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January 2019

Audio sermons

KICS assembly talks. Current series: “The Parables”

Featured series on the Book of Ruth

Part 6- Naomi hears good news from Judah Part 7- Naomi heads home to Judah Part 8- Naomi's challenge to Ruth 

(See all the messages in the series here)

Recently added audio sermons

Consider your ways Kilskeery FPC, day of prayer message by Rev. I. Foster.

Funeral for the Rev. Dr. Kenneth Elliott

All audio sermons can be seen here.


News review for week ending Friday 25th January 2019.

“For thus saith the high and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity, whose name is Holy; I dwell in the high and holy place, with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones.”

Isaiah 57:15

Minister Ken Elliott who was ‘second only to Paisley as an evangelist’ dies

  • Rev Ken Elliott was a much loved brother in the Lord and a most faithful servant of God. We express to his wife Jean, his two daughters, Alison and Shirley and his son John and their respective families our deepest sympathies. ‘Well done, thou good and faithful servant . . . . enter thou into the joy of thy lord,’ Matthew 25:21.”

Warrenpoint: Shooting victim Wayne Boylan, police confirm

Irishman facing almost 400 sex offence charges was former underage GAA coach

Under-fire Paisley receives support in Ballymena after it emerges he billed charity £6k for first class trip to New York

DUP MP Paisley claims he ‘put himself out’ to fly first class to New York charity event ‘at last minute’

DUP MP Ian Paisley named on guest list 15 days before ‘last minute’ first class charity trip to New York

Report confirms Ian Paisley lobbied for governments that persecute Christians

Read more of this week’s news review…


News review for week ending Friday 18th January 2019.

The eyes of the LORD are in every place, beholding the evil and the good, Proverb 15:3.

‘The Orange State is gone and it’s not coming back’ says (Sinn Feiner) McDonald on 100th anniversary of First Dail

Don’t worry, she is only talking about the luminous colour of her ‘make-up’!!!

Jamie Bryson asked to hand over seized Kingsmill massacre files to coroner

Sinn Féin MLA defends Venezuela inauguration attendance

Doubtless, they felt entirely at home. Vote-rigging has long been the ‘bread and butter’ of Sinn Fein’s election strategy!!!

Republic pupils opting out of Irish lessons to study foreign languages

‘Born again’ Border Fox O’Hare conned me, admits Willie Frazer

Few Christians take any heed to the Saviour’s words in Matthew 7:21: “Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.”

Ex-GAA treasurer facing sex charges to be questioned about other allegations

Ex-GAA official Thomas McKenna faces more sex abuse charges

Alcohol-related deaths in Northern Ireland highest on record

More deadly than cocaine etc and yet its sale is legal and its purveyors deemed as respectable businessmen!!!

Read more of this week’s news review…

Evangelical Alliance document suggests providing “trans” accessible toilets in church

The ongoing madness engulfing the western world in relation to matters of gender has begun to infect the church, and the Evangelical Alliance has apparently made a concession to this ungodly movement.

In a document called ‘Transformed’, which was written by Peter Lynas, he writes that “providing toilets that are clearly accessible to trans people will be an important part of the welcome provided by churches and charities”.

This would certainly seem to be a recommendation that churches make moves to tolerate the so-called gender choices made by people who make up what is known as the “trans community”. Read more on the Protestant Revival website…

Sacred memories of glorious days

A special service held in Mourne Free Presbyterian Church, 11th January 2019.

Preacher: Rev. Ivan Foster

Whatever memories I have and which burn in my heart, it is impossible for me to convey to you with anything like the impact that I and others like me, experienced, when these events took place.

I am reminded of the old Scottish woman who, struggling to express her feelings and emotions following her conversion said to her minister that the matter was : “Better felt that telt!”

We are permitted by the wonderful mercy of God to walk with the apostles as they companied with the Saviour and witnessed His wonderful words and works and yet, even though those memories are recorded by the inspiration of the Holy Ghost, they can and will convey little of the majesty and glory of those days without the blessing of God resting upon our reading of them. Read more and listen to the message here...

News review for week ending Friday 11th January 2019.

For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him. Herein thou hast done foolishly: therefore from henceforth thou shalt have wars, 2 Chronicles 16:9.

QUB (Queen’s University, Belfast) seeks meeting with DUP to clarify freeze on Presbyterian links

Jeremy Corbyn praises ‘trailblazer’ 1916 rebel – but historian recalls her ‘other side’

Corbyn is referring to Countess Constance Markievicz (nee Constance Georgine Gore-Booth) elected 100 years ago as a Sinn Fein MP for Dublin South. She was rebel, an insurrectionist, a terrorist who, like her modern counterparts, supported murder. She was sentenced to death but the sentence was commuted!!

Declassified Files: Future General Mike Jackson savaged ability to counter IRA propaganda in 1990

In many ways, an example of naive establishment thinking! No amount of economic improvement for Roman Catholic republican areas will gain their support and wean them away from supporting terrorism. The spending of £millions over the last 30 years in republican areas amply demonstrate that, since they remain areas which provide shelter and support to republican terrorism and murder!!

(Government) Department withdraws workers from Derry estate after threat

The area involved is a republican area!!!!

Read more of this week’s news review…

News review for week ending Friday 4th January 2019

For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do, Hebrews 4:12-13.

EU MELTDOWN: Brussels PANICS in struggle to fill £10BILLION Brexit blackhole before March

BREXIT LIES: Ministers accused of ‘PROJECT FEAR three’ to save ‘DISASTROUS’ May deal

Almost 200,000 from UK applied for Irish passport in 2018

Record number of Britons seeking Irish passports ahead of Brexit

Faraway fields indeed do appear greener!!!

Jacob Rees-Mogg turns down Tories to fundraise for DUP

Tory MP Peter Bone ‘unaware’ event he’s attending is DUP fundraiser

Sammy Wilson rejects Liam Fox claim that Brexit is only 50-50 if May deal rejected

US ambassador casts doubt on bilateral trade deal if May’s Brexit plan succeeds

Philip Hammond ‘HOLDS BACK’ vital Brexit funding in catastrophic blow for UK

Britain could become safe haven for child sex offenders seeking to evade justice in event of no-deal Brexit, NSPCC warns

Nothing beats a little ‘scaremongering’!!!

Read more of this week’s news review…

Ecumenists close Henry Cooke’s old church, May Street Presbyterian as charismatics take over

Read more on the Protestant Revival website


Dr. John Habgood

The great apostasy edges closer to its final and ultimate denial. That denial is given us in 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4. “Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.”

The same truth is found in Peter’s writings. “But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction,” 2 Peter 2:1.

The present apostasy will culminate in man’s outright denial of the Lord Himself and the Antichrist setting himself up as God.

The Christ-rejecting ecclesiastical world took a step nearer to that final apostasy in the mid-1990s with the denials voiced by Dr. John Habgood, the former Archbishop of York. He was reported in ‘The Times’ newspaper as saying that there was nothing in the human body that departs when we die. He claimed that the individual’s identity was “held in the mind of God”. He also said that hell was not regarded as a serious option these days. Read more

Baptist and Congregational churches yoked with creation deniers and Jesuit cheerleaders in ‘Evangelical Alliance’

Read more on the Protestant revival wesbite

Why is Israel the centre of the prophetic earth?

The simple answer to this question is: God has placed it there. The course of events in this world have been predetermined by the Lord, as the following verses demonstrate. “For to do whatsoever thy hand and thy counsel determined before to be done,” Acts 4:28. “And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation,” Acts 17:26. (See also Ephesians 1:11, 3:11). Therefore when we see Israel at the centre of God’s dealings with mankind in the past, it is because He placed her there.

That Israel is at the centre of the prophetic world is clear, when we give consideration to the following truth. Read more

Notice to Readers from the Editor

We have been circulating by email articles and recordings which appear on The Burning Bush website as well as mounting them on our site.

We already have an emailing list of those who like to receive such items directly to their email inbox.

Should any of our readers wish to add their address to the distribution list, please contact the Editor requesting your name be added and you will receive any new articles or audio recordings that are produced or promoted by the Editor. 

December 2018

Audio sermons

KICS assembly talks. Current series: “The Parables”

Recent sermons

Remembering the former times, Pt2 Personal testimony of Rev. Ivan Foster given in Convoy FPC, November 25th 2018.

Funeral services of Mrs Sarah Elizabeth Crawford. November 28th, 2018. Tribute and graveside message by Rev Ivan Foster, long time friend.

The Miraculous Draft of Fishes December 2nd, 2018. Preacher: Rev. M. Patrick

Just what is a Christian? Pt1 LTBS broadcast by Rev. I. Foster for Radio Star Country, Co. Monaghan

Just what is a Christian? Pt2 LTBS broadcast by Rev. I. Foster for Radio Star Country, Co. Monaghan

Just what is a Christian, Pt3 LTBS broadcast by Rev. I. Foster for Radio Star Country, Co. Monaghan

Why was the world so hostile to the coming of the Son of God? Pt 1LTBS broadcast by Rev. I. Foster for Radio Star Country, Co. Monaghan

Why was the world so hostile to the coming of the Son of God? Pt 2LTBS broadcast by Rev. I. Foster for Radio Star Country, Co. Monaghan

Featured series on the Book of Ruth

Part 2- The Prologue Pt 2 Part 3- The Prologue Pt 3 Part 4- The woes of the backslider Part 5- Mercy in the midst of judgment 

All audio sermons can be seen here.

News review for week ending December 28th, 2018.

“And he (Uzziah) sought God in the days of Zechariah, who had understanding in the visions of God: and as long as he sought the LORD, God made him to prosper,”
2 Chronicles 26:5.


Brit-bashing by Irish will not change: Wilson

Jeremy Corbyn challenged over Brexit support

DUP will ensure Brexit backstop is defeated, says Arlene Foster

We shall wait and see!!

Varadkar backing for ‘good supporter of Ireland’ Juncker

He might have added: ‘and a strong opponent of the UK’!!

Remainers fury over Brexit fuelled by CONTEMPT for working classes – report

BREXIT WARNING: May’s deal PROVES EU want to PUNISH Britain for voting Brexit

Read more of this week’s news review here.

True Protestantism is ‘residual bigotry’, says ‘Papist’ Peter Lynas

The leader of the Evangelical Alliance and senior figure in the Causeway Coast Vineyard Church, Peter Lynas, has hit out at anyone who dares to question or highlight his ecumenical cuddling up with Rome.

‘Papist’ Peter Lynas, a title he has emphatically earned, let loose at any true Protestant when given a forum by the Belfast Telegraph last week.

He branded any who pointed out the error of mixing with the false and blasphemous religion of Romanism as being guilty of demonstrating “residual bigotry” in an interview with the arch-ecumenist Alf McCreary.

In his interview, ‘Papist’ Peter Lynas said in response to a question enquiring as to whether he has ever received any criticism for his faith: “There is also some residual bigotry directed at me for working with the Catholic Church on areas of shared interest. Very few actually want to engage – there is a lot of virtue-signalling, which is a shame.”

Both of the key words he used, “residual bigotry”, are very instructive. Read more the Protestant Revival website

Going to Rome for Christmas in Ballymoney Church of Ireland

Rev. Andrew Sweeney, Ballymoney CoI

Churches up and down the country will be holding special Christmas services throughout the month of December, but the Church of Ireland in Ballymoney will make use of this time of year to strengthen ecumenical relationships with the Roman Catholic Church.

An “inter-denominational” carol service was held in the County Antrim town on Monday, 3rd December.

It started, as so often is the case with ecumenical events involving travelling between churches, in the Protestant church, in this case St Patrick’s Church of Ireland, before finishing up in the Roman Catholic church, in this case Our Lady and St Patrick’s.

Even the name of that Roman Catholic church should have been sufficient to dissuade any so-called Protestants from going near it, as it alludes to the unscriptural veneration of Mary which is a key characteristic of Roman Catholicism. Read more on the Protestant Revival website…

News review for week ending Friday 21st December 2018


“Behold, a king shall reign in righteousness, and princes shall rule in judgment. And a man shall be as an hiding place from the wind, and a covert from the tempest; as rivers of water in a dry place, as the shadow of a great rock in a weary land,“ Isaiah 32:1-2.

Brexit news latest: Amber Rudd urges MPs across parties to ‘forge a consensus’ to avoid no-deal…. as five Cabinet ministers ‘consider second referendum’

So the political ‘hopscotch’ continues!!!

Brexit WARNING: MP reveals how Theresa May is going to FORCE MPs to accept Brexit deal

‘We didn’t spend 30 years stopping IRA to allow PM and EU to give united Ireland by back door’ says Labour MP Kate Hoey

New EU referendum would break faith with Britons, May to warn MPs

What she meant to say was ‘New EU referendum would break faith with Britons – YET AGAIN’!!

Maybe Mr May understands his wife, but everyone else just finds her unknowable

Why it is imperative for NI’s long term survival that Backstop is defeated – TUV leader, Jim Allister

DUP calls for more clarity from PM over EU concessions

May’s EU negotiator pictured with papers hinting at new NI border plan

Downing Street challenges Corbyn after his PM confidence ‘stunt’

Read the rest of this week’s news review… 

Brexit’ – What Saith the Scriptures?

The issue of “Brexit” is before us as never before since the UK voted 2016 to leave the EU!
It appears that what has been settled upon by the Prime Minister is not what the 17+ million citizens voted for in 2016.

The thinking of the citizenry who voted “leave” really counts for nothing but what the “all-wise” “gnomes of worldly enterprise” pontificate is what matters!

When Moses said the people of Israel would leave Egypt and that “there shall not an hoof be left behind” (Exodus 10:26) that complete removal took place. But we are not led by a Moses or anything like him! Read more

News review for week ending Friday 14th December 2018

Nevertheless they were disobedient, and rebelled against thee, and cast thy law behind their backs, and slew thy prophets which testified against them to turn them to thee, and they wrought great provocations. Therefore thou deliveredst them into the hand of their enemies, who vexed them, Nehemiah 9:26-27.

Brexit: Amber Rudd says ‘Norway Plus’ option plausible

The first minister to publicly float an alternative to Mrs May’s plan!

Brexit: SoS pens open letter to people of NI offering assurances over EU withdrawal deal

Assurances from a woman who, when she became Secretary of State for NI acknowledged that she was totally ignorant of the political conflict here – are hardly reassuring!!

PM’s deal is fatally flawed and has to be renegotiated, insists DUP leader

Labour ready to step in and negotiate Brexit deal with EU, Jeremy Corbyn says

That would be worse than ‘out of the frying pan into the fire’ since Corbyn is a long-time supporter of the IRA and its goal of a United Ireland by any means!!!

Brexit debate: SEETHING Leave voter tears into ‘TREASONOUS May’ for ceding control to EU

Theresa May pulls plug on Brexit deal vote, but Leo Varadkar rules out reopening negotiations around backstop

Brexit backstop renegotiation ‘not possible’ – Varadkar

Oh for leaders to clip the wings of this ‘peacock’!!!

Read more of this week’s news review…


“And he brake down the houses of the sodomites, that were by the house of the LORD,” 2 Kings 23:7.

I have been prompted to pen this little article by the BBC mounting yet another news feature ‘promoting’ sodomy and giving a platform to those who wickedly claim that they are ‘Christian’ sodomites.

The BBC article does not accurately give the Bible-believer’s answer to such a claim as might be expected, given that the BBC is an ungodly organisation which has no allegiance to God and His Truth.

The evidence put forth for ‘sodomite Christianity’ is based simply on the declaration made by those that claim they are both ‘gay and Christian’!

That, to say the least, is rather a tenuous foundation upon which to stake the genuineness of this assertion. After all, Judas would have claimed to have been a follower of Christ! So too did Simon (Magus), Acts 8. There have been millions of individuals who have claimed to have been ‘true believers’ since the Fall of Adam. However, simply to make such a claim is not sufficient evidence upon which to accept such a person as a Christian.

No, there must be evidence that the person is a Christian. The Lord clearly tell us what the evidence is. Read more

News review for week ending Friday 7th December 2018

“The LORD’S voice crieth unto the city, and the man of wisdom shall see thy name: hear ye the rod, and who hath appointed it,” Micah 6:9.

Presbyterian minister: Church must do more for people with HIV

I think if you read this ‘minister’s’ statement you will find that he does not mention ‘God’, ‘Christ’, ‘the Bible’ or ‘sin’. It is strange for a ‘minister’ to speak on any subject without using these words!!!

N.I. bookshop bans DUP members over same sex marriage stance

Given present trends within the DUP, one wonders how long the ‘bookshop’ will feel such a ban necessary!!??

Influential Presbyterian minister Henry Cooke was ‘the father of Ulster Unionism’

All political philosophy has its roots in some form of religious allegiance. It is good to know that ‘Unionism’ was once rooted in the teaching of the Bible!!

Landslide Sinn Fein victory in 1918 Irish election ‘not down to voting reform’

Child cruelty and neglect cases in Northern Ireland up by 350% in five years

The cause?? The legalising of perversion and its impact upon the public’s moral perception. In other words, the ABANDONMENT of the Bible!

Read the rest of this week’s news review…

Why we should love the Jewish people

The substance of two school morning assembly messages given in Kilskeery Independent Christian School, by retired minister and school administrator, Rev Ivan Foster

“Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father’s house, unto a land that I will shew thee: and I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: and I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed,” Genesis 12:1-3.

It is clear from the first words spoken to Abraham, from whom sprang the Jewish people, that he and his descendants would be those about whom there would a division of opinions. There would be those that would “bless” them and there would be those who would “curse” them!

Those that “bless” them would be blessed of God and those that “cursed” them would be cursed of God.

They were, in heaven’s eyes, a very special people. Read more

All Souls Non-Subscribing Presbyterian Church holds Transgender Remembrance service

When you survey the pitiful state of much of professing Christendom in Ulster today, you cannot help but be reminded of Paul’s caution to Timothy, written under the inspiration of God.

Surely it cannot be disputed that the religious deception is waxing worse and worse in our land.

And no more blatant example of this could surely be found than last week’s ‘Transgender Day of Remembrance’ service in the reprobate All Souls Non-Subscribing Presbyterian Church in Belfast.

This church shows such a disregard for the Word of God that it is actually breathtaking.

All Souls Non-Subscribing Presbyterian Church holds this transgender service every year as it continues to proudly defy God’s Word and the natural order he ordained, which can be seen in the verse at the top of this article.

Read more on the Protestant Revival website

News review for week ending Friday 30th November 2018

“No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon,” Matthew 6:24.

Gerry Adams can appeal against prison escape convictions to UK Supreme Court

It is more than Mrs Jean McConville can do regarding her imprisonment and subsequent murder, reportedly at the command of Gerry Adams. The question is, does he recognise the BRITISH court???!!

Legacy Scandal: The IRA was able to wage terrorism on Castlederg because it was near the safe haven of the Irish Republic

PSNI drew prosecutors’ attention to SF suspect’s senior Stormont role

Varadkar questions how much ‘senior republicans’ dictate to Sinn Fein’s elected politicians

Sinn Fein ‘hypocritical’ over Tony Taylor support: DUP MLA

Sinn Fein has as many faces as ‘Big Ben’ but at least the clock faces all tell the same story!!

Woman (44) arrested after Newry war memorial wreaths and crosses thrown into river

Read more of this week’s news review.


November 2018

Audio sermons

KICS assembly talks. Current series: “The Parables”

Recently added audio sermons

The great awakening cry before Christ's return. Preacher: Rev. Ivan Foster. SGAT Centenary service in Newtownabbey FPC, Nov 3rd, 2018.

Lifted Up, Straightened Out and Set Free. Preached in Ardarragh FPC, Sunday Nov. 4th (a.m.)

Those that are taken by the hand to heaven. Preached in Ardarragh FPC, Sunday Nov. 4th (p.m.)

Featured series

Bringing the King back pt7

Part 1- The Prologue (series on the Book of Ruth)

All audio sermons can be seen here.

News review for week ending Friday 23rd November 2018

“And Elijah came unto all the people, and said, How long halt ye between two opinions? if the LORD be God, follow him: but if Baal, then follow him. And the people answered him not a word,” 1 Kings 18:21.

Brexit: Gove and Fox back May as PM seeks to quell Tory revolt

The shifting ‘weathervane politicians’ emerge!!

Brexiteer cabinet ministers in plan to shift May on EU deal

Theresa May given SHOCK Cabinet ultimatum – change Brexit deal or we WILL resign

Brexit: UK must not be trapped in customs union – Leadsom

EXCLUSIVE EXPRESS POLL: Readers say NO to May’s Brexit deal as 86% REJECT plan

Brexit: Danger has not passed for Theresa May

Diane Dodds (DUP MEP): NI would be handcuffed to EU with Brussels holding the keys

DUP to ‘review position’ with Tories if Brexit deal passes Parliament

UUP leader Robin Swann rejects May’s plan as he lambasts ‘asleep at wheel’ DUP

Read the rest of this week’s news review… 

Canon Mark Harvey brings Romanist priest into Lurgan Church of Ireland

There was much consternation last month after it was revealed that a Romanist priest had been brought into a service marking the addition of more than 200 people who lost their lives during the two world wars to the war memorial in Lurgan, County Armagh.

The pro-abortion and ardent fan of liaising with Popery, Ulster Unionist MLA Doug Beattie, brought the matter to light in his rage against any who would seek to defend Biblical Christianity.

It would appear a service was held at the war memorial before a further service then took place in Shankill Parish Church in the town. At this service, a leading Papist, Canon Liam Stevenson, was then asked to take the pulpit and lead part of the service in the supposedly Protestant church, where the minister is Canon Mark Harvey. Read more on the Protestant Revival website

Noted Papist ‘Father’ Brian d’Arcy speaks in Ballycastle Presbyterian Church

The well known emissary of papal deceit, ‘Father’ Brian d’Arcy (pictured), was guest of honour on Tuesday night (13th November) in Ballycastle Presbyterian Church.

The Passionist priest was in attendance at a meeting of the Causeway Coast Peace Group, which sows its ecumenical seeds of compromise on the north coast of Northern Ireland.

Ballycastle Presbyterian Church is a habitual venue for all manner of disgraceful ecumenical activity, and regularly plays host to the outrageous ‘Ballycastle Prayer Partnership’, a monthly gathering of attendees of the Presbyterian, Church of Ireland and Romanist churches in the town. Read more on the Protestant Revival website.


“But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived,” 2 Timothy 3:13

We are given some details of just what exactly ‘evil men’ will engage in at the close of this age in the opening verses of this chapter.

“This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away,” verses 1-5.I have often pointed out that the word ‘perilous’, in verse 1, is the same word used in Matthew 8:28. “And when he was come to the other side into the country of the Gergesenes, there met him two possessed with devils, coming out of the tombs, exceeding fierce, so that no man might pass by that way.” The Greek word translated ‘perilous’ in our text is here translated ‘fierce’. Read more…

News review for week ending Friday 16th November 2018

“Say ye to the righteous, that it shall be well with him: for they shall eat the fruit of their doings. Woe unto the wicked! it shall be ill with him: for the reward of his hands shall be given him,” Isaiah 3:10-11.

Enniskillen piper marks start of Armistice Day events

Armistice day: Enniskillen first to hear of WW1 end

My Uncle George Foster joined the Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers while underage. He served in Dublin during the 1916 Easter Rising before going to France. He reached the rank of sergeant within 11 months but, sadly, was killed in action at Savy Wood, close to the village of Savy which is a few miles from St Quentin, in Picardy, France on the 1st April 1917. He was just 18 years of age.

Life as a World War One veteran in ‘war zone’ Ireland

(DUPs) Paul Givan slams Sinn Fein petition opposing Union and NI flags

Jo Johnson: ‘Democratic travesty’ not to have another Brexit vote

‘A COUP against the PM?’ Fury at Remainer ‘plot’ as Jo Johnson hints at MORE resignations

‘Confidence’ is key to the DUP-Tory deal, says Nigel Dodds

Jim Allister: PM appears ready to concede Irish Sea border, and thus the Backstop becomes the Back Stab

‘This is NOT democracy’ Sir Bill Cash BLASTS May’s reluctance to give up on Chequers deal

Read more of this week’s news review…

Ballymena Presbyterian church invites Papists to ecumenical prayer meeting

The High Kirk Presbyterian Church in Ballymena has held an ecumenical prayer meeting to which practising Roman Catholics, who offer prayer to Mary and to dead so-called ‘Saints’, were warmly invited.

Entitled ‘Prayers of Blessing for Ballymena’, the event hosted by the allegedly Protestant church was advertised in the Roman Catholic parish bulletin in the County Antrim town.

Demonstrating the continued unchanged nature of the Church of Rome, the Roman Catholic faithful in the town are also advised in the same bulletin, just a couple of lines down, that they can gain a “plenary indulgence” between the 1st and 8th of November by “visiting a cemetery or church and praying for the dead”. Read more on the Protestant Revival website. 

A tribute to one of the many – an uncle we never met.

Uncle George Forster (the spelling of the surname was changed for some unknown reason in the early part of the 20th century) was the fourth child of Leslie and Mary Jane Forster. He was born at the family farm at Ballymackilroy, Lisnaskea,Co. Fermanagh.

He joined the Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers while underage. He served in Dublin during the 1916 Easter Rising before going to France. Read more

News review for week ending Friday 9th November 2018

“So shall they fear the name of the LORD from the west, and his glory from the rising of the sun. When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the LORD shall lift up a standard against him. And the Redeemer shall come to Zion, and unto them that turn from transgression in Jacob, saith the LORD,” Isaiah 59:19-20.

Remembrance Day 2018: Services and events in Northern Ireland

Sinn Féin will not take part in Remembrance Sunday events in Northern Ireland

(Roman) Catholic Primate to preach at Armistice service for first time

Ireland backed Hitler but such hypocrisy is no difficulty for the pliable Church of Rome!!

Brexit deal will not jeopardise UK integrity, vows Raab

The UK is again reported to be about to crumble to Dublin and Brussels on the Irish border backstop

So much for London’s assurances to Ulster!!

We need to know if attorney-general thinks backstop could tear Northern Ireland out of UK, says David Davis

Prime minister under pressure from all sides over legal advice

Read the rest of this review…

News review for week ending November 2nd, 2018.

“Horror hath taken hold upon me because of the wicked that forsake thy law . . . . . I beheld the transgressors, and was grieved;
because they kept not thy word,” Psalm 119:53, 158.

DUP Spad told me “we could fill our boots” with RHI cash, says top civil servant

RHI Inquiry: Top civil servant rebuts SF denial of abuse warning to McGuinness

Jonathan Bell believed DUP spads were making ‘vast amounts of money from RHI’

RHI deserved scrutiny, but Sinn Fein is in no place to moralise

Read more…

Change in Irish constitution does not change God’s law!!

“And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints, to execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him,” Jude 14-15.

‘Irish vote to scrap offence of blasphemy’ So ran the headline in an Irish newspaper. The report continued: ‘Blasphemy is to be decriminalised in the Republic of Ireland after voters overwhelmingly supported a referendum to remove it as an offence in Irish law.’

The result, announced late on Saturday night (October 27th), saw 64.85% of the electorate voting Yes to decriminalise blasphemy, while 35.15% voted No. Read more

God enjoyed prayer dancing to ABBA music – Pete Greig of 24-7 Prayer

The leader of the ecumenical 24-7 Prayer grouping, Pete Greig, who is helping the Roman Catholic Church try to bring in more people, has claimed that God told him He was “quite enjoying” a group of girls dancing round their handbags and praying to the music of Swedish pop group ABBA in a prayer room he was running. Read more