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November 2011

DUP now part of the mainstream ecumenical movement in Ulster

Back in October of this year, a copy of an invitation issued by the Northern Ireland Assembly Christian Fellowship, along with an introductory leaflet about the NIACF, came into my possession. The invitation was to a meeting at which the Chief Constable of the Police Service of Northern Ireland was to speak.

What was especially interesting was the fact that the Roman Catholic MLA, Alban McGuinness, was listed as one of those organising the meeting. A reply to the invitation was to be sent to Mr Jonathan Craig, a Democratic Unionist MLA. Read more

DUP continues its ecumenical integration campaign

OFMDFM Junior Ministers Martina Anderson and Jonathan Bell sponsored a panel discussion marking Inter-Faith Week, organised by the Northern Ireland Inter-Faith Forum: “Accommodating faith and diversity in Northern Ireland”. The panel discussion was chaired by Liam Clarke, and the panellists were: Steven Agnew MLA, Sammy Douglas MLA, Anna Lo MLA, and Conall McDevitt MLA. Read more(external site)

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Jesus Christ superstar protest.

A protest was held outside the Grand Opera House in Belfast on Saturday afternoon 5th November 2011 against the production entitled: Jesus Christ Superstar. This year marks the 40th anniversary of its first production for the stage. Around 400 specially prepared leaflets highlighting the slanderous attack upon the person and work of Jesus Christ contained in this ‘rock opera’, were distributed to people attending the final day’s performance of this ‘rock opera’. Read more

What is wrong with Jesus Christ Superstar? A sermon preached by Rev. Brian McClung, Sunday November 6th, 2011.

Forty years on, musical is still blasphemousBelfast Telegraph report.

Maynooth Community Church: Promoting the Jesuit Cause.

The ongoing apostasy within the Presbyterian Church in Ireland may be clearly seen in this article which was recently mounted on Mr Cecil Andrews’ site, Take Heed Ministries.

I am reminded of what Paul the apostle said to the Thessalonian church in 2 Thessalonians 2:7. “For the mystery of iniquity doth already work . . . ” It is most certainly at work today as we near the revelation of the Antichrist, “whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming,” 2 Thessalonians 2:8. We honour brother Andrews and his witness for truth in these evil times.

The things which will announce, accompany and follow after the return of Christ

Part One: Why we should watch for Christ’s return

This is our first study in what I believe will be an interesting and beneficial series of prophetic studies. We will endeavour to look at God’s revelation of the events which He has said will take place just prior to the return of the Saviour to rule this world. We wish to start our series by looking at why we should consider such a subject. Some might believe that it is folly to stare into the future and try and anticipate what will happen amongst the nations at the end of this age. If such a study is folly then the folly began with the Lord Who revealed these things to us and commanded us to give consideration to what He said. Read the article.

Part two: What the Christian waiting for Christ’s return should look out for

I have often used the illustration of the directions given to a traveller becoming more and more detailed as he nears his destination to show that so it is with prophecy. I am convinced that God’s people will be able to tell, with increasing confidence, the time of the Saviour’s return as that wonderful event draws near.

There will come a time when true believers will know to look up for the time of Christ’s return has come. “And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh,” Luke 21:28.

There are four developments, four areas of activities, which are early harbingers of the approaching nearness of Christ’s return. Read more

Part three: Why the Saviour warned of deception in the last days. NEW!

“Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you,” Matthew 24:4.

A wonderful conversation took place between the Saviour and His disciples in a most significant location just days before His crucifixion. That place was the Mount of Olives. It was from this mount that the Saviour would ascend some forty days after His resurrection and it will be to this same mount that the Saviour will return one day soon (Acts 1:9-12 and Zechariah 14:3-4). Read more


News stories

Sinn Fein mayor slammed over failure to present award to army cadet

Bishop defends Derry toilet peep priest’s promotion

Historical Ulster: The 1922 riots in pictures

Three bishops made significant errors of judgment when allegations of child sexual abuse were made against priests

What about price of not having death sentence?

TUV Leader Challenges McGuinness on IRA Involvement on Assembly Floor

Yet More Evidence of Growing Lawlessness in Prisons

Derry toilet spy priest gets promotion

‘Release papers over arms shipment to republicans’

Fury at rise in hostage stand-offs in Northern Ireland prisons

RC bishop quits days before child sex abuse report due

What is it like to keep top state secrets?

Papers on secret IRA talks to be made public

Claims that Irish state created PIRA to eject British from Ulster

The Smithwick Tribunal into Irish State collusion in IRA murders: the story so far

Confront your bloody past, unionist tells SF

“It still amazes me how those once pledged to smash SF are today their buddies”

Speech by TUV press officer and Jim Allister’s personal Assistant Sammy Morrison

Is removal of Royal Catholic ban prudent?

SMITHWICK TRIBUNAL: Information linking Garda mole to murders

Garda mole’s information ‘led to IRA murder of senior judge’

DUP to push for ecumenical joint-eduction in Northern Ireland

Plan to rob Prison Service of Royal connections

David Ford criticised over possible changes to NI Prison Service emblems

Dr Ian Paisley retires from Free Presbyterian ministry

Tribunal told of IRA man’s boast -“a Garda officer helped them to murder two senior police officers”

Orange Order protest over Catholic monarch ban move

Unionist MLA criticises absence of Sinn Féin mayor at Belfast wreath-laying

IRA bombing relatives join Enniskillen service

Outrage as Tesco backs gay festival… but drops support for cancer charity event

High time we put an end to this Assembly mob rule

MEP in call for action on FAIR funding

IRA ammo used in double murder

A European funding body seeks return of £500,000 grant money paid to victims groups in Markethill, County Armagh

Danny Kennedy demands release of report into FAIR probe

City of Derry Airport backs down over ‘unacceptable’ poppy

Smithwick Tribunal: witness names Sean Hughes as ambush leader

IRA unit ‘responsible for up to 80 murders’

Massereene gunman ‘showed no remorse’

Public behind my bid to bar killers, says Allister

Irish Vatican embassy closure has huge significance

Irish embassy to Vatican closes in cost-cutting drive

Gay couples to be allowed to ‘wed’ in churches by the end of the year

MP calls on McGuinness to tell the ‘truth’

A very good question indeed! (Letter to a newspaper)

Doctors ORDERED to treat elderly with respect… but shouldn’t that go without saying?

August 2010

Articles from the August 2010 e-edition.

The blasphemy of a Presbyterian minister challenged and answered by God’s Word. An answer to the claims by Rev. Christ Hudson that “…it is ok to be gay and a Christian and do not let anyone tell you otherwise.”

The Union with today’s Great Britain holds out no hope for the Ulster Protestant. Written at the request of the Belfast Newsletter and published in its edition of August 13th 2010.

The Alpha Course and Its Ecumenical Association. Transcribed from a recording of a message preached in Lewes Free Presbyterian Church, Saturday, 13th February 2010.

Listen to this sermon by using the player below:

Some pertinent truths regarding the Claudy Bombing cover-up that must be highlighted

The gospel is no longer enough – a timely article by Rev Andy Foster on a dangerous folly embraced by all too many fundamentalist ministers