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Monthly edition

January 2017

Sammy Wilson: The BBC suddenly loses interest in RHI when SF have questions to answer

Very often at football matches when the game turns against a team its supporters go silent and the opponents supporters burst into a song of “Oh its all gone quiet over there”. It is a song which could be directed at the BBC.

Read more here

“Some truths Ulster Protestants need to heed”

The following article, published in the Belfast Telegraph is not without fault but it does highlight aspects of the Sinn Fein/IRA – Dissident IRA scene that needs to be noted.

Why republican ‘scissor theory’ cuts no ice, but SF share dissidents’ DNA

Nationalists complain of lack of respect in Northern Ireland

Seamus Mallon

Sinn Fein is making much of the allegation that little respect is paid to them and their culture in Northern Ireland. That, like most of their utterances, is a lie.

They have received support for their propaganda from the former deputy leader of the SDLP, Seamus Mallon. He is quoted in the Irish News of 21st January 2017.

“Martin McGuinness is not the only nationalist deputy first minister to have experienced a lack of respect from their unionist counterpart in office, as Seamus Mallon can testify. Mallon, who went into the first partnership devolved government with former Ulster Unionist Party leader David Trimble in July 1998 as DFM, says he received almost daily snubs from the then first minister and his office.”

Respect works both ways! The Bible says: “A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly,” Proverbs 18:24. A commentator said of these words: “Friendship ought to be mutual and reciprocal, as between David and Jonathan; a man that receives friendship ought to return it, or otherwise he is guilty of great ingratitude.” Read more

The Retirement of Martin McGuinness

A chance to re-write history and white-wash a villain!

It has long been the ambition and the goal of Sinn Fein/IRA to rewrite the history of Northern Ireland as far as the activities of the IRA are concerned.

They have ever tried to exonerate themselves by seeking to justify their terrorist war by alleging that such was the treatment of Roman Catholics in the years between 1921 and the beginning of their terrorism in 1968, that Irish Republicans had no option but to engage in the war of terror that they inflicted on the people of Northern Ireland, Protestant and Roman Catholic.

Unfortunately for them, the majority of Roman Catholics did not see things their way. It was only after they ceased their overt terrorism that political support for Sinn Fein grew and they nudged out the more democratic Nationalist party that is the Social Democratic and Labour Party, from being the biggest nationalist party. Read more

No answers on Teebane 25 years on

Vandalized Teebane memorial

(An article which appeared in “The Belfast Newsletter”, January 16th, 2017)

In introducing the ‘Newsletter’ article let me state some truths I have often set forth over the last 40-odd years.

The party constantly calling for inquiries into the shooting of IRA men by the army and police is itself most guilty of covering up multiple murders and other acts of terrorism in which its members were involved.

One of those acts is the Teebane massacre of eight Protestant workmen at a crossroads on the main Omagh to Cookstown road. It happened 25 years ago on 17th January 1992.

No one has ever been prosecuted for the crime and yet without a shadow of a doubt Sinn Fein leaders know who was involved and equally without a doubt is that those involved in the murders were Sinn Fein party members!

Yet the party screaming for “justice” for IRA men shot while engaged in terrorism remain resolutely tight-lipped about those involved in this massacre from within their own membership! Read more

Family’s fury that Conor Murphy may replace McGuinness

The anger of the parents of a young Roman Catholic from the IRA stronghold of Cullyhanna in South Armagh is understandable.

But so too should be the anger of the many Unionists who have had loved ones murdered by the IRA, during the many years of that evil organisation’s terrorist campaign at the prospect of ANY MEMBER OF SINN FEIN HOLDING HIGH OFFICE IN OUR PROVINCE!

Sympathy is rightly shown to this one family, but there is less of a hearing given to the many hundreds of families who have to suffer the same shameful exacerbation of their grief by having to listen to the almost daily pontifications of representatives of the organisation which has the blood of their loved one on its garments. The Quinn family complain justifiably about Sinn Fein’s Conor Murphy “not doing more to help identify their son’s killers.”  What of those whose complaint is that the Sinn Fein spokesman IS THEIR LOVED ONE’S KILLER!!!

There is TRUE comfort for the Christian in the doctrine of the judgment of God. In a comment on the Third Commandment, the Shorter Catechism states: “However the breakers of this commandment may escape punishment from men, yet the Lord our God will not suffer them to escape His righteous judgment.” That is true of all breaches of God’s commandments, especially the 6th which says: “Thou shalt not kill.” (Exodus 20).
There really is no hope of the many murders, irrespective of who committed them, ever being addressed here in Ulster.

But those who believe the Bible know with assurance that they will be addressed and that most terribly in that day “of judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries,” Hebrews 10:27! Read more

It’s now time to confront the lies told for years about RUC’s intrepid Special Branch

The following article from “The Belfast telegraph” makes interesting reading for anyone seeking an understanding of the evil terrorist war waged by the IRA and the brave men, much maligned, who confronted the terorists and provided our society with security in the midst of the years of murder and mayhem.

– The Editor.

Brilliant propagandists demonised the true heroes of the Troubles, writes Ruth Dudley Edwards

I’ve just finished reading Secret Victory: the Intelligence War that Beat the IRA, a fascinating book that left me very angry. Not that I haven’t frequently been angry about the appalling treatment of the RUC, but Dr William Matchett’s account of the exceptional contribution of Special Branch throughout “an irregular war” to saving lives, defeating the IRA and making a political settlement possible brought so much back to the forefront of my memory. Read more


The following article, taken from the “Belfast Newsletter” of 3rd January 2017, headlined: “SF man shut out in 1990 would become key part of the NI establishment”, highlights the reversal of the political standing of Irish Republicans from 1990 to the present date.

The key to this elevating, this ‘bringing in from the cold’ of those deemed enemies of the State within a short period is of course the DUP’s acceptance of Power-sharing with the terrorist-murder-supporting Sinn Fein! Read more

A very happy 2017 to all our readers.

As has already been announced, “The Burning Bush” website is being reformatted
with fewer new articles being added from now on.

Up until now, the site was updated daily with news links, audio sermons and articles but that will cease.

The archive articles will remain for readers to search but new material will be added only occasionally as circumstances demand.

We would like to thank all our readers for their faithful support and trust that all will know God’s richest blessing in the incoming year.

Sincerely in Christ Jesus our Lord,

Ivan Foster.

December 2016

Index to this edition

Opposition to open air preaching

The following is a report of an incident which took place while our brother, Pastor David Carson was recently preaching in the open-air in Chester, England.

It highlights not only the ongoing opposition to the gospel that we may expect from men but also the growing readiness of the State to side with the ungodly and use its powers to hinder God’s Word.

This illustrates the gathering storm clouds in a land where once the gospel sunshine brightly shown.

Christian take heed! Prayer for bother Carson and all who endeavour to preach God’s truth in the highways of the United Kingdom.

“Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; and they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry,” 2 Timothy 4:2-5.

– Ivan Foster.

Pastor Carson and friends preaching in the open air

“I was preaching in Chester city centre on Saturday on the subject of the rich young ruler who approached Christ asking what good thing should he do to inherit eternal life. I was coming near the end of my address, urging all to trust in Christ as He is the only Saviour, when I saw a Young Jew approaching with an angry look on his face. He stood for a while reading the banner and then he moved to his left and stood in front of me.

I continued preaching and said that Christ was the Messiah who came to save his people from their sin, though I doubt this young man, looking at the Jew would agree. With that he started shouting that I was an antisemite. I said since Jesus was a Jew and he was my Messiah, how could I be anti-semitic? Anyway, to cut a long story short, he complained to the police who, after abour ten minutes, came over to me and said that there had been a complaint and he was issuing me with a dispersal order. I asked by what authority. He said by a law passed in 2014. He wrote out a form banning me from the city centre for forty eight hours under the heading “Racially aggravated public order”.

He never asked me what had occured. In other words this was a clearly biased decision. It was only when I got home I realised the area I was banned from included the church, which ban I ignored.

I said to the police sgt, “Are you telling me that you have the right to deny me my civil and religious liberties.” He said that he did.

I don’t know where this will go as to whether I well be charged or not. I went to the police station this morning and made an official complaint about the behaviour of the police Sgt concerning the fact that he had not asked me for my side of the story which showed that he was biased against me. I will demand an apology for describing preaching the Gospel as anti social behaviour. The fact is that that policemen hadn’t heard me preaching so he didn’t know what I had said.

The Jew concerned was not dressed in the Orthodox garb but he was a nasty piece of work. The Pharisee is still around. The way it happened makes me think it was a put up job. I certainly did not expect it from that quarter.

Anyway, I will fight this tooth and nail and well not rest until I get an apology for the bias displayed and for daring to describe Gospel preaching as anti-social behaviour. Last year, when we witnessed at the satanic Winter Watch Parade the councillor responsible for the city centre described our witness as anti-social behaviour. He was given short shrift in the letters section of the following week’s edition but it does show the attitude of those in authority.

Please pray that this will turn out for the furtherance of the Gospel.

– David.

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The close of another chapter

We have decided to bring our online publication – “The Burning Bush” to a close – well almost!

“The Burning Bush” first appeared in March 1970, though it had been preceded by other publications which I periodically produced in order to warn of the dangers of the ecumenical apostasy.
It was delineated as “A witness of protest in a day of apostasy”, because ‘protest’ was born in my soul as a result of my joining Dr Ian Paisley’s congregation on the Ravenhill Road in Belfast, within a short time of beginning to attend his church the Sabbath after my conversion, April 12th, 1964.

Dr. Paisley was a master at setting forth God’s protest in the Bible and I can still recall the first time I heard him defend his own ministry of protest from Jeremiah 11:7: “For I earnestly protested unto your fathers in the day that I brought them up out of the land of Egypt, even unto this day, rising early and protesting, saying, Obey my voice.”

Newspaper columns were closed in those days (as they are to a large degree still) to any Bible-based admonitions about the spiritually deviant paths upon which the mainline churches were leading their people. The only alternative was to print the warnings and seek to distribute them as best one could. In truth, such a course of action was born of the burden of heart that God’s servants felt regarding the betrayal of the truth of the gospel back then. Read more

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The virgin’s name was Mary

Mary, as commonly depicted by Rome

I read the following article and was much impressed by the clear exposition of the errors of Rome regarding Mary, mother of our Lord Jesus, and also by the setting forth of the Bible’s teaching about this blessed and dear saint of God.

I always remember the words of a young Roman Catholic with whom I worked in the woodwork shop while in jail in 1966. I had the joyful privilege of witnessing to him and his companion for three months and I often spoke of Mary and what the Bible said about her, knowing he would listen to any kind and admiring comments made about her. As I was ending the last day of my sentence he came over to me just before we were all marched back to our cells and said how surprised he was that I had spoken in such loving terms about Mary as he had understood that all Protestants hated Mary. How dreadful that such an impression should be made on our Roman Catholic neighbours!

Be it known: none loves the Mary of the Bible like those who are true Protestants. We honour her to the full extent of the honour given her of God in the Scriptures.

This article will set forth very clearly just what that honour is. Read more

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In keeping with his anti-Bible predilection, ‘Belfast Telegraph’ scribbler and Irish Presbyterian Church elder, Alf McCreary, launched an attack upon the Free Presbyterian Church in response to those within our ranks who voiced opposition to the Pope’s proposed visit to Northern Ireland.

Under the headline: “How news of Papal visit to Northern Ireland sees rise of religious intolerance again” he criticised the stand and witness of the Free Presbyterian Church. His article may be read here.

He makes two statements within his article which I particularly wish to comment on briefly.

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The Lord’s question for those Christians in Stormont who assisted in the approving of posthumous pardons for those guilty of sodomy in the past.

Yesterday, as I sat amongst the congregation listening to the preaching of God’s Word, the minister turned us to Job chapter 40. My eye fell upon verses 6-8.

“Then answered the LORD unto Job out of the whirlwind, and said, Gird up thy loins now like a man: I will demand of thee, and declare thou unto me. Wilt thou also disannul my judgment? wilt thou condemn me, that thou mayest be righteous?”

The book of Job deals with the trial of Job by Satan which was permitted by the Lord for His glory, and the reactions of Job to those trials and his responses to the harsh criticisms of his friends who totally misunderstood what was happening. They believed Job to be guilty of some sin for which he was now being punished.

Job, though he bore the initial trials most patiently (Job 1 & 2) gave way to impatience and some anger with his accusers and even challenged God’s justice. Read more

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Jim Allister’s speech and lonely stand against pardon for sodomites

The two videos below show Mr Jim Allister, MLA’s speech in the debate in the Stormont Assembly on Monday 28th November on the legislative consent motion brought forward by the Northern Ireland Justice Minister to grant a posthumous pardon to sodomites of violations of the law in the past. Mr Jim Allister moved an amendment removing the reference to a pardon for sodomy and the videos show him speaking in support of his amendment.

Then the Assembly moved to what should have been a vote. The only person to support the amendment was its proposer, Mr  Allister. He was left on his own at the front of the Assembly. Opportunity was given by the Speaker for a second person to come forward and oppose the pardon but none was forthcoming so Mr Allister’s amendment was rejected.

A Free Presbyterian seated in the public gallery was able to observe Free Presbyterian DUP MLAs Edwin Poots, Carla Lockhart and Gordon Dunne stay rooted to their seats. The Free Presbyterian also noted that MLA members of the Presbytery of the Free Presbyterian Church, Mervyn Storey, Lord Morrow and Thomas Buchanan, were not in the chamber.

It is tragic that there has not been the reaction one would expect from God’s people following such an outrageous betrayal of the gospel. Even the Presbyterian Church in Ireland, deemed apostate by the Presbytery of the Free Presbyterian Church, acted against former Alliance Party leader, David Ford, when he publicly supported sodomite marriage. He was removed as a ruling elder by his church.
“In the day that thou stoodest on the other side, in the day that the strangers carried away captive his forces, and foreigners entered into his gates, and cast lots upon Jerusalem, even thou wast as one of them,” Obadiah 1:11. – The Editor.

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Joel Beeke’s book store and endorsement of sodomy

Back in September of this year, I published an article on Joel Beeke entitled: “Joel Beeke preaches for and publicly seeks closer links with sodomy-endorsing Dutch denomination!”

Near the beginning of this article I stated: “In the past he has shared platforms with pro-sodomite speakers and sold books extolling the sodomite life-style.”

I was challenged regarding the very last phrase of this statement. It was pointed out that the internet link I gave in support of this statement revealed that in the library of Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary there was a book by Wesley Hill, a man who would term himself a “Christian Gay”!!!

Of course, theological libraries contain books by authors that it may not endorse.
That was the wrong link for me to use to show that Dr Beeke endorses sodomy-promoting writers. It was said that this ‘error’ detracted from the effectiveness of my article.

However, that mistake on my part does not invalidate my allegation regarding Dr Beeke’s endorsement of pro-sodomite writers.

This I will demonstrate by asking readers to check out this linkRead more

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Latest news stories

This will be the final mounting of news articles of interest to Christians in Ulster in particular and of course to believers generally.

There will be occasions in the future when attention will be drawn to some event which we believe that Christians should note but this will not be done on a regular basis.

– Ivan Foster, Editor of “the Burning Bush”

Anglo-Irish relations hit ‘bottom of the pit’ over alleged Provo priest – (He was but one of many whose crimes were concealed by the Roman Catholic Church and the State!!)

Chelsea Pensioner quizzed by Northern Ireland officers over IRA shooting death in 1972

Jim Allister calls for a new form of direct rule to be run alongside Assembly if the Executive collapses in 2017

RHI scandal: Arlene Foster feels the heat after letter to banks revealed

Rivals challenge Arlene Foster’s RHI claim after ‘guarantee’ letter to banks revealed

RHI scandal: Foster’s department was warned before whistle-blower, but ignored advice

RHI scandal: Foster will not step aside ‘for a single day’: DUP

In the absence of humility, First Minister’s position is increasingly precarious

Calls for Arlene Foster to resign over ‘cash for ash’ letter to banks

‘To leave Sinn Féin is to leave the IRA,’ Adams told ard fheis: Irish State Papers, 1986 – (What we have said all along: they are one and the same!!!)

Libyan official ‘wanted to pay IRA $50million to WIPE OUT Thatcher’ state documents claim

Declassifed Files: In Troubles’ final years, RoI still a ‘haven for criminals’ – (That is why UDR men pointed guns toward Donegal!!!)

Secret papers: UDR denied ‘pointing guns at Irish army’

Ex-Taoiseach ordered plans be reviewed in case of mass exodus of ‘refugees’ – (There never was an exodus because the claims of ‘anti-RC pogroms’ were sheer invention!!!)

RUC ’shoot to kill’ investigator John Stalker taken off case before it was due to report

Britain will have given Brussels £623 BILLION by 2020 as cost of EU membership is revealed

Anger as foreign aid chief who ‘wasted’ taxpayers’ money makes New Year Honours list – (Typical of today’s society – Folly & Stupidity rewarded!!!)

New Year honours ‘reward failure’ as civil servants behind Whitehall fiascos are given awards

World View: Is Israel really prepared to accept isolation? – (That is how it has been since the birth of the nation! – Exodus 33:15-16!!)


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More news

December 30

UK secret files released: Thatcher tried to bar Queen trip, Princess and PM’s tell-all letters, Foster & Allen Apartheid shock

Taoiseach ‘feared Dublin bomb’ during revolt against Anglo-Irish Agreement

Peter Robinson suspected of ‘plotting independent state’, released secret papers show

State papers: Cahal Daly warned Catholics are ‘anti-everything’ – (He was right for once!!!)

State papers: Violence at opening of 1974 power-sharing assembly recorded

Thatcher told FitzGerald to take all Northern nationalists south – (Few would have gone: social benefits in NI were much better than those in the South!!!)

RHI scandal: Foster told banks scheme was ‘real opportunity for investors’

RHI scandal: Arlene Foster asked bank chiefs ‘to look favourably’ on finance requests from firms

Theresa May criticises Obama administration’s Israeli stance

Theresa May rebukes US for ‘inappropriate’ attack on Israel

US offer blunt response to Theresa May’s criticism of John Kerry over Israel

Tories ‘masking true scale’ of political cronyism with quiet rule change

Russian embassy mocks ‘lame duck’ Obama amid US hacking row

Barack Obama expels 35 Russian spies over election hacking row in ‘Cold War deja vu’

Russia plans immediate ‘counter-measures’ after US ejects 35 diplomats

Dublin gangs may use foreign contract killers

Parents OUTRAGED at curriculum as video emerges of children learning to PRAY at mosque

GERMANY AT BOILING POINT: Terror-hit nation sees over 1,000 attacks on migrant camps

December 29

RHI scandal: Unused regulation could recoup cash

RHI scandal: Call for justice minister to check legality of claims

Department warned of RHI flaws a year before its launch

RHI scandal: Trimble says speaker should consider his position

Sinn Fein fury over two-sentence report in Private Eye

Former Special Branch officer claims it saved 16,500 lives during Troubles

Traffic wardens tell of ‘aggressive abuse’ in Coalisland – (It is population is very largely Roman Catholic and republican!!)

Pope Francis ‘told about alleged child rapist priest’ two years before arrest

Kerry: Two-state solution is ‘only way to achieve peace’ between Israelis and Palestinians – (That is not what the Lord degreed, Genesis 12:7!!)

John Kerry: Two-state solution between Israel and Palestinians ‘only way’ to achieve peace

Israel critical of ‘biased’ and ‘obsessive’ Kerry speech

US Secretary of State John Kerry hits out at Israel on Middle East peace

Israel claims John Kerry’s Middle East speech ‘skewed’

Israel’s Attorney General ‘orders criminal investigation into Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’

December 28

Executive parties poles apart on snap election? Think again, they’ve already got it sewn up

The executive will splutter on but Speaker has to go

Martin McGuinness’ record in Executive can’t exorcise the ghosts of the past

Paramilitary trappings at funeral of Sinn Féin press officer Dale Moore – (They ever glory in their murder campaign irrespective of their ‘peace talk’!!!)

A year of scandal but Gerry’s digging his heels in

Israel to build more illegal settlements after UN resolution condemns them

Benjamin Netanyahu ‘warned UN settlement a declaration of war’

Israel accuses Britain of secretly playing lead role in UN resolution on settlements

Corbyn destroying party says Labour peer Baroness Blood

Strategy to bring down Unite’s Len McCluskey revealed in election campaign document

UK farmers ‘absolutely’ stand to benefit from Brexit

Banking and business chiefs back staying in post-Brexit Britain

Theresa May lacks courage to admit complexity of Brexit, say civil servants

China open to Vatican talks – but Catholics must be patriots – (As John Wesley taught, RC’s loyalty will always be to the Pope. We in Ulster have proof of that!!!)

Paramilitary-linked murders double in a year

December 27

Voters will have to show passports to combat voter fraud in ‘vulnerable’ areas with large Muslim populations – (Who knows what is behind the burka!!!)

Electoral fraud: Voters will have to show ID in pilot scheme

Ken Livingstone attacks Tory voter fraud crackdown that will ‘hit Labour’

President Obama says Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour Party is ‘disintegrating’ and has lost touch with ‘fact and reality’

Corbyn hits back after Obama suggests Labour is ‘disintegrating’

Sinn Féin’s Barry McElduff warns over Irish language scheme cuts

Israel threatens to give Trump ‘evidence’ that Obama orchestrated UN resolution

Israel’s Netanyahu ‘snubs Theresa May’ over UK’s role in UN settlements vote

Benjamin Netanyahu faces ‘criminal investigation’ over fraud and bribery claims

Syrian man who filmed his daughters being sent on suicide mission is killed

Anti-migrant protests erupt in Netherlands as refugees housed in tiny town of 8,000

December 26

Lord King, former governor of the Bank of England, says Brexit brings ‘real opportunities’

Most British companies are optimistic about the future post-Brexit

Trump’s aide aide says Brexit ‘God-given opportunity’ for Dublin to take business from UK

Berlin attack suspect ‘pledged allegiance to Isil’, as questions raised over how he travelled 1,000 miles across Europe before he was shot dead by police in Milan

Berlin market attack: Anis Amri’s escape journey

Politicians are to blame for terrorist attacks by not eliminating Isis

Israel settlements: Netanyahu snubs ‘shameful’ UN vote

UN demands end to Israel’s settlement building

Anger as US abstains while UN resolution condemns ‘illegal’ Israeli settlements

Israeli PM summons US ambassador amid UN vote row

Pakistan issues nuclear warning to Israel in response to ‘fake news’ story

Jamie Bryson will refuse PSNI request to hand over any material relevant to Nama investigation

DUBLIN GANG WAR – Hutch ally’s murder may lead to paramilitaries targeting Kinahans

December 24

Dublin accused of own national security veto on Troubles files

Soldier arrests make it look like the criminal justice system is ignoring past terror

RHI scandal: RHI ‘cash for ash’ scandal to cost NI taxpayers £490m

Berlin attack suspect ‘pledged allegiance to Isil’, as questions raised over how he travelled 1,000 miles across Europe before he was shot dead by police in Milan

Berlin attack: Europe’s open borders are putting Britain’s security at risk, former police chief warns

BENEFIT FARCE: ISIS fighters receiving unemployment benefits as they ‘need assistance’

Labour Party at war over ‘tough on crime’ policies after shadow cabinet minister calls for shorter sentences

Israel settlements: Netanyahu snubs ‘shameful’ UN vote

UN demands end to Israel’s settlement building

Anger as US abstains while UN resolution condemns ‘illegal’ Israeli settlements

Diplomatic terrorism at the UN, courtesy President Obama

Jamie Bryson will refuse PSNI request to hand over any material relevant to Nama investigation

DUBLIN GANG WAR – Hutch ally’s murder may lead to paramilitaries targeting Kinahans

December 23

Berlin attack suspect shot dead in Italy, security source claims

BERLIN ATTACKER SHOT DEAD: Anis Amri killed in shootout in Milan, Italy

BERLIN TERROR: Police STORM Mosque in search for asylum seeker suspected of Xmas attack

Berlin attack suspect reportedly visited mosque after market

Dashcam video of Berlin terror attack emerges

Intelligence lapses over Berlin festive market massacre suspect ‘shocking’

Two held over over suspected mall attack plot in Germany

Germany arrests two men over suspected shopping centre attack plot

‘Christmas Day terror plot’ foiled by Australian police

UUP’s Doug Beattie asks ‘good DUP MLAs to have quiet word with Arlene Foster’ and tell her to stand aside

RHI scandal: ‘Hundreds’ abused flawed heating scheme

RHI scandal: Naming recpients ‘could be in breach of the law’

Why Arlene Foster is culpable over RHI

Jonathan Bell: My PhD could not have distraced (sic) from RHI

Sinn Fein’s Martin McGuinness may step down, says former MLA McKay

Ashers to take gay cake discrimination case to UK Supreme Court

Dublin shooting: ‘Close friend of Gerry ‘the Monk’ Hutch’ shot dead in Clondalkin – (Those feuding have all had links to Republican terror groups!!)

Profile: Noel ‘Duck Egg’ Kirwan – what we know about latest victim in Kinahan-Hutch feud

Dublin: Man shot dead by lone gunman

Man in his 60s shot dead in Dublin as partner looked on

Furious army hero hounded for IRA fiend Joe McCann’s death claims ‘he was just doing his job’

Imagine if US Navy Seals charged with Bin Laden murder

Donald Trump: US must expand arsenal of nuclear weapons

Jeremy Corbyn should re-think hiring Sinn Fein aide, says ‘dismayed’ Bristol MP

December 22

Gay sports people should not be afraid to come out, says DUP’s Givan in major change of tone – (DUP continues its shift toward all-out pro-sodomite stance!!!)

Ashers: “Gay cake case” cannot be referred to Supreme Court

Ashers gay cake case: Attorney General John Larkin cannot refer case to Supreme Court, judges rule

RHI scandal: Major rebellion as parties cast doubt on speaker’s ability

RHI scandal: SF joins attack on speaker Robin Newton

Plans to close RHI scheme ‘may be fix to spare Arlene Foster’s blushes’

Berlin lorry attack: Tunisian ‘identified as suspect’

Berlin lorry attack: Who is Anis Amri?

Berlin terror attack: Tunisian suspect Anis Amri was investigated over earlier terror plot

Authorities under fire over Berlin suspect probe

MERKEL FACING RUIN: Everything has changed for Germany after Berlin terror, says expert

December 21

RHI scandal: Jim Allister doubts if Justice Minister Claire Sugden would bring down Stormont

Arlene Foster’s future is in Séin Fein’s hands – (The price of partnership with Sinn Fein/IRA!!!)

Sinn Fein warns of Stormont crisis if Foster does not step aside for RHI probe

Stormont continues to delay Arlene Foster’s RHI correspondence

Jonathan Bell: DUP minister ‘recorded key RHI meetings’

Sam McBride: An astonishing full-frontal assault on the Speaker, weakening him

Petition to ‘stop pursuit of NI forces veterans’

MP brands Troubles-related prosecutions of ex-soldiers ‘a witch-hunt’

Legacy branch investigating claims made by IRA man turned solicitor

Berlin terror attack: Police launch new manhunt after admitting they may have arrested wrong man

BERLIN TERROR SUSPECT RELEASED: Pakistani asylum seeker let go by German police

Cleric: IRA man I knew probably sanctioned attempt to kill me

SF silent on McGuinness’ illness

Abortion provider Marie Stopes put women at risk, watchdog says – (That is, as well as ending the life of the unborn child!!!)

Cavan man Barry Petticrew jailed over Fermanagh bomb find

Fermanagh weapons find: Explosives destined for new IRA

December 20

Berlin Christmas market death toll mounts – evidence ‘points to terror attack’

Germany ‘in mourning’ after 12 killed in lorry ‘terror attack’

Berlin Christmas market lorry suspect is ‘Pakistan migrant’

End of Merkel? German leader pictured minutes after Berlin attack as she honoured migrants

Shots fired at US embassy in Turkey after Russian ambassador Andrei Karlov murdered in Ankara

Gunman fires shots outside US embassy in Ankara hours after Russian ambassador killed

Newry man facing jail for making false gay rape claim

Police hunt Belfast care worker who abused elderly residents

Northern Ireland election ‘distinct possibility’ if Arlene Foster does not step aside, says Sinn Fein’s Conor Murphy

Stormont speaker Newton blames Executive Office over Arlene Foster RHI statement confusion

Arlene Foster survives attempts to force her to stand down

Foster needs a show of humility to try and rescue her damaged reputation

MLAs walk out of Assembly ahead of Foster speech

Crucial RHI email proves Arlene Foster was told of abuse in 2013

RHI scandal: Even when clearing up its mess, DETI got key word wrong

RHI scandal: As he closed disastrous scheme, Jonathan Bell claimed it was a success

Newton asked to reconsider speaker role after overseeing assembly ‘farce’

Robin Newton: ‘Concerns recognised’ over RHI statement

McGuinness turns down heat on Foster after confidence vote

Stormont’s annual panto makes it hard to work out who the villain is

Fionnuala O Connor: McGuinness’s health moves centre stage as RHI crisis deepens

Dissident republicans blamed for shooting of teenager

‘Unjust and immoral’ Ulster prosecutor trying ageing war heroes for murder must step down, senior Tory demands

PSNI explain why no officers on Poppy bomb probe

Forgotten Official IRA man Joe McCann was part of republican revival in 60s

Fifa condemned after UK national teams fined over poppy displays

December 19

R.C. Sproul Jr. Resigned From Ligonier Ministries After Felonious DUI Arrest With Minor in Vehicle

R.C. Sproul Jr. “Resigned” from Ligonier Ministries Because of Arrest for Driving Under the Influence with a Child in Vehicle

Pope Francis declares evolution and Big Bang theory are real and God is not ‘a magician with a magic wand’ – (No one promotes ‘magic wand’ theology more than Bible-rejecting Romanism with all its sham ‘miracles’!!)

Stormont Economy minister Simon Hamilton releases official papers to challenge Jonathan Bell claims

RHI scandal: Foster signed key costs declaration

Official explanation for catastrophic RHI decision is not remotely credible

RHI scandal: Sinn Féin warn DUP of ‘grave consequences’ over Foster statement

RHI scandal: Sinn Fein wants four-month ‘independent inquiry’

Sinn Féin and DUP square up over the next moves in ‘cash-for-ash’ inquiry

Jonathan Bell suspended from DUP after comments about Arlene Foster

RHI scandal: Jonathan Bell suspended from DUP

Jonathan Bell suspended from DUP after comments about Arlene Foster

RHI scandal: ‘DUP have dragged devolution into the gutter’, says UUP leader – (In truth that is where “power-sharing with Sinn Fein” originated!!!)

RHI scandal: Adams fails to confirm S.F. support for ‘No Confidence’ vote

Sinn Fein will not back SDLP motion to suspend First Minister Arlene Foster for six months

RHI scandal: Gerry Adams calls for independent investigation

Neither Arlene Foster nor Jonathan Bell are ‘shrinking violets’ says Mark H Durkan

RHI scandal: Cross-party pressure for judge-led public inquiry

BBC offered to cut prayer footage, but Bell refused – (Matthew 6:6 comes to mind!!)

‘Joe McCann was a ruthless and dangerous terrorist’

IRA chief who killed my father deserved to be shot’ says daughter amid growing row over prosecution of troops

Next we will be prosecuting King William for fighting at the Boyne, says target of Joe McCann

Exposed: Labour’s Brexit betrayal as deputy leader in Brussels deletes lines from key report in ‘sneaky’ attempt to water down EU terms

Sinn Féin MLA Gerry Kelly ‘victim of assault’

Man held after Sinn Fein’s Gerry Kelly suffers facial injuries in assault

My fear killer will get pension, by daughter of train IRA bomb victim – (The DUP compromises of 2007 have led to the ‘upside down’ morality operating in Ulster!!!)

December 17

Revealed: Law chief who decided to prosecute two British veterans for murder of IRA commander 44 years ago worked for Martin McGuinness and Gerry Adams and secured amnesties for hundreds of suspected IRA members

Strengthened statement by the Free Presbyterian ‘Government & Morals Committee’ on “Policing and Crime Bill: Legislative Consent Motion”

Paratroopers to face trial over Belfast killing of IRA chief Joe McCann – (Joe McCann told me he was a dedicated IRA killer (see

Two elderly ex soldiers, aged in their 60s, to face murder trial for shooting IRA man in 1972

Two ex-soldiers face charges over ‘murder’ of IRA man

RHI scandal: McGuinness calls on NI first minister to step aside

McGuinness calls for Foster to stand aside over RHI

‘Cash for ash’ row takes new twist as Jonathan Bell to sue Arlene Foster over comments

Sam McBride: Foster’s future no longer secure, but she is still likely to survive

Jonathan Bell or Arlene Foster – who is telling the truth about RHI?

RHI scandal: ‘Ministerial perks may have stopped Bell quitting’

Day where not a single DUP figure comes to Bell’s aid

Who are the special advisers named by Jonathan Bell?

Assembly to debate suspending Arlene Foster for six months over RHI scandal

RHI scandal: Public’s faith in the institutions must be nearing rock-bottom – (They only ever were a house built on sand!!!)

Alex Kane: We are now witnessing the ugly side of `normal’ politics

Protesters take to the streets over RHI scandal

I couldn’t cope with seeing Sinn Fein’s new MLA on TV or radio… I’d be thinking all the time: your father killed my father

Ashers gay cake case: Christian bakers to pursue appeal at Supreme Court

VIDEO 1000 Muslims block London streets chanting Allahu Akbar to demand Islamic caliphate

‘Give us more money or we will kill you’ Migrants kidnap refugee centre workers in Italy

December 16

Bell: Foster shouted at me to keep disastrous RHI scheme open

First Minister Arlene Foster ordered botched RHI scheme to be kept open, says DUP MLA Jonathan Bell

Foster: Bell ‘used his physical bulk’ when confronting me

Sam McBride: Bell’s significance stems from his multiple ties to Peter Robinson

Jonathan Bell profile: He has been a loyal lieutenant to Robinson

In full: DUP MLA Jonathan Bell’s Nolan interview

Energy scheme scandal fall out

RHI scandal: Reaction to Jonathan Bell’s revelations

RHI scandal: Jonathan Bell in heating scheme revelations – (Arlene’s plan to welcome the Pope followed by disaster!!)

Top DUP man breaks ranks over renewable heat scandal – (“Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man (or a Party) soweth, that shall he also reap,” Galatians 6:7)

Ex-minister Jonathan Bell vows to “tell the truth” over green energy controversy

Arlene Foster: Bell has crossed the line with DUP – (Telling the truth in politics was never a welcome option !!!)

(Stormont) Ex-minister says millions wasted on NI energy scheme

DUP’s Jonathan Bell: I’ll tell the truth over RHI scandal and it will ruin my career

Arlene Foster says Jonathan Bell has stepped outside DUP party lines and she has nothing to fear from RHI revelations

Dodds on offensive over RHI criticism as SF says it won’t back no confidence motion – (DUP now in even deeper debt to Sinn Fein!!!)

DUP had no right to share my email, says RHI whistleblower

Adams, Kenny and Martin want an All Ireland state in the EU

Stormont Opposition damp squib that has failed to fire public’s imagination

Free Presbyterian manse benefits from botched RHI scheme

Families ‘have sparked new police inquiries’ over Kingsmills massacre – (DIY policing!!!!)

Kingsmills massacre: Survivor says he believes agents involved

Kingsmills inquest ‘on hold’ while palm print probe goes on

300,000-name anti-abortion petition ‘collection of nine previous petitions’ – (It says something about the cause and its supporters when such deceit is employed!!!)

December 15

Victims’ outrage at Loughgall IRA families’ cash plea – (Only republicans would have the shameless brazenness to make such a demand!!!!)

It will be an outrage if inquests into Loughgall thugs get any priority

Former IRA commander suspected of being at Stack meeting

Adams: I have no plans to run for Irish Presidency

Ex-Sinn Fein staffer joins Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership team

Brexit Border call by UK House of Lords a sign of sea change in Anglo-Irish relations

Ian Paisley Jr: ‘House of Lords report is doing Dublin’s bidding over Brexit’

Brussels SHAMBLES as EU leaders turn on each other in HUGE Brexit split over tactics

Jihadists are ‘hiding in plain sight’ among migrants, head of the Armed Forces says

Charter NI continued to receive public money after fire destroyed audit files

Defence Secretary: PSNI probe into soldier killings will ‘not descend into a witch hunt’

Director for Public Prosecutions Barra McGrory denies ‘political’ cases against soldiers – (He was Sinn Fein choice for this post!!!!)

Rev Mervyn Gibson appointed as new grand secretary of Orange Order – (Quite an endorsement by the OO of his call for a lifting of the ban on Mass attendance by OO members!!!!)

Orange Order: Mervyn Gibson elected new grand secretary

Further DUP links to beneficiaries of Stormont’s flawed Renewable Heat Incentive

Special Assembly meeting to discuss heating scandal

DUP’s Jonathan Bell: I’ll tell the truth over RHI scandal and it will ruin my career

SDLP to table motion of no confidence in Arlene Foster

RHI scandal: SDLP to table motion of no confidence to exclude Arlene Foster as Stormont First Minister

Arlene Foster ‘victim of heat scheme witch hunt’ says deputy

How was EU persuaded only “useful heat” funded under RHI scheme?

December 14

RHI furore: ‘Political pressure’ on civil servants delayed closure of botched £400m heating scheme in Northern Ireland, it has been claimed

Arlene Foster ‘intervened to keep heat scheme subsidy open’

Letter from Rev John Gray to Belfast telegraph – ‘There are important questions for Pope Francis to answer’

Stakeknife: Alleged one-time top British agent inside IRA facing at least 9 separate lawsuits

Yes, it’s politics but not as we know it with DUP and Sinn Fein who used to tear strips off each other

Julie Parsons set out to investigate why Church of Ireland parish in Dublin disappeared and uncovered tale of prejudice and even murder

4 Questions Stephen Brimstone and the DUP must answer

‘Smoking gun’ in RHI scandal shows Foster’s culpability: Nesbitt

MLAs to consider calling Foster to exceptional hearing over renewables scheme

Police probe into Troubles killings ‘could destroy peace process’ – (The price of ‘peace’ is terrorists go free!!!)

Dublin must account for its part in Troubles killings: Donaldson

Dublin accused of ‘gross hypocrisy’ on dealing with past statement

Sinn Féin at the crossroads

Terror suspect’s bail varied so he can holiday in Spain

Migrant boat captain gets 18-year sentence after 675 died in Med

December 13

Jim Allister: The border must not move to Irish Sea

Charter NI: PSNI chief constable stands by paramilitary activity claim – (We have in Government, with DUP approval, those who engaged in terror and murder so what’s new!!!!)

No concerns over work of charity Charter NI, say police

Arlene Foster and Hamilton discuss Charter NI UDA links – (Things have not gone to well for the First Minister since she said she would meet the pope!!!!)

Northern Ireland Executive ‘can’t ignore furore over Charter NI links to UDA activity’

Arlene Foster says botched energy scheme was ‘shocking failure and I have duty to deal with it’

Arlene Foster: ‘It is a matter of deep regret that goals of this scheme were not achieved – there can never be a repeat of this failure’

I will not resign over ash for cash heating scheme, says Arlene Foster

Arlene Foster announces botched heating scheme inspection

Inspections ‘on all usages of heating scheme’ – Foster

Arlene Foster’s former special advisor claimed on RHI scheme

Brother of Arlene Foster’s advisor benefits from botched energy scheme

Co Antrim church will give ‘surplus’ RHI cash to charity

Adams’ secrecy on Stack murder ‘explains delay in dealing with past’

Bertie Ahern appears to back Gerry Adams over Stack controversy

‘If he feels he can, he will’ – Ahern says there are ‘implications’ for Gerry Adams if he discloses information on Stack murder

Gerry Adams will look to his own first and that limits Sinn Féin’s growth

Brokenshire rules out publishing deal on past unless DUP and SF agree

Up to five may have had role in killing of ex-Real IRA man

Philip Hammond challenges Cabinet colleagues to delay completing Brexit because of ‘risks to financial stability’

Chilling map shows THOUSANDS of women and children sexually attacked by migrants

Muslims ‘claim TAXPAYERS’ CASH to attend Koran lessons already offered to them for FREE’

Aleppo civilians ‘shot on the spot’ in their homes – UN

December 12

RHI: Fatally flawed scheme compounded by an even more fatally flawed response

Arlene Foster challenged to face Assembly committee over RHI ‘total fiasco’

Arlene Foster ‘nothing to hide’ in botched heating scheme

Public money could heat Northern Ireland Ferrari showroom for next 20 years

Botched Renewable Heating Incentive used to heat Ferrari showroom in Belfast

DUP: SPAD did not meet RHI whistleblower

Was Stephen Brimstone the only DUP insider to apply to RHI scheme?

TUV man slams Orange Lodge’s alcohol licence request – (A ‘Temperance’ lodge seeks alcohol licence: DUP propose granting it !!!!?????)

Ex-IRA bomber slams definition of victim

Gardai probe ex-IRA chief and close pal of Gerry Adams as SF president starts to feel the pressure

IRA man and abuse suspect arrested by Spanish detectives

Ministers criticise Adams for refusal to name IRA official

Ferris unrepentant about criticism of Stack and repeats Nazi slur against prison officers

Stack fury at TD’s Nazi slur on father

Brian Stack killing: Paul Quinn’s family give support to prison officer’s family

‘Adams should do the right thing and name the people who killed our son’

TD says Adams’ silence is ‘dangerous and sinister’

Adams won’t be pushed, but Sinn Féin could give him the shove

Adams: I found out in 2013 that IRA killed Brian Stack

Gerry Adams may halt work with Troubles victims’ families

Mary Lou: the Sinn Féiner who’s really a mé féiner

Again this week we saw why we must pause on the legacy inquests that Sinn Fein is demanding

One of Adams’s lieutenants to face ‘kangaroo court’ charges

United Ireland campaign has been a failure

Troubles envoy warns of damage from row about prosecuting UK troops

How news of Papal visit to Northern Ireland sees rise of religious intolerance again – (One of the most stupid ecumenists around!!!)

Revealed: British troops guilty of killings in Northern Ireland could spend life in jail while terrorists walk free after just two years

‘Soldiers cannot be diminished’

December 10

Northern Ireland says yes to same-sex marriage, latest polling finds – (A deceitful ‘online’ stunt to make people believe this is what the majority want!!)

DUP MLA: I’d no role in £270k church RHI boiler

Compel flagrant RHI abusers to face the public, says ex-MLA

Calls to stop charity funding over ‘paramilitary activity links’

Sinn Féin TD Martin Ferris has revealed why IRA murdered Stack

Could 1983 Brian Stack murder signal final act in Adams’ long career?

Colm Murphy’s son Conan jailed for possession of explosives

SAS veteran Andy McNab fears he is next in Army killings ‘witch-hunt’

Scots cleric raps Sturgeon for call urging Northern Ireland women to seek an abortion there

Fuel laundering plant shut down after raid by armed gardai

Catholic bishop and the DUP sing from the same hymn sheet when it comes to their opposition to abortion – (The BT, as ever, gets it wrong for the Bible’s teaching on abortion is not the same as that of the RC Church!!!)

Russia ‘interfered’ to help Trump in election, CIA concludes

Russia ‘tried to influence US election in favour of Trump’ – US intelligence

Donald Trump’s transition team dismisses CIA findings Russia attempted to influence US election in his favour

Supreme Court Brexit appeal: Judges ‘heading for split 7-4 decision’ in narrow win for Remain campaigners – (If this proves to be true, it shows just how divided the nation is!!!)

Second Brexit legal challenge could be tabled in Irish courts

Refugees housed by YOUR CASH have ‘burnt down homes, attacked staff and grown drugs’ 

December 9

Only at Stormont could a motion on human rights be proposed by an MLA who sought to deny right to life

Bible of plane crash footie star found in wreckage – with HEARTBREAKING message

Hamilton: ‘I want to apologise to heat scheme whistleblower’

‘Medical advice’ stopped McGuinness China trip

Martin McGuinness pulls out of China trip to undergo medical tests

‘Majority of public’ support equipping police with Tasers in England and Wales

Jamie Bryson claims property developer’s Daithi McKay legal action ‘attempt to expose his sources’

Developer Kearney picking soft target by suing ex-MLA McKay, says Bryson

New paramilitarism awareness campaign ‘a bit tame’, says MLA

Gerry Adams accused of lying by victim’s son

Watch: Son of murdered prison officer Brian Stack calls Gerry Adams ‘a liar’ in confrontation

‘You are an absolute disgrace’ – Son of murdered prison officer faces down Gerry Adams

Adams challenged to name IRA figure

Stack murder: Kenny seeks to put further pressure on Adams

Tony Blair’s IRA amnesty should also apply to British soldiers

The Troubles investigations will help the IRA get away with murder. Theresa May must turn off the money tap

Renewable heating scheme: ‘Five minutes of research’ uncovered funding flaws

Terrorism most immediate threat to UK, says MI6

Revealed: Ukip vows to target the six MPs who defied their constituents and voted against triggering Article 50

December 8

Peers approve ‘Turing’s Law’ gay pardons for NI – (DUP MLAs must bear responsibility for this vile bill becoming law: “Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin,” James 4:17!!!)

Northern Ireland men convicted for being gay to be pardoned within weeks

BREXIT VICTORY: Remoaner plot CRUSHED as MPs vote to APPROVE triggering of Article 50

Real IRA commander Aidan O’Driscoll shot dead in Cork ambush attack

Former chief of staff of Real IRA shot and killed in Cork city

Latest: Victim of Cork shooting Aidan ‘The Beast’ O’Driscoll was targeted before

Assassins shot Real IRA commander in the back before pumping bullets into him as he lay dying

Gardai fear reprisal attacks after Real IRA commander is shot dead in ambush attack

There is still the will and capacity for killing on streets of Northern Ireland

Northern Ireland Secretary James Brokenshire warns over a continuing terror threat

‘A fine intelligent and hardworking young man’ – (Irish) TD defends IRA man caught with explosives ahead of Prince Charles’ visit

Is no cause too toxic for (Irish) TDs who backed Real IRA terrorist?

Former football coach arrested in Northern Ireland over sex abuse claims

Ex-Celtic kitman Jim McCafferty arrested in Belfast after confessing to abusing young players

Ex-football coach Jim McCafferty charged with sexual activity with a child

Hundreds of police (in police in England and Wales) accused of sexual exploitation – (The ever-deepening quagmire of iniquity in public life!!!)

Hundreds of police accused of abusing power to sexually exploit victims and suspects

British troops ‘to be investigated’ over killings during the Troubles in Northern Ireland

First Minister should ‘consider her position’ after revelations over heating scandal

Nesbitt urges Foster to consider position over botched renewable energy scheme

Arlene Foster rejects calls to resign over botched renewable energy scheme

Renewable heating scheme: Eastwood calls on first minister to explain involvement

If McGuinness is so glad the Pope is visiting, why won’t he listen to his position on abortion?

Jim Allister Exposes SF-IRA Hypocrisy in Moving Human Rights Motion

Sinn Fein pair named in Dail are urged to comment on prison officer murder

Brian Stack murder: Gerry Adams makes personal statement to Dáil

Gerry Adams denies accusation he lied to Dáil over Brian Stack case

Sinn Féin’s deputy leader Mary Lou McDonald was not present in the Dáil for Gerry Adams’s much speech

Sinn Féin in turmoil as senior TDs linked to Stack murder

Brian Stack killing: Sinn Féin TDs deny murder involvement

Sinn Fein pair named in Dail are urged to comment on prison officer murder

‘I did not abuse Dáil privilege’ – TD who named two Sinn Féin deputies over Stack murder

Sinn Féin TDs alleged to have withheld information on Brian Stack murder

RC Priest told parents of abused girl (6) to ‘forget about attacks’ – court hears

Sinn Féin defend role of former prisoners after criticism of group headed by UVF killer – (Simply safeguarding a “trough” in which they also have their snouts!!!)

Property developer Kearney sues ex-MLA McKay over claims Nama scandal damaged reputation and finances

December 7

Marital faithfulness is the one protected area in today’s promiscuous society.

Angela Merkel calls for burka ban in Germany

Breaking point? Merkel will have to spend £2.52BILLION to deport HALF A MILLION migrants

Brexit: Theresa May U-turns and says Government will reveal plans before Article 50 is triggered

Brexit crunch time as government faces challenges from court and MPs

Attorney general John Larkin criticised by SDLP over position on Brexit

Stormont’s incredible Kafkaesque reply to questions about spin doctor

Group headed by loyalist killer gets £900k of funding from taxpayers

Mask slips over political class’s double standards on the gangster menace

Adams says he is prepared to make statement on Stack case

Gerry Adams prepared to make Dáil statement on Brian Stack case

Adams has information on officer’s killing, says shooting victim’s son

Free-for-all as 99pc of applicants to botched £270m heating scheme approved

Prosecutions warning over ‘shocking’ abuse of Renewable Heat Incentive scheme

Theresa May to have dinner with leaders who support beheading, executing gay people, and ‘disappearing’ their critics – (Sounds a bit like Stormont!!!)

December 6

Video: Shocking footage shows dissidents armed with rocket launchers roaming Belfast streets

LETTER: Free Presbyterian Church should reflect on role of its elders in failing to speak against homsosexual pardons

Audio: Pope Francis is a marxist and not welcome in the North, says Rev. Brown

Fatal foetal abnormality: David Ford’s abortion bill begins assembly passage

Staggering £800,000 weekly bill for benefit fraud in Northern Ireland

Veteran republican Ivor Bell ‘suffering from dementia’ – (He was suffering from worse than that when engaged in the IRA murder campaign!!!!)

Pearse Jordan: Police officers reported to prosecutors – (These two stories highlight the shameful and ludicrous state of ‘law & order’ in Ulster!!!)

No action yet by Sinn Fein chief Gerry Adams after BBC’s claim about killing

Missing Armagh haulier PJ Flynn ‘may have fallen foul of IRA’

McDonald claim contradicts Adams on Stack murder timing

Just weeks after accusing Donald Trump of misogyny, racism and homophobia, SF deputy leader now willing to meet him

Sinn Fein rhetoric ignores fact that Irish unity would kill off unionism

PSNI officers told: hurling sticks are not offensive weapons

‘You will never get rid of terror murals’ says loyalist

December 5

Italy referendum: PM Matteo Renzi resigns after clear defeat

Italian PM Matteo Renzi resigns after crushing 20-point defeat in constitutional referendum

Attorney General warns Supreme Court not to ‘stray into areas of political judgement’ in Brexit case

Arlene Foster urged to raise China’s human rights record during trade mission – (Being in league with Sinn Fein/IRA she is hardly likely to do that!!!!!)

DUP and SF view Eastwood and Nesbit like Fathers Ted and Dougal

Adams hasn’t spoke to SF politicians since email controversy emerged

Mary Lou McDonald, Sinn Féin deputy leader, aware of names linked to Brian Stack murder

Mary Lou McDonald repeats ambition to be Sinn Féin leader

David Trimble: ‘The shine is coming off Sinn Féin’

This was the week that rocked Sinn Féin as the Gerry Adams questions mount up

Sammy Wilson rejects paramilitary ‘mediation’ idea for Carrick

Man accused of firearms offences ‘heavily connected’ to UDA

Justice Minster Claire Sugden to lift lid on crime and terror ties

Pope’s visit will do little to tackle challenges facing Church

Papal visit will remind us just how tangled Church and State still are

The ‘Catholic-before-all-else’ Ireland is gone – and it’s the Church’s own fault

Fundamentalist (Roman) Catholics are turning people off church in Ireland – (McVeigh has been a long-time supporter of the IRA!!!!!)

French town ordered to remove Virgin Mary statue from public park or face punishment

TV choir priest Fr Hugh Kennedy quizzed over sex assault

DUP man: I revealed my HIV ignorance to combat stigma – (Is this stupid man really ignorant of the fact that HIV originates with the immoral and unnatural activities of sodomites???)

Church’s own paper puts cost of bishops under microscope – (The cost of the moral influence of such will never be fully known until the judgment of God!!)

December 3

Gerry Adams passing names to police ‘breaches IRA rules’

Former north Antrim MLA Daithi McKay has quit Sinn Fein

DUP man: I revealed my HIV ignorance to combat stigma – (The fools supporting this campaign ignore the fact that ‘AIDS’ has it origins in the wickedness of sodomy!!!)

Edward Heath abuse claims: Police defend investigation

Police chief reveals ‘significant number of allegations’ in Ted Heath case

Northern Ireland jail cell costlier than hotel room

Man dies in suspected gangland shooting in Dublin park

‘A suspect in at least four murders and rape of a boy’ – notorious criminal Mark Desmond shot dead in Dublin

Murder inquiry after well-known criminal shot dead

Crowds gather as ‘Virgin Mary’ image appears on house in Co Limerick – (Old superstitions die hard in popish Ireland!!)

Article 50 High Court ruling relegated public’s Brexit vote to a ‘footnote’, Attorney General says

Theresa May to dare Parliament to ‘defy the will of the people’ if she loses Article 50 court battle

‘Sign your own death warrant’ Furious Theresa May DARES Lords to vote down Article 50

December 2

Gerry Adams claims Stack murder names row being ’twisted’ by media

Adams criticised over claims about murder suspects by victim’s son

SDLP, TUV quiz Adams over murder

Ex-MLA Daithi McKay quits Sinn Fein

Adams obliged to end confusion over murder

DUP councillor: Evangelicals should speak out against papal visit – (But don’t follow the example of the DUP’s failure to act against the validating of sodomy at Stormont!!!)

DUP’s Wilson says some diseases affect far more than AIDS

DUP’s Bradley ‘disappointed’ by Wilson’s AIDS comments

DA estate is price of ingrained criminality, says DUP’s Sammy Wilson

Drugs claim loyalist’s son months after UVF man Campbell died of overdose

Hamilton: There was bias in RUC’s investigation of UVF bar bombing

Derry Four: duo of former Police Ombudsman staff reported

December 1

Jim Allister was isolated in gay pardon debate – (The whole issue shames Ulster Christianity!!!)

UDA boss Dee Stitt ‘lied’ on his Charter NI application

Foster: It would be illegal if I sacked Dee Stitt

‘Not legal’ to direct charity chief’s sacking over UDA allegations, says Foster

McGuinness’s impotence over Dee Stitt affair shows us that DUP dominates the Executive

Probe launched after third death at Maghaberry Prison

DUP’s Wilson says some diseases affect far more than AIDS

Support for Scottish independence below referendum vote: poll

Johnny Adair: ‘PIRA fought a justified war’ – (This shows just where this gangster’s loyalties lie – with those of the same mindset as himself -MURDER!!!)

‘Ireland may quit EU,’ says Farage – and only a fool would dismiss him

Leave voters’ patience is starting to wear thin as they fear betrayal

Muslim families sending children to Catholic schools – (How surprising !!??)

Adams names NI SF suspect

Senior republican who killed Brian Stack ‘disciplined’ by IRA – Adams – (Ah well, that’s ok then. No need for the police to act. This is the party that ‘supports’ law and order in Stormont!!!)

(Roman) Catholic priest’s daughter Déarbhla shares incredible story of love and pride

Bishop of Leeds: Some Christians too scared to talk about faith in public – (Is that what happened the DUP in Stormont on Monday ???!!)

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November 2016

Index to this edition

Countering the Counterfeiters

countefeit_cashAn examination of Galatians 1:4 conducted over four Sabbath mornings in Tavistock Free Presbyterian Church by visiting preacher, Rev Ivan Foster (Retired)

“Who gave himself for our sins, that he might deliver us from this present evil world, according to the will of God and our Father,” Galatians 1:4.

There is only one Gospel and it is that taught by the Saviour to His apostles and that which they preached to the world. It is fully revealed to us in the Bible, especially in the New Testament.

It is a gospel ever under attack from the one Paul refers to in 2 Cor 4:4. “In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.”

That attack in ongoing today; indeed, we are told by the Lord that it will intensify in the days before the Saviour’s return. “Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils,” 1 Tim 4:1.

The diligence shown by the devil is seen in that the Galatian churches have come under attack from him very shortly after their formation. Note verse 6. “I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel.” I believe that I can say with certainty that the work in Galatia was no more than 10 years old!

Read moreor listen to the recorded messages using the players below.

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stormontTraditional Unionist Voice MLA, Jim Allister received no support whatever from any professing Christian in the Assembly and therefore his amendment to the Bill fell.

I read with dismay the reports of the debate in Stormont on the Bill brought forward by the Executive to posthumously pardon sodomites convicted of violations of the law in the past.

I was particularly saddened that it would appear that Jim Allister, the Traditional Unionist Voice leader, was the only voice raised in opposition to this iniquitous proposal. The failure of Christians to stand with Mr Allister, and I am thinking of Free Presbyterians in particular, is heart-breaking for one who recalls the various statements and protests that the Presbytery of the Free Presbyterian Church issued in the past and of the witness borne within our Province and much wider afield to the condemnation of God upon this wickedness and the warnings of the dire consequences on any people or nation which embraced and endorsed this evil.

Through the efforts of the DUP in Stormont, that which God has repeatedly condemned and manifested His wrath against, has been legitimised and validated. Sodomy is now accepted by the DUP and all its members, including Free Presbyterians, through this decision which validates sodomy, thereby shaking a fist in God’s face and wickedly defying Him and His holy Law.

When I issued the first edition of “The Burning Bush” back in 1970, I would never have believed the day would come when I should have to write such words!

“Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” Isaiah 5:20. Read more

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Dutch pastor insists he was right to ‘come out of the closet’.

Insight into the Dutch denomination Dr Joel Beeke is anxious to promote closer links with!!!

A minister in the Restored Reformed Church (HHK is the acronym from the Dutch form of the denominational name) Dustin Burggraaf, recently gave an interview to the Reformed Daily newspaper in the Netherlands. It was published on November 12th, 2016. He also published a fuller form of the interview on his own website. There follows below a translation of the version of the interview he has on his website rather than the version which appeared in print.

This matter is of great interest simply because Dustin Burggraaf came out as a homosexual in April 2014. He announced that decision in the same newspaper and the original report of that event is also posted on his website. Read more

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Sodomites welcomed to the Lord’s Supper by many Dutch Protestant Churches

The following articles are translations of reports on Dutch websites detailing a recent survey of views in several Dutch reformed denominations on the subject of homosexuality. The reports give an insight in the general state of mainline Reformed Churches in Holland, and even of some that would claim to be more conservative. The reports give alarming evidence of the rapid advance of the sodomite agenda within the ranks of professing Christianity. This is evidence of the great apostasy at work that the Saviour warns of, Luke 17:28-30.

This research provides valuable context for our recent article on the compromise of Dr. Joel Beeke in preaching for HHK congregations in Holland. Read more

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The Timeless Relevance of the Protestant Reformation

reformers_wall“And the LORD of hosts shall stir up a scourge for him according to the slaughter of Midian at the rock of Oreb: and as his rod was upon the sea, so shall he lift it up after the manner of Egypt,” Isaiah 10:26.

The final message in a series commemorating the glorious Protestant Reformation, preached 20 years ago, on November 3rd, 1996, in Kilskeery Free Presbyterian Church by the then minister, Rev Ivan Foster.

In our text, there is a demonstration of the unchanging nature of God and of His mode of operation. This is a prophecy of the destruction of the Antichrist, given by the Lord through Isaiah some 750 years before the birth of Christ. The Lord states that He shall act against the Antichrist as He acted against the Midianites, some 1250 years before Isaiah’s day, and as He acted against the Egyptians some 250 years prior to that. Three thousand two hundred and fifty years and three thousand five hundred years respectively have passed since the two incidents mentioned in our text and yet more years will pass before the prophecy is fulfilled, but when God acts in fulfillment of this prophecy, it will be in a display of very, very old-fashioned power. The lesson that we draw from this is that God has not changed nor will He ever change. As He acted in the days of Pharaoh, in the days of Gideon, so He will act in the end of this age when He puts down Antichrist and his minions.

This being so, the Bible’s record of God’s words and dealings with men is of unique and timeless relevance. The record of His dealings with mankind that is contained in the uninspired writings of men, while not to be trusted and obeyed unquestioningly, nevertheless provides us with a record from which we may learn much about heaven’s purpose for this world. Read more…or listen using the player below.

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Encouraging the wife to ‘beautify her face’!!!

makeupI have heard it said that the incident in Ruth 3:3 has been used to justify a woman attempting to make herself beautiful by the means of makeup!

Before coming to the text, it appears to me that any woman who sets out to ‘improve her appearance’ from its normal state, is acknowledging something rather astonishing! It surely must mean that she is conceding she is in need of improvement!

Brave indeed would be the man who makes that suggestion to his wife. It would give the impression that he is having second thoughts on the wisdom of the choice he made when he asked her to marry him!

I recall hearing it said that Dr Bob Jones, the founder of Bob Jones University, once offered some advice on the subject of make-up to female students in the University. “If the barn door needs painting, then paint it!!”

Such a course of action it would appear was being offered to those females who felt that they had a face like an unpainted barn door. Read more

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DUP members give a lead in defying God and His law!!!

stormontJustice Minister Claire Sugden has announced in Stormont that “she has secured approval of fellow Executive ministers in the DUP/Sinn Fein-led administration to extend to Northern Ireland the provision for pardons in the Government’s Policing and Crime Bill.” (Belfast Telegraph, 8/11/16).

The DUP denied its involvement in the funding of sodomites for the first year or so of the ‘Power-sharing’ executive’s life. It berated anyone who dared to state the truth as a ‘liar’!Then it was finally acknowledged by Peter Robinson that funding had taken place. That funding has continued with DUP former minister Mervyn Storey, in a statement at the beginning of 2015, acknowledging that his department had given money to sodomite organisations. (See Mervyn Storey, Minister for Social Development in the Northern Ireland Executive, tried to distance himself from funding of sodomites)

This latest decision takes the matter much further, for this is something that the DUP in conjunction with Sinn Fein have initiated. When the DUP in 2007, through the Office of the First Minister and Deputy First Minister, took over the funding of sodomites, they were continuing a scheme which had been initiated by the last Secretary of State before power-sharing, Peter Hain.

They cannot hide behind the skirts of a Westminster politician this time and blame him for the shameful enterprise.

This the DUP are fully implicated in from its inception. Read more

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DUP’s Downward Path

screen-shot-2016-10-30-at-12-26It is strange how that a turning of the back upon God brings about a reversing of a person’s moral values!

News reports claimed that the DUP leader, Mrs Arlene Foster, had recently stated in a BBC report on 28th October 2016 that “Gays are welcome in DUP” – (Read the report here).

Sadly, as far as I know, there was no protest by members of the DUP to that announcement. There may well have been and I sincerely hope there was but I never saw any reports of any objections from within the ranks of the DUP where there are many who profess to be Christians.

In 1977, Dr Ian Paisley, the founder of the party, launched a campaign aimed at stopping the decriminalising of sodomy in Ulster. It was called: “Save Ulster from Sodomy.” Read more

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The Glorious Legacy of the Protestant Reformation

latimer-ridleyStand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage, Galatians 5:1.

The third of four messages preached 20 years ago, in Kilskeery Free Presbyterian Church by the then minister, Rev Ivan Foster, to commemorate the glorious Protestant Reformation

Nearly 500 years have passed since the beginning of that remarkable occurrence we call the Protestant Reformation. Such a distance in time permits us to examine thoroughly the effect of that great spiritual and social upheaval.

The sacred record of the gospel’s impact upon the city of Samaria (Acts 8:5-8) ends with a wonderfully expressive statement. And there was great joy in that city. That was the legacy that was left behind after a time of spiritual blessing. What was left behind in Europe after the Reformation had taken place? To answer such a question fully would require volumes of historical data and comment. To answer it in the course of a sermon requires us to concentrate upon one central aspect of the effects of the Reformation. Read moreor listen using the player below.

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Latest news stories

Gerry Adams claims Stack murder names row being ’twisted’ by media

Adams criticised over claims about murder suspects by victim’s son

SDLP, TUV quiz Adams over murder

Ex-MLA Daithi McKay quits Sinn Fein

Adams obliged to end confusion over murder

DUP councillor: Evangelicals should speak out against papal visit – (But don’t follow the example of the DUP’s failure to act against the validating of sodomy at Stormont!!!)

DUP’s Wilson says some diseases affect far more than AIDS

DUP’s Bradley ‘disappointed’ by Wilson’s AIDS comments

DA estate is price of ingrained criminality, says DUP’s Sammy Wilson

Drugs claim loyalist’s son months after UVF man Campbell died of overdose

Hamilton: There was bias in RUC’s investigation of UVF bar bombing

Derry Four: duo of former Police Ombudsman staff reported


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More news

December 1

Jim Allister was isolated in gay pardon debate – (The whole issue shames Ulster Christianity!!!)

UDA boss Dee Stitt ‘lied’ on his Charter NI application

Foster: It would be illegal if I sacked Dee Stitt

‘Not legal’ to direct charity chief’s sacking over UDA allegations, says Foster

McGuinness’s impotence over Dee Stitt affair shows us that DUP dominates the Executive

Probe launched after third death at Maghaberry Prison

DUP’s Wilson says some diseases affect far more than AIDS

Support for Scottish independence below referendum vote: poll

Johnny Adair: ‘PIRA fought a justified war’ – (This shows just where this gangster’s loyalties lie – with those of the same mindset as himself -MURDER!!!)

‘Ireland may quit EU,’ says Farage – and only a fool would dismiss him

Leave voters’ patience is starting to wear thin as they fear betrayal

Muslim families sending children to Catholic schools – (How surprising !!??)

Adams names NI SF suspect

Senior republican who killed Brian Stack ‘disciplined’ by IRA – Adams – (Ah well, that’s ok then. No need for the police to act. This is the party that ‘supports’ law and order in Stormont!!!)

(Roman) Catholic priest’s daughter Déarbhla shares incredible story of love and pride

Bishop of Leeds: Some Christians too scared to talk about faith in public – (Is that what happened the DUP in Stormont on Monday ???!!)

November 30

No government can offer eternal forgiveness and pardon – (Sadly this statement avoids any mention of the disgraceful failure of Christian DUP MLAs to oppose this ‘offer of pardon’ and endorsement of sodomy!!!)

News of the papal visit has obscured the pardons for gays – (This is much nearer the target!!!)

DUP Sports Minister, Paul Givan, should protest about Fifa response to remembrance display

DUP minister Givan criticised over Fifa poppy row

Pictured: DUP met Hamas too – Sinn Fein slams ‘unionists’ hypocrisy and faux outrage’ – (What a bunch of time-serving hypocrites they are!!!!)

Arlene Foster is right to meet the Pope if he visits Northern Ireland – (Not if the historic Protestant creeds are correct regarding this man, and they are!!!)

Presbyterians clash over expected visit by Pope Francis

Why Pope will be welcomed to Northern Ireland by all people of faith – even if his message falls on deaf liberal ears

Sturgeon confirms Scottish talks on free abortions for Northern Irish women

Brian Feeney: Arlene Foster lacks Ian Paisley’s independent streak – (And his early views on sodomy!!!)

Sinn Fein chief Gerry Adams in united Ireland pledge to Orange Order

Adams under pressure from Sinn Féin colleagues after murder link

Gerry Adams under fire as IRA victim’s son denies revealing names of suspects

IRA accused linked to DNA evidence found at car bomb site in Newry

Jeremy Corbyn And John McDonnell Wanted IRA To Win

German intelligence officer ‘arrested over Islamist plot’ raising fears the spy agency has been infilitrated

Brexit may ‘NEVER HAPPEN’ because the EU has ‘marginalised’ Britain, Polish MP claims

November 29

Pope Francis ‘to visit Northern Ireland in 2018’ – (As if Ulster hadn’t enough trouble!!!)

Pope will visit Northern Ireland, says Martin McGuinness after 2018 papal trip to Republic confirmed

First Minister Arlene Foster to meet Pope Francis if he visits Northern Ireland as head of state – (Surely it must become obvious to even the most blind that there has been a seismic shift in the position of the DUP!!!)

Arlene Foster – I will meet the Pope if he visits Northern Ireland

Arlene Foster vows to meet Pope during expected visit to North

Free Presbyterians ‘will protest’ Pope’s visit

DUP MLA, Robin Newton tried to get PSNI money for Charter NI before he was Assembly Speaker

Report ‘recommends abortion law change’ – (More woes for our land)

SF’s difficult ‘psychological’ conversation needs to be with its own voters

Adams names Sinn Féin figures in email to Garda chief on murder

Six men are arrested in west Belfast over paramilitary-style shootings

Man jailed for role in Ardoyne paramilitary shooting

IRA man ‘caught with explosives’ days before visit by Prince Charles

Winston ‘Winkie’ Rea to be charged over 1991 murder of two Catholic workmen

November 28

Theresa May faces new Brexit legal challenge over single market withdrawal

Rectors reject portrayal of Protestantism as ‘watered down Catholicism’ – (The Church of Ireland most certainly is ‘watered down Catholicism’!!!)

Fidel Castro was a strong supporter of Irish hunger strikers and Bobby Sands – (What a reunion that has been !!!!)

Gerry Adams: Fidel Castro sent Christmas card every year – (Both likely celebrants of the ‘birth of Christ’!!!)

SF man is considering a Famine memorial at Stormont

IRA member suspect in ‘attempt to bomb Shell HQ’ at just 16

Sinn Fein seek reconciliation, yet they insist it can only be achieved in a united Ireland

Threat posed to (Irish) State by republican subversives ‘tangible’

Police pelted with missiles trying to stop stolen car in west Belfast

Jim Allister: I would have voted for Trump despite his flaws and Robinson’s demise was poetic justice

Jim Allister vows to fight on as he attempts to rally TUV

Flyers threatening ‘PSNI informers’ posted in East Belfast

Jewish students accuse Cambridge of hushing up anti-Semitic attack

My hero! Corbyn’s misty eyed tribute to brutal dictator Fidel Castro who butchered 100,000 – (In keeping with his admiration for IRA murderers!!!)

Fidel Castro’s death exposes yet again the double standards of the BBC

Cuban flag raised over Free Derry Corner

Gerry Adams to travel to Cuba for Fidel Castro’s funeral

DUP veteran hits out at praise for Fidel Castro

DUP attacks Sinn Féin for meeting Palestinian militant group Hamas – (Why?? These have ever been Sinn Fein’s friends??)

DUP outrage as Sinn Fein delegation meets leader from Hamas

Donald Trump attacks Hillary Clinton over Wisconsin presidential vote recount

November 26

Nationalist anger at Arlene may become a problem for Sinn Fein

Stakeknife probe ‘will look at IRA role’

Wisconsin to recount US election votes as Trump shapes his White House team

Former Cuban leader Fidel Castro dies aged 90

Football sex abuse scandal: Top clubs ‘made secret payments to keep victims quiet’

Stormont buried easier health targets in unpublicisied document

Jude Collins on the Talkback row: ‘The Orange Order has been divisive’ – (Being opposed to Popery and its doctrines and policies is not hatred of Roman Catholics. Indeed it is a kindness to them to expose Popery!!)

DUP man calls for action over fresh IRA memorial

‘Irish border issue’ must be settled before Brexit talks, says next EU president Joseph Muscat

Brexit agreement ‘impossible’ within two-year period allowed by EU’s founding treaty, says Irish PM

Italy NEXT to reject establishment as protest vote set to WIN referendum, shock poll finds

Germany needs a trade deal with the UK more than we need a trade deal with them

Turkey’s president Erdogan threatens to open Turkey’s borders to Europe in protest at EU

‘SEND THEM BACK’ Bulgarian PM orders mass deportations after rioting migrants trash camp

Half of asylum seekers complain UK housing funded by YOU is ‘completely inadequate’ – (It really is beyond a joke!!)

If John Major likes referendums so much, why didn’t he hold one on Maastricht?

Tony Blair can’t stop Brexit. He’s the one who caused it

Derry solicitor Damien McDaid denies legal aid fraud

Kathleen Cuthbert, modest heroine who was part of code-breaking team that helped defeat the Nazis

November 25

‘Heading for retirement? They wish.’ TUV’s Jim Allister dismisses Arlene Foster remark

If TUV is a one-man band, can it survive without Jim Allister around?

Jim Allister: The ‘angry man’ of politics on why brickbats don’t bother him, how he (eventually) wooed his wife and what he does to get away from it all

Taoiseach Enda Kenny ‘can’t wait 20 years’ for united Ireland

Is it appropriate for clergy to be in attendance when statues to dead terrorists are unveiled?

Nama accused of treating parliamentary inquiry with contempt

First Minister Arlene Foster urged to ‘pressure’ Peter Robinson into giving evidence to Dublin Nama inquiry

Nama: Arlene Foster urged to intervene after Peter Robinson ‘flatly contradicts’ Martin McGuinness

Paul Givan: DUP sports minister’s first appearance on GAA pitch – (I’m sure he avoided a pitch named after an IRA murderer!!)

HMP Bristol: Substance abuse blamed for ‘protracted rage’

David McNarry: Why I stormed out of the BBC Talkback studio

Record number of super-injunctions in place in Northern Ireland

Police are fighting more than 100 organised crime gangs, MLAs told – (The harvest of a policy which turned a blind eye to paramilitary crime!!!)

Army just muddled through Northern Ireland Troubles without a plan, says general – (Army not allowed to act by Westminster politicians!!!)

Tony Blair says Britain’s EU exit can be stopped

Sir John Major says there is a ‘perfectly credible’ case for a second referendum

‘Now kick out Juncker!’ Pressure on EU chief as Merkel says Schulz exit must spark ‘reset’

Syrian family settlements opposed by Traveller community in Mayo

Irish cabinet minister slams Vice Prez Mike Pence on gay remarks

November 24

‘Gloomy’ economic predictions are wrong, pro-Brexit MPs say

Eurosceptics attack ‘doom and gloom’ Autumn Statement predictions as experts say ‘forecasts are always wrong’

Hammond’s fiscal blunder almost guarantees a hard-landing

SCHULZ EXITS: Martin Schulz QUITS EU as he ‘makes bid to OUST Angela Merkel in Germany’

Norwegian PM declares migrants cannot use religion to say no to jobs

Jim Allister: I regret sitting with UDA and UVF representatives

Sinn Fein’s idea of reconciliation ‘fatally flawed’

Martin McGuinness: Unionism has ‘psychological problem with reconciliation’ – (It is impossible to be reconciled with ‘unrepentant killers’ !!!)

‘New IRA’ bomb stored in attic after failed attempt to kill police, court hears

New evidence places RUC officers at scene of fatal west Belfast assault

Jail warders were scum, says Belfast UDA boss and charity chief Dee Stitt

Kieran Conway: Ex-IRA member ‘should be extradited to UK’

Lawyer Kieran Conway’s IRA crimes claims are raised with PM

Son of man cleared of Omagh bombing admits explosives charge

Money spent on Buckingham Palace’s upkeep is well spent

IFA will ‘robustly defend’ Fifa poppy disciplinary charges

Fifa poppy ban: Disciplinary action opened against Wales and Northern Ireland after ‘fans were wearing poppies’

Anger grows over Fifa’s probe into Northern Ireland poppy tributes – ‘unfair, shameful and outrageous’

Historic treasure trove of Assembly artefacts languishing in storage – (More placating of republican murderers!!!!)

NI Human Rights Festival: Anti-abortion talk sparks row – (Bible’s teaching must not be set forth!!!)

Premature baby left to die alone in sluice room, report reveals – (“Without natural affection”, 2 Timothy 3:3.)

Mothers and babies died at NHS trust plagued by errors – review

November 23

Taoiseach criticised for “gushing tweet” and manner towards Trump and Pence

Kenny should hold his tongue on Pence

Basque audience ‘surprised by legitimisation of NI terror’ – (Thanks to the treachery of the DUP!!!)

Bill to pay IRA victims from Libyan assets passes Lords

Jo Cox murder accused Thomas Mair found guilty of killing MP

Jo Cox murder: Far right fanatic Thomas Mair given whole-life sentence after being guilty of killing Labour MP

Hillary Clinton may STILL become President after ‘evidence PROVES US election was rigged’

Northern Ireland Brexit split widens as Sinn Fein’s McGuinness calls for consent motion

Secretary of State slammed for Parades Commission decision

Reappointment of Failed Parades Commission

45,000-strong Northern Ireland abortion reform petition handed in at Stormont

Northern Ireland poppy display subject to FIFA disciplinary action

Lough Foyle’s British whether we like it or not: CFCE

Labour MP who reignited territorial row says UK has no Lough Foyle claim

Gay cake case set for the highest court in UK

November 22

Victims and the peace process – (Well worth a studied read!)

Troubles victims should get special pension payments, campaigners claim – (Best viewed in the light of the previous article by Prof Patterson!!)

Tycoon: DUP demanded £30,000 a month to back my Brexit campaign

Arron Banks: DUP ‘strongly denies’ Brexit funding claims

Fighting talk, but Foster and McGuinness duck some of the big issues

Charter NI controversy should not overshadow positive contribution by loyalist paramilitary figures: Martin McGuinness – (‘Birds of a feather etc, etc!!’)

Police arrest 81 people linked to illegal republican parade in Lurgan

Smiling killer of PSNI Constable Stephen Carroll pictured at his wedding behind bars

Pictured: Smiling cop-killer marries bride behind bars

Moment besotted English penpal wed police killer in Northern Ireland jail and tore her family apart

Ruling is reserved on whether to report RUC officers over Pearse Jordan shooting

Scotland’s offer to give abortions to Northern Irish women shames Stormont – (Rather, it shames Scotland!!!)

DUBLIN – Horrific hammer assault is linked to INLA drugs row

Buckingham Palace £370m refurb ‘a bargain’ at £6 per person says DUP’s Jim Wells

Brexit: Theresa May risks Tory row after suggesting UK may still be in EU after 2019

‘You caused this!’ Merkel blamed for thousands of migrant deaths in the Mediterranean

EUROPE TREMBLES: Brussels in crisis as Le Pen storms into shock poll lead over rivals

Health minister claiming rent for office owned by MLA’s husband

Garda chief confirms use of Gmail address for official business

Garda Commissioner admits using private email account to access files

November 21

New group to help LGBT Presbyterian Church members – (No Bible-based church will have “LGBT members”!!!)

Irish Premier Kenny raises issue of undocumented Irish with US Vice President-elect Mike Pence

Trump demands apology over the booing of Mike Pence

Uncertainty and anxiety now rule US politics

Ruth Dudley Edwards: The old-school Irish-American certainties are in the grave

Sinn Fein and DUP threaten Irish Brexit deal

Theresa May seeking transitional Brexit deal to avoid ‘cliff edge’

First and Deputy First Minister vow to just ‘get on with the work’ with ‘no gimmicks’

Assembly Speaker apologises “unreservedly” for handling of Charter NI question

Stormont Speaker Robin Newton apologises ‘unreservedly’ for blocking Charter NI Assembly Question after being linked to charity

Former Ulster Unionist MP backs Micheal Martin over his anxiety about the impact of Brexit on the Irish Republic

PSNI’s inaction over UDA leaves it open to ridicule

Co-opted Sinn Féin councillor stayed on Social Investment Fund group as community representative

SIF operating exactly as intended – Jim Allister

Why both DUP and Sinn Fein must stop cosying up to dangerous people

Belfast republican memorial to be investigated by Housing Executive

Council plans 12-week consultation for Carnlough Easter Rising stone

Provo killers owe closure to families of ‘Disappeared’ – (That is only a small part of the “debt of blood” these murderers have incurred!!!)

Why Labour supports families of the Birmingham pub bombing victims

PSNI officer’s killer set to wed in Maghaberry jail

Catholic priests in Ireland: A ‘lost tribe’ – (An indication of changed times in Ireland!!!!)

Pope allows all priests to absolve ‘grave sin’ of abortion – (He usurps that which is God’s prerogative alone!!!)

Kilmainham Gaol a ‘sacred place’, says Archbishop Martin – (Rebellion: Sacred to popery!!!)

Tony Blair brands Corbyn a “nutter” as he lines up shock return to UK politics – (Takes one to know one!!!)

November 19

Authorities told ‘wise up and act’ over IRA lawyer Kieran Conway

Martin McGuinness equivocal over whether he’s discussed special status plan with Arlene Foster

‘Best Brexit talks yet’, say Enda Kenny and Arlene Foster

NI leaders and Taoiseach pledge to get best Brexit deal

‘I don’t accept that the whole of Lough Foyle is under UK jurisdiction’ – Foreign Affairs Minister

Lough Foyle dispute ‘needs to be resolved together’

Daughter of priest delivers poem at the arrival of his remains to Co Derry church following his death

Flags and parades body’s ‘independent’ chairman is DUP appointee to SIF group

Donald Trump’s sister supported IRA fight for Irish unity in case she handled – (Obviously an adherent of Irish nationalism and its long campaign of terror!!!!)

Donald Trump’s sister attacked US government over plans to deport Belfast republican

Donald Trump settles university fraud lawsuits for $25m

Anger after Daily Express confuses Ireland and Northern Ireland on Brexit tea caddy – (As if the mainland cares in the least!!!!)

Mick Wallace has ‘no evidence’ for claims of malpractice – Nama

Major garda operation launched at Irish ports to fight Isis terror threat

Supreme Court’s most senior judge urged to stand down from Article 50 legal hearing over wife’s anti-Brexit Twitter posts

MPs slam ‘BIASED’ judge due to rule on Brexit Court Appeal after wife’s anti-Brexit tweets

Justin Welby: It’s time to stop saying Isil has ‘nothing to do with Islam’ – (Who gave him a kick in the seat of his pants???!!!)

‘Stop saying ISIS has nothing to do with Islam’ blasts Archbishop of Canterbury

Fury as Turkey votes to make child rape LEGAL for men who MARRY their victims

November 18

Sturgeon considers giving NI women access to Scots NHS abortion service – (Scotland has departed far from Knox’s Bible Protestantism!!!)

Scotland could offer Northern Irish women access to free abortions

Nicola Sturgeon ‘happy’ to explore possibility of helping Northern Irish women obtain abortions in Scotland

Women from Northern Ireland ‘may be granted access to NHS abortion services in Scotland’

SNP’s Sturgeon told to butt out after abortion row ‘invite’ to Northern Ireland women

TIME TO GO: Sinking Sturgeon faces growing calls to RESIGN over shambolic Brexit threats

Dee Stitt: Arlene Foster won’t back calls for UDA leader to stand down

ANALYSIS: ‘Iron Lady’ of unionism made to look weak by defiant UDA boss

A year after Stormont House, Willie Hay describes paramilitaries as leeches still begging off their own communities

Northern Ireland First Minister Arlene Foster refuses to back calls for UDA boss Dee Stitt to quit Charter NI

Consultation on new Easter Rising memorial for Carnlough

Memorial to IRA murder victims vandalised – (The ‘spirit’ in Ulster in miniature: Rebels and terror honoured, murder victims dishonoured!!)

Secret war with IRA: ‘Dublin’s failings facilitated prolonged IRA campaign’

Donald Trump could make Sinn Fein ally Peter King counter-terror chief in White House – (He wouldn’t be the first terrorist sympathiser to hold high office in Washington!!!)

Donald Trump continues to build controversial team that has appalled Washington insiders

Donald Trump’s team causes deep concern in Washington

‘The Disappeared’: Kevin McKee and Seamus Wright ‘shot in the head’ – (These are the crimes which still cling to Adams, McGuinness and Co!!!

‘The day they (the IRA) took my brother they took my mother too’ – (How can the perpetrators of these heinous crimes be accepted in government???)

Family of IRA ‘Disappeared’ man Wright plead for information

SF’s McCann Announcement Reminds Public of Impact of Ann’s Law

Cancer girl, 14, is cryogenically frozen after telling judge she wants to be brought back to life ‘in hundreds of years’ – (Little did she know that such an event is already guaranteed!! – John 5:28-29.)

Victims’ group withdraws from historical child sex abuse inquiry

Sex abuse inquiry suffers fresh setback as survivors group quits

Alliance call for Irish language role at city council – (And its says it is not a ‘nationalist’ party!!!???)

Henry Reilly quits TUV just a year after joining

Civil service not ready for ‘enormous job’ of delivering Brexit, says O’Donnell

Brexit revives territorial dispute between UK and Ireland over Lough Foyle

Frank Cushnahan was peddling Nama assets overseas, parliament told

TD Mick Wallace raises fresh allegations around controversial €1.4bn Project Eagle sale

Frank Cushnahan peddling Nama assets abroad

TDs hit out at ‘hands-off’ McGuinness over Project Eagle deal – (He has maintained a ‘hands off’ position on matters more serious than fraud – TERRORIST MURDER!!!)

Welcome to Northern Ireland, where you can have any view that you like on abortion – just so long as it’s pro

EU Commission reveals plans for ‘travel tax’ on British citizens after Brexit – (The bitterness of pro-Romanist Europe toward the UK is alive and well!!!)

November 17

Secret war against IRA: ‘If there was murderous collusion, how did the IRA leaders survive?’ – (Collusion or no collusion, how DID they survive????)

After two days, Stormont’s ‘no comment’ on bid to get major event to Belfast

Martin McGuinness gives evidence to Dublin committee probing Nama deal – (How shameful that McGuinness can claim the ‘high ground’ over the DUP, the Party that used to have the motto – “The truth shall make you free”, in this matter!!!)

Pro-gay marriage cake case to go before Supreme Court

Christian campaigner Simon Calvert calls for law change after Ashers gay cake case ‘mistake’

UDA chief Dee Stitt handed final written warning by Charter NI board over homeland security comments

Northern Ireland doctor with almost 3,000 child sex abuse images spared jail

Why the Church and I no longer sing from the same hymn sheet – (Why will people not see the underlying motives behind such ongoing changes??)

Traffic warden forced to flee Northern Ireland town after threats – (It is to be noted that this is a republican town !!!)

Claim Brexit can’t be triggered without consent of Northern Ireland public a fantasy, court hears

Foster won’t attend any future All-Ireland forums on dealing with Brexit

Children ‘dressed in IRA uniforms marched through Belfast on Remembrance Sunday’ – (Shades of ISIS!!!)

Children in paramilitary uniform is a bad idea… however you dress it up

Catholic grammar school embroiled in bitter spat over RAF recruitment tweet

Sinn Fein MLA talking ‘nonsense’ over RAF Loreto Grammar row – (Nothing new there then!!!)

Nama: McGuinness says Robinson ‘excluded’ him from sales process

Dispute over what Sinn Féin knew of Nama sale

Ex-Nama adviser Cushnahan ‘very close’ to Peter Robinson

Protestants to attend republican anti-abortion meeting – (This is an ecumenical venture further compromised by the its links with Sinn Fein supporters who endorse terrorism!!!)

November 16

We raise up statues to terrorists, but where is the memorial to victims?

Angela Merkel signals key concession on freedom of movement as Canada warms to ‘particularly special’ relationship with post-Brexit Britain

NI First Minister will not attend Brexit forums despite meeting with Taoiseach

DUBLIN – Petition calling for a united Ireland in light of Brexit is rejected

Brian Feeney: Nationalist silence on PSNI recruitment is a disgrace

Loyalist supergrass Gary Haggarty reveals UVF plotted to raid PSNI station for weapons

Paedo doctor threatened by terrorists

Loyalist Dee Stitt back at work as chief executive of Charter NI despite furore

Sinn Fein protest over RAF cadets’ grammar school visit

UVF victims featured in the supergrass trial could get multi-million pound compensation pay-out

‘Despicable and vile attack’ on war memorial in Glenavy is condemned

Ireland used as base to smuggle Ukrainians to UK

Secret war with IRA: ‘Pretence of an undefeatable IRA had to be maintained … more people had to die’ – (All for McGuiness and his fellow terrorists to end up in power!!!!)

Alliance MLA David Ford dispute sees Presbyterian minister step aside

Busmen’s Mission flourished under his gifted leadership

After vocal complaint, Stormont’s tiny parties could get more say

GREECE IN FLAMES: Riots in Athens at Obama’s visit as Greeks scream ‘Barack go home’

German Chancellor Angela Merkel hints at a rethink over EU free movement rules

November 15

DUP man calls for action over fresh IRA memorial

I am not answerable to Dublin inquiry into Nama sale, says Peter Robinson

Could Irish republicans now sit in House of Commons?

Sinn Fein MLA demands police probe bugging claim

Ballycastle councillor facing new charges over July 12 parade incident

Secret war with the IRA: ‘No agent had a licence to kill’

Secret war against the IRA: ‘You cannot have transparency and secrecy at the same time’

‘There is no plan’ for Brexit, leaked memo says – (Lies and deceit are endemic in government today!!)

Theresa May’s Government has no Brexit plan, leaked memo says

Britain has ‘no plan for Brexit’ says leaked memo

BREXIT ON THE BRINK? Leaked memo predicts SIX MONTH delay as Cabinet clashes – (The confusion and befuddlement in British politics is a judgment from God, Isaiah 29:14!)

TDs to consider united Ireland and Scotland

Questions still unanswered about the DUP’s non-aggressive pact with SF

Parochial house of prominent priest in Fermanagh targeted in sectarian attack – (“Not a nice thing to happen,” he says yet he has repeatedly back the IRA murder campaign!!!)

Loyalist killer who sold fuel for republican smugglers – (Loyal to only one thing – ‘Criminal Greed’ !!!)

UUP MLA Roy Beggs: I wouldn’t be surprised if UDA faction re-armed

Projects linked to UDA boss Jimmy Birch in line for £500k from Belfast council

GERMANY ON EDGE: 200 homes and mosques RAIDED by anti-terror cops in ISIS crackdown

BBC to ‘air Muslim Friday prayers as its coverage is too BIASED toward Christianity’

November 14

The Collins brothers: Waterford tribute to tragic WW1 family – (Sad that the bitterness of the Irish Republic’s anti-British animosity denied this family the honour it deserved for 100 years!!)

LOUGHGALL: How the SAS wiped out ‘invincible’ IRA unit in just 10 minutes – (But from political interference the rest of the IRA would have met the same justifiable fate!!!)

First Minister Arlene Foster and Taoiseach Enda Kenny lay wreath at Enniskillen Cenotaph

Nigel Farage reveals Donald Trump’s team has ‘reservations’ about Theresa May’s Government

Nicola Sturgeon to offer olive branch in letter to Donald Trump

Shameless Sturgeon writes to Trump days after blasting him and NOT receiving a phone call

Leaked memo reveals UK planning to exploit Donald Trump’s inexperience

Theresa May facing Cabinet backlash over refusal to deal with Nigel Farage despite his links to Donald Trump

Donald Trump vows to immediately deport 3million illegal immigrants

Many Sinn Féin supporters in US unsettled by Trump victory

Common ideological threads link Donald Trump and the DUP

Housing Executive gets rent from IRA memorial site in north Belfast

UDA member speaks out about threats and criminality

Ballymoney gun attack: Man seriously injured

Police at scene of serious incident near Ballymoney

Children in paramilitary uniform take part in republican parade

‘Children’s Commissioner must act on children in terror uniforms’

Was IRA Hunger Striker Bobby Sands as Romantic a Figure as ‘66 Days’ Paints?

PSNI whistleblower tribunal adjourned after ‘critical’ document appears ‘out of the ether’

(Dublin Education) Department’s Irish language proficiency criticised

November 12

Armistice Day: Two-minute silence held across country

Hundreds attend Belfast City Hall Armistice Day ceremony

Is Donald Trump the modern-day Andrew Jackson?

Anti-Donald Trump protest: Man shot dead during rally in Portland, Oregon

One person ‘shot multiple times’ at Trump protest – ‘African American’ suspect on the run

Special Branch officer’s insider view of Northern Ireland’s ‘secret war’

Claudy bomb: Victim’s brother “no confidence” in legacy plans

DUP Irish language decision ‘motivated by hate’, says McGuinness – (The number of Sinn Fein MLAs who can speak Irish is small and even less can read it!!!)

DUP minister defends his department over Magherafelt Union flag removal

Officers ‘told lies over killing of IRA man’

Tebbit addresses terror victims at Westminster

Eirexit: Could Ireland follow Britain out of the EU?

Ireland REFUSE to speak to Nicola Sturgeon over her plans to thwart Brexit

November 11

Concerns over pardons for convicted NI gay men – (Those DUP members who are opposed to the move need to speak out NOW!!!)

‘Christmas lights should not be on before Remembrance Sunday’

Unionist backlash after Presbyterian moderator brands bonfires ‘sinful’

Donald Trump critic Colum Eastwood ‘happy’ to carry INLA man’s coffin but boycotts White House, says Sammy Wilson

SDLP’s Eastwood and McDonnell at odds over Trump White House visit

SDLP leader Eastwood must get real over Donald Trump

Comment: Trump, the secular fundamentalist who, like Paisley, shook establishment

Top aide to President-elect Donald Trump, Ex-New York mayor Rudy Giuliani does not rule out Clinton investigation

Donald Trump and Theresa May vow to ‘strengthen’ Special Relationship in phone conversation – but not before he spoke with nine other world leaders

Church of Ireland volunteer jailed for 13 years for sexually abusing boys

Abuse survivor criticises St Patrick’s (Church of Ireland) Cathedral

Bakers in pro-gay marriage cake row seek ruling on Supreme Court appeal

MPs from all parties prepared to vote against triggering Article 50

Migrant sex attacks against children in Sweden could escalate, officials warn

November 10

Same-sex bill was halted by DUP, says Minister – (This issue will be the next to confront the DUP on its path of compromise!!)

SDLP leader won’t congratulate ‘fanatical’ Trump and will boycott White House – (Boy, that should send Washington into a spin!!!)

After Trump wins, Irish Taoiseach Enda Kenny rows back on rhetoric about tycoon

Enda Kenny questioned when he’ll meet Trump to tell him he’s ‘racist’

Former Trump critic Kenny ‘will work with new man in the Oval Office’

‘A dark day for America’: Irish in US respond to Trump victory – (These are Gerry Adams’ crowd, so beloved of the Clintons!!)

Donald Trump backlash begins as protests against US election result sweep across America

DUP Colr. calls for republican statue to be removed from cemetery

Green energy scheme whistleblower ‘ignored’ after reporting abuse claims

EU in stand-off with Turkey over membership bid

Why adoption is now mother of all debates about Christianity

November 9

US election 2016 result: Trump beats Clinton to take White House – (A nation gets whom they deserve!!!)

Donald Trump elected President of USA

2016 US election watch live: Donald Trump elected 45th president of United States – ‘Time for us to come together’

How eight years of Barack Obama created Donald Trump

End of EU? Brussels devastated over Trump’s win as Schulz admits life will be ‘harder’

Gay men set for NI pardon after justice minister announcement – (This is a direct defiance, a calculated repudiation of God’s law where condemnation of sodomy is called “wrong” by the DUP and which reflects on all its members!!!)

Gay pardons get backing in Northern Ireland

Pardons for convicted gay men gets backing in Northern Ireland

Plans to pardon gay Northern Ireland men a step closer – (Justice in NI now entails a repudiation of God and His Law!!)

Justice minister defends delays in ‘difficult work’ of tackling paramilitaries – (She does have her priorities – keep the sodomites happy !!!)

Queen unveils new portrait by NI artist Colin Davidson

Belfast man who painted the Queen tells of the huge burden he felt

IRA supergrass makes deathbed claim saying McGuinness ‘begged him’ to return to Derry

Sinn Féin TD pay move ‘nakedly populist’, says Donohoe

SDLP Economy Spokesperson Sinead Bradley calls on DUP to provide evidence of ‘investment poaching’

Gerry Adams confirms party’s MPs will not take part in Brexit vote

DUP MLA slammed for Facebook post comparing Bloody Sunday and Brexit

DUP councillor denies suggestion that she mocked refugees

November 8

‘Border Fox’ O’Hare facing extradition court in Belfast

‘Slab’ Murphy unfairly jailed for tax evasion, lawyers tells appeal

Islamic school loses High Court challenge against Ofsted special measures

US Election: Live results – Clinton and Trump focus on swing state in final bitter hours – (There are those who rest in the sovereignty of God: Psalm 46!!)

Trump vs Clinton: America chooses its 45th president

Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump? America goes to the polls in the most divisive election in history: Tuesday US election briefing

CPS ‘afraid to tackle honour crimes for fear of causing unrest in Asian communities’

Child sex abuse image cases soar by 300% in Northern Ireland – (2 Timothy 3:1-5, 13!!)

SDLP and Sinn Fein in war of words over claims of ‘secretive’ decisions

Northern Ireland secretary: UK government will accept supreme court ruling on Brexit

Parade opens controversial IRA memorial – (Misery of their own making!!)

Fingerprints found in Wexford house match those of IRA membership accused

‘State fails to prove killing of IRA man was lawful’ – Inquest – (Given the circumstances, there would be NO controversy in most countries!!!)

Janet Reno allowed Irish ‘deportees’ to remain in U.S.

Sinn Fein’s Gerry Adams honoured as New York names street after Easter Rising – (The photo indicates a really illustrious setting!!!!)

Sinn Féin to increase its TDs’ annual pay by €2,500 – (The serfs were complaining!!!)

Arlene Foster: Faith communities experiencing ‘chill factor’ after Ashers ruling

The Supreme Court is ‘HIGHLY UNLIKELY’ to overturn Brexit ruling, warns top lawyer

No court ruling can change the basic fact of Brexit: Britain will leave the EU – (Only to rejoin its replacement – so says the Word of God!!)

May ‘clear’ she expects to trigger Article 50 by March 2017

November 5

US election: Americans left with no good choice, says leading evangelical – (A bit like Ulster then!!!)

‘It’s going to be especially close’ Obama admits Trump COULD WIN US Presidential election

Fox News Poll: Clinton ahead of Trump by two points

Irish jihadist Khalid Kelly dies in suicide bomb attack while fighting in Mosul – ISIS claims

Theresa May urged to calm ‘chilling’ backlash after High Court Brexit ruling

Anti-Brexit parties would win 150 fewer seats than pro-Leave parties at a general election, analysis suggests

‘Ireland should LEAVE EU before it’s TOO LATE’ Anger as Dublin faces HUGE membership bill

Hilary Benn insists Parliament WILL ‘uphold will of the people’ and trigger Article 50

BURKA BAN: German state plans to outlaw Islamic garb ‘to show we are a democracy’

November 4

May to tell Jean-Claude Juncker Brexit plans not derailed by court

‘No-one said MPs had right to VETO Article 50’ Law expert warns against betraying Brexit

O’Dowd responds to Foster claim – (How hypocritical coming from one who back an IRA campaign which utterly disregarded the Word of God!!!)

Sammy Wilson: The arrogant elite will use this ruling to try to prevent Brexit

Brexit: We will unapologetically vote against any proposal to leave EU, says SDLP leader Colum Eastwood

Our two MPs will vote to trigger Article 50, says pro-remain UUP

Taoiseach Enda Kenny: The onus is on all of us to recognise the reality of Brexit and work together

Protestants have renewed faith in police: survey

Police examining Provo turned lawyer Kieran Conway claims over IRA operations involvement

Self-confessed IRA bomber claims PSNI have ‘no evidence’ to extradite him

Police must pursue case despite IRA gunrunner’s death: Jim Allister

November 3

Prospect of early general election increases after High Court rules Government cannot trigger Article 50 without parliamentary approval

The High Court ruling on Brexit should never have happened – judges should stay out of politics

Brexit may not mean Brexit for the North – McGuinness – (McGuinness keeps up his sniping at Brexit!!)

Dublin Brexit talks a ‘gurning session’ says Sammy Wilson

Sinn Fein ‘Brexit’ motion at council voted down by unionists

There are major difficulties marrying the philosophies of the UUP and SDLP

Bangor Protestant Boys flute band members fined for breaching St Patrick’s music ban

Jamie Bryson hits out at band’s St Patrick’s Church prosecutions

Charter NI ‘dealing with matter internally’ as MP claims UDA boss Dee Stitt steps aside

IRSP warn police ‘playing with fire’ after series of house raids on members

Disappeared family ‘just one call’ from finding brother’s remains

Prime Minister Theresa May says Fifa’s poppy stance ‘utterly outrageous’

England and Scotland players to wear poppy armbands in defiance of Fifa

Football poppy row: Fifa accused of double standards – (Just pro-republican prejudice !!!)

Bank of England stages post-Brexit u-turn as it hikes growth forecast for 2017 and keeps interest rates on hold – (How totally unreliable are these ‘experts’!!!)

November 2

Enniskillen bomb victims still striving for justice: Elliott

Tory peer in Lords attempt to secure Northern Ireland gay pardons

Audio shows new DUP man likened Gregory Campbell to ‘a complete robot’

Arlene Foster phones husband of La Mon victim to apologise for DUP conference song stunt

Dungannon Hockey Club’s net loss as two goalies refuse to play in huge Sunday game due to faith

Stormont ‘Silent Walk’ to remember the Disappeared

Provo turned lawyer must be probed over claims, says Hussey

Found dead: Millionaire stockbroker turned IRA gunrunner Mike Logan who agreed to give evidence against top Provo

Intimidation by paramilitaries leaves more than 400 people homeless in year

Donald Trump overtakes Hillary Clinton for first time since May in ABC poll

US election: Donald Trump leads Hillary Clinton in poll for first time since May in wake of email scandal

Market jitters over Trump fears as Clinton attacks heckler who called Bill ‘a rapist’: Wednesday US election briefing

If I disagreed with Presbyterian Church teaching on marriage, I’d stand down as a minister, says Rev Brian Kennaway

Outrage as David Attenborough says British people were NOT WISE enough for Brexit vote – (Sadly, they weren’t wise enough to reject his ‘evolutionist’ nonsense!!!)

Sharia law being administered in shop basements, MPs told

REVEALED: Sharia courts dish out ‘justice’ from Britain’s shop basements, top expert warns

WAR ON THE STREETS OF PARIS: Armed migrants fight running battles in the French capital

November 1

Jim Allister: Retrospective gay pardons may be illegal in Northern Ireland – (They certainly would not be legal in the Highest Court of all!!!)

UUP ‘defector’ blames Nesbitt’s new policies

NI’s first lady on crest of wave as good times roll on for Arlene – ( Wherefore let him (or her) that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall,” 1 Cor 10:12!!)

Sam McBride: Foster may have averted the next flag protest before it even began

Alliance and UUP hit back at First Minister’s accusations

Foster: Eastwood and Nesbitt are pedalling junk like Steptoe and Son

Informer Gilmour’s death made my day, says SF councillor – (Given the IRA’s record of murder he has had very many ‘happy days’!!)

An Irishman’s Diary: ‘No Pope Here!’ – A protest march in Armagh in 1968

Muslim women complain about Sharia inquiries

Iraqi PM warns Islamic State to ‘surrender or die’ in Mosul

SHOCK CLAIM: Clintons are a ‘CRIME FAMILY’ as bad as the GAMBINO MOB, ex-FBI chief says

October 31

Abortion debate: Bloody Sunday relative Liam Wray votes for TUV on abortion

Jim Allister: ‘Dublin lawyer’s IRA killing claims must be investigated’

Latest scalps prove DUP is leading the way in unionism

Ulster Unionists hit by third defection to DUP in just a week

Arlene Foster: Eastwood and Nesbitt are pedalling junk like Steptoe and Son

Foster accuses Dublin government of quietly talking down NI abroad – (Nothing new there!!!)

Minister expresses ‘deep concern’ at claims Dublin is ‘trying to poach investment, undermine economy in North’ in wake of Brexit

Flanagan surprised by Foster’s claim of ‘poaching’ investors from North

For nationalists, Brexit now seems to mean ‘Brits Out’

Sinn Fein’s real problem is ghosts from the past, not its media critics

Clintons’ ties to Irish money revealed in leaked emails

Clinton’s campaign in chaos: Details emerge of how aide acted as email ‘gatekeeper’

Hillary Clinton accuses FBI over ‘strange’ new emails review

FBI obtains warrant to search emails as Hillary Clinton’s 12-point lead over Donald Trump ‘wiped out’: Monday US election briefing

Donald Trump’s camp now scents blood. Even victory won’t end Hillary Clinton’s nightmare

Michael Gove ‘leaves son at hotel to go to party’

Jesus Christ’s tomb uncovered for first time in centuries in hunt for secrets of how and where he was buried – (This not the Saviour’s tomb but just another of Popery’s myths!!!)

‘We’ve done our bit’ French furious as Theresa May REFUSES more Calais child migrants – (France allowed them into their country – their problem!!!)

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