Archives for


November 1998

Articles from the November 1998 edition

Sham Peace!  Sham Prize!

“Moment of Madness”

New terror group claims murder

Presbyterian Minister co-chairs ecumenical breakfast

News in Brief

Roman Catholic Bishops tighten the Screw

NSPCC opposes Bible on discipline

NSPCC tells parents to turn their backs on disobedient children

Bible Rally hear Alpha Course condemned as a deceit

The Alpha Course “Renews” Romanism

Times Education Supplement carries feature on Kilskeery Independent Christian School

Christian School News

“The Bible’s teaching on the duty of rulers”

August-September 1998

Articles published in the August-September 1998 edition

Irish Republicans Murder 28 in Omagh

Ecumenical Fall-Out From IRA Bombs

Statement from the Free Presbyterian ministers in Co. Tyrone following the bombing of Omagh, issued on Saturday, 15th August at 10.30 pm

The Aftermath Of Drumcree

Anglicanism’s Dirty Politics

House Of Lords Rejects New Law On Consent.

The IRA Remains Silent About Victims’ Graves

It’s Official – The Queen Is A Parrot!

A sermon preached in Kilskeery Free Presbyterian Church on August 2nd by the Minister

A Question Frequently Asked But Rarely Answered

June-July 1998

Articles from the June-July 1998 edition

Sinn Fein rejects decommissioning and demands disbandment of RUC

Republicans Wage Propaganda War On RUC

Convicted Murderer To Stand Against Dr. Paisley MP

The Depths To Which The Church Of England Has Sunk

Why has John Taylor MP, Deputy Leader of the Ulster Unionist Party, not answered this question??

A Journey Which Began In A Police Car and Ended at the Cross

Why Every Christian ought to be an “ABOMINABLE NOMAN”

Reaction To The Referendum Result

A Biblical Diagnosis of Ulster’s Present Troubles