Archives for


June 2014

Reasons why the binding of Satan in Revelation 20:1-4 cannot refer to his defeat at Calvary

I understand that it is generally believed among A-millennialists that the binding of Satan, in Revelation 20, is a reference to what happened to him at Calvary.
I have heard that stated myself in an exposition of these verses.
Now I find it hard to believe that anyone can be satisfied with such an explanation of this passage of God’s Holy Word. Such an interpretation leaves so many unexplained verses and generates so many contradictions and incredible implications that it cannot be seriously regarded as a proper exegesis of this passage. Read more

The deceit propagated by Enniskillen ecumenical ministers and priests

In Enniskillen, Co. Fermanagh, so-called Protestant ministers joined with Roman Catholic priests to issue a statement in response to the comments of Pastor James McConnell, with regards to Islam and its origins. Read more

A Sinister Development for Home Educators in Northern Ireland

by Rev. Brian McClung

There is presently a consultation running in all five Education & Library Boards in Northern Ireland regarding the issue of Home Education. Presently it is any parent’s legal right to educate their child[ren] outside the state system of education. This legal right permits independent schools to exist, such the Free Presbyterian schools, or a parent may desire to educate their child[ren] at home. Read more(link to article on The sound of an alarm)

Beginning of Emmaus Baptist Assembly of Oradea

by Florin Moţiu

At the end of 2003, a small number of young people started a Bible study group, meeting once a month, and, after a while, twice a month. All of us were Arminian in theology, most of us members in the Baptist Union, which is Arminian in creed. As the years passed, we became more and more interested in the Doctrines of Grace. We studied the five points of Calvinism, the theology of the Puritans, the lives of Luther, Calvin, Edwards, Spurgeon. Read more

Offending Without Apologising.

This article is prompted by the spectacle of First Minister, Peter Robinson and then Pastor James McConnell bowing to the media-based campaign that followed in the wake of Pastor McConnell’s widely publicised comments on the subject of the wickedness and unbiblical nature of Islam and Peter Robinson’s support of him.

“Then came his disciples, and said unto him, Knowest thou that the Pharisees were offended, after they heard this saying?
But he answered and said, Every plant, which my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up. Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind.
And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch,” Matthew 15:12-14.
Christians should not seek to offend gratuitously any with their declarations of the truth of God. We are exhorted to engage in “speaking the truth in love,” Ephesians 4:15. Read more



Below are a number of messages dealing with this issue. Please note the links to written material which can be read and/or downloaded.

Click here for notes to accompany this recording.

Click here for notes to accompany this recording.

Click here for notes to accompany this message.

Headcovering in Public Worship

Fashions change and tastes differ. Cultural variations abound among Christians of differing nationalities. The New Testament wisely makes allowance for such things and goes no further in matters of dress and appearance than to set down the principles of modesty (1 Tim. 2:9) and association-e.g., that we should be careful not to adopt any appearance that identifies us with grossly wicked people to whom a particular style or fashion is virtually a badge.

Paul devotes half a chapter to the subject of headcovering (1 Cor. 11:1-16). He gives no indication that he is establishing a rule merely for the local situation in Corinth.

Read more

Enoch – An illustration of the importance of watching for the return of Christ as an incentive to holiness.

The most remarkable thing recorded in the Bible about Enoch, a man of the seventh generation from Adam and whose life span would have been overlapped by that of Adam by some 308 years, according to calculations based upon figures given in Genesis 5, was his avoidance of death. Genesis 5:24 says, “And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him.” This truth is further stated in Hebrews 11:5. “By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death; and was not found, because God had translated him: for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God.” Read more

Latest news stories


More news

July 1

Pan nationalist front at it again

Prison Officer David Black murder: Charges dropped against murder accused

Prison officer murder case dropped

Rolf Harris guilty: More alleged victims come forward

Court upholds French face veils ban

Hamas warns of ‘gates of hell’

Police confront loyalists over erection of flags in south Belfast

Electoral deal with the SDLP possible, says Mike Nesbitt

Alex Kane interviews Mike Nesbitt: Confident UUP leader offers olive branch to nationalism

Police from Britain on riot standby

Sinn Fein ally Richard Haass was a dumb choice to chair Northern Ireland peace talks

New Chief Constable hoping to see progress in party talks

(Irish) Government mulls inquiry into garda killing of Real IRA man

June 30

Chief Constable pressed on McGuinness’ gun claim

George Hamilton: New PSNI chief constable marks first day in job

Portadown’s Victoria Terrace Orange parade cancelled by Parkmount Arch Committee

Protest for restricted Newtownbutler parade

North Korea to try two US tourists after one ‘left a Bible behind in hotel room’

Northern Ireland: four men charged with IRA membership

Mayor of Belfast upset at quotes attributed to her over Queen visit

Why a visit from the Pope could bode well for all of us – (Why it would not – “ . . . the Pope of Rome . . . . is that Antichrist, that man of sin, and son of perdition, that exalts himself, in the Church, against Christ and all that is called God.”)

Australia’s top military bishop resigns over sex abuse charge

Britain’s island story keeps ‘Europe’ at bay

June 28

Ardoyne protest group vows to bring thousands on to streets

Publication date set for report into North’s on-the-runs scheme

On The Run letters report to be published in July

Two NI21 branches dissolve in new blow to leader McCrea

Murdered Catholic RUC officer ‘could have been saved’

Ballymurphy shootings: 36 hours in Belfast that left 10 dead

Most of the Irish media failed to bring truth about Gerry Conlon’s innocence to light

EU set to snub UK over Juncker as Commission chief

DUP has rolled over on CAP reform

Elections round-up: Can the TUV turn Euro election performance into seats at Stormont?

Fears over Jean-Claude Juncker’s drinking

Angry Cameron warns European leaders of ‘consequences’ for giving ‘Cognac for breakfast’ Brussels fixer Jean-Claude Juncker the EU’s top job

Vatican considers historic easing stance on contraception and marriage as it concedes ordinary Catholics don’t follow the rules – (Public opinion, not God, is the arbitrator on morality within Romanism!!)

June 26

Unionist outrage over Garvaghy march U-turn

Parades Commission blasted over Garvaghy Road U-turn

Ham-fisted Garvaghy Road decision does not augur well

Taoiseach calls on SF leader to use IRA contacts to reveal Guilford bombers

Peace process issues: Martin McGuinness says agreement ‘difficult’

OTR letters scheme not secret: Reid

TUV men slam election of Sinn Fein Deputy Mayor of Craigavon

Prominent NI21 members resign from ailing party

MLA Anna Lo demands release of report into conduct of Peter and Iris Robinson after it is delayed by legal challenge

June 25

Judge rebukes David Cameron for comments on Coulson conviction

Campaigners lose ‘right to die’ case

Report into conduct of Peter and Iris Robinson delayed by legal challenge

Royal visit to Northern Ireland: The Queen lays wreath in memory of Irish soldiers who died in First World War

Loyalist parade allowed to march along contentious Garvaghy Road for first time in almost two decades

Residents ‘not told’ of Garvaghy Road march service plan

‘Garvaghy Road’ parade is reviewed after outcry – (Now, isn’t that a surprise!!)

Parades Commission bans Portadown march along ‘lower stretch of Garvaghy Road’ – (Parades Commission – Puppets on strings pulled by republicans)

Appeal by Christian airport worker – (The reverse is likely in Iran etc!!!!)

June 24

Queen in second day of NI engagements

Martin McGuinness hails encounter with Queen at Hillsborough Castle as ‘very nice’

McGuinness holds first private meeting with Queen Elizabeth

Adams: IRA not responsible for wrongful Troubles imprisonments

Richard Haass calls for Irish to be official language in Northern Ireland – (Somebody please take this ‘ejit’ home!!)

Tuam babies: How a small field in Ireland held big secret

Sudanese mother sentenced to death for ‘converting to Christianity’ freed after international outcry

Three American friends hospitalised after becoming ‘possessed’ following Ouija board game in Mexican village

Short life, and quick death, of NI21

June 23

David Cameron left furious by EU leaders’ ‘promises’ over Jean-Claude Juncker – (A taste of his own ‘broken promises’ medicine!!)

Father of British jihadist ‘prays he goes to hell’ – (“ . . . the tender mercies of the wicked are cruel,” Proverbs 12:10)

The Queen and Duke of Edinburgh due in NI for three-day visit

Queen and Prince Philip set to jet in

Queen and McGuinness to meet at former jail during visit

Adams’s hypocrisy yet again knows no bounds

Sinn Féin need to be ready for government (in Rep. of Ireland), says Adams

Blood on the streets: Fears of war after notorious Continuity IRA group splits

Jim Dowson laughs off TV claims he is the ‘evil genius’ of British fascism

Only 15 per cent of Anglicans (Church of Ireland) typically attend church

The cumulative effect of scandals has a devastating impact on the Church (of Rome!)

Ghost of Mary Queen of Scots hovers over (Scottish) referendum issue

Guildford Four’s Gerry Conlon dies

Pope Francis I excommunicates Mafia for ‘adoration of evil’ in strongest attacks in 20 years

DUP MP Sammy Wilson says Gerry Adams compromise call ‘a bit rich’

DUP MP Sammy Wilson hits back after Adams comments

June 21

Residents insist protest not about race but about housing provision

Dublin Coroner warns family of slain ‘Fat Deccy’ of ‘distressing’ inquest report

Republicans should oppose Queen’s visit to jail, says ex-IRA commander

Unionist reports Telegraph journalist to PCC for ‘insult’ to Orange Order

Catholic and Protestant teachers to train together for the first time (In Dublin)

Iraq crisis: British student identified as recruiting Isis jihadists

Family ‘heartbroken’ after British man appears in jihadist film

Tracking jihadists ‘top priority’

Could the Archbishop and the Pope really reunify the Church? – (The Bible teaches that all ungodly ecclesiastical systems will unite at the end of this age!)

June 20

Northern Ireland’s First Minister Peter Robinson in u-turn over ‘locals only’ race row

Former police chief Duncan McCausland is released following fraud probe quiz

Gerry Kelly farce exposes undemocratic Stormont

Adams criticises report into his shooting as ‘incomplete’

British jihadist in Syria calls on his Isis comrades to kill in Britain

David Cameron: ‘ISIS and Syria jihadists are planning terror attacks on Britain’

June 18

Pope John Paul II’s blood goes on tour – (Rome is as heathen and barbaric as ever!!)

Roman Catholic and former Irish President, Mary McAleese: Pope Francis plan to consult ‘male celibate’ priests on family life is ‘bonkers’ – (Mary, have a a close look, in the light of the Bible, at all he teaches and you will see that it is all ‘bonkers’!!)

DUP can’t afford to bare teeth at rest of unionist pack

DUP accuse SDLP of ‘spineless’ response to Gerry Kelly debate

NI clergy (RC priests) hold meeting with Orange Order

Ann Travers: The online (republican) trolls won’t silence me

Martin McGuinness in ‘Disappeared’ storm

Rory McIlroy opts to play for Ireland at the 2016 Olympics – (The apple never falls far from the tree!!)

Police ‘firmly committed’ to catching killers (of Loughinisland)

New plea in hunt for fans’ killers

DUP minister Nelson McCausland’s posting led to death threats, says Alliance man Gary Spedding

NI21 is finished, says deputy leader John McCallister

Iraq crisis: Lying zealot Tony Blair is a fundamental danger to world peace – (What does that tell you about the Stormont “Power-sharing Regime” that he initiated???)

June 17

The boy jihadis: Sickening new images reveal gun-toting children as young as eight watching ISIS execution as Shia prison guards ‘slaughter 44 Sunni inmates north of Baghdad’ – (This is Islam!!!)

‘My husband told them we were Christians and they shot him in the head’: How al-Shabaab militia went from door to door killing non-Muslims as Kenyan village watched World Cup

Speaker is right to make a stand on Sinn Fein

SDLP slammed for block on attempt to suspend Kelly – (Birds of a feather flock together!!)

Fury as moves to sanction Gerry Kelly are thwarted by SDLP

Seven high-profile people in Northern Ireland have won gagging orders… but we can’t tell you who they are

Tuam home, where almost 800 babies and toddlers are believed to be buried, survivors’ fight for justice

‘Yeah, you guys, your problem is you’ve no guns’: Tony Blair told SDLP

European Commission president election controversy could hasten British exit from the EU

Confusion on NI21 McCrea probe

NI21 mulls disciplinary action for McCallister

More NI21 turmoil as John McCallister is rapped

Political class ignore strength of feeling on immigration ‘at their peril’

June 16

Church division a scandal – Pope – (Pope takes up the old ecumenical chant!!)

SF’s abstentionism sees its MPs barred from Commons speaker’s residence

Local churches leaders unite against ‘regrettable’ tirade on Islam by pastor (See our article in response – ‘The deceit propagated by Enniskillen ecumenical ministers and priests’)

‘Not a word said after Waterside Islam sermon’

Iraq crisis: ISIS jihadists execute dozens of captives – (This is Islam!!!)

Kenya attack: ‘Islamists’ raid Mpeketoni near Lamu

Taliban slice off 11 people’s fingers as punishment for voting in Afghanistan’s presidential election

Iraq crisis: Isis forces kill dozens of soldiers in ‘mass execution’ as country slides towards sectarian war

WARNING GRAPHIC CONTENT: Iraqi ‘massacre’ as up to 1,000 feared dead

Dungiven SF protests: ‘Blatant sectarianism’ says UUP man

UUP hit back after McCusker slammed by DUP

IRA murder bid survivor’s MBE ‘recognition for victims in general’

Mid Ulster MLA Martin McGuinness’ ministerial car attacked outside his home

McGuinness acknowledges memory lapse on murder date

Adams: 1916 Proclamation is ‘unfinished business’

Joan Burton (Irish Labour Party) claims Sinn Fein is a long way from ‘true democracy’

Friends of Sinn Fein top $10million mark in American donations to party

SF children fall for fairy tales of North

Adams hits out at DUP ‘failure’

Lack of priests (in Ireland) puts masses in jeopardy

Petrol bombs and handguns found amid dissident republican searches

Stormont Ensures Bonnet Kelly Gets Off the Hook

June 14

Police ‘dancing to SF’s tune’ on Ormeau flags, claims TUV

Parties divided as police move to outlaw flags in mixed area

Basil McCrea allegations: Confusion over report into NI21 ‘sex claims

John McCallister hits out as NI21 halts party probe

UUP chief Nesbitt’s walkout marks a new low at dysfunctional Stormont

NI police ombudsman wins right to challenge over ‘obstruction

June 12

‘This is our football, it’s made of skin #World Cup’: After posting sickening beheading video of Iraqi policeman, ISIS boast of slaughtering 1,700 soldiers(This is “peace-loving” Islam in truth! The UK will yet regret its syncretistic folly of embracing all religions as equal and rejecting the gospel of Christ Jesus!)

Britons are heading to Iraq to join ISIS militants in their HUNDREDS amid fears ‘they could bring terror to the UK

Sinn Fein surge in opinion poll in Irish Republic

PSNI Dancing to SF Tune on Union Flags

Concerns raised over police Union Flag warning

Putting up flags in south Belfast ‘will be breach of peace’

Fermanagh witnesses say Blair should give OTR evidence

Row over top post votes by unionists

Evolving DUP still not afraid to say ‘no’

Would-be (DUP) mayor: ‘This wouldn’t have happened to a man’

Danger campaign will spark backlash

Shots fired over Birmingham pub bomber’s coffin in paramilitary-style funeral

Ecumenical history made in Dublin – (Church of Ireland archbishops take part in installation ceremony of Methodist president)

June 11

Martin McGuinness to meet the Queen again in Belfast

US Archbishop quizzed in sexual abuse lawsuit claims he didn’t know it was illegal for priests to have sex with children in the 1980s

Racists (in West Belfast) ‘threatened to run down a two-year-old child and set fire to her family’s house’

Now the EU wants even MORE money: Brussels demands £6bn hike to budget from UK

Pomeroy mother-of-three admits dissident terrorist training camp charge

Sharon Rafferty admits Tyrone dissident training camp charges

Haass talks return ‘hyped-up’ – Robinson

DUP fury as deal delivers Sinn Fein deputy mayor Catherine Seeley – (Power-sharing sauce for the goose, sauce for the gander scenario)

Welcome for review of UDR murders

I’m a scapegoat for Peter Robinson, says race row councillor Dineen Walker snubbed for top post

June 10

McGuinness: Executive ‘could help fund mosque for NI Muslims’

Tell us the truth about the children dumped in Galway’s mass graves

Sinn Fein: three OTRs told they were ‘cleared’ as recently as March

NIO denies new fugitive letters

Sinn Féin warns against ‘dangerous’ unravelling of on-the-runs deal

Ligoneil soldiers’ memorial vandalised – police treat paint damage as hate crime

Vacuum is being filled by bigots

Victims ‘forgotten about’ in peace deals

TUV message to DUP and UUP in new talks: Keep looking over your shoulder!

Bitter exchanges erupt over ‘double-sized’ Union flags

Eamon Dunphy defends Gerry Adams over Jean McConville murder by IRA

June 9

Nun admits care home children were involved in medical trials

Shared education plans in pipeline despite DUP/Sinn Féin tensions in government

It’s difficult to be a Christian in GB – ex-MP – (She is a convert to Romanism yet makes some relevant points in her interview)

Galway mass baby grave: All homes for unwed mothers to be part of inquiry

On the Runs: Gerry Kelly will not attend Westminster committee

Gerry Kelly ‘is a chicken’ for snub to OTR probe

Sinn Féin snubs Northern Ireland Affairs committee

On the Runs: DUP criticises Sinn Féin OTR hearing stance

NI Victims Commissioner Kathryn Stone says ‘secret deals eroding trust’

Tom Elliott MLA asks why Fermanagh misses out in latest PSNI recruitment drive
Does Gerry Adams deserve to be in Government when the time comes?

Illegal migrants pour into Britain: How we have lost control of the UK’s borders

How hard can it be? Electricty engineer ‘needed a course’ to climb a stepladder – (It is just beyond belief!!!)

June 7

Son of murdered RUC officer backs ombudsman in files row

Mass baby grave in Tuam, Galway: Irish president Michael D Higgins appalled at terrible reports

Tuam babies: Justice minister orders garda report

Conservative Catholics should be voting for DUP, says Edwin Poots (This places the modern DUP far away from its founding principles)

Sinn Fein urge Orange Order to enter talks over Dungiven

Thousands of Protestants without unionist choices

Pastor Islam row: James McConnell apologises for offence caused … but insists comments ‘not wrong’ (Christ never apologised for offence caused by His words, see Matthews 23:23-33)

Pastor sorry for calling Islam a ‘doctrine spawned in hell’

Muslims accept Northern Ireland preacher’s apologyMuslims accept Northern Ireland preacher’s apology

Muslim leaders urge pastor to attend Belfast anti-racism rally

Why Peter Robinson tried to tough it out over apology to Muslims (In truth, it was because even he recognised that an apology required a denial of Bible truth, as little as that matters to the modern DUP)

Sinn Féin secures Dublin Lord Mayor position for Easter 2016

BBC criticised for ‘obscene’ comedy making fun of the murder of Lord Mountbatten

Crucifix erected in Kerry County Council meeting chamber

June 6

Shot twice, stuffed in a sack and dumped in a canal… but Pakistani girl, 18, SURVIVES botched ‘honor killing’ carried out by her own family for marrying the man she lovedAppeal on Sudan ‘apostasy’ death sentence

‘Cover-up’ accusations at Policing Board

PSNI chief Matt Baggott: refusal to hand over files is not a cover-up

Catholic and Protestant schools to share facilities in North – (This not a matter of education, this is about expanding the ecumenical programme of church unity)

Police question Pastor James McConnell over Islam remarks

Islam row pastor apologises after one of his top churchmen quits – (That was a short-lived stand!! Where are the men of conviction who stand unapologetically for God’s truth??)

Over one-third of DUP want a curb on Orange march routes

June 5

Brother of Sudanese woman facing death penalty for ‘abandoning her Islamic faith’ by marrying a Christian says ‘she deserves to be executed’ – (“This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be . . . . without natural affection,” 2 Tim 3:1, 3.)

Tuam children’s bodies: Roman Catholic Church ‘has no records’ – (RC Archbishop in the Republic of Ireland has said the church has no records of the burial of nearly 800 children!!!)

Ardoyne Orange Order parade decision not a surprise, but issue is republicans won’t tolerate a march of any kind or at any time

Inside the DUP: Domination by Free Presbyterian Church and Orange Order laid bare

Landmark court ruling means Department of Education ‘has to encourage’ integrated education, say campaigners – (Ecumenical education being foisted upon the Protestant population)

Trojan Horse leaked report says pupils ‘not protected from extremism’ in school

‘Pastor should apologise’ – McGuinness – (There can be no apology for Bible Truth!)

McGuinness: Pastor must apologise for hate-filled speech

McConnell due to speak to police for third time – (How many times have they interviewed Martin McGuinness, self-confessed IRA activist???)

Cleric labels Islam wicked

‘Why no public outcry when Christians are offended?’

On the Runs: former head of the Historical Enquiries Team, Dave Cox says John Downey ‘got away with murder’

RUC Widows Association: Justice Department ‘insulted’ police

‘Nothing new’ in review of IRA ‘comfort letter’ recipient

Louginisland victim’s niece furious over shooting collusion claims

Mass baby grave in Tuam, Galway: Bon Secours nuns told to assist investigation

Toomebridge man Sean Kelly admits six terror charges

June 4

First Minister Peter Robinson in public apology to Muslims

Robinson in public apology to Muslims

Islam row: Peter Robinson makes public apology for causing offence to Muslims after meeting in Belfast – (But the vile ‘Belfast Telegraph’ wants an apology for defending Pastor McConnell!)

Northern Ireland police chief faces legal action over unreleased Troubles files

Baker forced to make gay wedding cakes, undergo sensitivity training, after losing lawsuit

Robinson: there is clear need for new Islamic centre – (Is this the price of forgiveness for the First Minister??)

Bitter DUP councillor Dineen Walker vents her anger – (And rightly so but that is the party she decided to support!)

New Girl Guide promise ‘a diminution of Christianity’ – (Anybody going to be required to apologise for the this?? – don’t hold your breath!!)

North Belfast residents dispute racism motive after home and men attacked – (Just a pity someone hasn’t the courage to come out and say why the presence of the two men was resented in a racially mixed area!!)

Mass grave of 796 babies found in septic tank at former Catholic Church orphanage in Tuam, Galway – (Roman Catholic Church in Ireland is facing fresh accusations of child neglect)

June 3

UUP calls for Peter Robinson public apology over Islam remarks

Robinson gives Muslim leader tour

Belfast pastor who criticised Islam denounces racist attack on Muslims

Islam row: Suspect package alert at Whitewell Metropolitan Tabernacle follows website attack by ‘Izzah Hackers’

Belfast mayor Mairtin O’ Muilleoir’s outgoing prayer shows solidarity with Muslims – (He prays to Allah, the imaginary god of Islam !! )

Racism row councillor Dineen Walker does not attend mayor election

DUP sidelines race slur councillor Dineen Walker – as Peter Robinson prepares to revisit Islam centre

Immigration big issue on Portadown doorsteps – David Jones UKIP

NI21’s Basil McCrea gets report of sex misconduct allegations

June 2

Preacher at Ian Paisley’s former church denounces Islam as a ‘wicked religion’

Defiant Pastor Colin Houston lashes Anna Lo

Police to quiz Belfast pastor over Islam comments

David Cameron warns Britain will quit the EU if federalist gets the top job – (Federalism won’t stop and Britain won’t come out says Bible prophecy)

Cameron accused of ‘blackmail’ over ‘threat to leave EU’

David Cameron winning major allies in battle to stop federalist leading Europe

If you recognise Palestinian government you support terrorism, Benjamin Netanyahu tells world leaders

Brussels Jewish Museum attack: Jihadist arrested in Marseille ‘claimed responsibility for shooting on video’ says investigators

EXCLUSIVE: Parliament plea for Muslim and Hindu bank holiday in UK calendar

Is the Sudanese government LYING about its promise to release Meriam Ibrahim? Family fear condemned Christian mother is still in danger of execution

May 31

New IRA allegedly responsible for Derry hotel bomb attack

Campbell calls on Donnelly to condemn Everglades bombing

Derry councillor (Donnelly): Police must bear some of the responsibility

Derry hotel bomb: Everglades Hotel left badly damaged in explosion ‘had hosted PSNI recruitment event’

Far from splitting unionist vote in elections, the TUV and Ukip helped maximise it

Family of Pakistani woman stoned to death to be tried in anti-terrorism court

Bartlett Park poster warns dog-walkers to stay out of ‘Islamic areas’

October 2006

Articles from the October 2006 edition.

Pope infuriates Muslims and then backs down

Further evidence of the folly of the Orange Order in Fermanagh

Council cemetery where all are buried according to Muslim ritual

Some items of interest from The Burning Bush of August 1988

“Christian Voice” director arrested and charged for protest at sodomite Mardi Gras

Free Presbyterian Government and Morals Committee statement on the arrest of Mr. Stephen Green of “Christian Voice”

Former Methodist leader repeats his claim that the IRA has disarmed

Dr. Paisley insists that the IRA must be completely dismantled

Police band refused to play the Irish Republic’s national anthem

Christian education—the only response to a God-given parental duty