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July 2017

Orangemen warned to ‘reject Rome’ and not use RIP on social media

Such advice, which is very good, must also mean that Orangemen are not to attend the Mass, something many Orange leaders were seeking to have approved!!!

Read the report here.

SHOCK CLAIM: Christians were WRONG to brand Satan evil as scientist insists devil is good

The idiot is saying that the Lord got it all wrong, since true Christians base their view of Satan on what the Lord has said of him in the Bible.

“Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels,” Matthew 25:41.
“And supper being ended, the devil having now put into the heart of Judas Iscariot, Simon’s son, to betray him,” John 13:2.
“Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour,” 1 Peter 5:8.
“And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever,” Revelation 20:10.

Read the report here.

Remembering the ‘Moses of the Scots-Irish’

Read the Newsletter report here.

A passage from the “The Scattered Nation”

the ‘occasional record of the London-based Hebrew Christian Testimony to Israel’, edited by David Baron, a converted Jew, October 1894.

‘WHAT are you doing to reach the better class Jews?’ has been asked by several friends. Mr. Schönberger partly answers the question at the end of his paper. We are carrying on a vigorous postal mission to those of the richer Jews in all the different suburbs of London who cannot otherwise be reached. For this purpose we have issued an Open Letter, a portion of which I reproduce here, to give our friends an idea how we have to address our unbelieving brethren.

EXTRACT from our Open Letter to the Jews

“Brethren, it is an undeniable fact, that at the very time when our people expected the Messiah, a pure and holy man appeared among them of the the name of Jesus, who declared Himself to be the promised Redeemer, spoken of by the Prophets, and proved Himself such by His marvellous life, doctrine and works.

Brethren, it is an undeniable fact, that in consequence of the death of Jesus of Nazareth, and on the ground of His resurrection from the dead, a community was formed at Jerusalem, who, recognising Jesus as the Messiah prophesied by the Prophets, commenced to meet on the first day of the week in memory of His resurrection ; which company has grown from that day until this, and now embraces a multitude which cannot be numbered, from among all the nations of the earth.

Brethren, it is an undeniable fact, that soon after the death of Jesus and the founding and spread of His Church, there came to pass a terrible destruction of Jerusalem, and the expulsion of our people from Palestine, which He had foretold, and while from that time the synagogue, which would none of Him, was, stricken with impotence and barrenness, His Church on the other hand has grown ever more and more, the triumphal march of His Gospel unceasingly advancing from nation to nation, until to-day the name of Christ is proclaimed in the whole world.

Are not these facts sufficient to excite your interest and consideration?

Does it offend you, that we, as Hebrew Christians,” wish to speak with you? Perhaps you are prepared to meet us, if not with stones, with that which is far worse, with words of insult and reproach. Kôfer! Meshummed! (Both terms referring to one who is deemed an apostate by the Jews – IF)

Have done with these senseless thoughtless word-blows! Jews were the living stones of which the Church of the Apostles was built. Jews were the first to confess the Gospel, and to preach it throughout the world.

From Jews have come down to us the writings of the New Testament, and everything belonging to Christianity, and though confessors of Christ are of nearly all races of the earth, yet there is no doubt that Christianity, in its origins, as in its essence and doctrine, genuinely Jewish. So now we, as Jews are believers in Jesus, who has appeared, and in His Salvation, and are, therefore, Hebrew Christians.

For us, the times of the Messiah commenced with the appearance of Jesus, and woe to us if we remained silent to you of this matter, We believe, therefore, we speak,
Brethren, hearken! We hold such to be true Jews who hold to the true Jewish teaching,
We believe in Moses and the prophets. We believe prophecy and its fulfilment, All that is spoken in the Old Testament is, and will be fulfilled in Jesus Christ, and a true Israelite is not he who says, “God is one,” but he who is one with God.”

Theresa May wants same-sex marriage allowed in Northern Ireland

What now for ‘DUP/Conservative Westminster alliance???? Will the DUP own the Bible as their basis for rejecting such a demand from Theresa May? We sincerely hope they will.

The marriage relationship ordained of God, that between a man and a woman, has been perverted by sodomites and is no more a right than is any other breach of God’s commandments. We might as well demand the right to murder, to steal as the ‘right’ to defy God’s law and have a man marry a man or a woman a woman.
“For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife (Greek, gune, ‘female’) and they two shall be one flesh,” Ephesians 5:31. (See Genesis 2:24; Matthew 19:5; Mark 10:7.)

Read the Belfast Telegraph report here.

See also this report May ‘understands’ DUP deal concerns … and backs gay marriage in NI


by Rev Ivan Foster

A pro-abortion campaigner, Ann Furedi, could not stop from rejoicing publicly over the decision by The British Medical Association’s call to decriminalise completely terminations. She has declared that since the decision she “can’t stop humming the 1970s disco classic ‘Ain’t No Stoppin’ Us Now’.”

Amongst the words of this ‘song’ are these very significant lines.

“There’ve been so many things that have held us down
But now it looks like things are finally comin’ around, yeah
I know we’ve got a long long way to go, yeah
And where we’ll end up I don’t know
But we won’t let nothing hold us back.”

“And if you’ve ever been held down before
I know that you refuse to be held down any more, yeah yeah
Don’t you let nothing, nothing
Nothing stand in your way.”

Read more

Ex IRA bomber: O’Neill had chance to write a new chapter but instead chose to commemorate IRA terror

This is what the DUP are attempting to go into power-sharing with once more and willing to compromise in order to do it!!

Read the Newsletter report here.

Compulsory Irish has failed in the Republic, at huge cost to taxpayers

No evidence or set of facts will ever have any bearing on the Republicans’ demands by which they feel they can advance their cause for a united Ireland!!!

Read the Newsletter report here.

Paying republicans the Dane-geld means they will come back for more

Read the Newsletter report here.

Sinn Féin MEP must apologise for ‘insulting’ terrorism comments, says Diane Dodds

Sinn Fein has never considered the murder of the innocent as terrorism!!!

Read the  Newsletter report here.

Where was Sinn Fein’s concern for human rights on Bloody Friday, at Claudy, La Mon or Enniskillen?

Read the Belfast Telegraph article here.

Dr. Joel Beeke and sodomites in the church

Dr Joel Beeke – Why does he mingle with, show little disapprobation of and is happy to promote the writings and the witness of sodomites, despite the many warnings of the sinfulness of such a course and exhortations to repent and cease from such actions???? By Rev Ivan Foster

In truth I cannot answer my own question which heads this article!

Dr Joel Beeke has been, in the eyes of many, a man who has walked in the dangerously compromising footsteps of Dr Billy Graham. As with Dr Graham, there are many who idolise Dr Beeke and can see no wrong in his ways, but rather have built a new ‘doctrine’ around his practices. His failure to obey the Word of God and separate from the company of those whose teaching and practices are contrary to the Word of God and in conflict with the standards of historic Bible Christianity, has been termed but an extension of the duty that stems from the Saviour’s declaration that “Ye are the light of the world,” Matthew 5:14. Read more

DUBLIN – Fine Gael’s first openly gay TD congratulated on engagement

Ireland plunges further down into the pit of immorality following its sanctioning of ‘same sex marriage’ and the appointment of a sodomite Prime Minister.

Read the Irish Times report here.

Abortions for Northern Irish women to be funded in Wales

How terrible is the rush to offer the services of the NHS to murder the unborn.
It is noticeable that rumours about the Duchess of Cambridge expecting her third child do not refer to a ‘foetus’ but a child.

The unborn child is only called a ‘foetus’ when the abortionist wishes to dehumanise the unborn and make believe that it is something less than a true human being and thereby its destruction is not murder!

Read the BBC news report here.

Paisley issues warning over abortion in Northern Ireland

“I’m going to make it absolutely clear that the rights of the unborn child, in my view and in the views of people in my party and on this bench, trump any political agreement that had been put in place.

“We’re making that absolutely and abundantly clear, and if anyone thinks that we would take a view where we would trade that issue of life and the sanctity of life on a political deal, they don’t understand me and they don’t understand my party and they need to be aware of that.” – Ian Paisley MP.

Read the Newsletter report here.

DUP Councillor caught drink driving.

A local DUP representative has quit the party after being caught drink-driving last month.

Read the Newsletter report here.


A few observations by Rev Ivan Foster

“Or those eighteen, upon whom the tower in Siloam fell, and slew them, think ye that they were sinners above all men that dwelt in Jerusalem? I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish,” Luke 13:4-5.

It may be seen here that the Lord Jesus not only took note of dreadful events in His day, but He would have others consider them and draw lessons from them.

Many are talking about the lessons to be learned from the tragedy of the fire which destroyed Grenfell Tower in North Kensington, London. All of the lessons related to fire-prevention and the overhauling of the management of such towers.

I have yet to hear of any who have spoken as did the Saviour on the occasion here in Luke 13. Read more

Student union president sparks controversy by saying she would like to ‘oppress white people’, everyone should read the Koran and that men and women must not be friends

The following article is taken from the “Daily Mail” of 1st July 2017.
It serves to illustrate the true nature of the Koran as set forth by one of its devotees!! Let all those who proclaim the Islam as a ‘religion of peace’ take note. A cursory study of the campaigns and conquests of Islamic forces in history would tell us clear the character of this heathen religion!

A Muslim student union leader has claimed she would like to ‘oppress white people’ and has suggested there would be an Islamic takeover if more people read the Koran. Read more

Pro-life groups shocked by Tory abortion pledge

“The DUP last night issued a statement to the News Letter which, whilst declaring that it had opposed Labour’s amendment calling for free abortions for Northern Irish women, contained no criticism of the government for deciding to essentially adopt that same measure.”

Read the Newsletter report here.

High handed abortion extension wrong

Read the statement by Jim Allister MLA here.

If doctors vote today to scrap abortion limits they’ll betray everything our profession stands for

writes PROFESSOR JOHN CAMPBELL. Published in the Daily Mail – 27 June 2017.

Public trust in British doctors faces a fundamental threat today that could undermine our entire profession.

At the annual conference of the British Medical Association in Bournemouth, around 500 members will vote to lobby the Government to scrap the law that bans abortions after 24 weeks.

If that happens, the lives of an untold number of unborn babies will be threatened. And the regard that society has for modern medicine, with its infinite potential for doing good, will be gravely damaged, not least because this BMA ballot is completely at odds with what the great majority of people in this country want.

At the annual conference of the BMA, around 500 members will vote to lobby the Government to scrap the law that bans abortions after 24 weeks. Read more

Doctors call for abortion on demand as BMA votes to decriminalise terminations for first time ever

Read of the decision taken by doctors here.

June 2017

Why I have closed my account with SermonAudio

As of 30th May, 2017, I have requested that SermonAudio close my account. I am not sure just when the closure will take place as that is in the hands of SermonAudio. However, I will no longer mount sermons there. Instead, my own website The Burning Bush will now house all my sermons. It has long been the home of my articles and news links. Gradually we will mount the 1376 messages I had on SermonAudio on my own site.

I think that I am correct in saying that our sermons were among the first that were mounted on SermonAudio when Mr. Steven Lee opened his exciting new venture. I recall him heading off home to the United Sates with a large box of old cassette recordings of early sermons preached by me here in Kilskeery, many hundreds of which have been downloaded over the years. I am ever mindful of the introduction SermonAudio gave me to a multitude of believers across the world. Read more

Anti-abortion groups hail judges’ ruling that politicians should decide law

Appeal court ruled that abortion law in Northern Ireland should be left to the Stormont Assembly and not judges. Political manoeuvring at Westminster soon cut short the rejoicing over this decision!!

Read the Newsletter report here.

Chancellor: Government to fund abortions in England for women from Northern Ireland

It is clear that the DUP’s “moral position” on abortion has not in the least influenced the British Government. Are professing Christians in Stormont happy with the murder of the unborn being the price of the financial benefits obtained from the UK Prime Minister.

Read the ITV news report here.

Irish Language Act Would Deliver Key IRA Green Book Objective

Read the TUV statement by Jim Allister  here.

Studies in Ezekiel Chapters 25-28

The Visions of the Judgment of the Nations around Israel (Ammon, Moab, Edom, Philistia, Tyrus)

Preached at a meeting of the Sovereign Grace Advent Testimony in London, June 23 2017, By Rev Ivan Foster

These 4 chapters detail the judgments of God which befell the nations around Israel at the hand of Babylon back some 2600 years ago.

Three of the chapters deal with Tyrus. I believe that what is here read is a picture, a foreshadowing of the future judgments of God against the Antichrist and his allies.

The Bible says that: “The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun,” Ecclesiastes 1:9.
Such a statement is entirely logical.

Man is unchanging in his spiritual disposition and constitution.

Contrary to the Evolutionist’s silly notion that man is on an upward moral path, in truth man is ever on the sinful, depraved downward path. It is only by God’s constraining providence that mankind has not long ago plunged into unspeakable depths of universal darkness and the damnation that will follow.

No, man being the same he ever seeks out the same sinful paths as did his forefathers.
God being the same, and He is, “For I am the LORD, I change not,” Malachi 3:6, His response to sin has ever been the same.

When nations sin as nations have before, then the judgments that will follow such sin will again be as the judgments of the past.

The chapter 25 deals with the Ammonites, the Moabites, the Edomites and the Philistines. I do not intend examining each declaration of judgment against these nations for that would require more time than is available to us tonight.

I wish to highlight important features in these chapters. Read more

Watch a video of this message here.

Some Cardinal Principles of Prophetic Interpretation

By Charles T Cook

(This article is taken from the second issue of Watching and Waiting, May 1919).

1. Prophecy is never given to satisfy curiosity, but to inculcate some needful moral and spiritual lesson (Daniel 9:2-3; Daniel 10:18; Luke 21:28; 2 Peter 1:19; 2 Peter 3:14).

2. Prophecies of events still future will be fulfilled on the same principle as those which have already come to pass. (The following prophecies concerning our Lord Jesus have been literally fulfilled: Micah 5:2; Isaiah 7:14; Isaiah 53:7-9; Psalm 16:8-11. The following prophecies will also be fulfilled literally: Zechariah 12:10; Zechariah 14:3-4; Matthew 24:29-31. Prophecies concerning Israel’s scattering have been fulfilled literally, so also will be the promises of regathering: Jeremiah 30:3; Jeremiah 31:7-10; Isaiah 14:1-3; Amos 9:14-15). Read more

Priest at Belfast school quizzed pupils about sex – report criticises child protection failings

It is to be noted that the fact that this is a Roman Catholic controlled school is not immediately made clear in the report!! Read the Belfast Telegraph report here.

DUP secures ‘Military Covenant’ for veterans in Northern Ireland, Paisley claims

It was always a source of shame that soldiers from Northern Ireland serving in the British Army were not treated the same as soldiers from the other parts of the United Kingdom. read the Belfast Telegraph report here.

Weakened Tories good news for Libya-IRA victims: Empey

Read the Newsletter report here.

Pope Francis declares evolution and Big Bang theory are real and God is not ‘a magician with a magic wand’

Popery is a system which has long spoken out of ‘both sides of its mouth’ and is ever engaged in preaching ‘the lie’ while calling it ‘the truth’ and thus deceiving millions about eternity !!!

Read The Independent’s report here.

Jeff Dudgeon: I have long battled with the DUP over gay rights, but I do not find them hostile now.

Something every Free Presbyterian supporter of the DUP should reads and note!!

Read the Newsletter report here.

DUP urged to ‘change its position’ on LGBTI issues by Scottish Secretary

Read the Newsletter report here.

Cash, not moral issues, likely to be driving force of DUP support for May

The price of power!!!

Read the Newsletter report here.

Talk about hypocrisy, Sinn Fein cosied up to DUP when it suited

Read the Belfast Telegraph report here.

Election results 2017: DUP and Sinn Féin celebrate election gains

The graph shows a very divided Ulster!!

Read the BBC news report here.

SDLP and UUP lose Westminster seats

Read the BBC news report here.

General Election 2017 result live: Theresa May brokers deal with DUP to form new government

Read the Belfast Telegraph report here.

Jim Allister: Finucane cannot masquerade as campaigner for truth and justice while carrying flag for IRA’s political wing

Read the Newsletter report here.

Even after Enniskillen massacre, Corbyn and the hard left would not condemn the IRA

Read the Newsletter report here.

Dublin Police foil huge dissident Semtex bomb plot

Read the Belfast Telegraph report here.

Corbyn went out on limb with Provos all the time, claims peer

What a disaster for the UK if this “useful idiot of the IRA”, as one RUC officer called him years ago, is elected Prime Minister and what a commentary on the wit of the people of England if he is their choice!!!

Read the Belfast Telegraph report here.

See also Labour’s wriggling over its past meetings with terrorists is enough to make your hair curl, no matter what Abbott says

‘Workmate led us to a slaughtering match’

“The sole survivor of the Kingsmills massacre says he is “horrified” that a workmate who usually travelled on the minibus ambushed by the IRA in south Armagh may have set them up to be murdered.”

This would not be the first time that such treachery was manifested. A young republican in Castlederg blew himself up fixing a bomb to the car of a workmate who had often shared his lunch with him!!

Read the Belfast Newsletter report here.

Read a Belfast Telegraph report here.

May 2017

Why I have closed my account with SermonAudio

As of 30th May, 2017, I have requested that SermonAudio close my account. I am not sure just when the closure will take place as that is in the hands of SermonAudio. However, I will no longer mount sermons there. Instead, my own website The Burning Bush will now house all my sermons. It has long been the home of my articles and news links. Gradually we will mount the 1376 messages I had on SermonAudio on my own site.

I think that I am correct in saying that our sermons were among the first that were mounted on SermonAudio when Mr. Steven Lee opened his exciting new venture. I recall him heading off home to the United Sates with a large box of old cassette recordings of early sermons preached by me here in Kilskeery, many hundreds of which have been downloaded over the years. I am ever mindful of the introduction SermonAudio gave me to a multitude of believers across the world. Read more

Revealed: Jeremy Corbyn blamed IRA’s Poppy Day massacre on British ‘occupation’ of Northern Ireland

Despite the lies and white-washing by the Labour Party machine, nothing can conceal what Corbyn is. He is what he always has been – a friend and apologist for IRA terrorist murderers!!

Read the Daily Telegraph report here.

Why it is time for an Islamic Reformation

A very disconcerting read for the foolish, the blind and those ignorant of the truth regarding Islam!

“It would be monstrous to lay the blame for the Manchester bombing at the door of all Muslims, but their religion’s intolerance of plurality leaves too many questions unanswered, writes Sean O’Driscoll….” Read the Belfast Telegraph column here.

‘IRA leadership did sanction Kingsmills’

Welcome as this statement is, it is but stating what most adult Unionist people 40 years ago believed!

Read the Belfast Newsletter report here.

The General Assembly of the Church of Scotland last night moved a step closer to allowing ministers to perform gay marriages.

This report appeared in the “Belfast Newsletter”, 26th May 2017.

“The Kirk’s governing body backed calls for a study into how same-sex ceremonies in church could be allowed. The proposal was outlined in a report by the Theological Forum of the Church of Scotland.

It also called for the church to apologise for its “history of discrimination” of gay people.
Convener of the forum, the Very Reverend Iain Torrance, said: “I hope, I pray, we are moving to a different stage in this long argument.

“We can begin perhaps by saying gently to those with whom we have disagreed, I am sorry. That notion of an apology is directly linked to taking this into a non-binary stage and trying to think these pieces differently with a different perception.” Read more….

Manchester bomb: ‘IRA taught Isis that terrorism pays’

Others see the link between Sinn Fein/IRA and terror and their route to political office.
How ashamed the DUP should be for providing the aid and assistance whereby these hypocrites entered high office. Read the Newsletter report here.

So, Michelle O’Neill, just when did it become unacceptable to bomb Manchester?

Only Sinn Fein would have the effrontery, the gall, the shamelessness to condemn the recent bombing in Manchester by Muslims when their terrorist cohorts twice left hundreds injured in the same city by similar acts of terrorism in 1992 and 1996, and then try to have us believe that their attacks were different!!!!

Just when will Ulster’s Unionist people say ‘NO’ to power-sharing with such heinous and detestable deceivers and liars??

Read the Belfast Telegraph report here.

Church minister apologises for ‘explosives’ remark at election event

What a gutless coward this ‘mighty’ man is! ‘Canon’ Mark Watson can stand up and sound off in private and makes jokes in the presence of unionists in a church hall but when his comments are made known he immediately folds before the cries of the ‘politically correct’ brigade.
How little there is of the spirit of our forefathers in this ecclesiastical pygmy!!!!

Read the Irish News story here.

Enniskillen deserves investigation like Bloody Sunday: victims’ daughter

We cannot agree more with this lady’s call for a proper investigation in the 1987 “Poppy Day Massacre”. From the very first, this horrific atrocity by the IRA has been surrounded by lies, told by both the IRA and the police and politicians. Read the Belfast Newsletter story here.

Please read the full story in an article we wrote at the time.

You can read the details of the 12th victim of the bombing, Mr Ronnie Hill, here.

Church of Scotland expected to back same-sex marriage

Moderator Designate, Dr Browning said: “Hopefully we’re in a position to move forwards, but that will be for the General Assembly to make its mind up on, on Thursday.”

The poor fool considers adopting the moral standards of the city God damned (Genesis 19:4, 2 Peter 2:6, Jude 7) as moving forward.

He is one of those spoken of by Isaiah the prophet. “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” Isaiah 5:20.

Read the BBC news report here.

Lower Falls protest against anti-social behaviour

This Roman Catholic community is only reaping what it sowed. It has supported Sinn Fein/IRA from its heyday of terrorism and doubtless still does.

As a result, the area became a “No Go” area for ordinary policing activities and the IRA was embraced by the residents as its “police force”!

When the ‘lawless’ become responsible for ‘law and order’ only greater lawlessness can result.

In their complaint, the residents of course make no mention of this salient fact!!

Read the BBC News story here.

Another report of the same incident can be seen here.

Chief Kingsmills suspect linked to 46 murders

When the list of the victims given in this article is examined, this person, whom Michelle O’Neill, the leader of Sinn Fein in Northern Ireland, would doubtlessly honour as she did the Loughgall murderers, is nothing short of a homicidal maniac. As such he was typical of all IRA activists!

Read the Belfast Newsletter report here.

The Royal Family and the Sins of the Age

Two recent headlines indicate the sad direction of the thinking of Royalty!
LGBT Awards: Prince William honoured for supporting community – this was a BBC headline on 13th May, 2017. The report stated: ‘He told the British LGBT Awards on Friday evening via a video message: “It’s so important to be proud of the person you are.” The Duke of Cambridge was named “straight ally of the year” and was among several celebrities given awards.’

The other headline that drew my attention was on the Belfast Newsletter site. “Prince Charles’ Royal tribute to 1916 combatants”. The article went on to say: ‘The Prince of Wales has paid tribute to those who fought for Irish freedom in the 1916 Rising.” Prince Charles said it was important to honour the memory of “men and women from all sides whose sacrifice shaped our shared history”. The future king had earlier laid a wreath at a memorial in Glasnevin Cemetery in Dublin in memory of all those who died in the 1916 rebellion.’ He also met with Sinn Fein/IRA leader, Gerry Adams. Read more

Jim Allister: Unionists should reject devolution if it must include SF

This is sound advice which UUP and especially DUP supporters have most stupidly and blindly refused to consider.

Unless it is heeded soon the union is inevitably doomed since Sinn Fein will never do anything to preserve it but rather will do everything to destroy it.


Read Jim Allister’s letter to the Editor of the Newsletter article here.

Republished: The things that shall be hereafter.

This book has proved to be a wonderful means of setting forth the Bible’s teaching on prophecy.

It sets forth in chronological order many passages of God’s Word related to the ‘last times’.
The author’s comments are very few. He lets the Bible do the talking.

It is an invaluable asset to the serious student of Bible prophecy.

Just before he died in 1877, Septimus Sears, pastor of Clifton Strict Baptist congregation in Bedfordshire, wrote the following to his church:

“I have endeavoured to learn and teach God’s mind about the future coming and kingdom and glory of the Lord Jesus. In the quiet of this chamber of affliction I am confirmed in the truth of what I believe. I have by Scripture authority preached to you of that blessed hope and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ. Oh, that we were all more affected graciously and practically by the blessed hope, and that the inspired description given of the members of the early Church might more abundantly fit us: Ye turned to God from idols, to serve the living and the true God, and to wait for His Son from heaven, whom He raised from the dead, even Jesus, which delivered us from the wrath to come” (1 Thessalonians 1: 10).

Price £5. Copies of this most instructive little book of 71 pages may be had from:

Sovereign Grace Advent Testimony
1 Donald Way
CM2 0JB.

Contact SGAT by email or online

Only in NI would we face the lunacy in which the state’s right to stop mass murder is disputed

This is a worthwhile read especially by friends in the USA where so much money and support for IRA terrorism has been raised.

Read the Newsletter report here.

Stephen Fry’s blasphemy refuted

The headlines in a national newspaper ran thus: “Stephen Fry investigated by Irish police for alleged blasphemy”. The offensive words were spoken by Fry while he was interviewed on RTE, the Irish state broadcaster. A listener has made a complaint to the Irish police who then began to investigate the matter. Under the Republic of Ireland’s ‘Defamation Act 2009’, a person who publishes or utters blasphemous material “shall be guilty of an offence”. A conviction can lead to a fine of up to €25,000. It has already been reported in the press that a court case is unlikely! Read more

BREAKING NEWS – Irish police drop Stephen Fry blasphemy probe (As we suspected they would!!)

Final message that leaves us in no doubt about the loyalties of former Deputy First Minister

Coming from the pen of a Dublin-born and educated Irish newspaper correspondent, this makes interesting reading! Read the report here.

O’Neill (Sinn Fein leader in Northern Ireland) defends role at Loughgall commemoration

Read the ITV report here.

In response to criticism, Michelle O’Neill said: “The Good Friday Agreement affirmed that everyone has a right to remember their dead and that is what I will do when I go to the commemoration.”

It is true that people have a right to remember their dead, BUT, no one has the right to paint criminals and terrorists, bent on murdering policemen doing their duty, as ‘martyrs’ slain in the pursuit of a holy cause. This what Michelle O’Neill did on Lord’s Day April 30th, in company with many hundreds of Roman Catholic supporters.

In truth, the incident highlights the fragile foundation upon which the whole Irish Republican cause is based. The iniquitous accusations of discrimination, of pogrom and of wholesale victimisation against Roman Catholics in Northern Ireland, publicised throughout the world by the allies of Romanism, is as false and tenuous as is Sinn Fein’s claim that the armed men shot by the army at Loughgall 30 years ago were martyrs. The dictionary defines a martyr to be “someone killed for their religious or other beliefs.”

The IRA men that night received what they were intent on inflicting on others.

It cannot be called anything other than justice.

Revealed: why 40,000 Protestants fled Ireland in four years

Read the Newsletter report here.

This really is a forgotten story. Even most Protestants here in Northern Ireland are ignorant of these facts.

This partly because of the Protestant psyche. The Protestant is inclined to put such matters behind them and move on, making the most out of their new circumstances.

The Roman Catholic on the other hand will immediately begin a campaign of complaint, seeking to engender compensation, support, sympathy and above all, revenge!

The campaign by victims of IRA terrorism would likely never have begun if it were not for the offensive and wickedly deceitful campaign by Republicans to have IRA criminals white-washed and declared courageous campaigners for freedom. It is that which provoked and stirred Protestant victims and their families into action.

The Protestant disposition may also be seen in that when our forefathers emigrated to the United States in the mid-1700s, they became ‘Americans’. On the other hand, the Kennedys ands those of that ilk, retained their Irish links and declared themselves “Irish Americans” and told the world of the hardships from which they fled – the potato famine – which they naturally blamed upon the English!

It is a great relief to Christians to know that one day the Lord right all wrongs and declare the truth about events in human history that have been long distorted and warped in order to advance sin.

These and many other Scriptures speak of the work of Christ when He comes again to uncover the lies and deceit under which so many have taken refuge during their lifetime.

“For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil,” Ecclesiastes 12:14.

“But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment,” Matthew 12:36.

“For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; neither hid, that shall not be known,” Luke 12:2.

“In the day when God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to my gospel,” Romans 2:16.

“For it is written, As I live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God. So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God,” Romans 14:11-12.

“For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad,” 2 Corinthians 5:10.

“Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do,” Hebrews 4:13.

‘Friend of Gerry Adams’ tortured man and threatened to feed him to dogs

Read the Newsletter report here.

The police allegations against this Sinn Fein man detail activities which would cause you to ask: “Where did he learn such tactics?” He must have friends who are familiar with interrogation victims!!!

Sinn Fein flyer for Jonathan Dowdall. Image thought to date from 2014.

Another report on the same incident.