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April 2017

Isle of Wight MP steps down after ‘gay danger remark’

Mr Andrew Turner, a Conservative party MP, is absolutely correct in what he said but such is the power of the sodomite lobby and the willingness of society to accede to its howls that his comment is treated with the opprobrium in keeping with the condemnation directed at a Hitler!

Mr Turner is reported as having said at a college in Newport that “homosexuality is wrong and dangerous to society”. For this he has been attacked by sodomites and their supporters. Mr Turner is reported as having said that what he said was “to do with religious opinion”.

Such an opinion is not acceptable in today’s society. The Conservative leader of the Isle of Wight Council, said: “It is very disappointing to hear such comments from someone I know and it is a shame for him to end to his career in this way, but what he said was unacceptable.”

The Isle of Wight ‘Pride’ sodomite group said: “Any person who makes such a statement in a public forum as our MP is dangerous.” Read more

Read the BBC news report here.

(Liberal Democrat leader) Tim Farron: I do not think being gay is a sin

This is what unrestrained political ambition will do to one professing to be a Christian! The desire for votes, at any cost, coupled with pressure from party gurus, will see the professing Christian abandon the Word of God on virtually any subject.

Having waffled on the subject when first asked about sodomy, Tim Farron succumbed to political pressure and declared that sodomy is not a sin.
That is not what God’s Word says.

“If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them,” Leviticus 20:13.

During the period of Israel’s living under God’s moral and civil law, sodomy was a capitol offence. It is still condemned by the moral law.

“Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.” 1 Corinthians 6:9-10.

There is no place in heaven for a sodomite. So says the Word of God. BUT, there is deliverance from such a sin.

“And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God,” 1 Corinthians 6:11.

Regeneration by the Holy Spirit and cleansing in the atoning blood of Christ delivers a person and they put away such wickedness. This was the experience of some believers in ancient Corinth.

We have had our “Tim Farrons” here in Northern Ireland over the last 10 years who have abandoned their former moral views for the sake of political advancement and, sadly, it is likely we will see more of it very soon.

Read the news report here

DUP split fears if gay marriage gets green light

Read the Belfast Newsletter report

Such fears, sadly, have a very good basis! The DUP’s weakening position on sodomy has been evident for some time, especially back in November 2016 when the party and indeed all of the MLAs in the Stormont Assembly debate, with the exception of Mr Jim Allister QC, supported the posthumous pardon of those found guilty of what was a criminal act before sodomy was legalised. This was a significant abandoning of ‘the strong Christian values’ the party is supposed to uphold!

See also the following Burning Bush articles:

Martin McGuinness told a ‘whopper of a lie’ about the IRA

Further clear evidence, this time reported in a Nationalist newspaper, of the deceit and chicanery of McGuinness and Adams over their links to terrorism!

Read the Irish News report here.

Another article on this issue by the same newspaper that should be read, Some believe McGuinness didn’t leave the IRA until its campaign end in 2005

Anger over nuns’ role in National Maternity Hospital

Read the BBC report here.

The proud arrogance of Rome knows no limits and this is a story which illustrates that very clearly.

Roman Catholicism in Ireland has been proved guilty of the vilest abuse of innocent children and that over decades – indeed it is most likely that the wickedness has stretched back over centuries!

Following the public exposure of her crimes by brave victims who were put through even more torment when they had to confront publicly their torturers in order to break down the repeated denials of the priests and nuns, the world was treated to a display of ‘sorrowful handwringing’ of which only Rome’s representatives are capable. But it was just that- a shameful and sham display!

This article reveals in detail that one of the “orders” found guilty of cruel torture “owes the State a substantial sum of money” as part of a redress scheme set up to compensate victims abused in Catholic-run institutions.

That exposes the total lack of genuineness in the ‘sorrow’ so expressed in a wonderful imitation of ‘Uriah Heep’!

But notice the compliance of the Dublin Government in this affair.

What words of condemnation were uttered in the Dublin parliament by various Government ministers as the disclosures of the dreadful cases of cruelty and immorality were exposed by government-run enquiries! But what were those words worth when the present Dublin Government is prepared to enter a partnership with one of the guilty agencies that was exposed and which still has not acted to compensate its victims?

Our Unionist fathers saw Dublin rule was equivalent to ‘Rome Rule”!! They were right.

Over 100 years have passed since that challenge and definition of Romanism by our fathers but it is still true.

Rome still rules Dublin politics and this sordid deal underlines this dark truth.

Ivan Foster. April 21st, 2017.

‘Absolute disgrace’: Tim Farron (Lib Dem leader) under fire for refusing to answer when asked if being gay is a sin

This is what time-serving politicians, who profess to be Christians, do!

On this occasion the criticism comes from the sodomite lobby who would want Mr Farron to deny God’s Word.

We saw the same spirit at work here in Ulster when the DUP endorsed posthumous pardons for those guilty of sodomy in the past.

Many of those who refused to call this abomination a sin because their party demanded it were professing Christians, some even elders in God’s house.

There is little hope for a land when its Christians politicians are ashamed of God’s Holy Law and are prepared to defy the Lord, support the party that was allied to terrorism and acquiesce to the opinions of perverted lobbyists, in order to please its party mandarins!

“It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man. It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in princes,” Psalm 118:8-9.
“Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help,” Psalm 146:3.

These words of the Psalmist give us guidance and direction as to how we should vote in the forthcoming election!!

Read the Daily Telegraph report here

Martin McGuinness IRA volunteer headstone inscription angers unionists

Here is proof that the McGuinness family believed that Martin McGuinness lived and died an IRA terrorist!!

Those who think otherwise have been “duped” says Unionist MLA.

Read the Belfast Telegraph story here.

Irish Language Act would be last act of betrayal of the Ulster people

Read more

The IRA killed dad, and then mum died of a broken heart

(This is the headline of an article published in the Belfast Newsletter. Read it here.)

The memories of the victims of Martin McGuinness, the terrorist murderer and his companions in crime, are a stark contrast to the synthetic picture painted by IRA propagandists, headed up by Gerry Adams.

The “peace-making” he is now heralded for after his death, is a double deceit.

The ‘peace’ was fraudulent and so was McGuinness’s so-called change of heart.

It has been rightly said that he engaged in a process which was designed simply to save his own neck.

It is so vexing to hear the words of those who were/are beguiled by the ‘charm’ of McGuinness in which they paint him as some sort of saint!! Read more

Lord Tebbit: McGuinness prosecution was dropped to keep peace talks going

The much vaunted “Peace Process” was, like the alleged ‘change’ in McGuinness, a sham.

Despite the daily ‘white-washing’ of the period subsequent to the Good Friday Agreement by pundits and Government agents in the media, terrorism, murder and gangsterism amongst McGuinness’s IRA cohorts continued. The whole charade was a wicked deceit perpetrated upon the Ulster people.

No process, based upon such a shameless betrayal of truth and justice, could ever bring good to a country.

The endorsement of the Good Friday Agreement and the later slightly revised St Andrews Agreement by many deceived Unionists, at the prompting of their leaders, has brought about the catastrophic situation Ulster finds itself in today.

“Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting,” Galatians 6:7-8.

Read the Belfast Newsletter article here

Martin McGuinness ‘embraced peace to save his own skin’

It needs to be said over and over again in order to counter the lie that was promoted over and over again by the deceivers and the duped!

McGuinness’s ‘peace activities’ were purely for political and personal advantage and were not born out of any change of heart.

He was and remained a murderer! Read more

Unionists badly need a leader like McGuinness: former RUC deputy

“What an eejit!!!!”

As if a liar, a deceiver and a murderer’s brain can provide the leadership that a country in trouble needs.

I suppose that this same “Solomon” believes Hitler was the best thing every happened to Germany!!

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Some telling comments by Dr Ian Brown, minister of Martyrs Memorial Free Presbyterian Church, on the hypocrisy and deceit involved in the erection of a ‘shrine’ to ‘St McGuinness’.

Please free up some space at the mural: there’s yet another ecumenical figure standing impatiently in the queue who wishes to add his layer of wash to the “whited wall” that is now the public memorial to Martin McGuinness.

Patrons of the same cheap paint shop from which so many other apologists have emerged in recent days, these clergymen and religious commentators have struggled through last week with huge compressors and fake pigments in order to airbrush history and create their own alternative canvases. Read more

March 2017

Top psychiatrist: The IRA were not psychopaths, but calculating killers

Read the Belfast Newsletter article reporting Dr. Philip McGarry’s assessment and conclusions here.

“Calculating Killer” is a better title for Martin McGuinness, from whom Ulster has been thankfully delivered, than the deliberately deceitful titles given him by the blind, the deceived and the deceitful!

The murder campaign organised by the Provisional IRA, of which McGuinness was a long-term leader, was calculated to kill Protestants and terrorise their families and neighbours. Members of the security forces were targeted in order to spread fear amongst their ranks and discourage recruitment. This was especially so when Roman Catholic members were targeted. Protestants who were part-time members of the security forces, especially those living near the border, were murdered as part of a calculated attempt at community genocide, ethnic cleansing. Evidence of that is clear today where Protestant farms have passed into the hands of Roman Catholics as a result of the IRA’s terrorism. Members of the Roman Catholic community, who showed signs of not submitting to IRA rule, were summarily executed and removed!

This was McGuinness’s vocation and calling! This was the true McGuinness.

Read more

Denzil McDaniel: Speaking at the Novena of Hope is an experience I will never forget

Denzil McDaniels is embraced by ‘Father’ Brian D’Arcy at the “Novena of Hope”!

Sadly, this man, raised as a Baptist, never spoke truer words!

There is a day when he will realise the dreadful mistake he made when he gave support to the blasphemy and error he aligned himself with when he joined in the empty follies of Roman Catholicism and forsook the teaching of the Word of God.

A ‘Novena’ has been defined as a time when “the devotees make petitions, implore favors, or obtain graces by worshiping Jesus Christ, and asking for intercessions of the Virgin Mary or the saints of the faith. Individuals may express love and honor by kneeling, burning candles or placing flowers before for the person represented by a statue. (

“Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” Isaiah 5:20.

Trimble backs Hamilton over attendance at McGuinness funeral mass

DUP Orangeman and former Stormont minister, Simon Hamilton along with his party leader, Arlene Foster, attended the funeral Mass for Martin McGuinness.

Such attendance is forbidden to an Orangeman. The 39 Articles of the Anglican Churches, which were born out of the Reformation, state the Protestant view of the Mass.

“Wherefore the sacrifices of Masses, in the which it was commonly said, that the Priest did offer Christ for the quick and the dead, to have remission of pain or guilt, were blasphemous fables, and dangerous deceits.” (Article 31).

Here is why The Orange Order took the decision to forbid its members from attending the Mass. To attend is to endorse and condone the blasphemy.

Of course, modern Orangeism, warped and twisted by the influences of ecumenical clerics within its ranks, does not like this ban and there have been calls for it to be rescinded.

The silence of all within its ranks to this breach of the ban, even those evangelicals who hold high office in the Order, is testimony of departure and decline.

It is but yet further evidence of betrayal and compromise and spiritual cowardice!!

Read more

How Protestants were all but ethnically cleansed in the South of Ireland

Click here to read the Belfast Newsletter article

Well said sir!

The following was published in the letters to the EDitor section of the the The Daily Telegraph, Thursday March 23rd, 2017.

A damning history of Martin McGuinness’s murderous career!

Ed Moloney: He was savagely cruel, but only McGuinness could end the terror (Belfast Newsletter)

The sudden if not unexpected death of Martin McGuinness is one of those occasions which calls for journalists, and citizens, to don the philosopher’s hat to ask the following question: is it right or proper to overlook the sins of an individual if, thanks to those sins, that person’s life concluded by making others’ lives better? In McGuinness’ case, he was the IRA leader who had conducted an orchestra of death and destruction for most of his republican career but became the man of peace who helped end decades of strife and violent death – or at least that is how much of the media greeted his passing in Derry on Tuesday morning. Not everyone joined in. Norman Tebbit, the British cabinet minister whose wife was permanently disabled in the 1984 IRA bombing of the Tory Party conference in Brighton, said the world was ‘a cleaner and sweeter place’ without him.

Read more


The “Belfast Newsletter” carried an article with the headline”:

Baroness Paisley felt urge to text Martin McGuinness day before his death

In the article Baroness Paisley reportedly “compared the former Sinn Fein deputy first minister to the Apostle Paul who was converted to Christianity on the road to Damascus.”

Such a statement beggars belief and must deeply grieve all who hold the gospel dear.

Martin McGuinness died an unrepentant IRA murderer. He could not have been further removed from Paul the Apostle. It is blasphemous to liken McGuinness to Paul and denigrates the grace of God that changed Paul from the evil man that he was to the humble servant of God he became.


Paul said this of himself: “And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who hath enabled me, for that he counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry; who was before a blasphemer, and a persecutor, and injurious: but I obtained mercy, because I did it ignorantly in unbelief,” 1 Timothy 1:12-13.

He wrote to the Corinthian church these words. “For I am the least of the apostles, that am not meet to be called an apostle, because I persecuted the church of God. But by the grace of God I am what I am: and his grace which was bestowed upon me was not in vain; but I laboured more abundantly than they all: yet not I, but the grace of God which was with me,” 1 Corinthians 15:9-10.


Just where do we read of any such words from Martin McGuinness? Where is the slightest evidence of that work of grace which was so evident in Paul – repentance and faith in the finished of work of Christ on the cross for the salvation of his soul? Year after year, Martin McGuinness appeared at IRA commemorations extolling and honouring the many murderous activities of the IRA.

In truth, McGuinness was more akin to the devil. The Saviour gives us his pedigree. “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it,” John 8:44. That was the character of the real McGuinness and not the sentimental mishmash being spouted by the unwise and the deceived.

As one young man who lost his father to IRA murderers said: “I will always remember Martin McGuinness as the terrorist he was. If he had been repentant my thoughts might have been slightly different. But he went to his grave proud that he served in the IRA. There was no remorse or repentance from him even up to his death.”

A funeral Mass will be offered for the ‘repose of his soul’. Such an empty, blasphemous ritual is testimony enough to the spiritual condition of Martin McGuinness when he departed this world.

 – Ivan Foster March 22nd, 2017.

Further reading

Martin McGuinness is dead!

As Cushi replied to David’s question regarding the welfare of Absalom, his son, the leader of rebellion against him: “The enemies of my lord the king, and all that rise against thee to do thee hurt, be as that young man is,” 2 Samuel 18:32.

These are the sentiments that fill my heart as I ponder the news of McGuinness’s death.

“No-one knows how many people Martin McGuinness killed, directly or indirectly. As a senior commander within the Provisional IRA for many years, there is no doubt there was blood on his hands.” Vincent Kearney – BBC News NI Home Affairs Correspondent.

Read more…

Catholic population set to dwarf Protestants in years ahead

The following article in the “Belfast Newsletter” of Saturday, March 18th, is very informative but extremely disturbing reading for the Christian.

There is a graph contained in it which illustrates the trends in the religious views within Northern Ireland over the last 150+ years.


  • The Roman Catholic population has continued to rise since 1926 – just after the creation of Northern Ireland. Such a continual increase would belie the Republican propaganda that Northern Ireland was a hostile place for Roman Catholics.
  • In 1961 there emerged a new section – ‘No Religion Stated’. That was the time when ecumenism came to real power and influence in Northern Ireland. Unbelief is the outcome of the preaching of the falsehoods of Ecumenism and the modernistic theology in the mainline Protestant churches.
  • In 1991 the ‘No Religion Stated’ group has increased and a new group emerges: ‘No religion’. This indicates the deepening apostasy within the ranks of the mainline Protestant denominations. The professing Protestants have shrunk from about 65% in 1861 to just under 40%. This is the harvest of false prophets in the pulpits.
  • In 2011, the ‘No religion’ section has increased and the proportion of professing Protestants has further declined while Romanism shows a further increase.

What a vindication of the protests and warnings of the Free Presbyterian Church, over the last 66 years, about the dire impact of Ecumenism upon the Protestant population. Sadly, whatever comfort may come from vindication is lost amidst the tragedy of our warnings being proved right.

Every Christian must now surely see the TRUTH of God’s Word; the NECESSITY of obeying it and SEPARATING from those Protestant denominations which have sown the ‘tares’ of false Christianity which has led to the increasing poisoning and demise of true religion in our land.

“Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them,” Matthew 7:15-20.

“For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction. And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of. And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not,” 2 Peter 1:21-2:3.

Click here to read the Belfast Newsletter article

Services with a Reformation Theme
in Kilskeery Free Presbyterian Church

Lord’s Day March 19th.

Preacher at both services
Rev Ivan Foster

11.30 a.m. – “Why were the martyrs willing to die?”

7.00 p.m. – “461st Anniversary of the burning of Thomas Cranmer, first Archbishop of Canterbury, March 21st 1556.”


‘Backsliding’ Pope!

The following news story reflects the incorrigible abominations of the organisation honoured, acclaimed, eulogised and applauded by governments, churches, statesmen, monarchs and princes worldwide – The Church of Rome.

Pope Francis may be ‘backsliding’ on paedophile priest crackdown, senior Catholic official warns

“Be sure your sin will find you out”

The following news story from the US illustrates the truth of this Scripture (Numbers 32:23).

Donald Trump’s Labour secretary nominee Acosta to be questioned over plea deal for billionaire sex offender

The Saviour praying in Gethsemane

Was He unwilling to go to the cross?

Today (Wednesday, March 8th) as I followed Robert Murray McCheyne’s Bible Reading Calendar, I read Luke chapter 22 once again. There we have the Saviour’s words regarding His forthcoming death at the cross.

I never read the gospel records of the events leading up to Calvary without feeling grief that there are good men who embrace the notion that the Saviour’s prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane expressed a hesitation on the part of the Saviour with regards His forthcoming sufferings on the cross.

Luke records these words. “And he was withdrawn from them about a stone’s cast, and kneeled down, and prayed, saying, Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done. And there appeared an angel unto him from heaven, strengthening him. And being in an agony he prayed more earnestly: and his sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground,” Luke 22:41-44.

This is seen by some to be the Saviour expressing reluctance at the prospect of Calvary’s sufferings.

Personally, I shudder at such a notion and cannot understand how any Christian can think this of the Saviour.

If He was asking for the Father to allow Him to avoid the cross, He asked again, even after being strengthened by an angel from heaven!

How weak the Saviour must have been if this view of His prayer is correct! Even after being strengthened by an angel He still wants to avoid the cross.

How can any believer think that the Saviour in the Garden wished to avoid the cross, thus abandoning the flock the Father had given Him from all eternity and of which it is said: “Now before the feast of the passover, when Jesus knew that his hour was come that he should depart out of this world unto the Father, having loved his own which were in the world, he loved them unto the end,” John 13:1. These are the words of the Holy Ghost. Can it be true that His love faltered in the Garden?

The article which follows is one I wrote nearly 2 years ago. I am remounting it having just read Luke 22 today and experiencing again the grief of heart at such an opinion being advanced from pulpits by good men about the Lord Jesus.

Read more

Compromising with murderers, and their supporters, has brought Unionism to its knees. More of the same is not the answer!

Samson thought he could play with sinful temptation and not suffer any consequences. He learned to his great cost that trifling with what is wrong brings a fearful harvest. Samson ended up blind, shackled, subjugated by the Philistines and grinding corn in their prisonhouse.

Jehoshaphat, king of Judah, joined in affinity both with ungodly Ahab and his son Ahaziah. These were political ventures, which were thought would benefit and enrich their respective kingdoms with peace and prosperity. It wasn’t that Jehoshaphat was joining in joint worship or anything that was overtly religious. It was a purely political, commercial union, designed to advance the peace and prosperity both of the northern and southern kingdoms in Israel….Click here to read the entire article on Rev. McClung’s The Sound of an Alarm blog.


Ulster Protestants awoke this morning, Saturday 4th March 2017 to dismal and distressing news indeed, that was summed up in the headlines of “The Belfast Telegraph” and “The Belfast Newsletter”.

“The Belfast Newsletter” expressed the same truth though with some show of concern.
I believe that it is telling that the first consequence of the election result is that “DUP loses power to veto gay marriage.” “The Belfast Telegraph” is a liberal newspaper promoting the philosophy of ecumenism. There can be seen a note of triumphalism in its highlighting the loss of power to veto the agenda of the sodomite lobby.

Equalling distressing to the Protestant is the fact that the party of terrorism and murder has gained support to almost draw level with the DUP. Sinn Fein is just one seat behind DUP’s total. Its first preference vote was up 4%. The DUP romped home to a 10-seat advantage over Sinn Fein just 10 months ago!

As one political commentator put it: “As the leader of unionism, Mrs Foster is under enormous pressure to explain such a result.” Read more


“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land,” 2 Chronicles 7:14.

There has been a number of calls for prayer as the latest election in Northern Ireland approaches.

Most of them would appear to suggest that people have but to go through a form of praying and thus obtain an answer for God that will benefit the land.
I have seen the text which is at the head of this article used as a basis for the call to prayer.

Like so many things related to the purpose and cause of Christ, there is great confusion and folly to be found amongst what people believe regarding prayer.

Many believe if you repeat a prayer often enough it will be heard and answered! This is quite contrary to what the Saviour teaches. Read more

February 2017


The following two newspaper articles, both from a Republic of Ireland newspaper, indicate the corruption, deceit and downright iniquity of the Sinn Fein/IRA party and its leaders. There is no lie, no act of hypocrisy and no deed too despicable or treacherous for them to use to further their evil cause.

Chief amongst their victims have been their own Roman Catholic community. They have used them, abused them, robbed them and murdered them all in the name of ‘defending’ them!

Just when will the Roman Catholic supporters of Sinn Fein waken up??

Just ten months after her supreme triumph, Arlene Foster is at voters’ mercy

It is just three months ago that Mrs Arlene Foster and the DUP supported and encouraged the decision in the Northern Ireland Assembly to grant a posthumous pardon to sodomites of violations of the law in the past (See articles in our December 2016 edition).
There is a price to be paid for defying God and His Law. No greater insult could be directed toward the Lord than for public representatives to pass a motion declaring God’s view of sodomy as wrong!

That is THE explanation for the difficulties that have befallen the DUP!

Read the Belfast Newsletter article here.

Murdered Garda’s son calls for ‘arms collusion’ inquiry

It is refreshing and gratifying to see the efforts of this man to expose the wicked complicity of the Dublin government, long denied and hushed up, in the arming of the IRA early in the ‘Troubles’ which led to the murder of his own policeman father.

Read the Newsletter article here

Mairia Cahill: Dublin actions speak louder than words on Troubles probes

Further evidence of the Dublin government ‘dragging its heels’ on acting against the IRA who sought refuse within its territory.

Read the Newsletter article here.

Church of England’s rejection of gay marriage report welcomed

Truly, we are seeing the ‘days of Sodom’ re-emerging throughout ‘Christendom’ as governments, institutions and churches embrace and legalise the evil philosophy that damned Sodom.

Christian, take note of the warnings of Scripture and obey them!

Luke 17:26-32; 2 Peter 2:3-22; Jude 5-7; 2 Timothy 3:1-9, 4:1-4.

Read the report here.

DUP MP meets campaigners on same-sex marriage… but party remains opposed to any change in law

The DUP continues to seek to strengthen its links with sodomy as this “Valentine’s Day” picture and exchange between DUP MP, Gavin Robinson and “same-sex marriage campaigners” illustrates.

SHAME ON THE DUP – Just when will Christians in the DUP obey God and separate from what has become an ungodly and compromising political organisation?

Failure to do so can only result in the judgment of God. Does the record of Sodom’s destruction in Genesis 19 and Jude 7 and the Saviour’s words in Luke 17:28-30 mean nothing to Christians any more?

Read the Belfast Telegraph report here.

Fiftieth Anniversary Report

Report of the special service in Kilskeery Free Presbyterian Church marking the 50th anniversary of the first Free Presbyterian services in Lisbellaw on 12th February 1967.
On the past Lord’s Day, February 12th, the church building in Kilskeery was filled with an overflow into the school assembly hall.

Rev Larry Power, former minister of Coragarry Free Presbyterian Church welcomed everyone to the meeting before handing the conducting of the service over to Rev. Ivan Foster. Rev Power is the minister in charge of Kilskeery congregation which is presently vacant.

Rev Foster was in charge of the congregation while it met in Lisbellaw and later at Chanterhill, Enniskillen, until he left to become the minister in charge of the fledgling congregations in Kilskeery and Kesh at the end of 1976. Read more…or listen to a recording using the player below.


Right or wrong, it is interesting to note the LACK of uproar over Ireland’s actions in comparison to that which followed the USA ban!!

Ireland last year refused entry to 226 individuals from the predominantly Muslim countries that are the subject of President Donald Trump’s executive order banning entry to the US to individuals from those countries. Read more

The devilishly crafty scheme that Sinn Fein and its allies in government is pursuing with its pursuit of prosecutions of security force members.

On a trip to Lebanon a lovely lady who runs a local NGO told me of Hezbollah’s 100-year strategy to take over the place. They have no real interest in making the nation work until this happens and are quite open about it.

There is no rush. They have milestones. This loosely mirrors Sinn Féin’s strategy. Read more

The moral malaise has its roots in ecumenism.

In a letter to the Editor of the Belfast Newsletter, Rev Foster points to the source of the “moral collapse” in Northern Ireland! He wrote:

I enjoyed Ben Lowry’s article ‘There has been a moral collapse – there is no will to confront IRA terror, past or present (February 4)’.

I totally agree with the analysis set forth.

The question that remains is: “Why has there been a moral collapse?” Read more

Anger on peace nomination for SF’s McGuinness

Here is abundant evidence of the ‘moral collapse’ referred to in the previous article! – Editor

There has been widespread anger after former deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness was nominated for an international Peace Prize which has previously been given to Nelson Mandela. The former Sinn Fein chief negotiator joins five other contenders for the 2016 Tipperary International Peace Award, including human rights lawyer Amal Clooney, who has represented WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, former Ukrainian prime minister Yulia Tymoshenko and Egyptian-Canadian journalist Mohamed Fahmy.

Read more here

There has been a moral collapse – there is no will to confront IRA terror, past or present

This article from the Belfast Newsletter touches upon the harvest our country has reaped from the witness and influence of modernistic and ecumenical theology taking over the pulpits of the so-called Protestant denominations. The article does not give this explanation for the moral collapse, more’s the pity, but it does touch upon the evidences of the dreadful decline in standards! – Editor

Read more here

An appeal by alleged former IRA “chief of staff”, Thomas ‘Slab’ Murphy, against his jail term for tax evasion has been dismissed.

Murphy was sentenced to 18 months for tax evasion last February after he was convicted of nine charges at the Republic of Ireland’s non-jury Special Criminal Court.  – Editor

An appeal by alleged former IRA “chief of staff”, Thomas ‘Slab’ Murphy, against his jail term for tax evasion has been dismissed.

Murphy was sentenced to 18 months for tax evasion last February after he was convicted of nine charges at the Republic of Ireland’s non-jury Special Criminal Court.

The 67-year-old had denied the charges.

He launched a legal challenge at the Court of Appeal to overturn the verdict in November.

Murphy, who has an address at Ballybinaby, Hackballscross, County Louth, was prosecuted after a Criminal Assets Bureau (CAB) investigation.  Read more