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July 2021

Audio sermons and bulletins

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“The ‘Time’ Has Come” Bulletins

No recent Bulletins posted yet

See all the Bulletins in this series here.

KICS assembly talks. Current series: “KICS Studies in Jonah – The Inside Story of a ‘Down & Out'”

  • New studies will be posted when the students return to school in September.
  • See all the talks in this series here.
  • Download a zip file of all the recent studies in the Parables here.
  • See all the KICS assembly talks listed here.

Featured sermon series: Studies in Second Corinthians.

Part 1: An introduction to 2 Cor;  Part 2: Getting and giving comfort;  Part 3: Trouble - slayer of self-trust;  Part 4: Basis & Blessing of a good conscience

See all messages in this series here.

Featured sermon series: Studies in First Corinthians.

Part 46: Final defence of resurrection;  Part 47: Character of Resurrection;  Part 48: A mystery revealed, Pt 1;  Part 49: A mystery revealed, Pt 2;  Part 50: Last but not least;  Part 51: The final study

See all messages in this series here.

Recently Preached Sermons

Hearing the Word
preached by Rev. David Creane on Sun Jul 25, 2021

Stepping out in victory
preached by Rev. Ivan Foster on Wed Jun 30, 2021

Creation's Birth Certificate
preached by Rev. Ivan Foster on Sun May 30, 2021

View all recently preached sermons

Older Sermons Recently Added

Defense of the Outbreak of Revival in 1859
preached by Rev. Hugh Hanna on Sun Jun 19, 1859

Atheist Stephen Hawking Dies
preached by John Pittman Hey on Sun Mar 25, 2018

Samson -- Shorn, Shackled, Sightless and Subjugated
preached by Rev. Ivan Foster on Sun Aug 2, 1998

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Prospects of the Ten Kingdoms - Part 5

We continue with our extracts from Benjamin Wills Newton’s book, Prospects of the Ten Kingdoms, the chapter 14 —


We come to Part 5, which covers from the last line of  page 328 to the end of the ‘note’ on page 332.

Click here to see the other articles about this book.

The destruction of Antichrist and those who are associated with him, is distinguished, both as to time and as to circumstances, from the destruction of those who retain the nominal profession of the name of Christ. Nominal Christians as represented in the parables of Matthew by “Tares” sown among the Wheat, and by “bad fishes” mingled with the good in the gospel-net, are not destroyed by judgments poured on them in the earth, but are removed by holy angels from the earth, that their souls might await in an unseen prison-house and in punishment the final judgment of the great day.

On the other hand, all those who shall be gathered under Antichrist, to serve and to worship him, will be visited with visible judgment here. “Their flesh shall consume away while they stand upon their feet, and their eyes shall consume away in their holes, and their tongue shall consume away in their mouth.” Zech. xiv. 12. They will be trampled in the winepress of the fury and wrath of God here (see Rev. xiv. 19); their bodies will then be revived, they will be cast into Tophet and their eternal torment will begin. See Rev. xiv. 8. The “Tares” will be gathered by angels ; the Antichristians destroyed by the Lord Himself. Click to read more…

Posted on 2021-07-28 a 9:16 pm

"Attack on Bible Christianity" - Five sermons from 31 years ago

Starting in December 1989, Rev. Ivan Foster began a series of messages dealing with the controversy with the Bishop of Kilmore, Dr. Gilbert Wilson. See this week’s featured sermon at the top of the main page of the BB.

See all five sermons here: Attack on Bible Christianity

What was said in the messages is still relevant today. The devil’s lies never change!

Below are pages from the Burning Bush of January 1990 in which articles appeared on the same controversy. (Click on page images to enlarge.)


(1) Leading article of the Burning Bush of January 1990 which dealt with the issue of the Bishop of Kilmore’s attack upon the gospel of Christ.

(2) A letter from Rev Ivan Foster which was sent to “The Impartial Reporter” the day after he preached his first sermon on the issue.

(3) An article which appeared in the ‘Burning Bush’ alongside the one dealing with the Bishop of Kilmore’s attack on the gospel.

(4) Rev Foster’s reply to the Bishop’s letter in response to his initial challenge.

Posted on 2021-07-26 a 6:12 pm

Hearing the Word - Rev. David Creane

Kilskeery FPC was privileged to have retired FP minister, Rev David Creane preach at today’s services.

His morning message was, to my mind, wonderfully instructive and encouraging and an echo of the preaching of former years.

“Hearing the Word” was the subject upon which Rev David Creane preached. His text was Nehemiah 8:13.

“‭And on the second‭ day‭ were gathered together‭‭ the chief‭ of the fathers‭ of all the people‭, the priests‭, and the Levites‭, unto Ezra‭ the scribe‭‭, even to understand‭‭ the words‭ of the law‭.‭”

It is a most excellent message and most appropriate for today.

We commend it to all. 

Posted on 2021-07-26 a 3:26 am

Belfast Newsletter: Collusion claims try to divert attention

This editorial from today’s ‘Belfast Newsletter’ is worth a read.

Collusion claims try to divert attention

In her interviews to the media given by the Ombudsman, Mrs Marie Anderson, gave expression to her Roman Catholic background (she states that she was educated in a Convent School – see Ombudsman Marie Anderson

in the tone of the voice she adopted at times as she alleged there was collusion between members of the RUC (the former name of the police force in Northern Ireland) and loyalist paramilitaries in the murder of 17-year-old Damien Walsh in 1993.

Her report has rightly been described as a “Catalogue of innuendo” by a former police officer.

Catalogue of innuendo in police ombudsman murder report

What is said in this ‘Belfast Newsletter’ editorial is worth considering for it highlights the almost forgotten, the buried, the ignored facts concerning the actions of the IRA which was supported by and large by the Roman Catholic community as is seen in the record of polling for Sinn Fein/IRA candidates in various elections over the 50 years and more.


The RUC has an exemplary Troubles record.

Smeared by consistent claims of collusion, which aim to divert attention from the fact that by far the worst killers were republican terrorists (2,100 dead out of 3,600), the RUC killed only 55 of those who died, yet saw 302 of its officers murdered. Collusion claims seek to divert attention from these stark statistics and try to implicate police officers in the 1,100 loyalist murders, when in fact loyalist intelligence was poor. Fewer than 50 of their murder victims were republican terrorists. Click to read more…

Posted on 2021-07-23 a 7:26 pm

Prospects of the Ten Kingdoms - Part 4

We continue with our extracts from Benjamin Wills Newton’s book, Prospects of the Ten Kingdoms, the chapter 14 —


Part 4 which covers from half way down page 324 to page 328.

Click here to see the other articles about this book.

It is thus that the Day of the Lord commences in the earth. It will commence by signs in the created heavens (Luke xxi.); by the withdrawal of all natural sources of light; by the descent of the Lord, accompanied by the holy angels, into the air; by the trumpet being blown; by the dead saints rising from their graves in glory, and by the living saints being changed and glorified whilst yet in the earth; by the instantaneous severance, through the instrumentality of angels, of the changed saints “out of the midst” (ε’κ ek ek) of their professing brethren who remain unchanged (see Matt. xiii.); by the taking up of all the glorified saints into the air, to meet and to come with their Lord. For as soon as His saints have been gathered to Him and have fallen into their appointed place in the train of His glory, and as soon as “the tares,” (i.e. those who are found to be mere professors of His name), have been borne away by angels to their place of punishment, the Lord will instantly descend to the earth. “His feet shall stand in that day upon the Mount of Olives. * * * Jehovah, my God, shall come, and all the saints with thee.” Zech. xiv.

His object will be the rescue of Jerusalem, for the time of her forgiveness and glory will have come. Antichrist will have gathered all the strength of the Ten Kingdoms to Armageddon, not knowing, or not believing, that he will gather them there “for the war of the great day of God the Almighty,” See Rev. xvi. 14. Whilst encamped at Armageddon, he will assail and capture Jerusalem, which will have rebelled against him, will carry half of the people into captivity, (see Zech. xiv:1) and will destroy the two witnesses of God (Rev. xi. 7) when they shall have finished their sackcloth testimony. But not satisfied with this, he will further seek, in union with Moab, Ammon, and others of the ancient enemies of Israel, to crush Israel utterly, and to blot out their name from the earth. “They have said, Come and let us cut them off from being a nation ; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance.” Ps. lxxxiii. 4. Click to read more…

Posted on 2021-07-21 a 12:01 am

Nations in Rebellion!!

The developing situation in our world requires constant comment!

In every sphere of social activity, political, medical, sport, entertainment – there are those who send forth information and evaluation of what is going on in their field of ‘expertise’!

How much more important is a constant flow of observation and information on the eternally vital subject of the Providential dealings of God in this world!

We offer our limited and meagre attempts at monitoring and highlighting significant events in this world as this age draws closer to its conclusion.

May you find these reflections useful and profitable.


“And the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun; and power was given unto him to scorch men with fire. And men were scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name of God, which hath power over these plagues: and they repented not to give him glory. And the fifth angel poured out his vial upon the seat of the beast; and his kingdom was full of darkness; and they gnawed their tongues for pain, and blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, and repented not of their deeds,” Revelation 16:8-11.

Monday 19th July was heralded as ‘Freedom Day’ throughout England for ‘About-Turn’ Boris Johnston and his government had set that date as the day there would be a lifting of many of the restrictions imposed upon the country, because of the Covid pandemic.

With the recent increasing rise in infections and the number of people in various professions being required to isolate (including the Prime Minister and the Health Secretary) due to their coming into contact with someone testing positive for Covid, many were calling it ‘FreeDumb Day”!!

In the United States, there are growing fears that a fourth wave of the virus had already started. The pandemic continues to rage in many countries, though such news is kept out of the headlines! The tourist industry is facing chaos as a result of those countries which were recently declared safe to travel to, now reporting a rise in the infection rates. Many travellers found themselves facing ‘isolation’ when they returned home as a result of this change of status of the holiday destinations they had eagerly travelled to.

The joy of a ‘sunny foreign holiday’ soon evaporated in the face of this turn of events. Click to read more…

Posted on 2021-07-19 a 9:38 pm

A Prophetic Word From 2010 for Today!!!

The following article appeared in ‘The Burning Bush’ some eleven years ago. Given the betrayal of the Ulster people by successive political leaders in London with their constant yielding to the demands of Sinn Fein/IRA, the effective removal of Northern Ireland from the United Kingdom by their ‘Brexit Protocol’, agreed with the EU, their enforcing of new and unacceptable abortion guidelines which entail the permitting of abortion up to the time of birth and their recently announced amnesty for terrorist murderers, gives this article an almost ‘prophetic’ significance!

Furthermore, this being the centenary of the founding of Northern Ireland, we have all been given a vivid picture of the bondage into which the Democratic Unionist Party sold us with their ‘power-sharing’ deal with Sinn Fein/IRA in that the supporters of murder refused to ‘grant’ approval for as much as a rose bush being planted to commemorate that wonderful event!

See the following articles.

Thorn in the side for Sinn Fein

Unionism needs to recalibrate

It surely indicates that the direction in which things were moving regarding the future of Ulster was not hidden to all in this Province for the article was read with approval by many believers and challenged by no one!

For this reason we are remounting the article on our website.

The Union with today’s Great Britain holds out no hope for the Ulster Protestant

By Rev Ivan Foster (Kilskeery)

Written at the request of the Belfast Newsletter and published in its edition of August 13th 2010.

Given that few unionists in Ulster would have believed at the beginning of 2006 that, before the year was out, the DUP would have embraced the murderous IRA’s front men as partners in government, to contemplate what the next eleven years might bring to our land is to look through a very dark glass indeed.

That which motivated the opposition of the majority of our forefathers to “Home Rule” in the 1880s was a love for the gospel and its mercies. They believed that it would entail the enthroning of Roman Catholicism and undermining of their civil and religious liberty. Their fears were summarised by the maxim – “Home Rule is Rome Rule!” and expounded in the “Ulster Covenant” of 1912. Click to read more…

Posted on 2021-07-19 a 12:01 am

A message from 35 years ago . . .

This article is the substance of a message preached at the Annual Easter Convention in Martyrs Memorial Free Presbyterian Church on 29th March, 1986. It was remounted on our website in 2010. Now 11 years later we remount it once more.

It contains information and Biblical instruction which is even more relevant today. I challenge any minister to openly refute the principle that the Bible teaches the need for Christian schools. The moral and spiritual climate of our Province and the United Kingdom has sunk further down over the intervening years and the children of Christians have suffered as a result.

There is a mention of the opening of Clogher Valley Christian school at the end of the article. Sadly, I understand that its school management committee has just taken a decision to close the school.”

Ivan Foster.
15th July 2021.



In 1978, the Presbytery of Ulster of the Free Presbyterian Church heard a request from Rev Ivan Foster to consider the need for Christian schools. Following a discussion, a delegation of ministers and elders met officials of the Department of Education. The outcome of that meeting was a recommendation to Presbytery that permission be granted to any church that wished to start a school. The Presbytery agreed in principle and appointed a Presbytery Education Board, chaired by Rev Foster, to supervise the new missionary enterprise. In September of the next year, Kilskeery Free Presbyterian Church started the first Free Presbyterian school. Mrs Ann Foster B.A. was its Principal and only teacher. It had 13 pupils. Today, the Free Presbyterian Church has schools attached to its churches in Newtownabbey, Ballymoney and Bangor as well as Kilskeery with a total enrolment of 125 pupils. These schools are served by 8 full-time teachers and 6 part-time staff. In the case of Kilskeery school, it provides a full range of primary and secondary subjects. Last year a number of pupils sat CSE and GCE ‘O’ level examinations, obtaining marks above the national average. Two pupils sat and passed, with very good marks, 11 ‘O’ level subjects each. The other schools are also moving into secondary education with Newtownabbey and Bangor already providing first form and first, second and third form tuition respectively. Click to read more…

Posted on 2021-07-15 a 7:54 pm

Prospects of the Ten Kingdoms - Part 3

We continue with our extracts from Benjamin Wills Newton’s book, Prospects of the Ten Kingdoms, the chapter 14 —


We come to part 3 which covers page 318 to a suitable place to end this extract, half way down page 324.

Click here to see the other articles about this book.

The condition of the earth at the period of the Lord’s descent into the air is to be regarded in four aspects.

First, there will be the Jews partly in their own Land, as at the time of the Crucifixion, partly scattered throughout the nations, and many of them in captivity.

Secondly, there will be the Ten Nations of the Roman World — all owning Antichrist — all apostate from God — their armies gathered around Antichrist at Armageddon, and advancing upon Jerusalem. (Rev. xvi. 16; Joel iii.).

Thirdly, there will be many countries still sunk in the darkness of heathenism — countries, of which it is said, that up to that moment they have not heard the fame of Jehovah, nor seen His glory. (Isaiah lxvi. 19.) Click to read more…

Posted on 2021-07-14 a 12:01 am

The Gospel message endorsed by a million witnesses!!

“And Jesus answered and spake unto them again by parables, and said, The kingdom of heaven is like unto a certain king, which made a marriage for his son, And sent forth his servants to call them that were bidden to the wedding: and they would not come. Again, he sent forth other servants, saying, Tell them which are bidden, Behold, I have prepared my dinner: my oxen and [my] fatlings [are] killed, and all things [are] ready: come unto the marriage. But they made light of [it], and went their ways, one to his farm, another to his merchandise: and the remnant took his servants, and entreated [them] spitefully, and slew [them]. But when the king heard [thereof], he was wroth: and he sent forth his armies, and destroyed those murderers, and burned up their city. Then saith he to his servants, The wedding is ready, but they which were bidden were not worthy. Go ye therefore into the highways, and as many as ye shall find, bid to the marriage. So those servants went out into the highways, and gathered together all as many as they found, both bad and good: and the wedding was furnished with guests,”

Matthew 22:1-10.

The little phrase “The kingdom of heaven is like unto . . . .” appears many times in the gospels. It highlights just how illustrative of the gospel are the common events of life taking place around us and the flora and fauna visible to every eye  in the fields of this world!

Yet how man fails to understand the simple principles of the gospel so wonderful set forth by Christ and exemplified all around. It is plain that the God of Creation brought the earth, the sun, the moon and the stars into existence to provide men with graphic pictures of the truth of the revelation in His Word.  The whole process of sowing, birth, life, growth, ripening and harvest to be seen yearly in the fields, the garden, aye, even the window boxes of the city dwellings, endorse and ratify what is written in our Bibles.

As the form and system of life repeatedly enacted all around us from the planting of the flower seeds, the building of nests, the gambolling of the delightful lambs each spring, all shout aloud the message of the gospel – “YE MUST BE BORN AGAIN”!! Man who by nature is “dead in trespasses and sins,” (Ephesians 2:1) as a result of mankind’s fall in Adam’s transgression, must be infused with new life before he can ever enter heaven. So said the Lord Jesus. “Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God . . . . .  Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and [of] the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God . . . .  Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again,” John 3:3, 5, 7.

Here is this passage the Lord Jesus likens the kingdom of heaven to an event which few adults will fail to have some experience and understanding of — preparations for a wedding! The reference to it being the son of a king who is getting married serves only to remind us of the exalted character of the One at the centre of the story of the gospel. It is the God of Heaven Who is here set forth as the One issuing invitations to an event He has prepared for all to come and enjoy. Click to read more…

Posted on 2021-07-13 a 12:01 am

The void left when the Lord departs!

“I beheld the earth, and, lo, [it was] without form, and void; and the heavens, and they [had] no light,” Jeremiah 4:23.

The word translated ‘earth’ (ץרא ‘erets eh’– rets) is translated as ‘land’ twice as many times as it is ‘earth’ in the Old Testament.

I believe that here it is not a reference to the global earth but the land of Israel. It is possible the Authorised Version translators were influenced to use the word ‘earth’ rather than ‘land’ because of the similarity to the words of Genesis 1:2. “And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness [was] upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters,” Genesis 1:2.

I believe the context would confirm that the Lord is talking about the ‘global earth’ in Genesis 1:2 whereas, in Jeremiah 4, it is the land that is spoken of. In chapter 4, the Hebrew word, ץרא, is translated as land in verses 5, 7, 20, 23, 27. The context clearly indicates that it is the land of Israel that is spoken of.

Therefore, understanding that our text is referring to Israel, we see the consequences which follow the Lord’s withdrawal of His presence and power from a people.

In Genesis 1:3, the formlessness of the earth ended when the Spirit of God began to move and His voice was heard.

I. From this we may conclude that a withdrawal of the moving of God by His Word and His Spirit results in formlessness, voidness.

As Matthew Henry says: “In a graceless soul, one that is not born again, there is disorder, confusion, and every evil work: it is empty of all good, for it is without God; it is dark, it is darkness itself: this is our condition by nature, until Almighty grace works a change in us.”

This explains the spiritual and moral barrenness that rules in the lives of those into whose hearts the gospel light has not shined. Click to read more…

Posted on 2021-07-08 a 11:34 pm

The only hope for liberty in America

4th July Message by Pastor Ralph Ovadal, Pilgrims Covenant Church, Monroe, Wisconsin, USA.

The only hope for liberty in America

Posted on 2021-07-07 a 5:56 pm

Three very blatant lies

The local BBC news site had this story on its main page.

Andrew Rawding: Minister quits ‘homophobic’ Church of Ireland

The Reverend Andrew Rawding has been a Church of Ireland minister for a decade


First lie: Rawding calls the Church of Ireland – “structurally, culturally and socially homophobic”.

Nothing could be further from the truth. This apostate denomination, has long been in fellowship and cooperation with the ‘Church’ of Rome, a religious body which the traditional Anglican ‘39 Articles’ condemns in the strongest of terms. We need only quote from Article 31, which says of that central doctrine of Romanism, The Mass “Wherefore the sacrifices of Masses, in the which it was commonly said, that the Priest did offer Christ for the quick and the dead, to have remission of pain or guilt, were blasphemous fables, and dangerous deceits.”

Despite this declaration of faith, Anglicanism, of which the Church of Ireland is a part, has for over 100 years been in open and close fellowship with Rome as a denomination. Click to read more…

Posted on 2021-07-06 a 6:48 pm

Prospects of the Ten Kingdoms - Part 2

As we continue with our extracts from Benjamin Wills Newton’s book, Prospects of the Ten Kingdoms, the chapter 14 —


we come to pages 317-320.

Click here to see the other articles about this book.

Mr Newton frequently had notes and comments attached to the bottom of many of the pages of his book. These comments are linked to some statement he had made in the main text. The notes often spread over the bottom portion of a number of pages while the main text continued at the top of the pages.

That is the case with this week’s extract. He makes some remarks on a sentence found on page 317, which continues on the bottom of pages 317- 320.

What I have done is copied this comment  and left out the ongoing main text of the book that is found on pages 317-320.

I will return to the main text found on those pages in our next extract.

He also has Greek words in his quotations. What I have done is to use Greek words, the transliteration and the phonics version of the Greek words as they are found in the ‘Online Bible Greek Lexicon’.

I trust that does not prove confusing.

The first visible intimation which the earth receives of “the Day of the Lord” having commenced in heaven is conveyed by the signs in the heavens, mentioned in the gospels. “There shall be signs in the sun and moon and stars.” “The sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken, and then shall appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven.” These signs will be the immediate precursor of the descent of the Lord Jesus into the air. All the holy angels will attend Him when he descends from heaven into the air; but His saints will not be with Him, because it is said, they shall be taken up “to meet Him in the air.” (1 Thess. iv. 17.) There His descent will be for a short period stayed. Thence He will send forth His angels to gather together all His believing people — “all who are Christ’s at His coming.” They shall be caught up in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, before He has reached the earth — and when He descends from the air to the earth, they come with Him, and surround Him when His feet stand on the mount of Olives. That is the moment of which it is said in Zechariah “The Lord my God shall come, and all the Saints with Thee.” * Click to read more…

Posted on 2021-07-05 a 11:08 pm

How times have changed in old Ulster!

(“Belfast Newsletter” article, 3rd July 2021)

First on the list is a visit to Bushmills Whiskey Distillery, the home of one of the world’s oldest sources of that which cursed and blighted the lives of millions and brought them down to hell!

This “Belfast Newsletter” article shows how times have changed in old Ulster! Such a headline or article would never have appeared in a newspaper when I was a boy. It would have been seen instinctively as bordering on blasphemy and in utter denial of the words of the Lord Jesus and His gospel!

“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you,” Matt 6:33.

“For bodily exercise profiteth little: but godliness is profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come,” 1 Timothy 4:8.

Christians should understand just what such a headline means in what is considered the ‘Protestant and Unionist newspaper’ in our Province! Denoting as it does an ignorance and a spirit of careless indifference to the Word of God, it is in truth a fulfillment of the revelation of the final days of this age, as given to Christians by the Lord through His inspired writers.

“That ye may be mindful of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets, and of the commandment of us the apostles of the Lord and Saviour: knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts, and saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as [they were] from the beginning of the creation,” 2 Peter 3:2-4.

Surely, the spirit of this headline is depicted here! It presents a spirit of ‘scoffing’ at eternity and the need of all to seek God for His mercy and salvation, rather a tour of places of very questionable interest, which will in a coming day, be reduced to ashes under the fire of God’s judgment! Click to read more…

Posted on 2021-07-04 a 12:48 am

Paula Bradley’s outrageous apology

Following the appearance last night of reports in the media of Paula Bradley’s outrageous apology for the DUP ‘treatment of the LGBT community in the past’, I sent the following letter to the ‘Belfast Newsletter.’

See UPDATE below letter.


Under the headline — “DUP deputy leader Paula Bradley apologises for party’s past treatment of LGBT community” there has appeared in the press a report of how the DUP deputy leader, “apologised for the ‘absolutely atrocious’ comments made in the past by some in her party against the LGBT community.”

It would be interesting to know if this apology has the support of all members of the DUP, especially their leader, Sir Jeffrey Donaldson!

When Paula Bradley says: “I am not going to defend some of the things that have been said over the years because they have been absolutely atrocious, they’ve been shocking,” she said. . . .

She added: “I think that the vast majority of those people who made those comments are no longer there and the ones that are there have said that they have learnt their lessons that their language at times has not been right.”

Does this mean that those like Ian Paisley Jr and West Tyrone MLA, Thomas Buchanan, who are on record as strongly condemning the LGBT lifestyle, have changed their opinions and now associate themselves with this apology by their deputy leader?

May the two gentlemen in question please bear in mind that ‘silence gives consent’!!

Rev Ivan Foster (Rtd)
Kilskeery, Co. Tyrone.
1st July 2021.

Update: Sir Jeffrey Donaldson has come out in support of Paula Bradley’s apology to the ‘LGBT community’ – DUP Leader backs apology

Posted on 2021-07-02 a 9:09 pm

Methodists who still speak out against wickedness

Methodists who speak with a different voice from the apostate English Methodist Church and the ‘mealy-mouthed’ response of the Irish Methodists, who say they ‘continue to deliberate’ the issue of ‘same-sex marriage’.

This suggests that defiance of God’s Word is still an option for Irish Methodists!

The following links to Asian and African Methodists’ response (there are some 243,000 members in these denominations) to English Methodism’s decision to sanction ‘same-sex marriage’ was sent to me by Dr Paul Ferguson, pastor of Cornerstone Church, Singapore. Paul is the son of Rev Gordon Ferguson.

Methodist Churches in Singapore Affirm that Marriage can only be between one man and one woman

Methodist Church in Malaysia holds to stance of marriage between man and woman

Nigerian Methodists part ways with British counterpart over “Gay Marriage”

Methodist College Grammar School, Belfast – a partaker in the sodomite corruption!

One of the Governors of the school is the author of the ‘mealy-mouthed’ response of the Irish Methodists to the decision on sodomite marriage by English Methodists, Revd Dr Heather Morris’!!

Methodist Board of Governors

Posted on 2021-07-02 a 6:38 pm

Prospects of the Ten Kingdoms - Part 1

Today, we begin to mount on our site a series of extracts from a wonderful book on prophecy by Benjamin Wills Newton (1807 – 1899).

The book in question is entitled: “PROSPECTS OF THE TEN KINGDOMS”.

Click here to see the other articles about this book.

I wish to reprint chapter 14 of that book. The chapter is entitled:


The chapter covers some 52 pages of the most informative and interestingly instructive teaching on this vital of topics.

Mr Newton was converted at the age of 20. He was one of the leaders of the Plymouth Brethren. He adhered strongly to the cardinal doctrines of the Bible. In 1847 he left the Brethren movement and the city of Plymouth. He had differed with J N Darby and his system of prophetic interpretation and his ‘Dispensationalism’.

He continued his labours of preaching, lecturing and above all writing for nearly 50 years.

Many of his works are available on the Sovereign Grace Advent Testimony website.

It is to be noted that though he dealt with every aspect of prophecy and that in a most detailed and scholarly fashion, he was never challenged openly nor were any of his Bible-based predictions proved wrong by the passage of time! Click to read more…

Posted on 2021-07-01 a 1:01 am

Sad reading for the true Christian


A most telling and sad headline appeared in the ‘Belfast Newsletter’ of 30th June 2021!

The headline read: DUP MLAs hail major relaxation of NI booze laws.

The article goes on to state: “A bill which has been dubbed the biggest change to Northern Ireland’s alcohol laws in a generation has passed its final hurdle, with the DUP among those hailing its passage. . . . The changes will extend the opening hours for venues, allow people to buy booze in cinemas, and remove restrictions around Easter trading. Early opposition to the bill was voiced by groups as different as the PSNI, Unite the Union, and the Presbyterian Church.

It must be stated that the Free Presbyterian Church did voice its opposition to the plan.

The report continues: “Among those hailing the new relaxed laws yesterday were Pam Cameron and Paula Bradley of the DUP a party which had historically been seen as inseparable from Protestant traditionalism (particularly under Rev Ian Paisley, who famously dubbed alcohol “the devil’s buttermilk”).

It is hardly surprising that Paula Bradley, DUP deputy leader, voted in favour, given the recent report on the ‘BelfastLive’ news site: ‘DUP deputy leader Paula Bradley to take part in LGBT event’.

Endorsing an extension to pub hours is a lesser wickedness than supporting the perversion represented by the the LGBT movement. Click to read more…

Posted on 2021-07-01 a 1:00 am

The Ethical Case Against the Available Covid-19 Vaccines

Note: this post was originally published on the Brephos site here. It was written by Mr. Dave Brennan.

I have been involved with a couple of debates in which I presented the ethical case against vaccines which use the cell line HEK-293 derived from the kidney of an “aborted” baby.

As it happens, this includes all the currently available Covid-19 vaccines in the UK.

Here, basically unedited, is the opening speech I gave in both debates:

I wish to make the case that how we respond to fetal cell line vaccines, is how we respond to the practice that produces them: namely, the harvesting of vital organs from human babies – which continues today.

In making this case I thought it’d be helpful to take three of the most common justifications for taking the vaccine, and show where I think they fall down.

The first, is this idea that in the case of this particular cell line, HEK-293…, we’re talking about only a very “remote” connection with evil – it was just one abortion many decades ago. The connection is so slight now as to be insignificant: the vaccine is permissible. Click to read more…

Posted on 2021-07-01 a 12:02 am

June 2021

Audio sermons and bulletins

Click here to listen to all the sermons on this website!

“The ‘Time’ Has Come” Bulletins

Thu Jun 17, 2021 - A Pathetic and Deceitful Pretense of Resisting Ulster's Enemies!!  Sat Jun 12, 2021 - The Lord is a Protestant  Fri Jun 4, 2021 - It is a 'make up your mind time' for those Free Presbyterians in the DUP  Tue Jun 1, 2021 - Presbyterian Church minister Ian Carton steps down over same-sex marriage policy

See all the Bulletins in this series here.

KICS assembly talks. Current series: “KICS Studies in Jonah – The Inside Story of a ‘Down & Out'”

Featured sermon series: Studies in First Corinthians.

Part 37: Disorderly worship;  Part 38: Disorderly Women Pt 1;  Part 39: Disorderly Women Pt 2;  Part 40: Unchanging gospel Pt 1;  Part 41: Unchanging gospel Pt 2;  Part 42: Proof of Christ's resurrection;  Part 43: Misery of believers if Christ has not risen;  Part 44: BUT . . . Christ is risen, 1;  Part 45: BUT . . . Christ is risen, 2

See all messages in this series here.

Recently Preached Sermons

Stepping out in victory
preached by Rev. Ivan Foster on Wed Jun 30, 2021

Creation's Birth Certificate
preached by Rev. Ivan Foster on Sun May 30, 2021

70th Anniversary message at Prayer meeting
preached by Rev. Ivan Foster on Wed Mar 17, 2021 audio and video available

View all recently preached sermons

Older Sermons Recently Added

Defense of the Outbreak of Revival in 1859
preached by Rev. Hugh Hanna on Sun Jun 19, 1859

Atheist Stephen Hawking Dies
preached by John Pittman Hey on Sun Mar 25, 2018

Samson -- Shorn, Shackled, Sightless and Subjugated
preached by Rev. Ivan Foster on Sun Aug 2, 1998

View all recently added sermons

Watch Kilskeery Free Presbyterian services live online here


Wise Up!

‘Wise up’: DUP must get act together in new Donaldson era or face political wilderness, warns ex-leader Robinson

So ran the main headline in yesterday’s (25/6/21) ‘Belfast Telegraph. It offers from former DUP leader, Peter Robinson, a solution which within the realm of politics will appear exceedingly wise. In truth however, it is an old well-used sticking plaster that has lost its ‘stickiness’ and is useless in avoiding the future of which he warns – the political wilderness.

As an organisation, the DUP once owed allegiance to God and His Word. Its early rules required all branch meetings to be opened by the reading of the Bible and by prayer! Then, chiefly under the ‘modernising’ influence of Peter Robinson, it steadily though surreptitiously, abandoned its ties to God and His truth in order to become more attractive to those voters who had no desire to see children’s swings locked up and ice-rinks closed on the Sabbath!

His leadership has been repeatedly credited with bringing the DUP to the position of being the largest Unionist party but it was a success built on the sinking sand of worldly wisdom, prudence and political shrewdness.

As such we are witnessing the great fall that was always inevitable!

The modernising trend saw the DUP turn from protesting against the ‘Sunningdale Agreement’ of 1973, ‘The Anglo-Irish Agreement’ of 1985 and the ‘Good Friday Agreement’ of 1998 to embracing in a political coalition, in 2007, those who had openly supported the IRA terrorism, including some who actually took part in the murder campaign. That led on to the funding of sodomite organisations and the abandoning of such practices as refusing news interviews on the Sabbath Day.

Eventually, its endorsement of moral perversion descended to the point of fraternising with sodomite organisations and entertaining them in Stormont buildings and then, ultimately, approving and recommending to the electorate, an openly practising sodomite as a local council candidate who succeeded in winning a council seat in Newtownabbey. Click to read more…

Posted on 2021-06-26 a 9:21 pm

The kettle calling the pot black!

Editor’s note: I have sent this letter to the Editor of the ‘Belfast Newsletter’ this morning.


The article headlined : “Sammy Wilson launches broadside at Sinn Fein after MPs support Northern Ireland powersharing legislation” (23rd June 2021) should really have been entitled: “The kettle calling the pot black!”

Surely Sammy hasn’t forgotten that in 2007 his party, the DUP, embraced Sinn Fein with all their lies and deceit, in the infamous ‘power-sharing deal’ which without question lies at the root of today’s disastrous circumstances.

Sadly, there is a stubborn determination on the part of Sammy (a good friend in former times) and the total membership of the DUP, to refuse to acknowledge their grievous error in 2007.

Ulster has been paying for it ever since and, sadly, will continue paying a high price for there is just no sign of any awareness of the follies of the past within the DUP!

So another chapter of tragedy is about to begin!

Rev Ivan Foster (Rtd)
Kilskeery, Co Tyrone.

Posted on 2021-06-23 a 8:25 pm

God is Still Speaking...

A consideration of an article by Mrs Lindsay Robinson, recently given publicity in a number of media outlets which have given the article a favourable reception.

What a person thinks is not always seen in direct, forthright and bold declarations of their views but it is found in an incidental manner. Such is the case in the article under consideration. Mrs Robinson reveals fortuitously just what it is she believes! I will illustrate that by examining some statements she makes taken from her published article.

I think it is true that Mrs Robinson has in the past gone through a trying time of mental stress. We have sympathy for her in that battle. However, it is no answer to such trials to abandon the Word of God and seek answers from extraneous sources.

1. “I don’t have all the answers as to why (church attendance is falling) and I want to clearly acknowledge that in many areas and on many issues the church does good, hopeful and helpful work – supporting foodbanks, community initiatives, holiday schemes and children/youth activities to name a few.”

That is an interesting summary of what Mrs Robinson considers the ‘good, hopeful and helpful work’ done by churches.

I find it interesting because of what she makes no mention of — the preaching of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Click to read more…

Posted on 2021-06-21 a 6:53 pm

Another significant political event yesterday!

With all the ‘hullabaloo’ yesterday surrounding the chaos within the DUP ranks it would have been easy to miss another very significant ‘political’ event.

Here is how the BBC headlined the event.

Mrs Justice Siobhan Keegan becomes NI’s first female top judge

It would appear that this lady has been ‘fast-tracked’ to the top. She was educated at St. Clare’s Primary School and Sacred Heart Grammar School, Newry, County Down and then Queen’s University, Belfast.

She recently presided at the inquest into the killing of 10 people in an Army operation in Ballymurphy in west Belfast in 1971. To many her verdict at that inquest was faulty and showed prejudice.

I wrote an article at the time, entitled “A Suspicious Conclusion About Ballymurphy Deaths”.

Here is part of what we wrote concerning Justice Keegan’s conclusions at that inquest.

The central claim of Mrs Justice Keegan in her findings is most astonishing!

What Mrs Justice Keegan, who is a Roman Catholic Judge, said at the conclusion of her Coroner’s Court findings was: “What is very clear, is that all of the deceased in the series of inquests were entirely innocent of any wrongdoing on the day in question.”

Given the circumstances of the events in Ballymurphy on that day, surely those on the street were essentially guilty of being part of a lawless assembly? Anyone who was “entirely innocent of any wrongdoing” would have hastened from the scene of rioting and murderous disorder. Anyone who persisted in being present upon the streets when the Army was defending itself from IRA snipers firing from many positions, often from behind the ranks of the civilians on the streets, cannot be considered as being “entirely innocent”. Rather, at the very least, they were guilty of recklessly endangering their own lives. It must also be considered that they were aiding and abetting a murderous attack upon the lawful custodians of law and order. Click to read more…

Posted on 2021-06-18 a 7:23 pm

A pathetic and deceitful pretense of resisting Ulster's enemies!!

“Crisis averted in NI after late night deal on Irish language”, so read the headlines in one of Northern Ireland’s morning newspapers. Another newspaper, one of a republican bent, said: “Crisis averted at Stormont after late night deal on Irish language”.

The nature of the deal referred to is one that is typical of the DUP in the face of Sinn Fein aggression – SURRENDER!

I am sure that I am not the only one who ironically smiled at the words of defiance by various DUP spokesmen from Edwin Poots downward, pre-this ‘agreement’!

As recently as June 16th (but yesterday) it was reported that: “DUP Economy Minister Paul Frew has warned Secretary of State Brandon Lewis to be ‘very careful’ not to do anything that jeopardises devolution as talks continue over the Irish language. Mr Frew said the situation at Stormont was ‘finely balanced’ and it would not be helpful for the Northern Ireland Secretary to interfere. He was speaking as Stormont teeters on the brink of collapse due to a Sinn Fein-DUP row over the Irish language.” (Belfast Telegraph – 1/6/21). Click to read more…

Posted on 2021-06-17 a 5:37 pm

I dare call it murder

In the light of the Westminster Parliament’s forcing of new and liberal abortion laws upon Northern Ireland and the enfeebled DUP response to this imposition, it might be timely to consider just where the DUP once stood on this vital moral issue.

In 1984, Rev Ivan Foster, Free Presbyterian minister in Kilskeery and a DUP member (he resigned from the party in the late 1980s) of the Northern Ireland Assembly for Fermanagh & South Tyrone, introduced a motion in the Assembly which read: ‘I propose: That this Assembly opposes the extension of the Abortion Act 1967, or any like legislation, to Northern Ireland.’

Read Rev. Ivan Foster’s 1984 Speech to the Northern Ireland Assembly

The motion was supported by all members of the DUP and passed. Only one member of the Assembly voted against it. He was the Alliance member for East Belfast, the late Mr. Addie Morrow.

What was said by Rev Foster in opposition to abortion in 1984 is still relevant and applicable over 37 years later!

Posted on 2021-06-14 a 8:03 pm

The Lord is a Protestant -- The 'Time' has come (Pt 12)

There is an article in the ‘Belfast Telegraph’ of June 11th, entitled:

“I am uncomfortable with the terms Catholic and Protestant… I see myself as a Christian: What I Believe with UTV’s Paul Clark” 

The television news presenter thus declares that he rejects the terms ‘Protestant’ and also ‘Catholic’.

I would agree with his rejection of ‘Catholic’ for it carries no meaning in theological terms. Now ‘Roman Catholic’ does carry significance. It describes those who adhere to that form of religion which has the Pope of Rome as its head.

It is commonly referred to by most, even those who claim to be true Christians, as ‘Catholic’! That is to miscall it.

The word ‘Catholic’ simply means ‘Universal’.  Romanists like to use the term and have all to use it of their religion for they would claim to belong to the ‘one, true and universal church.’

For that reason no one who loves the truth of God should ever refer to Romanism as the ‘Catholic Church’! Click to read more…

Posted on 2021-06-12 a 8:52 pm

LOVE AND HATE -- Inseparable Partners

The grass withers…

“Ye that love the LORD, hate evil,” Psalm 97:10.

The custodians of ‘Political Correctness’ have arrogantly laid down rules of thought and behaviour that really have rewritten the social and moral code of right and wrong. It is now perceived to be utterly wrong to declare oneself against practices and attitudes that not so long ago were considered odious.

On the other hand it is totally unacceptable to a growing number within society, led by the nose by the gurus of correct thinking and opinions, to view and speak of as detestable, those things and views which heretofore were respectable and most fitting for they were based upon the teaching of God’s Word, the Bible.

The text of Holy Scripture at the start of the article teaches what is right in the eyes of God on this whole controversy.


It is impossible to both love the Lord and also to love evil. There are many today who would claim that they do. In that they display either ignorance or hypocrisy or both!

The recent controversy within the ranks of the DUP has brought forth opinions that indicate that it is most wrong to be opposed to that which God’s Word deems ‘abominable’! I speak of the various perversions that are embraced, promoted and defended by the ‘LGBT’ (and whatever other initials that are almost daily added to this acronym) community and its sympathisers.

It has become obvious that the DUP, once the forceful opponent of sodomy in all its forms, is now riddled with proponents of this evil lifestyle and those who are prepared to remain silent before the advance of it being embraced within the body politic of the DUP! Click to read more…

Posted on 2021-06-08 a 6:30 pm

British towns that are no-go areas for white people

The following article was copied from ‘The Daily Mail’ newspaper. It makes astounding and frightening reading, especially for the people of England and Scotland. It reveals the invasive character of ‘Islam’ as seen in the spirit manifested in those areas where it begins to dominate.

It is not the religion of ‘sweetness and light’ it is proclaimed to be by both its proponents and the ‘politically correct’ media pundits!

Here is a detailed exposé by one who is a Muslim. He can hardly be accused of racism!
We have reproduced only the text of the article. In the newspaper article there are many photographs which, for the sake of space, we have omitted. We have included the ‘link’ to the article so all may be seen there.

The Editor.

British towns that are no-go areas for white people:

Muslim author’s study of mosques reveals children ‘attacked for being white’, parents making families live under Taliban-like rules and women who can’t leave home without permission

Published in ‘The Daily Mail’, 4 June 2021

• Author Ed Husain visited places of worship across UK for Among the Mosques
• Would turn up unannounced to the largest weekly gathering, Friday prayers
• Spoke to taxi drivers, business owners, Imams and worshipers about religion
• Islam in Britain is dominated by ultra-orthodox sect promoted by the Deobandis
• Control over half of Britain’s mosques, and gave birth to Taliban in Afghanistan
• One person described ‘Bolton, Dewsbury and Blackburn’ as ‘different universe’
• Books for sale detail how women should be banned from leaving the house
• Mosque in Didsbury, in converted church, has a sign for the ‘Sharia Department’
• White men revealed ‘no-go areas’ in Blackburn where they would be ‘jumped’
• White woman in Bradford predicts it will become ‘an apartheid city’ in 30 years

An author who visited mosques across Britain to investigate integration has revealed how parts of Blackburn are ‘no-go areas’ for white men, while ultra-orthodox parents in Bradford make children live under Taliban-like rules. Click to read more…

Posted on 2021-06-07 a 12:01 am

Rev. Hugh Hanna's Defense of the Outbreak of Revival in 1859

Here is an extract from a sermon preached on 19th June 1859, during the 1859 revival, by Rev. Hugh Hanna of Berry Street Presbyterian Church in Belfast, some 162 years ago.  It is read by Free Presbyterian minister, Rev. Paul Hanna.

Posted on 2021-06-06 a 8:21 pm

The protest that many Free Presbyterians today would wish to forget!

A report of the run up to, the protest at the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland back on 6th June 1966, the court case and imprisonment that followed and the blessed aftermath of it all.

A feature article commemorating the 50th anniversary of the events that led up to and which followed after the 1966 imprisonment of Rev Ian Paisley, Rev John Wylie and Rev Ivan Foster for a term of 3 months in Crumlin Road Jail, Belfast.This account is compiled from reports in the Free Presbyterian Church of Ulster’s magazine, “The Revivalist” and some reports from the “Belfast Newsletter” and the “Belfast Telegraph”.

I have put together this collection of articles which appeared in the Revivalist in 1966 and 1967, and one from 1968, as well as some newspaper accounts of the June 6th protest, led by the late Dr. Paisley. The parade consisted of some 200 Free Presbyterian men, woman and children. It processed from Ravenhill Church to the building where the annual General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church was taking place. The aim of the event was to honour God, contend for the faith and highlight the ecumenical apostasy of that denomination.

Such were the consequences of that night’s protest that the small Free Presbyterian church, hardly known outside of the six counties of Northern Ireland, became the subject of discussion, mostly derogatory, throughout Christendom! But much more important was the moving of the Spirit of God that became evident within the ranks of the Free Presbyterian church from that time.

God was pleased to work mightily amongst us, adding to our numbers many new congregations and hundreds of new converts.

Read the free booklet here!

A recent news report about the shooting of an IRA man, Joe McCann, brought back to my mind an article I wrote some five years ago about being imprisoned with Mr. McCann.

Read the full article here: Joe McCann, IRA gunman, and his three months under the gospel

Posted on 2021-06-06 a 12:01 am

Statement on Homosexuality issued by the Free Presbyterian Church

The following statement was issued by the Free Presbyterian Church today.


Government and Morals Committee

Rev Gordon Dane: Convenor
Rev David McLaughlin: Secretary


The Free Presbyterian Church as a Church that believes and preaches what the Bible has to say without fear or favour wishes to reiterate the Bible’s teaching that homosexuality is sin (Leviticus 18:22, 20:13, Romans 1:18, 26-27,1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Jude: 6-7). We do not do that out of any spite or hatred for anyone. We do it out of love so that people will know the standard by which they will be judged when they stand before God. We do this for all sin and proclaim the Biblical message that “all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.’ (Romans 3:23) and we all need to be warned to “flee from wrath to come.’ (Luke3:7)

The contention of many in the LGBT community that they are “born this way” is one that has recently been highlighted in interviews with politicians. If those who claim this are saying that they are born sinners and that they are born with a sinful nature we would agree with them. We are all “born that way”. The claim that is being made however is that homosexuality is in the DNA. That contention is one that does not have any firm scientific basis. The latest scientific literature, does not strongly support the conclusion that there is any genetic causation. The official language from the leading psychiatric or psychological associations will say that we don’t yet know of a definitive causation. So, the reports of a so-called “gay gene” are greatly exaggerated.

The Bible’s emphasis is that because there is something wrong with how we are all born we need to be born again. The Lord Jesus said, “Ye must be born again.” (John3:7). He said that because we all have a nature that is defective and sinful, we need to be converted. We call on people to recognise that we can have a new identity in Christ. We can become new creatures or new creations in Christ by His grace. We would call on all to seek the radical transformation that is found in the Lord Jesus Christ.

“…for the word of God, and for the testimony of Jesus Christ.” Revelation 1 verse 9.

Posted on 2021-06-05 a 12:43 am

It is 'make up your mind time' for those Free Presbyterians in the DUP

Mrs Arlene Foster at the sodomite reception

As the old saying goes: ‘The ‘chickens are coming home to roost’ as far as the DUP is concerned. For quite a few years now they have been compromising on their former position on abortion and also on sodomy.

In 2016 the DUP supported the following motion. “That this Assembly endorses the principle of the extension to Northern Ireland of a number of provisions within the Policing and Crime Bill, by amendment at Lords Committee and Lords Report stage, in so far as they related to UK maritime enforcement powers; UK cross-jurisdictional arrest powers; anonymity for victims of forced marriage and pardons for convictions of certain abolished offences.”

Hidden behind these ‘weasel words’ was a posthumous pardon for all those convicted of violations of the law in the past by their sodomite activity.


And still Free Presbyterians supported this party which was bent on selling out our Biblical heritage.

Shame on those who still, five years later, are in membership of this party of perfidy and those who give support to it.

When a people step onto the slippery path of backsliding and disobedience to God they can only slide further down that path. Click to read more…

Posted on 2021-06-04 a 5:59 pm

Perverting Science Against God - the death of atheist Stephen Hawking

Editor’s note: This message outlines the ways in which modern science has been perverted in rebellion against Christ.

It was delivered by John Pittman Hey on the Lord’s Day, March 25, 2018, shortly after the death of Dr. Stephen Hawking, world-famous astrophysicist and atheist.

Mr. Hey is a graduate of Bob Jones University in Greenville, South Carolina, and earned his Ph.D. in chemistry at the University of Chicago. He preaches every Lord’s Day at Grace Bible Church, a small congregation in Greenwood, Mississippi.

Atheist Stephen Hawking Dies
Perverting Science Against God

Hebrews 11:3; Romans 1:18-22

Professor Stephen Hawking died last week still an atheist. He was famous as a theoretical astrophysicist, working in the areas of general relativity, quantum gravity, and his theories about black holes.

Hawking’s work was directed towards excluding the need for God as the creator of the universe. In the end, Hawking embraced the delusion that the universe created itself out of nothing.

How far has so-called “science” descended from the heights of Newton, Kepler, and others! Newton particularly believed that God is a personal, perfect, all-powerful Creator Who made the world, and indeed, is required to sustain it. Newton’s work was meant to direct all men to understand that a Creator is responsible for all that we see.

But today, much of science has been subverted into vain philosophy, speculation, revisionist history, and mysticism. Click to read more…

Posted on 2021-06-03 a 9:20 pm

Presbyterian Church minister Ian Carton steps down over same-sex marriage policy

Presbyterian Church minister Ian Carton steps down over same-sex marriage policy

So read the headlines in a ‘Belfast Telegraph’ article of June 1st, 2021. A link to the article was sent to me by a friend. I read its contents with no sense of surprise but with a true sense of disgust and shame that the Presbyterian Church in Ireland had come to this.

The Presbyterian Church in Ireland is a church of great preachers of God’s Word stretching back to Patrick for his writings clearly suggest that the church he planted was formed along Presbyterian lines. In its pulpits have ministered great men such as Dr henry Cooke, and Rev Hugh Hanna and more recently, the revivalist, W P Nicolson. His preaching in the 1920s in Belfast did much to quell the sectarian riots prompted by the opposition of Irish Republicans to the formation of Northern Ireland.

The Free Presbyterian Church arose as a result of the faithfulness of a number of elders in Crossgar Presbyterian Church, back in 1951. They declared themselves for the Bible and obeyed God and stood up for His truth against the ecumenism and the anti-gospel spirit that had come to dominate the ranks of their denomination. They were led by a youthful Ian Paisley.

The wisdom and the rectitude of their decision has been evidenced many times over the last 70 years. The article we have reproduced below is but yet another proof of the propriety of that decision.

Click to read more…

Posted on 2021-06-01 a 6:49 pm

May 2021

Audio sermons and bulletins

Click here to listen to all the sermons on this website!

“The ‘Time’ Has Come” Bulletins

Thu May 13, 2021 - A Suspicious Conclusion About Ballymurphy Deaths  Tue May 11, 2021 - Further Evidence of the United Kingdom's Rejection of the Gospel of Christ  Wed May 5, 2021 - What is the future for the DUP?  Sat May 1, 2021 - Mrs Lindsay Robinson's blasphemy

See all the Bulletins in this series here.

KICS assembly talks. Current series: “KICS Studies in Jonah – The Inside Story of a ‘Down & Out'”

Featured sermon series: Studies in First Corinthians.

Part 27: Disorders at the Lord's Table, Pt2;  Part 28: Abuse of spiritual gifts;  Part 29: Benefits through Diversity, Pt1;  Part 30: Benefits through Diversity, Pt2;  Part 31: More excellent way, Pt1;  Part 32: More excellent way, Pt2;  Part 33: More excellent way, Pt 3;  Part 34: More excellent way, Pt 4;  Part 35: Inferiority of tongues;  Part 36: Superiority of preaching

See all messages in this series here.

Recently Preached Sermons

Creation's Birth Certificate
preached by Rev. Ivan Foster on Sun May 30, 2021

70th Anniversary message at Prayer meeting
preached by Rev. Ivan Foster on Wed Mar 17, 2021 audio and video available

The Testimony of Abraham
preached by Rev. Ivan Foster on Fri Jan 22, 2021 at the January 22, 2021 meeting of the Sovereign Grace Advent Testimony (audio and video)

View all recently preached sermons

Older Sermons Recently Added

Samson -- Shorn, Shackled, Sightless and Subjugated
preached by Rev. Ivan Foster on Sun Aug 2, 1998

Testimony of Mr. Sammy Heenan
preached by Mr. Sammy Heenan on Sun Jan 27, 2019

Rev. Ivan Foster's Testimony
preached by Rev. Ivan Foster on Wed Nov 1, 2000

View all recently added sermons

Watch Kilskeery Free Presbyterian services live online here


Rev. Ivan Foster: As long as unionists care chiefly about their salary, nothing will change

The following letter, which the editor sent in to The Belfast Newsletter on May 25th, the day the letter from Mr Ken McFarland was published, appeared in Saturday, May 29th’s edition.

Rev Ivan Foster: As long as unionists care chiefly about their salary, nothing will change

A letter from Rev Ivan Foster:

Saturday, 29th May 2021, 4:13 pm

In a letter to your newspaper, Mr Ken McFarland of Omagh (‘IRA funeral breach exposed lawless nature of republicans,’ May 25, see link below) asked: “How long are we expected to pander to the very people who brought the ‘conflict’ about in the first place, and how long is the Sinn Fein ‘tail’ going to be permitted to wag the policing and justice ‘dog’ in this country?”

The answer is simple!

Just as long as unionists keep electing representatives to Stormont whose chief interest is the salary and benefits they accrue from that position and who will not for one moment dare contemplate any challenging of the arrogance of Sinn Fein which might in any way jeopardise that salary and benefits!

If ‘huff and puff’ could save Ulster from SF tyranny, how peaceful this land would be.

Rev Ivan Foster, Kilskeery, Co Tyrone.

Posted on 2021-05-31 a 6:18 pm

You are Invited ...


“‭In the beginning‭ God‭ created‭‭‭ the heaven‭ and‭ the earth,‭”

Genesis 1:1.

The title of a message Rev Ivan Foster will preach (DV) this Lord’s Day (May 30th) morning at 11.30am in Kilskeery Free Presbyterian Church


Service will be broadcast on Facebook

Click here to read the sermon notes.

Posted on 2021-05-30 a 5:32 pm

Two troubling reports from the USA

The two reports below come from the USA. The first highlights that the ludicrous evil of ‘transgenderism’ is a world-wide, devil-inspired delusion with horrendous implications for those who believe the Bible and will not submit to the tide of oppressive measures brought against any who hold to God’s truth.

The second report also highlights an increasingly common form of anti-Christian persecution, this time within a school.

To mention the name of Christ and own His saving mercy is deemed an offensive act which must be hindered.

We have seen it reported as happening in workplaces and also on the streets of our cities where police, without real cause, have hindered open-air preaching, in some cases arresting, though not charging the preachers.

Dear Christian, this is like the first spits of rain before a torrential downpour!

Click to read more…

Posted on 2021-05-28 a 6:15 pm

Samson . . . shorn, shackled, sightless and subjugated

A warning and an appraisal of Ulster’s troubles from 23 years ago which is even more relevant today!

“Samson . . . shorn, shackled, sightless and subjugated or, Ulster Protestantism’s present plight illustrated”

A sermon preached in Kilskeery Free Presbyterian Church on August 2nd, 1998
by the minister, Rev Ivan Foster.

Click here to view sermon notes.

Posted on 2021-05-26 a 5:05 pm

Letter: Media reports of Ballymurphy inquest have been stripped of the historical context...

Editor’s Note:

It is my desire, as much as in me lies, to keep Protestants informed of the truth in order to protect them from the propaganda and the lies flooding from a biased media.

This letter helps to set the events in Ballymurphy in 1971 in their context and for that reason I circulate it.

It is well worth a read.

I do not know the writer and only judge him on the basis of what is here written.


Ivan Foster.

Media reports of Ballymurphy inquest have been stripped of the historical context, of near civil war in Northern Ireland

A letter from Dr William Beattie Smith:
Belfast Newsletter, Saturday, 22nd May 2021.

The Prime Minister Harold Wilson, seen here with Jim Callaghan in 1965, had wanted the Unionist MPs to abstain from voting with the Conservatives. Callaghan, who as Home Secretary from 1967 was responsible for NI, said once soldiers were on the streets, troublemakers would revive the republican narrative of British occupation

Over the past week I have seen much media coverage of the Ballymurphy inquest. My heart goes out to the families who lost loved ones, and I respect their determination in pursuing honest answers from the authorities.

It is disappointing that so many nationalist commentators have exploited the families’ tragedy to reinforce their narrative of Irish victimhood and British oppression. They get away with this because the coverage so often reports events stripped of their historical context.

Click to read more…

Posted on 2021-05-22 a 8:36 pm

Ben Habib: In a new low, Boris Johnson is claiming the Act of Union no longer exists

PM Boris Johnson

Politicians can be ruthless in pursuit of their personal agendas but what we heard in the Belfast High Court on Tuesday reached new lows.

“Whatever the outcome of the judicial review, we do now know the government of the United Kingdom, led by Boris Johnson, holds the people of Northern Ireland and our Union in contempt,” writes Ben Habib.

The article alleges that we are no longer British citizens as are the people of England, Scotland and Wales. The ‘1800 Act of Union’ no longer exists!

All this happened with the DUP MPs at Westminster watching!!

Please the read the article carefully.

Belfast Newsletter, Thursday, 20th May 2021

By Ben Habib

During the judicial review of the Northern Ireland Protocol, the government argued that British citizens in Northern Ireland are not equal to citizens in Great Britain.

Acting for the government, Tony McGleenan QC claimed that Article 6 of the Act of Union 1800 no longer applies. He claimed the government had repealed it to enable the Northern Ireland Protocol and its new Irish Sea border to be put in place. For those not familiar with Article 6, it is a crucial bit of constitutional legislation.

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Posted on 2021-05-20 a 7:51 pm

Can a Sodomite be 'Cured'??

Mr. Edwin Poots

Gay people ‘probably’ born that way and can’t be ‘cured’, says new DUP leader Poots.

See Belfast Telegraph article: Poots says gay people probably born that way

When you endeavour to be morally and politically ‘all things to all men’ in order to gain their support, you must invariably dismiss God’s truth and seriously trip yourself up!

It did not take too long for Mr Edwin Poots to land flat on his face as he sought to paint himself as ‘Mr. Politically Correct’!

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Posted on 2021-05-20 a 5:54 pm

“There are opportunities to make NI a great place”

Edwin Poots

“There are opportunities to make NI a great place” — Edwin Poots, newly elected leader of the DUP

The true and only recipe for greatness is set forth in God’s Word.

“Thou hast also given me the shield of thy salvation: and thy right hand hath holden me up, and thy gentleness hath made me great,” Psalm 18:35.

There are three cardinal factors set forth on the path to greatness.

1. Shielded by the Lord.
2. Strengthened by the Lord.
3. Saved by the Lord.

The word ‘gentle’ is a reference to the gentle, gracious dealings in mercy of God with David.

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Posted on 2021-05-18 a 6:55 pm

A Suspicious Conclusion into the Suspicious Deaths During an IRA Riot!

An examination of the recent ruling by Mrs Justice Keegan on the deaths in Ballymurphy in August 1971 as a result of a riot and firefight between the IRA and the Army.

Very few outside of Ulster and, sadly, all too many inside it, who have been brainwashed by an Irish Republican/Roman Catholic dominated media into believing their perverted distortions of truth and the rewriting of the history of the ‘Ulster Troubles’, swallow without any hesitation the story being put out about the shooting of civilians by the British Army back in the midst of a riot in the Roman Catholic Ballymurphy area of West Belfast in August 1971.

Anti-British propaganda has poured forth and has continued to pour forth, since the verdict of a court case examining the events was announced on 12th May 2021.

Here is a sample.

Deputy First Minister Michelle O’Neill tells the media that it is a ‘day of truth’ for the Ballymurphy families. The rulings, she says, have “laid-bare for all to see now that the British Forces murdered their family members, their innocent family members. . . . They’ve always known that, the Ballymurphy community have known that, the wider community has known that and now the whole world can see that is the case,” the Sinn Féin vice president continued.”

It is never ‘a day of truth’ when Michelle O’Neill opens her mouth. Out of it will come the biased utterances of one born and bred and suckled as an inveterate hater of all things British.

1. Firstly, let me ask, why were thousands gathered on the streets during this firefight initiated by the IRA?

They must have been either possessed of a stupid interest in the deadly exchanges and blindly unaware of the danger in which they placed themselves for the IRA was using the civilians as cover. The IRA knew who they were shooting at. Their targets all wore uniforms which clearly marked them. The Army did not have such information about their enemies. They were all wearing civilian clothing and mingling amongst civilians, such as the ‘stupid sightseers’!

Then there were those undoubtedly who were there to render what aid they could to the IRA. It was common for civilians to move in, under cover of giving aid to an IRA man shot in such a firefight, in order to strip the wounded or even dead terrorist of all weapons or any material such as a mask, which would give proof of his terrorist activity and thus justify his being targeted. As soon as that was done, up would go the cry: “He was only out buying a loaf of bread for his poor old granny, God love him!!”

They learned that tactic from their friends the Palestinians!

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Posted on 2021-05-13 a 7:29 pm

36 years ago, Sammy Heenan's father was murdered by PIRA

Sammy Heenan was a lad of 12 when the IRA came to the isolated family home in the Mourne Mountain area of Northern Ireland and murdered his widowed father and left his body for his young son to find.

Sammy is now a Christian and here tells the story on the anniversary of the murder.

Mr. Heenan wrote: “Sinn Fein are relentless in their propaganda as we recently witnessed with their recent terrorist glorification. This little homemade clip is designed to hopefully reach many on Twitter by reminding others of what the PIRA perpetrated against the innocent people of South Down.”

Here is some footage of the aftermath of the murder back on May 3, 1985.


Mr. Heenan gave his testimony in January 2019 at Ballygowan FPC.

Posted on 2021-05-04 a 7:01 pm

Mrs Lindsay Robinson's blasphemy

This is taken from an article from today’s ‘Belfast Newsletter’.


The wife of a DUP MP has hit back at those within the party said to have questioned some of her recent comments urging a ban on gay conversion therapy.

The article contains a quote from Mrs Robinson, mounted on her ‘Twitter’ account, in which she was responding to a statement with which she did not agree from DUP MLA, Mr Thomas Buchanan.

She uttered what must be considered  a blasphemous expletive to express her disagreement.

“Jesus, Mary and Joseph and the wee donkey. I’m all out of words and almost everything else at this point.”

This is an outburst from one who has little regard for God and even less understanding of the sanctity of His truth.

Has she no knowledge of the third commandment which teaches: “Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain,” Exodus 20:7?

She has either no knowledge of what it is the Lord requires of us regarding the use of His name or she wickedly cares little for what the Lord says!

This expletive is a familiar outburst from the lips of the Roman Catholic. Her adopting of such an evil expression  betrays a worldly mindset in utter opposition to that which is of the grace of God!

This is the sad and reprehensible depths to which the DUP has sunk in recent times.

I have sent off the following letter to the “Belfast Newsletter”. Click to read more…

Posted on 2021-05-01 a 1:28 am