Archives for

Family issues

February 2006

Articles from the February 2006 edition.

Blair’s government whitewashes IRA criminality

Mother loses abortion case

Education Secretary’s County Fermanagh and IRA roots!!

Robert McCartney beaten twice by IRA mob

The Kingsmills Massacre—30 years on

C.S. Lewis—a safe guide or a confused soul, which?

Police investigate 3000 deaths from the Troubles

Bishop Casey to return to Galway

Annual Kilskeery prize-giving

The impact of ‘ecumenical’ schools

The Saviour not ashamed of those ashamed of themselves

February 2005

Articles from the February 2005 edition.

Protest at Ecumenical unity meeting

Priest pays compensation to accuser but keeps his post

Education Secretary defends membership of secret Roman Catholic society

“Mild smacking” – only legal chastisement

Sinn Fein masks slips further

Re-trial for IRA man in Omagh bomb case

“Exclusive Psalmody” – Is it commanded of God?

An examination of the Greek terms psalmos, humnos, and ode as they are used in the Septuagint Version of the Scriptures (LXX) to see if the practice of the LXX lends support to the concept of exclusive Psalmody

The Burning Bush 2005 subscription rates