader Basil McCrea tells Belfast Telegraph he is ‘to quit politics’

‘Disillusioned’ NI21 leader Basil McCrea to quit politics

I’m finished with politics, says Basil McCrea – bombshell announcement sounds death knell for NI21

Alliance pamphlet ingites furious row among councillors

‘St Patrick’s Day has about as much to do with being Irish as Christmas has to do with Jesus’

Teenage car thief who killed police officer during chase was only just out of prison, court hears – (He should never be out again!!)


March 14

Boris Johnson urges Obama not to intervene in EU debate

Americans would never accept EU restrictions – so why should we?

Boris Johnson accuses Barack Obama of ‘outrageous and exorbitant hypocrisy’ over EU row

Angela Merkel’s party suffers in German state votes as she faces most serious challenge to her power

Germany elections: Disaster for Angela Merkel as exit polls suggest defeat in two out of three regional elections

UUP and SDLP leaders hint at a future together in Opposition

Manchester IRA survivor at Stomont to mark terror victims’ day

The OFMDFM phantom project which never existed – (One of the many bluffs that the DUP pulled since 2007!!)

Auditors flagged up concerns over scheme paying Stormont spin doctors

McCreesh council got EU peace cash to ‘tackle sectarianism’ – (That’s our money the EU is paying out!!)

Translink awarded legal costs over ‘vexatious’ religious discrimination case

It is an extraordinary situation that former IRA chiefs can lecture victims – (‘Extraordinary’ doesn’t come close!!!)

Dublin weigh-in murder: Meath gun find and arrest ‘linked to hotel shooting’

Sinn Fein calls for Ireland reunification poll if UK votes to leave EU – do you agree?

The frank confessions of an unrepentant lackey

UUP warns of forming official opposition after elections

Prison officer bomb accused yawns in court as charges read

‘We want to know how IRA got Garda file on my murdered brother

JP sacked over same-sex adoption views plans legal action – (What a shame when doing right is seen as bringing the law into disrepute!!!)

Magistrate sacked in gay adoption row to sue Michael Gove

Jeremy Corbyn and the mosque leader who blames the UK for Isil

‘Mama Merkel’ faces first test of migrant crisis handling as elections loom


March 12

Oklahoma Senator Introduces Bill to Criminalize Abortion as First-Degree Murder

Belfast bomb: Man charged with attempted murder of prison officer

MEP slams Taoiseach on Garda-IRA collusion

Jim Molyneaux family dismayed at ‘close relationship’ claims made by Christopher Luke

‘We’ll take Merkel to court over migrant chaos’ Furious Sweden hits out at Germany

Blow for David Cameron as Tory MEP who brokered EU deal backs Brexit

True scale of EU migration could be more than double official figures and real number may not emerge until eve of referendum

Government officials ‘hid stats proving there are a MILLION extra EU migrants in Britain’

Bid to ban Muslims from replacing UK law with Sharia courts to be put before MPs TODAY

Fear of upsetting EU stops us sending home foreign criminals, claims Tory MP

Four-fifths of dissident attacks thwarted: top PSNI man

‘Vast majority of attacks’ stopped in campaign against dissident republicans

Former Sinn Fein councillor and Mary Lou McDonald ally denies links to Dublin gangs after Gardai raid his home


March 11

Migration fears not racist – Archbishop of Canterbury

Welby: ‘Anxiety over migration is reasonable’

Education minister opens Irish school with only 15 pupils – (An example of the bias found in Sinn Fein controlled ministries!!)

St Patrick’s Day ‘too Gaelicised’, says Arlene Foster as she unveils new mural of saint in loyalist Belfast

Durkan says sorry… but apology fails to quell row over crass ‘elephant in the womb’ abortion joke – (Inexplicably stupid and coarse!!)

Barra McGrory: Number of Troubles-related prosecutions ‘likely to be very low’

Professor slams ‘conflict journalism at its worst’

MP warns over McGuinness appointing members of body on paramilitary activity

Northern Ireland stinks of people not quite breaking the law – (There’s a right old stink from those who have and who do flagrantly break the law!!!)

Riot fears as loyalists given go-ahead for huge Easter Monday march in Lurgan

Dissident republican activist denies encouraging support for IRA

Event to remember Scots soldier trio lured to death by IRA

Commemorations for three soldiers murdered in infamous honeytrap killings – (An example of ‘women’s lib’ – republican-style!!)

Woman, 35, arrested in Belfast by detectives probing bomb attack on prison officer

Woman freed after police quiz over bomb attack on prison officer

Suspects in killing of Scottish soldiers Dougal McCaughey, Joseph and John McCaig ‘still on run in Republic of Ireland’

Anger at claim that 22 police officers working on Bloody Sunday but none on Enniskillen – (Read the untold story of the ‘Enniskillen Bombing’ here)

President Higgins: ‘Don’t allow violence take root’ – (What an eejit! Violence has been growing and flourishing in Ireland for centuries!!!)

Uncritical take on 1916 Rising by schools very concerning – (It is what Roman Catholic children have always been taught!!)

Country with no leadership as Taoiseach resigns post

Leading economist Jim Power: Brexit could be good for Ireland

Gardai raid home of former Sinn Fein councillor who quit party ‘over bullying’

Gardai raid home of Sinn Fein Mary Lou McDonald’s former political ally

Councillor left over ‘personality clashes’ within the party, says SF

Michael Noonan ‘kept Stormont committee in dark over proposed Nama payments’

Questions still linger over Nama deal in the North

Unanswered questions around Nama and Project Eagle deal


March 10

‘How can McGuinness lecture victims conference on the past?’ – (Why was he, a chief victim-maker, be invited and why did people sit and listen????)

The Sun stands by ‘Queen Backs Brexit’ story as newspaper claims they knew more than they published

Britain warned it wields no power in German-dominated EU

Government’s actions towards terror victims ‘are totally unacceptable’

If terrorists win damages, we must try to recoup it for victims

IRA Semtex victims must get damages as other Libyan victims did

Family of boy shot by Army say ‘shame on PPS’

‘Further review of soldier case is not on’ against backdrop of entire Troubles

Dissident Republican terrorists ‘recruiting messengers of death’ in Larne: Sammy Wilson

Top DUP men support bringing back death penalty

Nelson’s Pillar – Vandals, not nationalists

Election looms amid Fianna Fáil dissent over coalition deal


March 9

Gerry Adams is endorsed for Taoiseach post with IRA’s blessing

Gerry Adams will stand for office of Taoiseach

SF councillor clarifies views on violence after unionist anger – (Lies and more wriggling!!)

Arlene Foster exerts her authority over Jim Wells selection in South Down

Injured prison officer one of 32 on IRA target list stolen from Prisons HQ

Special Criminal Court rules the arrest of a man accused of IRA membership was unlawful

The unending anguish of the Troubles’ forgotten victims

EU referendum: Brexit ‘could make policing slower and more costly’, says PSNI chief – (I wonder is that REALLY possible??!!)

Casement Park emails prove minister Ni Chuilin’s aides knew about safety risks

Gross dereliction of duty – Assembly relied on self-certification by Sinn Fein over £700,000 research bill – (Cheating pupils allowed to mark their homework!!)

Kenneth Clarke ‘failed to act’ over Lord Janner and Cyril Smith child abuse tip-offs

Migrant merry-go-round: Turkey deal ‘could bring hundreds of thousands MORE to Europe’


March 8

Republic of Ireland ‘afraid of UK leaving’ EU – DUP – (I believe that Bible prophecy indicates that Ireland will eventually leave the EU!)

Unionist rival slams UUP’s pro-EU move, SDLP hails it

MLAs back down over bid to compel Nama witnesses

Ex-IRA boss one of 19 members of SF ruling body – (‘Ex-IRA boss’ is presently Stormont’s Deputy First Minister !!!)

Fury as SF’s Tony McCaul says return to violence cannot be ruled out – (Murder will ever be deemed justifiable by Irish Republicans!!)

Irish Justice Minister Frances Fitzgerald: No intelligence to suggest increased risk of dissident attacks

New IRA the deadliest of the dissident republican groupings

Backlash over Army pension for IRA bomber Michael Dickson

Daughter of IRA Hyde Park bomb victim denied legal aid

Britain’s Secret Terror Deals: ‘Truly disturbing’ BBC Panorama allegations of collusion must be fully investigated, says Amnesty International

Boris Johnson insists ‘nobody has been gagged’ as he overturns EU vote edict

Turkish refugee deal is just another reminder that the EU means immigration


March 7

‘IRA’ claim responsibility for murder bid on prison officer

Belfast bomb: Dissident republican ‘new IRA’ claim prison officer attack

‘New IRA’ claims east Belfast bomb attack on prison officer

PSNI arrest four suspects over prison officer murder bid

Schoolgirl sex assault man is walking tour guide in Northern Ireland town

Carnfunnock Country Park: ‘Terrorist hide’ including bomb parts and explosives found

Carnfunnock security alert: Explosives and bomb making components found in ‘terrorist hide’ near Larne

‘Dissident republican link’ to Carnfunnock Country Park explosives find

Concern voiced ahead of Easter Rising event in Stewartstown/Coalisland area

West Belfast: Second bomb found during security alert

Labour anti-Semitism row threatens to divide the Party

Labour leader Corbyn ‘tries to cover up past’ by deleting Eurosceptic articles

SF’s rise in the Republic slows

Thomas “Slab” Murphy is being treated like a god by fellow inmates since being jailed – (So much for men’s choice of a ‘god’!!!)

Arlene Foster: EU subsidies waning

Mixed reactions in DUP as Jim Wells gets nod to stand in South Down

Why (Roman) Catholics can’t agree on Brexit – (Interesting acknowledgement that Romanism spawned the EU!!!)

FIVE DECADES OF EU FAILURE: Dossier finds 43 UK U-turns over 43 years of Brussels rule

Tom Elliott MP: I’ve backed party’s pro-EU stance… but am undecided

Derry H-Block memorial is ‘illegal’ say DRD – (Will anything be done with it? Not likely!!)

DUP to press DPP over terror memorial in Lurgan

Arlene Foster: ‘First Minister will be me or Martin McGuinness’

TUV is the Only Party Opposing McGuinness as co-First Minister

Outrage as IRA bomber is set to be handed state-funded armed services pension

Hospital suspends consultant who stopped (Muslim) surgeon operating while wearing headscarf

Apologetic PSNI chief reverses decision over police memorial plaques

Prison officer bombing: ‘This is part of republican campaign inside jails’

Provo Semtex used to maim prison officer – (So much for the much vaunted ‘decommissioning’ by the IRA!!)

Don’t let a meddling Labour MP scrap ‘God Save the Queen’

Basil McCrea cleared by Bain…but committee has concerns

Ben Lowry: Now even that wretch Seamus Daly is blaming the Brits

EU referendum: Boris Johnson condemns BCC boss suspension

BCC boss resigns over ‘Brexit’ support

EU referendum: British Chambers of Commerce head John Longworth quits as he accuses David Cameron of peddling ‘irresponsible scare’ stories in Brexit row

There is no conspiracy. The EU is completely open about its superstate plan

Cameron in NI cut an isolated figure compared to Boris


March 5

Anger at claim that 22 police officers working on Bloody Sunday but none on Enniskillen

Decriminalise prostitution, says Jeremy Corbyn – (Babylon draws nearer!!)

British Chambers of Commerce boss reportedly suspended over Brexit comments

Business chief suspended after coming out in favour of Brexit

PM under pressure over immigration by pro-Brexit ministers

Ulster Unionist Party supports staying in EU

Police warn of upsurge of attacks ‘to commemorate 1916’

Head of prison officers’ union: peace process does not apply to us

Miracle prison officer and wife did not die in booby trap bomb intended to murder

Inquiry on child abuse turns to Catholic-run group of homes

Child abuse inquiry to focus on Good Shepherd Sisters institutions

SF proposes ex-hunger strike campaigner to chair Irish Dail

Paisley Jnr racked up expenses debt of over £27,000 on official credit card


March 4

East Belfast: Prison officer injured after bomb explodes under van

Bomb explodes in east Belfast: Prison officer and another injured by device planted under van

Prison officer injured in car bomb explosion

Attorney General to intervene in gay cake appeal

Ashers case: ‘A £36.50 cake has spawned bills totalling £100k-plus’

GAA approach to 1916 proof it is far from open to us all

EU referendum: Iain Duncan Smith ‘troubled’ by Remain conduct

Remain campaign trying to bully British people – IDS

Iain Duncan Smith: Remain campaign is trying to ‘bully’ Britain into staying in EU

Nama: Frank Cushnahan breaks silence but refuses to address allegations

PSNI commanders warned over removal of police memorials

Moving police memorial a bid to ‘airbrush RUC from history’

Tina McKenzie lifts lid on NI21 blackmail, conspiracies and a toxic leadership feud

Casement ‘farce’ claim after Sinn Fein Sports Minister Ni Chuilin walks out

Ulster Unionist MLA calls on DUP minister to act on ‘illegal’ 1916 monument in Lurgan

Lurgan memorial to terrorism must be pulled down

Military veterans to ‘march for justice’ to Stormont

Cousin of one of three Scottish soldiers murdered and dumped in North Belfast has called for an inquiry into their deaths


March 3

Storm over ‘illegal’ 1916 memorial

Nato chief: Vladimir Putin ‘weaponising’ refugee crisis to ‘break’ Europe

MLAs back plans for a Stormont Opposition, as Sinn Fein warns against creating ‘Frankenstein’s monster’ – (They would !!!)

‘No election grudge match against DUP’ – Ruth Patterson

Basil McCrea misconduct report: Dozen complaints against NI21 leader, but no evidence of any wrongdoing

NI21 row: Claims against Basil McCrea were a ‘political conspiracy’

Bryson ‘astounded’ at sentence over threats

If we can’t get justice for Omagh bombing, then let us get the truth

Dissident republicans release chilling threat to wipe out ‘all known drug dealers’ after Vinnie Ryan murder

Mary McAleese remarks betray her soft nationalist view of history – (I’m not sure her nationalist views were ‘soft’!!)

The beggar with a sports car: death threats for man filmed getting into Audi TT – (This the madness of society today!!)

EU referendum: France issues Calais migrant crisis warning over British EU referendum – (And so the pressure mounts!!!)


March 2

Grassroots Fianna Fáil members prefer Sinn Féin coalition to Fine Gael

Irish PM Kenny performs massive U-turn as he opens door to Fianna Fáil

Reign of Gerry Adams nears end, but the new order won’t tolerate the old ways – (Really! Terror has been married to Irish republicanism for centuries!!)

Gardaí examine possibility of Real IRA retaliation to Vincent Ryan murder

Republicans from across Ireland to attend the funeral of Vinny Ryan

Another vile show of RIRA pageantry on the way

Dissidents are raking it in from pay-offs by crime gangs peddling heroin on our streets, MLA says – (Gangsterism -the true nature of Irish republicanism!!)

Pressure mounts on PSNI over RUC memorial’s new ‘photocopier’ site

Old weapons found in Belfast Orange hall

Home Rule UVF arms cache discovered in Belfast Orange Hall

Omagh bomb case against Seamus Daly collapses

Omagh bomb: Murder case against Seamus Daly collapses

The moment Seamus Daly walked free from Maghaberry Prison

Martin McGuinness: I’ll reveal details of my IRA past as part of any information retrieval process – (With about as much honesty as ‘Slab’ Murphy’s Tax Returns!!!!)


March 1

EU sets October 2016 as date for visa exemption for Turkish citizens – (This invasion will impact upon UK if it votes to STAY IN on June 23rd!)

Visa-free deal with Turkey to trigger ‘new refugee influx’ to EU – Bundestag Vice-President

Adams open to prosecution if he resigns: Moloney

Republic practices democratic options denied in Northern Ireland

RoI ‘will have no government by time of 1916 centenary’ – (One has to see the hand of God!)

(Roman) Catholic priest Fr Stephen Crossan ‘caught snorting cocaine in Nazi room’

Northern Ireland priest ‘caught snorting cocaine in parochial house with Nazi memorabilia on display’

PSNI probing cocaine storm cleric Fr Stephen Crossan

Co. Cork priest who ‘hired Continuity IRA’ to threaten nephew loses appeal

Cardinal: Catholic Church Failed Abuse Victims – (That is putting their iniquitous behaviour very mildly indeed!!)

Nama deal: Frank Cushnahan claims he was due ‘fixer fee’ over £1bn Nama deal

BBC reveals illegal ‘fixer’s fee’ admission from Nama adviser Frank Cushnahan

Former DUP man, Devenney turns down UUP

Dublin shooting: ‘Associate of slain Real IRA boss Alan Ryan critical’ after Finglas attack

Vincent Ryan shooting: Brother of slain Real IRA boss Alan Ryan dies after Finagles attack

Brother of Real IRA man Alan Ryan dies after Dublin shooting

David Cameron: Enniskillen bomb probe is up to unit yet to exist

Hungary election body endorses referendum question on migrants quota – (Worried about Hungary’s sovereignty!!!)

Migrants storm Macedonia border as tensions boil over

Police Use Tear Gas At Greece-Macedonia Border

Fierce clashes as France clears Calais ‘Jungle’ camp


February 29

Thomas ‘Slab’ Murphy: Sinn Féin stand by alleged former IRA leader after tax sentencing – (That tells you what a ‘good republican’ is like)

Thomas ‘Slab’ Murphy facing civil case as agency aims to recover unpaid tax of up to £4m

Spanish MEP slams terrorists who act as victims and peacemakers – (We know how you feel!!)

Police question ex-paras over Bloody Sunday shootings – (Nothing done about the IRA murderers masquerading as politicians!!)

Will Jim Wells run against the DUP in Assembly election? Controversial MLA is in standoff with his party

The three Irish parties vying for power – each with a very bloody past

Fine Gael and Fianna Fail under pressure to forge alliance after indecisive poll

Irish election: Enda Kenny admits coalition will not return

Irish Election casualties: The big names gone and those on the brink of missing out on 32nd Dail

IRA victims’ views on SF results

Ben Lowry: Like it or not, power at Stormont has helped sanitise Sinn Fein in Republic – (Blame the DUP for that!!)

A child’s right not to be indoctrinated in religion is daily flaunted in schools – (No complaints about ‘indoctrination’ in Evolution!!)

Steven Agnew interview: Stay in the EU to reform it – (Only someone really ‘green’ would push this notion! UK has accomplished no reforms so far!!))

Streets of Belfast packed for murdered Orangemen parade

We won’t let IRA victims be airbrushed from history: ex-UDR man

Gerry Adams to Brian Stack sons: ‘You’re brave men to come here’

Teebane Memorial floral tributes damaged in attack

Don’t be taken in by Project Fear – staying in the EU is the risky choice

EU referendum campaign: David Cameron visits Northern Ireland

EU referendum: Leaving EU a stride into the light – Duncan Smith

Iain Duncan Smith – No10 can sack me but the EU fight is too important to back down

Nine deceptions in our history with the EU – (The greatest deception has yet to come!!)

World economy stands on the cusp of another crash, warns Lord Mervyn King


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December 2015

Index to this edition

CHRISTMAS – The Facts and the Fiction

xmasA look at what many believe to be a ‘Christian Festival’
by Rev. Ivan Foster

Scripture makes clear why the Son of God was born of a woman in Bethlehem nearly 2000 years ago. “For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.” I John 3:8.

He came to destroy the very works which are the chief means used by the majority in Christendom to celebrate His birth.

‘Christmas’ – a Roman Catholic term referring to a celebratory Mass in honour of Christ – is that section of the year in which pagan activities are freely and unashamedly indulged in and all in honour of the incarnation of the Son of God.

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The ambiguities of Pastor James McConnell

Patstor_mcconnellIt is a little disconcerting to say the least to watch Free Presbyterians taking a prominent role in supporting Pastor James McConnell, as he appeared in a Belfast court on the charge of making “grossly offensive” remarks about Islam in his pulpit back in May 2015.

Undoubtedly, ‘Free Speech’ is on trial at this time but that vital issue will be subverted and any support given will be seen as an endorsement of James McConnell and his rather dubious beliefs and practices.

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Reflections on Revelation chapters 2 and 3.

By Rev Ivan Foster (Retd).

bible_imageThe book of the Revelation was penned by John under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost at the end of the 1st century AD i.e. some 1900 years ago.

The essential character of Christianity, its message, its philosophy and its code of conduct, NEVER CHANGES for its “author and finisher” is Christ the unchanging and unchangeable One.

As we briefly consider something of these two chapters in Revelation it is essential that we, and preachers especially, bear this in mind.

These two chapters contain messages to the seven churches in Asia: Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamos, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea. These churches were all in the area which we now call Turkey.

The messages were direct communications from the ‘Great King and Head of the Church, the Lord Jesus Christ.’

They were intimate and detailed, indicating the knowledge the Saviour has of His people.

That in itself should cause us to tremble. The favourite lie of the devil is that “The LORD shall not see, neither shall the God of Jacob regard it,” Psalm 94:7. These chapters show that to be a great deception!

I have but three main points which I desire to make and they are directed chiefly at ministers today.

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Can Mervyn Storey’s actions in heading a Stormont Department which funds sodomy and blasphemy be defended or excused?

stormontMervyn Storey remains an elder in the Free Presbyterian Church, despite his links with recent controversies regarding the funding of ungodly activities, activities which are deeply offensive and blasphemous.

That would suggest that there are those who believe that what he did was without sin and involves no transgression of God’s Word.

There has been no public response by Storey to criticisms of his actions in these matters. Nor, indeed, have any of those who have gone “from house to house” tattling out empty, spurious excuses for the man, had the courage to openly answer the case made against him.

Of course, this was the pattern adopted by those who sought to defend poor Dr Paisley’s decision to enter a power-sharing government with Sinn Fein/IRA back in 2007.

Such a tactic is in itself an unwitting admission of the weakness of their case.

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dirty_handsWhy does Dr Joel Beeke’s Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary share accreditation with Roman Catholic colleges??

An interesting fact regarding Dr Joel Beeke’s Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary has just come to light, thanks to research done by the Editors of “Banash” website, Sharon Kirker and Marie O’Prey.

The Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary has received accreditation from ‘The Association of Theological Schools’.

The Association website has this ‘blurb’ by way of introduction to just what it is.

“More than 270 graduate schools of theology in the United States and Canada form The Association of Theological Schools. Member schools conduct post-baccalaureate professional and academic degree programs to educate persons for the practice of ministry and for teaching and research in the theological disciplines. These schools differ from one another in deep and significant ways, but through their membership in ATS, they demonstrate a commitment to shared values about what constitutes good theological education. Collectively, ATS member schools enrol approximately 74,500 students and employ more than 7,200 faculty and administrators.”

Read more…

The above article is feature on the latest edition of “The Heart of the Matter” broadcast by Pastor Ralph Ovadal of ‘Pilgrims Covenant Church’.
Listen to that broadcast here.

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Pictures of Christ series

Rev. Ivan FosterRev. Foster is engaged in a series of studies in Kilskeery Independent Christian School morning assemblies in which he deals with the theme, “Pictures of Christ in the Bible”, the descriptions and types of Christ given in the Scriptures.

You can listen to these studies using the player below. Each new study will be added as it becomes available.

Previously published studies in this series can be heard here.

Bible pictures of Christ Pt 19
Bible pictures of Christ Pt 20
Bible pictures of Christ Pt 21
Bible pictures of Christ Pt 22
Bible pictures of Christ Pt 23
Bible pictures of Christ Pt 24

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Latest news stories

Ian Paisley ‘felt betrayed’ by DUP and Free Presbyterian Church, says wife

Seamus Mallon’S Attack on peacemaker John Hume leaves a sour taste

Former SDLP mayor and republican internee Pat McCarthy accepts MBE

Bomb scares: ‘Garden shed’ terrorism may seem amateurish but these devices are deadly and part of our daily lives

Declassified files: Robinson’s resignation as DUP deputy leader ‘paid off handsomely’

New York RC Archbishop, a Taoiseach and an angry face-off over IRA violence and ‘genocide’

Declassified files: Government rejected Hermon plea to outlaw Sinn Fein

Investigation begins as drug dealer shot dead near Dublin pub

Man shot dead outside Dublin pub only recently released from prison

Irish State Papers: Gardaí ‘grossly negligent’ in Kerry babies inquiry

Ancient Irish had Middle Eastern ancestry, study reveals – (The Garden of Eden to be exact!!!)

European court stops Ireland deporting alleged Isil recruiter

Britain pays EU ‘£1BILLION EACH MONTH’: Yet another reason we should quit the eurozone

New Year’s Eve: All leave cancelled for armed police in London amid unprecedented security operation

GERMANY – Rising tensions over EU migrant influx exposed as TWO THIRDS of Germans expect ISIS attack

Husband, 86, appears in court accused of shooting wife dead at a care home – (The tragedy is the inevitable result of the teaching of Evolution. Being mere animals putting us out of our misery is kind!!!)

Filipino priest suspended for riding hoverboard during Christmas Eve mass – (Surely it falls short of the ‘blasphemy of the mass’ – as the 39 Articles teaches – in which he frequently engages!!)

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December 30

The IRA tarnished the very word republican: Seamus Mallon – (And yet SDLP voters consistently transferred votes to Sinn Fein/IRA!!!)

Ex-SDLP leader accuses DUP of bullying UUP out of north-south bodies

Next year critical for SF as elections loom on both sides of the border
Prince Charles donated money to RC church at centre of march furore – (We always knew where his loyalties lay!!)

Schools violence: Police called out ten times every day

Prince of Wales gives £2,000 to marching disputes church – (The church which objects to loyalists walking past on the street outside a few time each year!!)

Unionists slam cost of dissident policing in wake of parades figure – (Protests are costly to police, not parades because of the violent opposition of Romanist!!)

Police force ‘dragging feet’ after finally confirming it will interview ex-Provo

Eamonn McCann: Mother Teresa not such a good role model – (This is from the pen of one born into the Londonderry RC community and was a prominent ‘Civil Rights’ activist in the 60s-70s!!)

Dublin judge bans Irish man from driving for 80 years – will be eligible to drive again when he’s 104

Man accused of recruiting people in Ireland to participate in ‘Jihad’ resisting deportation, court told

UK Police warn of ‘looting’ in wake of floods

It’s not mean-spirited to think aid cash would be better spent at home


December 29

Costly beliefs: State squeezes last penny from bakers who defied lesbian-wedding cake order

Thatcher thought Anglo-Irish Agreement ‘gave Irish all the glory, none of the headaches’ – (It was a sell-out by the British government but it was also a judgment upon a people which had forsaken God’s truth and which continues to do so!!)

NIO memo noted tensions and conflicting wings at top of DUP in 1988 – (The rot began as far back as that!!)

‘Steam has run out’ of Ian Paisley, but Peter Robinson is ‘a dangerous man’

Islam and Christianity stand for peace, harmony and human development, says Imam – (The devil’s promotion of deceitful ecumenical Syncretism)

Anger as Northern Ireland bomb squad deals with 700 security alerts in the last three years – (No mention of how much that all cost!!!??)

Sinn Féin wants to maintain misery in Ireland, former Irish Labour leader Pat Rabbitte claims

National Archives 1985: John Hume sought talks with the IRA Army Council

Declassified files: Hume wanted to talk to IRA Army Council – (It was they that really called the shots and they still do!!)

Declassified files: Paisley vowed never to talk to SF; McGuinness pledged to fight on

Killing of loyalist was bid ‘to rebuild IRA support’


December 28

Dear Santa letter from 1932 turns up in Belfast archive – (An indicator of true poverty and the wickedness of today’s ingratitude amongst children!!)

Seamus Mallon: Sinn Féin ‘played John Hume like 3lb trout’-(Hume’s nationalism made him more ready to be hooked than most trouts!!!)

Belfast: Man arrested after police car fired at

Bomb casualty in plea for victims to be recognised

Tributes to reporter who unmasked Slab Murphy – (He did a good job on Martin McGuinness as well!!)

Sinn Fein defends criminals in general election campaign team

Don’t blame Sinn Fein for undermining law, they’re only following orders – (This a hard-hitting article in a Republic of Ireland newspaper!!)

The real ‘teddy bear’ in Adams’s closet isn’t cuddly

RC Archbishop Diarmuid Martin: Ireland becoming ‘increasingly ambiguous in its understanding of God’

EU referendum: Michael Howard says ministers should have free vote

EU chiefs ‘plan to bombard voters with propaganda’

Spectacular footage of successful Russian bombing of Islamic State’s oil-smuggling rackets into Turkey

Austrian police warn of risk of fresh terrorist attacks in European capitals

Hundreds evacuated and swathes of UK underwater as rivers reach record levels – (Will no one ask “WHY”??)

UK Flooding: video demonstrates the scale of devastation as ‘severe’ warnings issued for England and Wales

Absurd foreign aid NEEDS to be spent at home on flood-hit Britons

Hundreds of prisoners including murderers and sex offenders released by mistake

Pope Francis assures atheists: You don’t have to believe in God to go to heaven – (These unscriptural, false comments are said to “enhance” the pope’s “progressive reputation”)

You won’t hear it, but news from Afghanistan is bad. Very bad.

Jeremy Corbyn not trusted to safeguard national security by 71% of Britons

ISIS plan to bring back slave trade in the West leaked in chilling terror booklet – (Such a trade is predicted in Scripture, Revelation 18:13!!)


December 26

Fears of rift among republicans as ‘Slab’ loyalists blame SF for not shielding him from the law – (The basis of the ‘peace process’ becomes ever more wicked and sinister!!)

How much longer must this foostering over Sinn Féin and its IRA links go on

Real IRA could launch one-off attacks on mainland Britain, ministers warned

Prison service apologises to police widow over failure to reveal her husband’s killer had been freed

Father-of-two becomes latest victim of Troubles – 20 years on

Teacher arrested following probe into claims she praised the IRA on social media


December 25

Slab’s conviction shows how deep criminality runs within the Provos – (The author of this article is in the DUP and in coalition with Sinn Fein/IRA – he ought to know his subject!!!)

A monument to Irish men who died fighting for the British has been vandalised

Queen’s Christmas Day message: Monarch quotes from Bible to address a nation shaken by year of atrocities – (Sadly, not the KJV!)

Queen to refer to ‘moments of darkness’ in Christmas speech

Isis faction of terrorist group Al-Shabaab linked to foiled Kenyan bus attack

Shocking march of the far-right across Europe as migration fears reach fever pitch

British Muslim family banned from US flight were linked to ‘extremist’ Facebook page


December 24

Reflect on Christian values, David Cameron says in Christmas message – (Strange words from a pro-sodomite, pro-abortion politician!!!)

DUP defends deal with Sinn Fein after Adams’ IRA comments – (They would defend an agreement with the devil!!)

Irish Justice Minister defends non-jury court – (Claims Adams should know “better than most” why it is needed!!)

‘Slab’ terror court here to stay, Adams warned

IRA spy ring watching Leinster House holds the key to Sinn Féin’s outlook

Raid on Murphy lands uncovered cross-Border oil pipe in outhouse – (A ‘good’ republican smuggler!!!)

IRA victim’s parents horrified by Sinn Fein backing for ‘Slab’ Murphy – (I never cease to be surprised that victim’s families are surprised at the cruelty of Sinn Fein/IRA!!!)

PSNI face probe after suspect in a brutal robbery escapes at court

Role of Dublin priests in Rising must be acknowledged – Dublin RC Archbishop Diarmaid Martin – (Seamus Murphy, a Jesuit priest and a philosophy professor at Loyola University in Chicago called it an unjust war!!!)


December 23

Gardaí believe ‘Slab’ Murphy case may trigger Sinn Féin-IRA split

People who were in the IRA not criminals, says Sinn Féin leader Gerry Adams – (That is the view of those leading the power-sharing administration as well!!!)

Fury after Gerry Adams claims IRA members not criminals – (Is there fury amongst the DUP power-sharers?? I don’t think so or they would quit immediately!!)

Sinn Fein chief Adams blasted for claiming IRA were not criminals

IRA Not Criminals Say Adams – What now for the “Fresh Start”? – TUV statement by Jim Allister

Mary Lou: ‘I’ve met Slab three times. He’s a very nice man’

Republican support for the rule of law depends on who is accused of breaking it

Martin McGuinness supports new cross-border task force that he says will relentlessly tackle the ‘scourge of criminality’ – (Who would believe this admirer of ‘Slab’ Murphy!!??)

Mask slips to show cancer at heart of SF – Defending Adams’ defence

Foster sets out her vision for future in message to party – (“People left behind” – Yes, Arlene, those who could not go along with the immorality of joining with terrorists in government!!)

All change at Stormont: Almost 30pc of MLAs not standing for re-election – (I wonder why???)

Probe into (Scotland’s) ‘Provo princess’ primary school teacher

Irish Catholic priest: 1916 Rising was an unjust war – (Where does that place all those who celebrate its participants etc???)


December 22

Tax fraudster ‘Slab’ Murphy hailed by McGuinness for peace process role – (How can power-sharing Unionists continue to promote a “peace” that was engineered by Murphy and murderous republicanism??)

‘Slab’ Murphy and gang ‘betrayed’ by prosecution, says source – (And so the ‘whitewash’ starts!!)

Now Mary Lou backs ‘good republican’ Slab

Compare and contrast: Mary Lou on Ansbacher accounts – and on Slab

Adams launches astonishing attack on (Irish) DPP Loftus

SF reaction to ‘Slab’ Murphy trial part of ‘persecution complex’

Provo reliance on illicit funds ‘forced Adams to back Slab’

Parents of IRA murder victim Paul Quinn disgusted at latest Adams stance

Sinn Féin doublespeak and denial re-surface in wake of Thomas ‘Slab’ Murphy verdict

Analysis: Murphy defence exposes Sinn Féin contradictions

French border guards ‘colluding’ with gangs smuggling migrants into Britain, MEP claims

Task force gears up to tackle cross-border crime

No Austerity for GAA When it comes to Government Funding

Let us speak out on EXIT from EU or we QUIT: PM warned of gag on Eurosceptic ministers


December 21

Gerry Adams says Thomas ‘Slab’ Murphy was treated unfairly – (How many poor victims in South Armagh were treated ‘unfairly’ by the IRA??)

Adams claims Thomas “Slab” Murphy unfairly treated

Gerry Adams under fire after he leaps to defence of Provo godfather Murphy

Gerry Adams had little choice but to stand by ‘Slab’ Murphy – (If the present ‘Peace Process’ is built on Murphy, a man with a murderous reputation, then it it is an evil contrivance indeed!!)

Instead of feting criminals, Adams should ask himself just why ‘Slab’ didn’t get a jury trial

SF leader Gerry Adams faces political scorn after he backs up criminal – (That is all he has ever done!!!)

Adams slammed after claiming ‘Slab’ Murphy is a ‘good republican’

Gerry Adams insists tax fraudster Thomas “Slab” Murphy is a “good republican” – (He has every mark of such!!!!!)

Sinn Fein is again left reeling as Adams fails to cut ties to criminals

Adams paints a picture of his morally decrepit criminal gang of fools – (Maybe the light is dawning for those long beguiled by Sinn Fein!!)

‘Slab’ conviction cannot be hailed as a victory over cross-border crime

Armed (English) Police ‘Want To Go Back To Patrol Cars’

Armed police to be given more protection over shoot to kill

Cameron to review legal protection of shoot-to-kill police officers

EU referendum: David Cameron already planning pro-Europe dossier to keep Britain in the Union – (The deceitfulness the politicians!!)

Air France bomb: Kenya confirms explosive device found in toilets of plane carrying 473 people from Mauritius to Paris

Air France emergency landing: Six passengers questioned after BOMB found in plane toilet

Air France Boss: Bomb Alert Was ‘False Alarm’

Lord Janner dead: Former Labour peer found unfit to stand trial for alleged child sex abuse dies aged 87 – (There is a Higher Court which can’t be avoided, Hebrews 9:27)

Sinn Fein won’t support anti-terror laws following Paris attacks

Ex-Sinn Fein treasurer and his brother jailed for stabbing


December 19

MP fury as 40-pupil Irish school replaces college axed over low numbers – (Life under Sinn Fein!!!)

Irish school approved for 38 pupils on site closed for having ‘only’ 140

SF TDs silent over Adams’s links to IRA tax dodger

Adams response to Murphy conviction shows ‘SF not fit to govern’

Gerry Adams under fire over ‘Slab’ support

Auditors’ concern over cash to MLA’s bouncy castle enterprise

Analysis: Foster’s rise makes unionist unity more plausible than ever

Arlene Foster speaks out about IRA attempts on her and her father’s life

Virginia Schools Shut Over Arabic Assignment

Mother Teresa To Be Saint As Miracle Approved – (Just where in the Bible is this ridiculous practice taught???)

December 18

Arlene Foster is first woman elected as leader of DUP

Arlene Foster becomes Northern Ireland’s first female DUP leader

New DUP leader Arlene Foster sets out vision for the future

North’s new First Minister survived an IRA bombing

Arlene Foster: I’d accept no prosecutions if Provos told who put bomb under school bus

PSNI officers disciplined over Peadar Heffron bomb attack failings

Garda Kingsmills information ‘raises more questions than answers’

Migrants launch ‘unprecedented’ attack on lorry drivers at Calais

UK Government accused of cover-up as data suggests million EU migrants unaccounted for in Britain

Sinn Fein – IRA Panel has Zero Credibility

Farmer accused of being senior IRA commander convicted of tax fraud

Gerry Adams refuses to condemn Thomas ‘Slab’ Murphy after tax conviction – (‘Birds of a feather’ etc . . . .!!)

Adams won’t say if ‘Slab’ is still ‘good republican’ – (Well, he has all the credentials!!!)

‘Untouchable’ IRA godfather was lionised by Sinn Féin

How IRA turned south Armagh into a fuel complex

Damage done by Murphy’s activities will take decades to clean up

Sinn Féin integrity brought into critical focus -Thomas ‘Slab’ Murphy convicted

Tax dodger ‘Slab’ Murphy could get slap on the wrist

Tax fraudster Thomas ‘Slab’ Murphy faces five years in jail for illegal empire

Independent TDs offer €5,000 each in failed bid to secure bail for IRA suspect


December 17

Majority of Catholics back Union Flag on designated days

Protestants slain by rogue Para unit deserve justice too

NI abortion law ‘incompatible’ with human rights – (Once again, man’s law is elevated above God’s Law!!)

Judge fails to back ending of Northern Ireland abortion ban

Northern Ireland’s abortion law ‘incompatible’ with Human Rights Act – judge’s landmark declaration puts onus on Stormont

Unborn Have Human Rights – Statement by TUV leader Jim Allister

Asbestos from Brighton bomb kills detective

This is trial by Stephen Nolan, exclaimed rattled McConnell

Judgment reserved over preacher in ‘Satanic Islam’ sermon – (Having an RC priest as a character witness was doubtless deemed a smart move by Pastor McConnell!!)

Pastor James McConnell Islam remarks case judgement reserved

Judgement reserved in ‘heathen Islam sermon’ Pastor McConnell trial in Belfast

Russian strikes on Syria opposition ‘helping IS’ – UK foreign secretary Philip Hammond

Turkish MP who claimed sarin gas was delivered to Isis in Syria through Turkey faces treason charges


December 16

Abortion: Judge to determine scope of Northern Ireland law – (The ‘Judge of all the earth’ already has laid down the law on this matter!!)

Top British General thought the Irish (nationalists) were ‘shocking old cry babies’ – (And clearly implied that some RC priests were IRA propagandists – he was right!!)

Pastor James McConnell: Judge rejects bid to end Islam remarks trial

After the drama of Monday, McConnell case settles down for legal details

Syrian refugees: First families arrive in Northern Ireland

Christopher Meli murder: Teenagers charged with murder of father-of-one

Five teenagers arrested in Christopher Meli murder probe

(Irish) Police searching land after dissident republican arms dump discovered

‘AK47s and mortars’ found during dissident republican searches (in Co Louth)

Terror attack threat in Northern Ireland still ‘severe’, warns Theresa Villiers

Paisley: Dissidents being squeezed by security services

Bomb ‘planned for Londonderry hotel police recruitment event’

Northern Ireland interfaces: More residents want peace walls to stay

Syrian refugees arrive in Northern Ireland

Muslim Nations Form Coalition To Fight Terror

Saudi Coalition Could Lead To Greater Conflict

Saudi Arabia assembles 34 Muslim country coalition to fight ‘terrorism’ – but there’s no mention of Isis – (Rather significant!!!)

Turkish MP, Eren Erdem claims Turkey supplied Isis with sarin gas materials for chemical weapon attacks

Hackers trace ISIS Twitter accounts to the (UK government) Department of Work and Pensions

Cruz Emerges As Trump Rival Ahead Of Debate


December 15

Foreign aid scandal: Iran, China, Zimbabwe.. why is YOUR cash given to foreign dictators?

Sharia in the UK: The courts in the shadow of British law offering rough justice for Muslim women

Inside Britain’s Sharia courts

Young boys attacked ‘because they were Protestants’

‘DUP remains focused despite change at top’ – Campbell

Martin McGuinness reckons he can get on with just about anybody – (Better look out those he can’t get on with!!!)

Big challenge awaits Foster as DUP leader and First Minister

Jenny Palmer to stand for Stormont on UUP ticket

Order your popcorn now … unionist battle is going to be some spectacle

McGuinness call for probe into McConnell sparks laughter in court

Case against ‘Satanic Islam’ sermon Pastor James McConnell hangs on just five words, his QC tells Belfast hearing

At last, the courts defend our right to expose hoodlums

Video – Donald Trump shakes hands with Sinn Fein leader months before IRA Canary Wharf bomb

Three charged with Christopher Meli’s murder

Police (in England and Wales) ‘overwhelmed’ by domestic abuse cases

EU referendum: UK exit on knife edge as poll shows British public now 50/50 over leaving


December 14

Catholic bishop’s ‘lovely’ day with Apprentice Boys in Londonderry – (Ecumenical exercise and it looks like Protestants fell for it!!)

Pastor James McConnell goes on trial over ‘satanic Islam’ sermon

Pastor McConnell arrives for trial over Islam sermon

Fact – D’Hondt still exists proof Fresh Start is nothing of sort

Flags: What do you want to see flying on your local council building?

‘Divine wrath claimed IRA lives’

Sinn Fein not committed to an anti-austerity left wing government (in Dublin)

Prosecutions Prepared Against Illegal Muslim Schools

Downing Street denies Cameron ready to drop EU migrant benefit demands

Donald Trump in front as panic sets in among Republican party establishment

Bradford councillors rebel after health and safety officials order toaster to be removed over fire fears

Gay clergyman banned from taking services after marrying partner 


December 12

NI gay blood ban likely to be lifted if advisory group recommends

‘DUP climb down’ on gay blood welcomed – (Sad reading!!)

Senior PSNI officer suspended following HM Revenue and Customs probe

Senior Catholic cop suspended during probe

The British soldier who joined 1916 Easter Rising on leave – (That is called ‘treason’ everywhere but in Ireland!!)

Robinson jokes ‘Tiocfaidh ár Lá’ with McGuinness – (Obviously taking lessons from Gregory Campbell!!!)

Katie Hopkins backs Donald Trump: ‘We have lost control of some areas’

Donald Trump: More UK Muslims join IS than UK army

Enrique Marquez, former neighbor of San Bernardino gunman Syed Rizwan Farook, reportedly spoke of ‘sleeper cells’ to patrons at his job

Angela Merkel is doing more damage to the future of the West than Donald Trump

IRA victims attack Tony Blair over ‘whitewash’ evidence

Stephen Pollard: Labour now allies itself to terrorists and ISIS fraudsters

Assault rifles part of arms haul found near Roslea


December 11

SF minister gives £160k to Irish language centre

Donald Trump: petition to ban presidential candidate from the UK becomes most popular ever

Trump says UK politicians should THANK him and Britain is ‘trying to hide Muslim problem’

DUP’s Arlene Foster one woman who was born to be a leader

‘Release more classified Troubles files’ call from former soldier

Police called to probe DUP MLA Paul Girvan’s ‘gypsy’ comment – (Interestingly, ‘Daily Mail’ calls Tyson Fury the boxer, a ‘gypsy’!!)

Man accused of blackmail ‘claimed to be from the UDA’

‘Fr’ Gerry Reynolds defended Gerry Adams’s stance on IRA questions – (The old Roman Catholic deceit of ‘Mental Reservation’!!!)

RE needs to be renamed, include non-religious viewpoints and focus less on indoctrination – (Remove all BIBLE TRUTH from it in other words!!!!)

Jeremy Corbyn and the conman accused of funding Islamic State: Labour leader stood up for fraudster

Jeremy Corbyn helped secure bail for conman stealing £1million from elderly to FUND ISIS

Germany heading for financial MELTDOWN set to sink the EU, says leading expert

School orders parents to fill in consent form for kids CHRISTMAS PARTY amid religion fears – (Is Donald Trump right???!!!)

‘Trump is right!’ Police say parts of Britain ARE no-go areas due to ISIS radicalisation

As the petition to ban Donald Trump reaches 400,000, here’s who has been let into Britain


December 10

Victims groups criticise ‘abject failure’ over Troubles legacy

Troubles victims use newspaper ad to attack Goverment over legacy issues

Motion Passed Condemning Attempted Removal of National Anthem From Remembrance Service

Travellers deemed more worthy of preferential treatment than military personnel in NI, says Sammy Wilson

Murder probe into death of IRA spy: Irish police following ‘definite leads’

Irish police blame legal logjam for 17th adjournment of IRA spy inquest

Denis Donaldson killing: Family to take European court action

Video: Donald Trump attends Sinn Fein fundraiser amid anti-IRA terror protests in 1995 – (Sort of explains the character of the man!!)

Britain’s power grid at risk of ISIS terror attack which could KILL thousands

Police finally set to interview former IRA chief over Birmingham pub bombings

Sinn Féin holds no ‘moral compass’, claims (Irish) Labour minister

‘Labour-IRA attitude’ under scrutiny as Young Fabians invite former terror commander to be guest of honour at Christmas party

Lee Rigby killer Michael Adebolajo sues over teeth lost in prison – (Unbelievable!!!)


December 9

Watch: Campbell – You lack credibility; McGuinness – I hope you stay here to enjoy power-sharing with us

Robinson wins damages over false blocked peerage claims

Private Eye owners pay damages to Peter Robinson

Arlene Foster still favourite despite break-up of DUP dream team

Arlene Foster signals ‘business as usual’ for DUP if she takes over

DUP old guard rallies behind Foster as 30 propose her for leader

Dodds decision reflects waning local influence of MPs

Up to 50 murders allegedly linked to a British spy in IRA ‘included state agents’

PSNI ‘has no appetite’ for Stakeknife probe

Elliott intervenes to have poppy ban lifted

GAA club formed honour guard at paramilitary funeral because deceased was a former member – (Any feeble excuse covers sympathy with terrorists!!!)

Now Adams leaves door open to coalition with (Irish) Labour

Republic’s leader condemns ‘political misconduct’ highlighted by journalists

When Jeremy met Gerry


December 8

Nigel Dodds rules himself out of DUP leadership contest

Nigel Dodds ‘did not face pressure’ to drop DUP leadership bid

Nigel Dodds rules himself out of DUP leadership race

Analysis: In the end, Dodds just didn’t want DUP leadership enough

Arlene Foster puts name forward to lead DUP

Arlene Foster ‘humbled’ by colleagues’ support for DUP leadership

Robinson says over 75 per cent support Foster

Foster ‘may be Robinson’s preferred heir’… but Wilson will not rule out DUP leader bid

DUP’s Arlene Foster sitting pretty as Dodds rules himself out of race to succeed Robinson as leader

DUP man Moutray to step down from the Assembly

IRA killers at Loughgall ‘died under judgement of God’

McGuinness rejects ‘surrender to Westminster’ criticism over welfare powers

Jim Allister Exposes McGuinness’ Hypocrisy on National Security and “the Past” – (A very good question and the usual silent response!!!)

‘Renua Ireland’ leader, Lucinda Creighton attacks SF over ‘Army Council links’

New home defence law ‘incompatible with human rights convention’, judges told

Leytonstone attack suspect Muhaydin Mire appears in court on attempted murder charge

SF’s muddled response to McCabe murder shows confusion on party line

Sinn Fein edifice shakes as signs of dissent surface

Kingsmills survivor refused legal representation during inquest – (The right to question witnesses is too big a risk for the establishment to take!!!!)


December 7

Ian Paisley’s brother dies in Canada

Adams will do anything to be Taoiseach in 2016

Leytonstone terror attack: Muhaydin Mire charged with attempted murder

North desensitised to ‘extreme violence’, conference told

Call to change Northern Ireland school worship system – (The ‘worship’ in state schools is utter ecumenical!!)

Mandatory Christian prayers in schools ‘should be axed’ – (In a way it marks the departure from all that is ‘Christian’!!)

Britain is no longer a Christian country and should stop acting as if it is, says judge

Schools offered £30,000 extra funding to hire and promote gay and transgender teachers – (Evidence, if more was needed, that the judge is right!!)

Catholic priest will back ‘Satanic Islam’ sermon cleric McConnell in court – (That should win him his case!!)

December 5

Enniskillen: Threat against DUP minister Arlene Foster sparks security alert

Suspect device close to homes of loyalist band members

Device was ‘primed to explode’ at a PSNI recruitment meeting in Derry hotel

‘No evidence’ to link Co Tyrone man to attempted murder of policeman in 2008

Coroner appeals for Kingsmills witnesses and information

Brother of IRA Disappeared man Brendan Megrew: ‘He was shot in the head by someone facing him, his last few moments must have been terrifying’

Irish Deputy Prime minister, Joan Burton won’t ‘jeopardise’ country’s future with Sinn Féin deal

Make Fr Reynolds’ vision of a united Church a reality – (Here is evidence of the treachery of Ecumenism and the sell-out of our Protestant heritage currently taking place!!)

FBI investigates California shooting as act of terrorism

Paris attacks ringleader ‘had UK connections’


December 3

Syria air strikes: RAF Tornado jets carry out bombing

Britain bombs Syria: Tornado jets target Syrian oil field 57 minutes after Commons votes for airstrikes

UK Syria air strikes ‘successful’ in bombing Isil oilfield as Labour descends into open warfare over Hilary Benn’s historic speech – latest

San Bernardino shooting: ‘Husband and wife’ suspects dead and named as Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik after 14 killed in California – latest

Pearse McAuley sentenced to 12 years for attacking his ex-wife

Pearse McAuley: A violent terrorist with a lengthy record – (Just your average republican!!!)

Man charged with Castlederg bomb attack on (Roman Catholic) policeman

Former priest Henry Moloney guilty of sex assault on pupil

Sammy Wilson rules out DUP leadership bid

Nama inquiry: Sammy Wilson to appear before Stormont committee

Martin McGuinness defends Sinn Fein pact with the DUP

Weapons find raises questions over PIRA decommissioning

Victims’ champion raps party held for fugitive IRA man – (When will Unionists learn that Sinn Fein/IRA has been pretending a “change of heart” from their terrorist days!!!)

Fury over Sinn Fein Molloy’s ‘Brits’ murderers jibe

Widow of murdered RUC officer ‘disgusted’ at complaint by husband’s killer – (It merely displays the unrelenting, evil disposition of the republican mind!!)

Does IRA killer Seamus Kearney have no shame? Anyone with decency would be begging forgiveness – (The answer is a simple NO!!!)

Even by murky nature of British black operations in Ulster, the MRF was an enigma

What next on the past?

Cameron ‘hypocrisy’ on same-sex marriage in Northern Ireland

Friends of Sinn Féin raised $60,000 in six months – (The same ‘friends’ who raised money for Sinn Fein/IRA to aid their terrorism!!)

Micheál Martin – leader of Fianna Fáil party – dismisses Sinn Fein coalition talk

December 2


Syria air strikes vote: David Cameron tells Tory MPs to ignore Jeremy Corbyn and ‘terrorist sympathisers’ by voting for bombing

Taxpayers Demand Sinn Fein-IRA Repay Irregularly Claimed Benefit Money

Convicted Colombia Three member Celebration Underscores Sinn Fein-IRA Terror Links – (SF does not really try to hide its links with terror because the DUP will not challenge them and jeopardise the power-sharing gravy train!!)

Irish anti-terror police find assault rifles in Co Monaghan arms dump

AK47s and mortars found in dissident searches

Suspected dissident republican arms dump found by Irish police

Seized arms were stolen from Provos by dissidents – (Stolen or handed over???!!!)

Finds show not all Provisional’s arms put beyond use

Trade unionist challenged on air over dissident past – (He previously refused to condemn those who support armed violence)

Gerry Adams won’t rule out Sinn Féin-Fianna Fáil coalition

SF keener on coalition than it has admitted so far

NI abortion law: Ruling could allow terminations for girls under 16

Shameless IRA killer Seamus Kearney reports his victim’s widow to the police

December 1

NI abortion law ‘breaches human rights’

Abortion Ruling – Courts Should not Seek to Legislate

TUV’s Allister vows to expose Stormont ‘greed and squander’

Jeremy Corbyn rolls over in face of shadow cabinet opposition and gives free vote to Labour MPs on Syria air strike

Labour MPs to get free vote on Syria

Labour MPs will get a free vote on whether the UK should launch air strikes in Syria

Syria air strikes vote on Wednesday, says David Cameron

Syria air strikes: Extra RAF planes to be sent to base as Britain prepares for war against Isis

PM Calls Syria Airstrikes Vote For Wednesday

Sinn Fein’s politics are as outdated as the party’s leaders

Shooting victims ‘had failed to turn up to be shot’ – (Tut, tut – these people who won’t keep their appointments – what an inconvenience!!!!!)

Two men shot in legs in west Belfast

Planners ask for Castlederg IRA memorial ‘equality’ assessment

McGuinness pays tribute to Fr. Gerry Reynolds – (If Sinn Fein/IRA thought highly of him – enough said!!!)

Life as a judge in Britain: ‘I think I’ve heard it all – then a case shocks me with a new level of depravity’ – (The Bible clearly warns of such, 2 Tim 3:1-9)

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