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July 2011

Over £336,000 £448,000 for sodomite support groups over last 5 years!

N.I. Department of Education funded ‘Youth Council’ has bankrolled sodomite support organisations to the tune of over £336,000 £448,000 in the last 5 years!!!

In answer to a  question submitted to the Department of Education under the “Freedom of Information Act”, it has been disclosed that over the last fiveyears the Department has funded the sodomite-support organisations to the tune of over £336,000 £448,000. Read more…


150 human animal hybrids grown in UK labs:

Embryos have been produced secretively for the past three years

The following article, taken from the Daily Mail of July 23rd 2011, deals with a matter which must surely horrify every person who fears the Lord. It takes man’s defiance of God to new levels of depravity. It causes one to think of God’s words regarding the generation which built the towel of Babel. 

“And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do,” Genesis 11:6.

Man’s “imagination” will ever take him into conflict with God with resultant judgment. Such experimentation as is reported on in the following article illustrates this. It also signals, I believe, that the days of man’s defying of God are nearing the time when He will respond in judgment, terrible judgment. 

Click here to read the report.

N.I. Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety funds sodomite organisation to the tune of over £230,000 in the last 5 years!!!

In answer to a  question submitted by a Christian to the DHSSPS under the “Freedom of Information Act”, it has been disclosed that over the last five years the Department has funded the organisation, “The Rainbow Project”, to the tune of over £230,000. Read more…

A stubborn refusal to confess sin

“And the fifth angel poured out his vial upon the seat of the beast; and his kingdom was full of darkness; and they gnawed their tongues for pain, and blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, and repented not of their deeds,” Revelation 16:10-11.

It is hard to conceive of such defiant hard-heartedness amongst men that causes them to refuse to confess their sin under the very judgments of God. The scene presented to us in the passage in Revelation 16, from which we have taken these two verses, is from the very closing days of this age. Antichrist and his kingdom are in their short-lived zenith. The dark clouds of God’s wrath are gathering over the tyrant and his dominion in the form of a series of terrible judgments poured out upon his kingdom, his allies and his followers. The seven vials of God’s wrath are recorded here in great detail. We will have no difficulty identifying them when that time of divine visitation dawns. They will herald the approach of the return of Christ as the following verses show. More…

June 2011

Looking back…recalling the battles of youth

An article written by a Burning Bush reader remembering struggles with worldliness and sin in earlier years. This testimony was prompted by the sermon, What is happening in Ulster?

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DUP junior minister acknowledges First Minister’s office administered sodomite funding.

The official report of Stormont proceedings, Hansard, has this record dated 6th June 2011. You can view the official record here. The one line at the bottom of the record (highlighted) has once again made it clear that the DUP were involved in the administering of funds allocated to sodomite organisations. More…


What is happening in Ulster?

This is a transcript of a sermon preached by Rev Ivan Foster in Ahoghill Orange Hall on Wednesday 25th May 2011.

…I am sure that question has been asked by most of us here and asked on many, many an occasion. “What do you think is happening?” And we have asked one another and perhaps after we have discussed it together we have gone away as puzzled as ever. There is only one source of information where we can hope to get a satisfactory answer to a question like “What is happening in Ulster?” and that is the Word of God. God is on the throne you know. No matter what changes we may have seen in our land over the last five years, and no matter how, as we would see it, earth-shattering those changes appear to have been, God is still upon the throne. He hasn’t lost control of things. And we can seek of Him an answer to our needs….

You can listen to the audio of the sermon What is happening in Ulster?.

April 2011

Free Presbyterian ministers denounce attendance at Roman Catholic Mass

TWO senior Free Presbyterian ministers have accused Peter Robinson and Tom Elliott of “idolatry” for attending the funeral mass of Constable Ronan Kerr…more

Minister criticises Mass attendance

(The text of an article published by the Lurgan Mail)

The decision by unionist politicians to attend the funeral mass of murdered police officer Ronan Kerr has been criticized by a Lurgan Minister.

Lurgan Free Presbyterian Minister Rev David Crease said if First Minister Peter Robinson and UUP leader Tom Elliot were true Christians they would come to regret what they had done.

Rev. Creane was outspoken in his criticism of both party leaders when addressing his congregation from the pulpit at the Free Presbyterian Church on Banbridge Road on Sunday. When contacted by the “MAIL” regarding the comments he made Rev. Creane said: “The sight of Protestant Church leaders, politicians and Orangemen standing shoulder to shoulder with IRA/Sinn Fein at the requiem mass in Beragh last week was deeply saddening. Evangelical Protestants should not attend the Roman Catholic mass under any circumstances. It is much more important to be faithful to God and His truth that to court the popularity of fellow human beings. The issues are so serious that evangelicals should never be anywhere near the sacrifice of the mass. To do so is to dishonor God and the sacrifice of Christ at Calvary. Surely it a case of obeying God rather than men. It is claimed by Rome that during the mass the bread and wine are changed by the power of the priest at the moment of consecration into the actual body, blood and soul and divinity of Christ. The doctrine of transubstantiation strikes at the very heart of the gospel.”

He added: “ If we love the Lord Jesus Christ and are trusting alone in His finished work on the cross and looking forward to His coming again, then we must reject the Mass and refuse to be present when it is celebrated. While it is right to reach out to those who grieve, the Bible tells us that true Christian charity ‘rejoice not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth.’ Love for and loyalty to our blessed Saviour must take priority. If Peter Robinson and Tom Elliot were true Christians they will come to regret what they have done.”


The true nature of the Mass

No-one who knows the gospel of Christ as revealed in Scripture and also knows what the Roman Catholic Mass is, can countenance the blasphemous claims of the Church of Rome.

Only ignorance of one or the other could permit a professing Christian to attend such an abomination. The professing Christian, who faced with the truth about the Mass, persists in attending it, calls into serious question the reality of their profession of faith.

That professing Christians are again in this day showing alarming tendencies to attend the Mass and justify such attendance, only demonstrates the ignorance that is descending upon the Church of Christ and the unconscionable failure of preachers whose calling it is to expound the true nature of the gospel and warn faithfully against all error.


“The Hurt of hearing the Mass”

by John Bradford, English martyr (1510-1555).

Rev Brian McClung has compiled a timely synopsis of one of the last articles written by John Bradford as he awaited his burning at the stake in 1555 for standing up for the truths of the gospel and refusing to bow before Popish terror tactics.

The synopsis complements Rev McClung’s recent article on the attendance at the Mass by Mr Peter Robinson, leader of the Democratic Unionist Party. It also presents a challenge to those who were strangely unwilling to comment on Mr Robinson’s action even though in the past they were noted for their vociferous reactions to the attendance of Protestant leaders, both political and religious, at the Mass.

In addition, it shows the folly of the Orange Order’s decision not to act against those members who breached its rules on attendance at the Mass and the acquiescence of its members in such a decision and also those within its ranks who have called for a removal of such rules.

This synopsis should particularly be studied by those foolish Free Presbyterians who, contrary to God’s Word and the witness and testimony of their own denomination, seek to defend Peter Robinson’s attendance at the Mass.

Dear Christian, please read this warning that comes to us from the condemned cell of one of the greatest of the English Reformers and Martyrs.

Click here to read the article.


More important to honour the memory of Jesus Christ than honouring the memory of anyone else.

It is being reported that Peter Robinson is going to attend the funeral of murdered Roman Catholic police officer Ronan Kerr. This means that he is going to attend the Roman Catholic Mass. Back in the month of February this year Peter Robinson indicated that he would do this. Click here to read the full article…

This article was posted by Rev. Brian McClung on his blog site, Sound of an alarm.


DUP Education Spokesman, Mervyn Storey MLA – a modern “Mr Facing-Both-Ways”

On 1st April Mr Storey was interviewed on the “Nolan Show” on BBC’s Radio Ulster.

He was loyally advocating his party leader’s call for integrated education – that is all children should be educated in one non-religious state system. He is, after all, the DUP Education spokesman!

To listen to a part of Mr. Storey’s interview use the player below.

Mervyn Storey – Nolan show

Read the full article here.