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January 2018

New audio sermons

  • KICS talks updated. Two new talks are added weekly.
  • All recently added audio sermons can be seen here.


What is justice? Supergrass Gary Haggarty sentence leaves UVF victim’s son ‘gutted’ – six years for five murders

Since the British government began doing deals with terrorists, republican and loyalist, shameful decisions like that reported here in this article have taken place.

It must be remembered that British policy resulted in members of the terrorist IRA, guilty of the slaughter of hundreds of innocents, being granted immunity in all but name and exalted to power in the Stormont power-sharing regime, with the aid of the DUP.
That is a scandal that casts into the shade today’s court ruling regarding UVF man Haggarty. At least he was sent to jail, if only for six years.

It is more like justice than did making former IRA terrorists Stormont’s rulers! Read more

Unionist fury after new Sinn Fein leader ‘glorifies’ IRA bomber

As has been noted before, Mary Lou had to become the ‘servant’ of the IRA before she could become the ‘supremo’ of Sinn Fein. Let the DUP note that this is the Mob they still wish to enter a coalition with!!

Read a Newsletter report here

Read the Belfast Telegraph article here.

Belfast men left seriously injured in ‘brutal and barbaric’ paramilitary shootings

Rarely do the news reports ever identify the areas in which such attacks take place when they are Roman Catholic Irish Republican strongholds!! Read more

No role for Dublin in Stormont talks: TUV

Time will tell just how much the Irish Government was involved in the talks! By then, of course, it will be too late to do anything! Read more

Criticism grows over school’s SF role model

Like McElduff’s ‘loaf on his head’, this is another insight in to the true disposition of the Roman Catholic community regarding the IRA! They were heroes and role models for their children to emulate!!! Read more

Muslims are as much a part of community as I am, says DUP MP

Jim Shannon, the DUP MP, is something of an ‘eejit’, to use an Ulsterism!

Nothing demonstrates that more than his participating in “an inter-faith celebration in Omagh for greater understanding towards religious minorities”, back at the beginning of January. He is, I understand, a Baptist but to take part in a gathering which would equate Roman Catholicism, the Muslim, Hindu, Sikh and Baha’i faiths with the religion of the Lord Jesus Christ is a wicked blasphemy for which he ought to be ashamed.

However, I suspect that Mr Shannon is utterly ignorant of any error on his part in this enterprise!! Read more

Allow gay marriage and Irish rights in NI: Varadkar

This is not a campaign for ‘ Rights’ but rather a promotion of ‘Rebellion’ against God and His Law in which, Northern Ireland with its Protestant history, is a prime target!! Read more

Dissident group Óglaigh na hÉireann calls ceasefire

The ceasing of violence and terror, which is as a religion to Irish Republicans, is an indication how close that community believes a united Ireland is!! Read more

Dissidents ONH carried out ‘extreme violence’ against own communities: PSNI

An often  buried truth!!! Read more

Smyllum resident wants church held responsible for abuse

Despite the mountain of data documenting the Roman Catholic Church’s condoning and covering up the abuse of children in its care IT HAS NEVER BEEN CONDEMNED FOR ITS WICKEDNESS WHICH WOULD HAVE BEEN THE CASE WERE THE LIKE COMITTED BY A PROTESTANT DENOMINATION!! Read more

‘Doubtful Mary Lou can gain trust of unionists’: Cahill

A good point is made when the writer states: “Mary Lou needed to gain the trust of the IRA Belfast Brigade in order to reach the top of Sinn Fein –  she ‘needed to go from being her own woman, to being theirs.” Read more

Violence, gross immorality and defiance of all that is godly: The marks of a world on the verge of judgement

By Rev Ivan Foster (Rtr)

It is said that the human heart and mind can become used to just about anything!

Looking back on the horrendous bombing raids on London by the German Luftwaffe in the early part of the Second World War, it is impossible for this generation to understand how the citizens were able to carry on with life with a remarkable degree of normality! Yet the men, women and children did so most heroically. After a time, they later said, ‘one became used to the nightly raids, the noise, the destruction, the chaos and the tragic deaths of neighbours and family members and struggled on with life.’

Such stoicism is to be considered as uncomplaining courage.

However, there is a tolerance within today’s society which is anything but admirable. I am referring to the remarkable lack of response to the increasingly widespread violence, immorality and perversity abounding in every layer of society.  Read more

Theresa May’s deputy says Britain may rejoin the EU

The Bible clearly teaches that England, as part of the old Roman Empire, will be part of the end-time anti-christian politic-religious coalition referred to in Revelation 6:12-17 & chapters 13, 17-19. The UK may well withdraw from the present EU but England will become part of a future amalgam of nations opposed to Christ and His Truth which will be judged by Him upon His return. Read the report

Enoch – An illustration of the importance of watching for the return of Christ as an incentive to holiness.

The most remarkable thing recorded in the Bible about Enoch, a man of the seventh generation from Adam and whose life span would have been overlapped by that of Adam by some 308 years, according to calculations based upon figures given in Genesis 5, was his avoidance of death. Genesis 5:24 says, “And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him.” This truth is further stated in Hebrews 11:5. “By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death; and was not found, because God had translated him: for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God.”

That makes him, along with Elijah the prophet, unique amongst humanity.

But there are two other facts about Enoch which are especially worth noting. He walked with God and he had the coming again of Christ ever before him. Read more

Northern Ireland Secretary of State Karen Bradley: I back same-sex marriage but I won’t impose it

What arrogance these idiots display!! It was said of British soldiers in WW 1 that they were “lions led by donkeys”. In the political realm today we have “donkeys led by bigger donkeys”. Read more

Secretary of State Karen Bradley retracts claim about DUP’s £1bn deal

As already noted – Donkeys or ‘headless chicken’ might be nearer the mark! Read more

‘Evil’ ex-monk (89) is jailed over horrific abuse of three children

The headline says it all!! Read more

If Kingsmill was sectarian, as Sinn Fein now admit, what about Tullyvallen and all the other IRA atrocities?

The recent Provisional IRA campaign was utterly without justification, despite the claims of Adams and McGuinness, rather it was but the recommencement of the centuries old terror campaign mounted by Roman Catholicism against Protestants.

1641, 1798, 1920, 1956-62 and 1968 until the present day are some of the significant dates in the history Roman Catholic terror in Ireland. Read more

IRA murder victim’s mum hits out over republican ‘hypocrisy’

Such hypocrisy abounds since murderers who seek to pass themselves as ‘responsible citizens’ must engage in continual monumental hypocrisy. Read more

Aftermath of McElduff resignation – Over to You Mr O Muilleoir – Jim Allister TUV leader.

Sinn Fein MLA, M. O Muilleoir approvingly ‘retweeted’ McElduff’s mocking video. He too needs to resign!! Read more

Pressure piled onto Sinn Fein’s O Muilleoir in wake of McElduff resignation

Read more

Kingsmill video sectarian, says ex-IRA man Martin McAllister

There are details given here of this IRA terrorist attack by a former IRA man which should be noted by all!!! Read the BBC news report

Sinn Fein should have sacked McElduff insists former standards chief

Read more

Foster: Sinn Fein have to stop eulogising terrorists

It would help if the DUP were to stop seeking to have Sinn Fein/IRA re-enter power-sharing with them at Stormont! Read more

The ex-Lib Dem leader, Tim Farron regrets saying gay sex not a sin

Better late than never but it serves to illustrate the pressure from the “establishment” to silence Bible truth!!!! Read more

Kingsmills victim’s mum: My hurt over MP’s gag and prank calls

Read more

Kingsmills survivor: McElduff video done to create maximum hurt

As already noted on a previous news link, McElduff’s mocking taunts are not new! Protestants have endured the like from Sinn Fein supporters since the IRA murder campaign began 50 years ago. “The dark places of the earth are full of the habitations of cruelty,” Psalm 74:20.

None represent this cruel spirit more so than the callous and mendacious McElduff! Read the Newsletter article.

Ruth Dudley Edwards: Kilclooney’s tweeting can be tasteless, but McElduff has plumbed the depths

Sinn Fein’s reported criticism of McElduff must be treated for what it is: A self-servicing attempt to distance itself from his vile taunt.

McElduff is the true heart of Sinn Fein/IRA which party managers would like to keep under wraps and out of sight!

McElduff’s “apology” is an insult to the intelligence of those to whom he addresses it. Does he really expect them to believe him???

The truth is that Sinn Fein supporters throughout Ulster have often mocked the victims and their families of IRA attacks.

I always recall republican nurses in the old Erne hospital, Enniskillen, cheering at the news of a soldier being blown up in a border attack by the IRA!!!

For me, that incident encapsulates the depths of republican bitterness! Read the Belfast Telegraph article.

Sinn Féin MP apology over Kingsmill tweet on massacre anniversary

The mass murder of Protestants by the IRA is something to be publicly laughed at by Shinners like McElduff.

Furthermore, the families of the victims of such mass murder should not complain when McElduff and his compatriots mock them.

Such is the perverted, psychopathic mindset of this network terrorists masquerading as politicians!

Yet, still the DUP will seek to re-establish a power-sharing regime at Stormont with them!
Just who is worse??? Read more

Former IRA man rubbishes claims of ‘legitimate’ terror campaign

The world has so lost touch with truth and righteousness that the IRA’S claim to have conducted a ‘just war’ when it murdered and terrorist is given credence amongst many! Read more

IRA never played by any ‘rules’, so why should we allow them to be called prisoners of war?

Read the Belfast Telegraph article here.

DUP MPs back call for new National Lottery game

It is little wonder that Northern Ireland is in a moral and a political mess when MP, Jim Shannon’s response to a question regarding his support for gambling is examined. The man’s incredible denial of the obvious is nigh unto ‘squaring the circle’. He is, in John Bunyan’s famous words, a “Mr Facing-Both-ways”!

Truthfulness and integrity in public life is a rare jewel! Read more.

Sovereign Grace Advent Testimony Centenary

The Sovereign Grace Advent Testimony was, under God, formed on the 1st November, 1918, which means that this year marks the centenary of the movement. During that time there have only been two secretaries. Mr George H Fromow was appointed at the inaugural meeting in 1918 and continued until his home-call in April, 1974. On his passing, Mr Stephen A Toms was appointed and, by God’s grace and help, has continued till the present time. Read more

December 2017

New audio sermons

  • KICS talks updated. Two new talks are added weekly.
  • Paul meets the Prodigal Pt 1 – A message preached at the Young People’s Fellowship meeting in Kilskeery, Friday 1st December by Rev Ivan Foster.
  • Paul meets the Prodigal Pt 2 – A message preached at the Young People’s Fellowship meeting in Kilskeery, Friday 15th December by Rev Ivan Foster.


Martin McGuinness set up meeting where Frank Hegarty was killed, Bishop claimed.

Read more.

Declassified files: ‘McGuinness ran out of men for his dirty work’

This is a damning indictment of McGuinness by a high ranking Roman Catholic bishop who would have been very aware of happenings in his own city.

It is also an indictment of the DUP who were aware of these accusations and often repeated them before they entered a power-sharing arrangement with murderer McGuinness and Sinn Fein/IRA! How blind and deaf a lust for power makes men! Read more.

Declassified files: Adams ‘set up IRA gang for Loughgall ambush’

Read more here.

(Irish) State papers: Gerry Adams ‘set up Loughgall IRA gang for ambush’

Who can plumb the depths of the dark wickedness that is Sinn Fein/IRA??
Only the greatest fool would think to do business with it, expecting it to keep its word.
DUP take heed in 2018!! Read more.

Declassified files: Enniskillen bomb ‘may have been carefully planned and premeditated’

The British Government and HM security forces certainly engaged in a ‘cover-up’ following the mass murder, for which no one was ever arrested or interviewed!! Read more.

Pope on Christmas: Bethlehem trek is like today’s migrations

Another papal lie.

Joseph and Mary were not migrants. The Bible says: “And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus, that all the world should be taxed. (And this taxing was first made when Cyrenius was governor of Syria.) And all went to be taxed, every one into his own city. And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judaea, unto the city of David, which is called Bethlehem; (because he was of the house and lineage of David:) to be taxed with Mary his espoused wife, being great with child,” Luke 2:1-5.

This was a journey within the borders of their own land of about 100 miles.

Many, in their ignorance of the Bible, swallow the pope’s lie on this and many other much more vital matters such as God’s way of salvation, of which the pope is likewise utterly ignorant!! Read more

Unionists rally over Varadkar’s Northern Ireland claim

Varadkar’s demands are but the fruit of years of Unionist compromises. These have encouraged Dublin to believe that Unionism will offer little resistance to more a direct Dublin input to Northern Ireland’s affairs. It will take more than shouting to dissuade him and Dublin from their determination to push for a united Ireland! Read the Newsletter report.

Ex-priest (RC) Laurence Soper jailed for sexually abusing boys

Read the BBC news report here.

Loughinisland report ‘unlawful and unfair’, High Court judge rules

Read the Newsletter report here.

Ruling on ombudsman Loughinisland report ‘consistent’ with (Chief Constable) Hamilton concerns

Read the Newsletter report here.

Police ombudsman’s position ‘untenable’ after High Court judgment

Nothing was more destructive to the reputation of the former police force in Northern Ireland, the Royal Ulster Constabulary, than the Police Ombudsman’s allegations of the collusion of the RUC with loyalist paramilitaries!! Read the Newsletter report here.


The following are extracts from a BBC news story appearing on Saturday 23rd December.

“It is not unusual for the congregations of St Maeldoid’s Church of Ireland, Castleblayney (Co. Monaghan), and their next door neighbours, St Mary’s Catholic Church, to get together for a carol service at Christmas.

But this year’s community carol singing has a special significance to both churches. Read more

Alban Maginness: Dail (Dublin parliament) committee proposals for the ‘reform’ of law on abortion would cause Herod to blanch

Alban Maginness is a Roman Catholic lawyer and member of the Social Democratic and Labour Party. He was the first Roman Catholic Lord Mayor of Belfast. He often gave support to the cause of Irish Republicanism. Read more

Why pan-nationalist front letter is needlessly alarmist and provocative … striking back against a ‘threat’ that doesn’t exist

By John Foster – Emeritus Professor, University of British Columbia, Vancouver.

The other side of the story that few take time to read!! Read more

“Trying to restore Christ to where He never belonged!!

“DUP MP on mission to keep Christ in Christmas”. So ran the headline on the BBC internet news site on Thursday 14th December. It was referring to an attempt by DUP MP, Mr Jim Shannon, to initiate a debate on the subject of ‘Christmas’. The MP is on a mission to persuade people to “keep Christ in their Christmas”.

“Jim Shannon has tabled a motion in the House of Commons about the ‘real meaning’ of Christmas,” the BBC reported.
The motion also wishes “everyone in this United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland a very Happy Christmas and a blessed New Year”. The BBC report went on: “Although it is the season of goodwill, the Early Day Motion may not go any further, as few are actually debated.”
Well-intentioned as Mr Shannon’s attempt at having this matter debated may have been, he is however, like many Christians, wrong in thinking that Christ was ever in “Christmas”! Read more

Pope desires to change the Lord’s prayer

It was recently reported that the Pope has issued a call to change the wording of the Lord’s Prayer. He objected to a line in the prayer that asks God to ‘lead us not into temptation.’ Speaking to the media in Italy, the 80-year-old cleric said the wording should be changed to reflect that it is not God who leads humans to sin. “It is not a good translation because it speaks of a God who induces temptation,” he said. “I am the one who falls. It’s not him pushing me into temptation to then see how I have fallen. A father doesn’t do that, a father helps you to get up immediately. It’s Satan who leads us into temptation – that’s his department.”

He noted that the Catholic Church in France had already adapted the prayer to say ‘do not let us fall into temptation’. Read more

The underlying evil of the present BREXIT negotiations!

A recent headline epitomised for me just what is going on beneath the surface in the much publicised negotiations between the United Kingdom and the European Union officials.

“Europe GLOATS over Brexit breakdown as officials claim leaving EU will break UK apart”

There has been a long-term desire for the break-up of the United Kingdom harboured by the Roman Catholic dominated European countries. Read more

News reports of the Brexit Deal Debacle

Brexit deal backlash as David Davis interview sparks EU leader FURY

Read the Daily Express article

EU deal ‘more a statement of intent than a legally enforceable thing’

Read the Newsletter article

David Davis says UK can have ‘Canada plus plus plus’ trade deal with the EU after Brexit

Read the Independent report

DUP nailed the deal but critics say details are still vague

Read the article

A victory today, but No 10 may yet betray DUP

Read the article

Statement on the UK/EU deal by Jim Allister of TUV :

“The UK/EU agreement leaves unanswered many important questions. Read more

In light of the above it is unlikely Mrs May has told us the whole truth!!!!

JERUSALEM – The City of the Great King

President Trump has declared that he intends moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem.
Of course that set off the usual hysterical Muslim outcry!

By so doing, President Trump has become the first president since Israel’s founding in 1948 to recognise Jerusalem as the capital, although other presidential candidates have talked about doing so.

It has to be noted that he has more or less put it on the ‘long finger’! There is a waiver to keep the embassy in Tel Aviv for another six months, and officials say it could take years to build an embassy in Jerusalem. Read more


“Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time,” 1 John 2:18.

It should not surprise anyone that the devil wishes to keep his master stroke against the Kingdom of God in this age as secret as possible. However, he has not been able to keep his secret. The Lord has informed His Church of the future appearing of THE ANTICHRIST, who will be Satan’s final and greatest attempt to supplant the Christ of God with his imposter. Read more

Sam McBride: DUP had role in collapse of Brexit deal: the question is what role

“May the Lord preserve the liberties enjoyed in Ulster from the skullduggery of both Dublin and London!!” Read the Newsletter article

Brexit: Dublin will be big loser if it overplays hand and there’s no EU deal: TUV’s Allister

The Irish Republic’s government never misses a chance to try to undermine the will of the majority in Northern Ireland in its desire to remain British. In this they are partakers of the  deceitful spirit that marks all Irish nationalist politicians – it’s a united Ireland by any means, from terrorism to trickery!! Read the Belfast Telegraph report

Gay prayer for Prince George remarks ‘unkind and destructive’

This vile ‘brute’ makes a great mistake – God does not make sodomites!!!

“But these, as natural brute beasts, made to be taken and destroyed, speak evil of the things that they understand not; and shall utterly perish in their own corruption,” 2 Peter 2:12. Read the BBC report

Notorious orphanage ‘covered up’ the deaths of children in its care including a boy who was savagely beaten by a nun, inquiry is told

Read a PDF version of the Daily Mail news report

Strife between God and His People!

“Hear ye now what the LORD saith; Arise, contend thou before the mountains, and let the hills hear thy voice. Hear ye, O mountains, the LORD’S controversy, and ye strong foundations of the earth: for the LORD hath a controversy with his people, and he will plead with Israel.” Micah 6:1-2.

There is nothing more difficult for the servant of God to undertake than the task of rebuking sin amongst His people. When we contend against the wickedness of the ungodly, you will have the sympathy and support of the people of God. However, when it is necessary to contend against folly, for sin is the greatest of all follies, amongst the people of God you lose, to a great degree, that sympathy aforementioned.

The necessity of what you are doing is questioned and the motive that moves you is classified as the basest. However, it must be done. Read more


By Rev. Ivan Foster

The report reproduced at the end of this article is taken from the County Fermanagh weekly newspaper, ‘The Impartial Reporter’, dated 20th November 2017.

In it the Chief Constable of the Police Service of Northern Ireland, George Hamilton sought to refute criticism of the police response to the IRA bombing of the Remembrance Day wreath-laying ceremony in Enniskillen back on November 8th, 1987.

Mr Hamilton said that criticism of the police investigation into the atrocity was totally wrong. The bomb exploded as a parade of Ulster Defence Regiment (UDR) soldiers was making its way to the memorial and as people waited for the ceremony to begin. It blew out the wall of the Reading Rooms, a Roman Catholic Church property which the police had not searched because of the objections of priests in previous years. It was here that many of the victims were standing. The explosion buried them under rubble and hurled masonry towards the gathered crowd. Bystanders rushed to free those trapped underneath. Read more

Further reading – Report: Suited man seen in Reading Rooms before Enniskillen bombingA new revelation of police failure to follow up on evidence of identity of suspects in Poppy Day Enniskillen bombing!

Graham Gudgin (University of Cambridge academic) : Nationalist Ireland is using Brexit to further its Irish unity aim, and is pushing London further than it can go at this stage

Read the Newslatter report

Varadkar (Dublin premier)‘trying to be more SF than SF’

Read the Newsletter article

Brexit: Peter Robinson accuses Dublin of using border issue to push for Irish unity

Read the Belfast Telegraph report

‘Thousands’ of legal pornographic images found on Damian Green’s (de facto UK deputy prime minister) computer

That this can be reported and no apparent shame attached to the man is a measure of how far the the nation has sunk down into immorality! Read the Newsletter article

DUP threatens to pull support from Theresa May’s government if she backs down over post-Brexit Irish border

The keeping of promises in politics is not considered important when a more seemingly advantageous door opens.

The DUP should know that from their abandoned promises to Ulster Protestants in 2007!!! Read the Independent story

DUP silent on new councillor’s support for abortion reform and gay marriage

The views of this latest recruit to the DUP ranks, his open support for abortion, sodomy and same-sex marriage, is further evidence of the depths to which the DUP has sunk after its fundamental u-turn over power-sharing with Sinn Fein/IRA.

“Surely thou didst set them in slippery places: thou castedst them down into destruction,” Psalm 73:18. Read the Irish News report

Jamie Bryson: SF talk about human rights yet supported IRA terrorism which denied thousands of people the core right to life

“Worth a read!” Read the Newsletter article


Sinn Féin calls for commitment on delivering ‘rights’ based issues before powersharing talks can resume

Every person who wishes to learn “The Irish Language”  may freely do so. Indeed, free eduction in the “The Irish Language” has been provided by the Northern Ireland Education System FREE for over 60 years! Despite that, very few school leavers, who have studied “Irish” in the Roman Catholic controlled school sector achieve a level of competence which enables them to freely converse in the language.

In the Irish Republic, where the teaching of “Irish” is compulsory for all citizens, there is a dwindling number of people conversant in the language! The Sinn Fein campaign is but a further attempt to “Gaelitise” British Ulster. Read the report

November 2017

New audio sermons

Adams has ‘lost touch with reality’ over IRA: Beattie

Read the Newsletter report

Praise for the IRA at its ard fheis shows why Sinn Fein is far from being a normal party

Read the Belfast Telegraph article

Germany ‘contrived’ to release IRA bomber

With such a disposition as this it is no wonder Germany is so malevolent toward the UK with regards to ‘Brexit’!!! Read the Newsletter report

Stormont talks: Sinn Féin says no basis for them to resume

Read the BBC news report

TUV – “Dublin Bully Boys must be faced down”

Read the TUV statement

Tánaiste (Deputy Prime Minister) Frances Fitzgerald resigns from (Dublin) Government

Dublin Premier, Leo Varadkar, after saying a mere few hours earlier that he was standing by his deputy, will have more than Northern Ireland and Brexit to think about now with Sinn Fein snapping at his heels!!!!! Read the RTE news report


Ruth Dudley Edwards: Gerry Adams’s hate campaign against the Protestants of Ulster shows no sign of slowing

This lady is not a Protestant nor is she a Unionist but rather a citizen of the Republic of Ireland! Read the Belfast Telegraph report

“Are we nearing the end of the age and how close is Christ’s return?”

By Rev Ivan Foster

When considering such a question as this, we must carefully bear in mind the words of the Lord Jesus Christ in Matthew 24:42: “Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come.”

Setting a date upon the Lord’s return is utter folly in the light of these words and even more so in the light of Mark 13:32. “But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father.”

There are those who use this verse in Mark 13 as an argument against the study of prophecy since, they claim, even the Lord Jesus does not know the day of His return. Therefore it is useless for us to search the Scriptures for indications of when He will return, since He would not have been able to give us such information!

To me, such a notion that the verse is teaching that Christ is in ignorance of the day of His return is quite ludicrous and contrary to, indeed it is nothing short of a denial of, the truth regarding the deity and the Godhead of Christ. Read more…

You can also listen to a message on this subject here.

Irish deputy PM no confidence motion could force election

After huffing and puffing in a threatening manner against Northern Ireland and trying to use the Brexit issue to promote the cause of a ‘united Ireland’, Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar, an unashamed sodomite, has found trouble in his own backyard!!!

“Thus saith the LORD, Be not afraid of the words that thou hast heard, wherewith the servants of the king of Assyria have blasphemed me. Behold, I will send a blast upon him, and he shall hear a rumour, and return to his own land; and I will cause him to fall by the sword in his own land,” Isaiah 37:6-7. Read the BBC news report

John Cushnahan: Gerry Adams never condemned the divisive terrorism of the IRA

John Cushnahan is a former Alliance Party leader and Fine Gael MEP. Read the Newsletter article

Adams may be stepping down, but the boys in the back room have not gone away, you know

Read the Belfast Telegraph article

(Roman Catholic) Church informed on bomb memorial ‘a year in advance’

The deceitfulness of Rome is again highlighted but she is unaffected by shame or disgrace. Read more

Enniskillen families’ fears ‘not allayed’ by Catholic Diocese statement over memorial

Rome’s jesuitical sophistry continues!! Read more

Enniskillen bomb: Poppy on memorial ‘stopping Catholic church’ allowing it on its land

ROME – as anti-British as ever!!!! Read more

Jim Allister: It is telling that no-one was brought to justice for Enniskillen IRA bomb

Read the Newsletter article

Enniskillen memorial uncertainty ‘hurtful’ says victim’s son

Read the BBC news article

As both reports above indicate, nothing highlights the intransigence of Popery and the utter folly of Ecumenism than the “Poppy Day Massacre” and its aftermath

Enniskillen: ‘I am still in shock about the lauding of Martin McGuinness’

Read the Newsletter report.

Two more articles which must be read!

Enniskillen: 30 years of pain and heartache…but still no closer to justice

Read the Newsletter report.

Enniskillen: How a murderous act of desecration sent shockwaves around the world

Read more here.

An event that must never be forgotten though all attempts by the police to catch the murderers has ceased long ago!!

As the 30th anniversary of the “Poppy Day Massacre” approaches let us remember the victims and their shameful betrayal by the cover-up of the dreadful crime by the British Government, Sinn Fein, the Ecumenical Churches and the Royal Ulster Constabulary. Read more

Lurgan priest Monsignor Hamill resigns after ‘historical complaint’ probe

“A Dromore diocese spokesman said the complaint was “upheld”, but they were unable to give further details.” Read the Irish News report

Sinn Fein ‘glorification of terrorism’ an obstacle to deal, says Arlene Foster

It should not merely be an ‘obstacle’ but the fact Sinn Fein members carried on a terrorist campaign for 30 years, the very insurgents now being glorified, should forever rule out any power-sharing alliance with them!!! Read the Newsletter report

Evangelical quits Church of England leadership over ‘heretical’ stance on sexuality

While we commend this lady for her actions, we must say that the command of Holy Scripture is not “move toward the gate of the camp” but rather: “Let us go forth therefore unto him without the camp, bearing his reproach,” Hebrews 13:13. Separating from a committee of the apostate Church of England does not fulfil this commend. There must be an utter separating from all fellowship with it. “Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you,” 2 Corinthians 6:17. Read the Daily Telegraph article

Adams ‘inverting history’ of peace process: ex-SDLP leader

How many lives has he not turned upside down never mind the ‘inverting’ of history??? Read the Newsletter article

Francie Molloy: I won’t quit Sinn Féin over abortion

It has been rightly noted that the party which rose to power through murder will not baulk at the murder of the unborn! Read the Irish News report

Northern Ireland to leave EU on same terms as rest of UK – DUP’s Arlene Foster

Read the Belfast Telegraph article

Gerry Adams to stand down as Sinn Féin leader next year

Read the BBC News report

I have a particular affinity with IRA victims: Gerry Adams

This is the most bewildering and baffling statement from a man given to obfuscation, a man who most see as the direct cause of the murder of many hundreds of innocent people, Protestant and Roman Catholic, British and Irish!

What has just been said about Robert Mugabe can truly be applied to Adams – “He is mad”!!!! Read the Newsletter report

Victim’s sister wants answers from Adams

“The thought of Gerry Adams “walking off into the sunset” to enjoy retirement after a career defending the IRA is “outrageous” said the sister of a Birmingham bomb victim.” Read the Newsletter report

Sammy Wilson: The welcome demise of Mugabe and Adams

“This weekend has been a bad one for presidents and a good one for those who are sick and tired of suffering under their destructive leadership.” Read the Newsletter article

DUP outrage over abortion changes

The DUP continues to enter political alliances with the enemies of the Bible and then complains when they act out their wickedness!! Read more

Michelle O’Neill (Sinn Fein leader in NI): I support liberalising Sinn Féin’s abortion policy

These are the people the DUP go into league with!! Read more

Shock at offer of free abortions for NI minors

Read the Newsletter article

Alliance Party to oppose Easter lily move

Read the Newsletter article

Dublin has to face down British and DUP if it wants Executive back: Sinn Fein’s Gerry Adams

No longer ‘power-sharing’ but ‘Dublin take-over’ is Sinn Fein/IRA’s objective. This has ever been its long-term objective!! Read the Belfast Telegraph article

Protestant cleric praises James McClean over poppy stance in Remembrance Sunday sermon

The cleric is no more a ‘Protestant’ than is Gerry Adams!!!! Read the Belfast Telegraph report

Almost £6k in pension contributions paid for former MLA Caitríona Ruane while still speaker

The lid lifted just a little on the ethics of Irish republicanism!!!! Read the Irish News story.

Australians vote in favour of legalising same-sex marriage

While we feel shame at Australia’s decision and for the actions and attitudes of all who think likewise here in the UK,  it is not so with those who vote “Yes” to this evil thing!
“Were they ashamed when they had committed abomination? nay, they were not at all ashamed, neither could they blush: therefore they shall fall among them that fall: at the time that I visit them they shall be cast down, saith the LORD,” Jeremiah 6:15.

There will be a visitation for this, more terrible than men can conceive. “They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all. Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded; But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all. Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed,” Luke 17:27-30. Read the ITV news article.

‘Are we saying that Christians cannot do social work in NI?’

That is just what the Northern Ireland Social Care Council is saying and it is in line what Church and  State agencies have been saying for some time! The age of Antichristianity draws nearer!! Read more

Annual Remembrance Day service in Omagh disrupted by IRA bomb left near the cenotaph

Read more

Westminster sex scandal: Theresa May calls for ‘culture of respect’

This is the Prime Minister who seeks to promote sodomy and the various perversions allied to it and said that the Toriy party has been wrong on gay rights in the past (See here)!!!

Such sowing must bring a bitter harvest – Galatians 6:7-8.

The web of lies that entangles Ulster

“No lie is of the truth,” I John 2:21.

The synopsis of a sermon preached in Kilskeery Free Presbyterian Church on Sabbath evening, September 11th, 1994, By Rev Ivan Foster

(A warning issued 23 years ago of the deceit and lies at work on the subject of ‘peace’ in Ulster!!)

There are times when the finger must be pointed and the lie exposed. The cause of truth in a time of deception demands that a most vigorous witness be maintained. When there is a babble of voices proclaiming the lie the servant of God must be all the more strident in order to ensure that his voice rises above the lie. We live in just such a day. The fabric of national life is riddled with the woodworm of deception and falsehood. Politics, religion, business, every strata of the nation’s affairs is corrupted by untruths. A great deception is being wrought especially upon the Ulster people in the realm of religion and the constitutional future of our province. Read more…or click here to listen.

SF fails to set out alternative to prevent public sector implosion

Their objective is the downfall of Northern Ireland and that has always been known, even in 2007 when the DUP most perversely entered a power-sharing agreement with them!! Read more

Dodds calls for direct rule ministers to be appointed in weeks if deal isn’t agreed

Back where we started after 10 wasted and detrimental years, the effect of which likely can never be undone!! Read more

New Stormont battle as DUP calls for imminent move to direct rule

Sinn Fein’s present strategy is not the re-establishing of power-sharing at Stormont but the introducing of some form of ‘joint rule’ by London and Dublin.

They seek to create a crisis by ever stymieing the ‘Stormont talks’ with the DUP and from the sidelines, calling  for Dublin and London to intervene in concert and replace Stormont Rule.

Sinn Fein has ever sought to undermine Northern Ireland’s Union with Great Britain and this was the reason behind their push for ‘power-sharing’ in 2006 at which the DUP, in its greed for power, jumped. Now power-sharing has run its course so Sinn Fein is presently pushing for a further step in its long term plan to destroy Northern Ireland but now by creating a further crisis.  Because their 30-years of terrorist tactics failed and ‘power-sharing’ did not produce the fruits that Republicans hoped it would, the latest objective is joint Dublin-London rule, a short step from a Dublin take-over. Read more